377012 tn?1283965435

way to many ear & sinus infections.????

my son has had constant sinus and ear infections since he was 6 months old (doc said it was from allergies) he had tubes inserted dec.5th and has had 3 ear infections and 2 sinus infections since then....feb.10th was his last dose of antibiotic (OMNICEF) and he has started having the same symptoms as he did before. with a few new ones...i dont know if he has become immune to the meds (ZYRTEC, ALBUTEROL-as needed- and OMNICEF) -OR- if its something more than sinus and ear infections. SYMPTOMS:
                       diarreah, sty inside eyelid, dark orange ear drainage,yellow-green nose drainage,
                       coughing, sneezing, congestion, slight wheezing, and slightly high temps around
can someone tell me what could possibly be wrong with him before his next appt.on feb.19th??????
6 Responses
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Do you or anyone that your child is arround smoke?  If you or someone else does please stop now.  My son has asthma and my daughter has chronic ear infections, and I had to have a fit with my ex-in-laws because they continued to smoke around the kids after their docs told them that it was hurting the kids to smoke.  And the tubes aren't miracles, my daughter has had 3 sets and 2 other ear surgeries and she still gets ear infections and she's 13.  Allergies can also set up the infections due to increase in mucus in the sinuses and ears.  
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377012 tn?1283965435
thanks soonerman, i'll cjeck it out!!
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Recurrent ear and sinus problems is indicative of candida/yeast overgrowth.  Antibiotics are prescribed, which create an opportunity for the yeast to grow/thrive and upset the normal gut flora.  The candida/yeast overgrowth compromise the immune system, can create allergies (leaky gut), and a host of other problems (ear, sinus, throat, moods, gastro...), which unfortunately are mostly treated with of course more antibiotics.  The cycle repeats.  Research Candida and I would say try the elimination diet (no sugar, yeast products...) to see if there is improvement.  Also "The Yeast Connection" is a good book on the subject.

As mentioned allergies could be a possibility also.
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377012 tn?1283965435
thank you very much....his doc appt. was rescheduled for next week but doc told me to continue zyrtec and albuterol until he can be seen unless he develops new symptoms....i will have his pediatrician and ENT look into the immunodeficincy.

thanks again!!!!
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306245 tn?1244384967
I sent you a message through this board
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242588 tn?1224271700
Allergy could predispose your son to recurrent ear, nose and sinus infection, but that should not be assumed.  His doctors might want to check to be sure he does not have some type of immunodeficiency.  These immunodeficiency states can be transient, as with transient hypogammaglobulinemia of Infancy, congenital or acquired.  Selective Immunoglobulin A (IgA) deficiency is uncommon but not rare and can predispose to ear and sinus infections.  Children who are immunodeficient can also have gastrointestinal symptoms.
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