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456995 tn?1206589507

This can't be all from Hashimotos, can it ?

Ok, so I was Dx with Hashimoto's about two months ago and put on Levothyroxine.  I have an appointment with a new doc on April 1st (long story, but been having problems with finding a doctor who can/will treat me).  Well, I am on 100mcg of Levothyroxine, and don't feel all that much better. I have slightly more energy, but I am still having random symptoms.   Here is kind of a timeline of my symptoms.  I am so frustrated, as this has been going on for about two years.  I am so tired of being sick. This is my symptom timeline..  Can all these symptoms be from the Hashimotos?
I just want to feel better, and honestly want my life back.

June/August 2006:

Quit Smoking (smoker for 10 years)
•Oral Surgery (Wisdom teeth) * Slow, painful recovery – symptoms began: Excrutiating headaches, Vision disturbances, Sinus problems, stabbing pains up left side of face, extreme exhaustion, cannot sleep enough (Followed up with my surgeon, exam and x-rays showed no abnormalities in healing)

September 2006 – April 2007
• Profuse sweating despite temperature
• hot/cold sweats
• migraines
• TMJ/tooth grinding
• neck stiffness
• constant re-occurring infections (mostly strep & sinus, continuous antibiotics, no lasting help.)
• energy decreased further
• waves of nausea (seemingly random)
• severe light sensitivity
• droopy left eye (almost partly paralyzed), occasional pulsating of left eye
• memory starts to decline, easily confused, easily distracted
• heart palpitations (saw cardiologist, heart is in perfect condition).
• Dx with insulin resistance (pre-diabetes) and put on Januvia.
• Switched from Januvia to Actos
• Hungry all the time, weight gain
• Switched from Actos to Metformin 500mg 2/Day
• Little improvement in symptoms, not much
• Vision gets really bad, depth perception problems very debilitating and affecting my driving
• Skin begins to burn and itch
• Develop severe restless leg syndrome
• Muscle pain and weakness so severe it hurts to move
• Feet & ankles swelling often
• Short term memory severely impaired
• Ringing in ears
• Pins and needles feeling in feet/toes, constantly getting bruises/cuts, not knowing how/when
• Always at the Emergency Care Clinic, sick non-stop: infections, strep throat, sinus problems, canker sores, etc.

April 2007 – October 2007

• Start going to doctors regularly
o Doctor finds no major abnormalities, refers me to an allergist (allergy tested – normal)
o Xrays, CT Scans – normal  
o ENT  blood work okay, ANA negative
o Develop constant lingering bitter/metallic taste in my mouth
o Acid reflux gets worse
o Blood sugars not controlled, often very low
o Metformin decreased from 500mg AM & PM to 500 MG AM
o Begin taking ibuprofen or Tylenol to function through the day (control pain, headaches, inflammation)
o Start seeing ENT in medical center
o Tonsillectomy October 2007
o Slow painful recovery
o Sore throat never went away after surgery
o On and off post-nasal drip  

December 2008-Current
o Dx with Autoimmune Thyroiditis after thyroid ultrasound and evidenced hypothyroid in blood work, otherwise blood work mostly normal
o Dental work, aggravated TMJ, headaches, neck stiffness, facial pain
o Hot flashes, on and off fever
o Random nausea, occasional vomiting
o Energy decreased
o Bowl problems (bowl urgency or constipation, irregular/abnormal patterns, not well digested)
o Small pin sized bumps on skin, occasionally itchy and inflamed
o Generally just don’t feel well, ever …
o Hand & Feet Severe Pain, Cold/Sweaty Toes
o Body/muscle aches increase (Pretty constant, but gets worse with cold weather)
o Continuous post nasal drip, non stop despite medication and nose sprays
o Sore throat (steady since late October 2007)
o Left eye feels gritty and like there’s pressure on it  
o Occasional difficulty breathing, feel throat closing

34 Responses
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20849734 tn?1535747445
Wow....I have all of those, I've been sick for over 5 years now and have had every test under the sun and no answers yet.   Where I am there is a huge waiting list to see a Rheumatologist so I finally have an appointment this October.  In the meantime I have been keeping track of all of my blood test results and googling symptoms like crazy trying to come up with at least some kind of answer on my own.  It is getting worse by the year of course and I feel like I'm going crazy most days.  So what I think is hot flashes is not necessarily hot flashes even though I'm at that age now.  These are more like extreme anxiety for about 30 seconds and that's when I know that my heart rate goes up and I sweat for about another minute or so then it's gone.  It's the 20 or seconds beforehand that is like a feeling of total dread and despair and anxiety.  It's such an odd feeling.     I'm so glad I found this site...I'll keep reading and perhaps post on what the rheumatologist says.
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Please ask your doctor to approve blood tests for Epstein Barr Virus (EPV). You will probably find that levels are high if you have Hashimoto's. Recent studies are finding a significant link between EPV (begins with Mono) causing the onset of Hashimoto's. EPV left untreated, could elevate to Chronis Acute EPV(CAEPV), which can cause death. I was in and out of ER's last year with near death issues with no explanation. They did not perform an EPV test which would have explained my symptoms. I did not discover that my symptoms were directly relevant to EPV until I had another strange reaction while in Mexico. The Dr. there was very well informed and was sure I had EPV. The U.S is about a decade behind on these studies due to CDC regulations, but other countries are not. Good luck with your health..
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Sounds like hashimotos I have graves and hashi and I can't do much these days... I see more Dr's tomorrow lets hope they're able to help.
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Nikki- see comment above- hope it helps ... Also research "medical medium" videos on Hashimotos
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hi everyone i am looking for some advice i have hashimoto.
i was hyper at one point and got a goiter i tried to shrink it and drain it but noting worked it does bug me a bit i can still eat and breath but sometimes i find it hard to breath and swallow, saying that i dont know if its the goiter causing that or my other hashimoto symptoms
cronic post nasal drip
swollen neck and upper throat glands
sore eyes
tired all the time
anxiety sometimes
i have the chance to remove the thryiod but i just dont know if its the right choice from what i have read alot after they remove most people have the same symptoms  it as well as people have taken years to totally recover is it worth it i dont know ????????????? help please
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Please research Dr Berg YouTube videos on Hashimotos thyroiditis to learn what supplements to take to help you... Also Learn about the connection between healing the small intestine to heal auto immune diseases ... We have to heal our leaky gut with diet and functional medicine supplements then our thyroid issues hopefully will go down. I'm personally on vit D3, vitB ( must not be synthetic as that's got cyanide in it), magnesium ( organic aloe Vera juice) vit K2, organic chicken bone broth powder, beta blockers, enzymes, bile producers and we are meant to eat gluten free, dairy, grain and sugar free diet to heal our thyroid
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I was diagnosed several years ago with Hashimotos because of a wonderful medical asst. who clued me in that all of my symptoms sounded like i had it, and what test to ask the doctor for (I can't remember the name of the test anymore). I am so thankful I found a doctor (with the Lord's help) who put me on T4 back in 2004. He has kept me on it because it works so well for me, and my temperature is still low (one of the criteria that the T4 is solving the problem with the thyroid).
I felt my PCOS and hormones from my ovaries was also giving me symptoms, so I asked my gyno to give me a total Hyst. I thank the Lord that I asked for this because they found endometrioid ovarian cancer in the early stages. It had spread only to my fallopian tube, and a staging surgery found no other cancer in any of my organs or lymph nodes. What a blessing.
But then through an MRI, it was shown that I had a tumor in my nose, as well as extending into my brain! So I had the tumor removed (NOT cancerous - again thanking the Lord) from my nose. After another MRI, the meningioma in my brain was located around my optic nerves, around my main blood vessels in the brain, and abutting my brainstem. Those are the 3 places surgery is not possible. I went to Huntsman Cancer Center in Salt Lake because they treat those types of invasive brain meningiomas. They gave me 6 weeks of steriotactic radiation, which stopped the growth of the tumor. All of this happened 6-7 years ago, and I'm still going strong! Now you see why I am so happy with the Lord!!!
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I thought I have hashimotos but I only have elevated TPO antibody not TG antibody so can't be but I have hyper and hypo symptoms am getting worried at having no answers for how I feel
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I see you posted years ago but felt the nudge to comment any way. Thank you for your detailed list of symptoms! I have been treated for Hashimotos for about 4-5 years now and am on Levothyroxine starting at low dose and presently at .0150 which seems to be working for the most part to lessen annoying symptoms but having said that I still suffer and lately have had a lot of dental work and mouth woes and see that it could all be related. I am 61, almost 62 so chalked it up to getting older, now I think it is related to Hashi.
I have been gluten free for about ten years. I will never knowingly ingest gluten. I try to be dairy free but do have some cheese now and then. I am soy free egg free seldom have nuts. My quality of life has improved greatly after making these changes and being monitored by an endocrinologist for dosage needs.
This is a wonderful place to gather support for Hashimotos. THANKS
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Sounds like you all need to get on better thyroid meds and or get tested by Igenex for Lyme didease. The basic test your dr runs is not accurate!
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I'm sorry you're going through all this. I also have Hashimoto's and I suffer from at least 3 other medical conditions that started around the time my body started attacking itself. Autoimmune conditions seem to make the body go out of whack.

You mentioned that you're on Levothyroxine (T4). From what I've heard, this medication doesn't work for everyone. Even if your labs look normal, it doesn't mean that you're thyroid symptoms are gone. Some people do better on thyroid medications that combine T3, T4 and other T hormones (e.g. Armour).

Do you still take ibuprofen? If you take it everyday for a long period of time, it can really irritate your stomach and even cause ulcers and gastritis, which can give you nausea and vomiting episodes.
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I have wondered if I have Hashimotos. Was diagnosed with hypothyroid at 10 yes old, have always had sinus infections and upperespiratory issues, asthma, was recently diagnosed with pcos, am now 4.5 months postpartum (my little miracle), and have horrible sinus problems still....my pulmonologist wants to now test blood for autoimmune diseases..... I have/ have had a lot of the same symptoms you listed! I will ask about this next time I see the Endo, too. I have always been in and out of drs offices, and on and off meds. It's uber debilitating and aggravating. I just missed my neice's birth due to sinus issues. Man. This gives new hope, though. I didn't know there were other drugs to treat Hoshimotos...
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This list reads like the story of my life!! Seen 11 specialist in the past year and not a single one can explain why my body seems to hate me.:( Dx with Hashimoto's about a year and a half ago. I have tried every thing, but it has gotten to the point were I am sick on a daily basis. I am only 28 and this is ruining my life..
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get off all grains, get the books: going against the grain by melissa diane smith, and the food lovers make it paleo cookbook.  i think you may have a thyroid problem (i am not a doctor but have seen all these symptoms in family members) and at least a gluten intolerance if not a sensitivity to all grains.  my mom's arthritis went completely away after 3 days of being grain free (completely-you have to look at labels like crazy, for instance ice tea with high fructose corn syrup will sabotage you, the corn being a grain).  and find a doctor who will try t4/t3 combo on you to see if it can help you.  look at the stopthethyroidmadness web site to see your symptoms and problems there. also you may have thrush or a yeast problem?  good luck!
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have you read the book Stop The Thyroid Madness?  There is a web site by this name as well and you can get immediate great information from it that  will help you so much. I am struggling to help my 11 year old daughter to feel better after 7 years of not being diagnosed.  We caught her last year finally with a TSH of 261, and now we are trying to find the optimal combination of T4 and T3. I hope you feel better soon..
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  i have been so sick for about 15 years and the doctors can't seem to find what's wrong with me ,i am so frustrated,I'm always so tired and have headaches every day with constipation with pale stools with sore joints and very baand i have d arthritis with cold hands and feet with bad allergies.My daughter was diagnosed with hashimotos about 5 years ago but every time i go for blood work it seems to come back normal .My tongue also has a white coating on it .If somebody has something similar and has an idea what it could be i would appreciate an answer.Thanks,
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I have been struggling with Autoimmune Disorders for the past 10 years.  It took quite a few years to even be diagnosed (Nov. 2003), then a few more years of medication to figure out that they may be doing more harm than good.  After cleaning up my diet (eating more organic fruits and vegetables and avoiding processed foods with preservatives, msg, hormones....) and cleaning up my environment (stopped using chemicals in my yard and home) plus making sure I got the proper rest and exercise, I was able to get rid of almost all of my ailments.  I truly believe that cleansing all the toxins out of your body is the key to health and wellness.  And I don't feel like I have been able to totally do that.  Hashimotos was just added to my list of autoimmune disorders and I feel like I could have avoided it if I would have totally cleansed my system.  I have felt, through the years, that my body hasn't been able to totally heal because of the mecury fillings but have not found the courage and strength to spend the money to have them removed.  Amy, do you recommend a Holistic Dentist to replace fillings and do you know of one that is covered by insurance?
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Anyone on this board..this thread who has had wisdom teeth removal or root canals need to look up Hal Huggins (dentist)....and buy and watch the DVD The Beautiful Truth...these two things alone will EXPLAIN so many of your symptoms :-)  finally some real answers.

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I've been able to reduce  almost ALL of  my symptoms( my original list was as long if not longer than yours) and medication ( am on compounded armour-now that the FDA is trying to close down the "natural thyroid" medicine makers like FORREST) by beginning to replace my amalgam/mercury fillings...drinking a juice high in antioxidants and sterified fatty acids ( which actually take the mercury out of the body) and change my diet..

My antibody numbers for the Hashimoto's is dropping( was over 3000 now at about 1700) while the amount of medication I'm taking is also decreasing( was on 180 mg. currently at 90 mg).  Most medical professionals believe that the only way to reduce the antibody numbers is to increase the thyroid medication.  That has NOT been true for me. I chose to LOOK for the CAUSE..not just deal with the symptoms...although in the beginning all I wanted to do or could do was look for relief from the symptoms. ( as most of us here need and want to do..then look for the cause)

I would suggest you read three books...these will help greatly in your understanding of what is happening to you. I still refer to them.

The Autoimmune Epidemic by Nakazawa
The China Study
Fasting and Eating for Health by Dr. Fuhrman M.D.

These will go a very long way to start you on a journey of health and not disease.

Good luck to you.
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Yes, I think all of it could be related to the Hashimotos.  You have probably gotten all of this figured out by now since your original post was two years ago ~ but I have recently been experiencing the same symptoms and finally found a homeopathic MD (yes, there are such people!) who put me on a low dose of T3 to start.  (I am guessing he will add T4 at some point.)  Apparently some of us do not convert T4 to T3 with ease and so adding in that T3 can really help with the symptoms of Hashimotos, and not just our lab numbers.  In the short time I have been on T3, I have watched my list of symptoms which included basically all of yours including the light sensitivity, nausea, dizziness, cold hands and feet, terrible indigestion and bowel difficulties, sinus problems and post nasal drip, headaches, exhaustion, depression, anxiety and weakness in legs all resolve.  The only remaining symptom I have at the moment is tingling in my legs.  I would highly recommend finding a holistic doctor that will work with you. It can be hard to do but you can find recommendations through Mary Shomon's website.  They can help you get started with EPA-DHA, Magnesium and other supplements to support your immune system.  Take care and I hope you are feeling much better soon!  
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I have a lot of your symptoms too.  I am being tested for various autoimmune disorders.  You may certainly have more than one disorder.  (I take Synthroid and cinnamon for diabetes that is otherwise diet-controlled, but am hungry and gain weight. Can't move around much though due to pain. The part about your eye sounds a lot like Multiple Sclerosis. Just an observation you may want to share with your doctor.  I'm having an MRI to determine if I have this.  I wish you better health in the future.  Those who are healthy take it for granted (like I used to!).
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599170 tn?1300973893
I am guessing but I think you have 3 things going on, you do have alot of Hasimotos symptoms, but Im wondering how old you are sounds like you got some menopause going on,,,if not your female hormones seem to be out of normal ranges,,,,Im thinking you should see an ent, ear, nose and throat specialist as well as you gyn.  best of luck
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599170 tn?1300973893
the hives could be allergic reaction and or stress, I have been a thyroid pt. for years,   hypo or hyper thyroid are auto-immune,

what makes you think its thyroid?? my symptoms where basically i was drying out, my hair was falling out, skin very dry, constipated, vaginal dryness, also wieght gain, lack of sexual desire, mild depression .. simple synthroid has cured all this for me,

Maybe you should go to dr, for some routine blood work, that can tell alot about histamine levels,and thyroid function   good luck hope you feel better soon. Cherie
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535822 tn?1443976780
Sorry to butt in with this but I am having some health concerns including Hives, (big time) and it came on with the other issues after Dental work I also took Penicillin ,and a lot of Advil for Pain, the dentist used Nova caine and the fillings for Root canals I am researching Allergies,but have also wondered if the stress from the Dental work (it was horrible) could have caused some Thyroid problem, any ideas I have found the Allergy site terrific so am looking atound for further ideas, I cant take anti histimines which is all I have been prescribed.
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Could you have trigeminal nerve damage from wisdom extraction?
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If you have foot and ankle  tingling, since you  have insulin resistance,  in addition to the swelling in your feet, although you didn't mention it, this could be long-term damage Neuropathy..  Cinnamon capsules are available at health food stores, which  are  so helpful  for the tingling, which, at least in my case, mean  I've recently eaten a meal and blood glucose is up.   I take a couple of them and soon get relief.   Tingling also happens  with soreness when I've just been on my feet too much,  if  I feel it  upon rising in the morning.  

My  mistake,  waiting too long to have  a  dilated  eye  exam with a  good  retina specialist,  since  diabetes  is  such  a  "sneaky  disease".  It  was  how  I was dx'd as diabetic, eye damage.   I didn't know to look for a woman  retina specialist, a  good opthamologist  who  does  cataract surgeries  can  recommend, until  proliferative retinopathy damage, tiny rogue  blood vessels that can cause blindness if negelcted.  
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