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Sinus infection or allergy

I've had this sinus infection for over 5 months, I been on different type of antibiotics with no luck. The doctor also gave me some nasal spray which I haven't use very regularly because it doesn't seem to have any effect on my symptoms.

I don't have congested or runny nose, just facial discomfort, head aches etc... I got a CT scan of my sinuses and head, and all it shows is that I have thick mucous in the left side of my face but the doctor said it shouldn't be causing this symptoms.

If it's caused by allergies, what kind of antihistamine  would you recommend? I tried  Zyrtec for about a week and stopped using it because it also didn't have any immediate effect. Does it take longer than a week to start working?

I don't know what else to do and this is driving me insane. The doctor said my other option is surgery but I want this to be the last resort... Anything else I should consider in case this is allergy related?
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242588 tn?1224271700
You and your doctors should consider the possibility of allergic fungal sinusitis.  The antihistamine could well take longer than a week to work, if it is going to work.

On the other hand, you should consider the possibility that your headaches and facial discomfort are not originating in your sinuse(s).  You could have some type of neurologic or circulatory disorder.  Consultation with a neurologist might be helpful.  Also, with minimal CT scan findings, sinus surgery is unlikely to be helpful.
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I forgot to mention that I have history of allergies in the past. I got a skin test and it showed that I' extremely allergic to dust mites, cat hair etc... but I haven't had any asthma attacks in over 8 months.
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Ive been suffering blocked  ears,nose, and very sore  eyes for the past 2 years.Im only 17, and already  i feel like an old man.My nose blocks to a point where i can no longer think clearly, and then my ears seem to do the same thing.Attempting to unblock my ears only  blocks my nose even more and causes a  throbbing headache.I can no longer pronounce words properly,  Try blocking your nose and saying the word  *[Nothing]*  then times that by 10 . Im so blocked up and it's ruining my life, i can no longer socialise without getting teased and laughed at. I made the mistake of using a * cold decongestant*  for 8 months  everyday to help me through my days and may have made matters worse.Strangely   my nose could  unblock at any time  allowing me to breathe through 1 nostril  for around 2 minutes before swelling up again. plz help
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I moved from FL to TN about a year and a half ago and have battled sinus problems horribly since.  I have incredible pain in the left side of my face going up into my head.  I have tried everything I know of to try and I am at the point that I am even willing to try surgery.  Does anyone know of anything that might help relieve the pressure.  This is causing me to lose sleep as it is worse when I lay down.
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