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I have an 11.8% Eosinophilia, and have been having chronic intermittent loose/soft stools for  at least 6-7 months now. With a parasite, would the Eosinophilia range likely be at a higher level?
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242587 tn?1355424110
Here is the website I mentioned:
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242587 tn?1355424110
Yes, the level of eosinophilia would often be higher in the presence of parasitic disease but 11.8% is still consistent with that diagnosis.  There is a wide range of eosinophilia with both parasitic disease and with eosinophilic colitis.  The following web-site is authoritative and provides a lot of information about the latter.  The first step should involve examination of your stools for parasites and eosinophils.  For each of these categories of disease, the longer the condition goes untreated the more difficult it becomes to eradicate it.  That you have had a blood count suggests that you have seen a medical care provider.  If you deem this person capable of distinguishing between the various bowel disorders associated with increased eosinophilia, follow-up with him/her.   If you are uncertain, you should request referral to a GI specialist.  In either instance, you should not delay any longer; 6-7 months is a long time for you to go without treatment of this inflammatory/infectious bowel disease.

Good luck
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