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High IgE Level and Rhino-Sinusitis?

At January 2011, my IgE was 1923 IU/ml. I took medicines named Fexofenadine Hydrochloride 180 mg (0+0+1), Montelukast 10 mg (1+0+0) and Flixonase Nasal Spray according to doctors' advice. But I stopped continuing medicine after 2 month when I felt well. After that, I used to catch cold all the year round. At december 2011, I became ill seriouly and went to the same doctor. According to test of December 2011, my IgE is 1590 IU/ml.

My doctor says, I have been suffering from Rhino-Sinusitis. Is the diagnosis right?

How vulnerable I am now? What is going to be happened to me? I am not sure about my fate! Is there any chance to be damaged my whole immune system?

Now I am taking Fexofenadine Hydrochloride 180 mg (1+0+0), Montelukast 10 mg (0+0+1), Mizolastine (1+0+0) and Avamys (Fluticasone furoate) Nasal Spray. I also have taken Deltasone (Prednisone) (1+0+0) for one week at this month. Is the medication alright?

Is there any way to cure fully?

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
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Many thanks Doctor - for your advice.

You have mentioned that I am Atopic (genetic make-up!). But I was not allergic since my childhood. For the last three/four years, I have been suffering from this huge "cold"/allergic problem. Another point I want to mention that I live in Dhaka City (the capital city of Bangladesh) where the air is much polluted by exhaust of cars and buses.

Do you think that my immune system/body has been allergic due to this exhausts or really I am Atopic by Gene?

I am not sure if there is any Board Certified Allergist in Bangldesh ! Can you tell me, how can I be sure that s/he is a Board Certified Allergist i.e which medical degree indicates that? Can you help me on Up to date on the latest therapies for my condition through this Expert Forum?

Since I am not allergic from my boyhood, now do you have any comment/suggestion on my treatment?
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Would I get any suggestion/advice from the Doctor?
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242587 tn?1355424110
What you describe is consistent with the diagnosis of allergic rhinitis, including elevation of serum IgE.  In terms of what you are allergic to, assessment of allergen specific IgE elevation could be useful to confirm the allergens responsible for your  allergic rhinitis.  

Your allergy condition is commonly referred to as your being Atopic.  Being Atopic, with the allergic rhinitis being one manifestation of it, you are more likely than persons who are non-atopic to develop asthma and other allergic diseases.

The medications prescribed are all appropriate for your condition.  There is no cure for  being atopic (a person prone to allergy) It  is part of your genetic make-up, but AR is a treatable condition. Having it does not mean that your immune system is abnormal or that your condition may cause permanent damage to your immune system.

I suggest that you consult with a Board Certified Allergist, up to date on the latest therapies for your condition, that may include IgE antagonists.  AR is not a dangerous or life threatening disease and it is almost always responsive to optimum therapy.
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