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Could Black Mold Be Causing My Repitory/Sinus/Throat Disturbance

I have been sick since September of 2007.  This is when i moved into my current apartment.  Since then I have developed a never ending cold, sinus problem, eye irritations/soreness, cough, post nasal drip, thick mucous in the back of my throat, sore throat, very dry upon waking, and not being able to sleep properly.  I know that there is Black Mold in my bathroom, other molds in the basement due to wetness, along with the horrid smell in this apartment due to past tenants and their pets defecating and urinating throughout the entire apartment.  I thought we had it all cleaned and taken care of.  Much to my dismay I don't believe that to be true.  I was recently away from this apartment for three weeks and was feeling better.  Upon my return to this apartment I was sick again within two days time.  Could this be due to the mold in here.  Short of moving out, which I am currently looking for a new place, what would i do.  We keep the windows open as much as possible, but that doesn't seem to help either!!!  Any suggestions???  Concerned for my health and well being in Vermont.
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Have you spoken to the landlord about the mold?  It's his responsibility to get it cleaned up especially since it was there before you moved in.  Also, can you post any pictures of the mold?
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242588 tn?1224271700
Your respiratory symptoms could be a response to black mold, other mold, bacteria, fungi, and a whole variety of organic allergens.  Short of "gutting" the apartment, and that is what it would take to eradicate all the horrible materials you describe, your only realistic option is to vacate permanently.  Continued exposure could lead to permanent damage to your lungs.

This is a time to call upon the good will of relatives and friends to take you in, until you can find a new, civilized living space.  Now that spring is here and summer close behind, you might even want to consider living outdoors for a while.
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