753461 tn?1236106612

Possible Sinus Problem

Can a sinus infection affect you top teeth? I have just been to the dentist because I thought I had a tooth ache. She couldn't find anything wrong even with an xray so done a couple of things anyway and said to go back in two days time if it hadn't cleared. Around the right side of face is really sore, including ears and jaw. Right eye gets watery? Can anyone help?
6 Responses
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242588 tn?1224271700
The answer is yes, a sinus infection can mimic a tooth ache.  The more recent symptoms are also consistent with this diagnosis.  You should probably be treated with an antibiotic for acute sinusitis.  If that is not feasible, keep a close watch on your current signs of infection and if they worsen, even a little bit, seek medical attention because some sinus infections, untreated, can spread rapidly to other parts of the face and head.

Good luck.
Helpful - 1
713582 tn?1298262321
Yes indeed Libz.... About a year or so ago.... I had a sinus infection, which affected one side of my teeth....I wasn't sure which was which either, so I went to my doctor, & he actually prescribed me antibiotics for my sinus infection & also antibiotics for my tooth - just incase.  I was in a lot of pain & was really stumped to knowing what was actually the problem....in the end it was just the sinus infection.

Perhaps go to your doctor for sinus infection....good luck.
Helpful - 1
753461 tn?1236106612
I have another dentist appointment at 10:30am today but think I will make an appointment to see the doctor first since dentist is so damn expensive! Thanks a lot will provide feedback:)
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713582 tn?1298262321
Absolutely.....I NEVER go to the dentist first....always doctors.  And I can relate, as I'm a pakeha Kiwi born in South Auckland, but living in Aus for the past 14-15 years.

Good luck with the doctors....
Helpful - 1
753461 tn?1236106612
Well kiaora! It's a small world isn't it:)
Anyhu, the injection is wearing off and the pain is excruciating! Went to the docs and he reckons that I got a very light case of a sinus infection but not enough to cause a toothache:( PLUS I have an inflamed ear??? I have been given antibiotics and two types of painkillers. Went to the dentist after that, they did another xray but still couldn't see anything wrong. The tooth that hurt, they took that filling off and done something to my nerve or put something up there?? Needed 4 injections all up anyway! If it doesn't come right she reckons may need to pull it out but reckons she can't see anything wrong with it?? Now the injection is wearing off and my mouth feels 10x worse than before. Feeling like absolute **** at the mo:(
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Hey :)

The anwser to your questions is YES!! Its actually one of the more common symptoms people feel when they have a sinus infection. Try visiting your family physican and  see if thats the problem. Also , you may want to look into nebulized medications. They actually work alot better then pills because they actually go straight to the infection and does not go through your blood stream.  I believe the medical name is aerosolized medications.

Good luck and feel better!!

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