1275696 tn?1349701121

street signs warning of Autistic child

Hi all!! I am the proud Mommy of a six year old boy, with Autism. I live in Baltimore Maryland and I was wondering if anyone knows how to get a warning sign that states that there is an Autistic child in the area? I live on a very small street with a speed limit of 25 , but lots of people easily drive 50 on it. I watch my son very closely, but we all know how easily they can get away wether by escaping during a tantrum or suddenly knowing how to open the front door after 6 years...;) There are other young children as well, but most of them seem to know to stay clear of the street. I dont want any of these children getting hurt, but people may be more inclined to slow down from this type of sign, much as they would a "deaf child in area" sign, atleat Im hoping. Thank you for any advice!!!
Best Answer
1006035 tn?1485575897
All residences have to allow a service dog to live there. It's the law. In the state I live in this also applies to dogs in training. You may have to provide evidence that the dog is a working dog, but that's not hard to get.

Although a sign may not make a difference, I have heard of the cops stationing a car out on streets for a while to give out tickets. This usually gets the point across.
5 Responses
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1275696 tn?1349701121
As I said to anacyde, I believe the signs may be in vain. I appreciate your advice as well because it gave me alternatives to the sign. The dog idea sounds wonderful, but my residence doesnt allow pets... maybe they have to allow service dogs... I am going to look into it, I am also going to message you about it!! Thank you!
Helpful - 0
1275696 tn?1349701121
You know, I was thinking that, about the signs being ineffective. The sad part is, it wont cross these jerks minds that they can hurt someone untill they actually do. what is the point of speeding down a side street??? If they want to speed they should do it on the highway. it makes me sick. Thank you for your advice though, it was honest and refreshing!!
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61536 tn?1340698163
I am also a mom to a 6 year-old son with autism.  My street is similar to your description, so I understand your concerns.

I've never heard of an autism sign.  Most people will look at such a sign and have no clue that autism means kiddos are prone to bolting without looking first, or that they are easily distracted and may not hear a car coming even with perfect hearing.  For this reason, I think a sign would be rather ineffective.  I would also feel that people who don't pay attention to the speed limit signage are no more likely to give notice to one for a child with special needs.
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1006035 tn?1485575897
My guess is that you contact the city and ask the m for a sign. As a parent of a 6 year old with autism too, I would also put a chain lock on the door. My daughter is a runner too. We got her a service dog who is trained to alert us if she runs out of the house. He can also track her. Many parents also choose to get a bracelet that can track where your child is if indeed they do get lost. This has been knwon to save lives. If you want more information on service dogs just send me a message.
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