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The last three years I have had one or two sinus infections a year - before that, nothing.  Since August, I have been dealing with a sinus infection that we can't clear up.   I've started allergy shots and have been doing that for three weeks now.  This last week I saw the ENT and he said he saw "pus" in my nose and was worried about MRSA so he cultured it.  Three days have passed, and the nurse called and said the only thing that was growing was stapholococcus coag (sp?) and that everyone has it.

My question is this:  I was on Augmentin when I was cultured.  Would that inhibit MRSA from appearing on a culture?  I'm panicked about MRSA in my sinuses!

Thank you for your help!
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A related discussion, Frustrated in Florida Sinus Infection in 18 month old was started.
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I don't know what to do!  I've been on most every commonly used antibiotic to treat this thing!  I've had two rounds of Augmentin, Biaxin, Omnicef, Bactrim (unfinished - reaction), Cipro (21 days), Avelox (first time 7 days, later had to quit after 6 - bad reaction).  I can't take Levaquin - I think I now know I'm allergic to the quinolones.

I've had two ct scans.  They were 3 months apart, and the my sinuses were basically the same in each:  mild sinusitis between the eyes and small amount of visible fluid in rt. maxillary sinus.

I'm at my wits end.  The "pus" the ENT referred to was clear; all secretions are clear.
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The information provided by the nurse is insufficient and possibly inaccurate, unless the staph was "coagulase negative".  Even if it were, the presence of pus cannot be ignored.  The pus could be caused by what are called Anerobic Bacteria, or Fungi.  Yes, the Augmentin, considered to be good therapy for acute sinusitis, could give a misleading culture.  

If you are not feeling better, even a little, you may need an alternative antibiotic.

First thing, call the ENT and make sure you don't have MRSA.  Then ask if the pus was tested for anaerobic infection.  Then ask if your sinus drainage is adequate and if you need a CT scan of your sinuses.

Finally, if the ENT is not responsive to your concerns, you need to call your primary care physician and get his/her opinion.  You may need the advice of an infectious disease specialist, especially if your signs and symptoms, including the draining pus, are not getting better.
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