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Do you have to have a blocked nose to have sinuse problems????
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242588 tn?1224271700
You do not have to have a blocked nose to have sinus problems.
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I have had sinus headaches for years now.  Sometimes I'm stuffy, sometimes I'm not.  I've had sinus MRIs and nothing there.  But, I can tell you, something there.  I have a headache almost every day.  Lately, I've been using saline nasal spray, which coats my passages, not allowing yucky stuff to stick.  It has given me relief, as the headaches are less frequent.  But, sometimes they are debilitating, just like a migraine.  They get so bad that even sleep doesn't help.  It makes it worse to lay down, I guess stuff settling.  Anyway...to answer your question, I don't believe you have to be blocked to have sinus problems.
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thanks for your reply, i to have headachs day in and day out for 8 months now, i went to my doctors when they 1st started they gave me antibiotics they didnt work they gave me sudofed the medicine that didnt work so they said i have migrain problems they put me on migrain tablets i tried to kinds 1st didnt agree with me made me tierd others did and also i was moody and the throbbing pain never went.
Any way few weeks later my forehead went tight an lose i thought ill go get some tablets from chemist i got this time sudofed tablets and a nasal spray, few days in to takeing them my headachs went off then stopped i was sooo pleased cause headachs constant does get you down at times and makes me moody it interfears in your life style, any way i finished the tablets an they came back i went my doctors and explained she gave me an nasal spray a took it it did work month on the headaches are back i went to my doctor they are finaly sending me to a nose eyes and ear specialist after so long i do worry cause i dont no the cause it may not be my sinuses i think any one with a lot of headaches does worry thanks again danielle....
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hiya Just an other question when does your headaches start mine start at night well they have been doing since i have been put on sudofed tablets they come late on in the day thanks.......
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Sorry to get back so late, I don't check often.  My headaches start at various times.  Usually they begin around 10 am and stay all day if I can't  head them off with 3-4 Advil liquigels.  These work wonders for me--my blood pressure doesn't allow me to take prescription migraine meds or sudafed.  Sometimes I get them at night, and they last all night long, and are worse when I lay on my back.  I think this is because my sinuses settle in my forehead.  They can also start with bright light, certain smells, eye strain, and various other stimuli.  I take Zyrtec regularly and the saline mist everyday.  I am also more prone to sinus infections, which I need antibiotics for.  I hope you find some relief to your pain, I know how horrible it is.  Try the saline spray, it's non addictive and really seems to help me.  
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its ok,
my headachs do start around the time yours does usualy its just since i took thoses sudafed,
they workded for me through the day an started at night,
i have finished those tablets now head is just the same its noe been so bad to day
i just cant wait to sort my head out it is horrible putting up with this day in day out thanks for your addvise i hope i sort these soon to hope when my appoinment comes through the door and i go to see him i find out exacly what is up thanks again.
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