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Am on RAW FOOD Diet and getting mercury/amalgam fillings removed

I am healing my body back to health.
Just read the post by someone in Aug. of last year how she cured her Lupus with Raw food and detoxing.  I believe any disease is caused by the body being TOXIC...many many toxins in our world today first starting with the food we eat 3-4-5 times a day!  Water..air...mercury/amalgam fillings.

Was wondering if anyone else is eating raw organic food and detoxing ( colonics, changing food, fillings removed, coffee enemas)
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I just had the first two of five amalgam fillings removed. Two days ago, my tongue developed sores and is very painful. I'm drinking a bentonite clay liquid daily with my green drink and aloe juice, but feel I need more to detox. I eat mostly raw and vegan, but no I need to be stricter about my diet. I gave up processed foods about two months ago and starting sleeping better, waking up alert and ready to go (no more snooze button!). I am having the remaining three fillings replaced next week and wonder what I should be doing prior to that appointment, as well as to heal my tongue and detox faster. Your posts are wonderful! So helpful. Thank you - and everyone - for the positive, honest posts.
- BabsyAnn
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My husband and I went vegan after watching those documentaries, and implemented coffee enemas but both of our health seems to be suffering. He itches all over and has been to a dermatologist and immunologist . Neither doctor could tell him anything.
I have developed heart palpitations (PVCs). It's only been 6 weeks , and I just don't feel the way I'd expected. Can you tell me how it all worked out for you?
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Been really sick the last two years. Bought a cat end of may 2010 from a shelter and she was diagnoised w/fleas and mites sleeping on me I got them she was put down last july.  I am angry at dentists, been diagnoised with dental toxicity 4/19/2011 by a parasitic center dr. stated I also have candida overgrowth, bacteria, fungus muceli, staph, parasites.  I also have an auto immune disease myostis and homeopathic dr yesterday said the pain and swelling in feet could be erythromelalgia a rare ft disorder not sure if it is related to fungus problem.  There is a plant fungus that is assoiciated with some parasites.  My Insurance company is like having no insurance they have not treated my ft as of yet, nor the candida for 10 mo. found  out they want to treat me with steroids and from what I read that can be bad for the candida amongst the fact I am highly allergic to steroids and cortisone.  Told I have to get heavy metals out colon is black, have ibs, question of using charcol and Zeolite for detox.  I am stressed have one mo. to get uncontagious.
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The answer to everyone's issues on this site and others is EDUCATION.

You must be willing to educate yourself on the information that is out there.  Your doctor doesn't have the time.  And the easier softer way is NOT going to get you well or healed from whatever you're suffering with.

Yes most of the people who show up on this site are looking for symptom relief and the medical profession can certainly help you with that...for a short time...and if you're lucky those medications won't cause other issues...we layer issues with issues due to the medications being used.  That is a simple fact. The general public needs to know that the medical profession is NOT a healing profession.  They are trained in symptomology...you are the only one that can heal your body.  You can begin to do this by education yourself on how exactly the body works!

ALWAYS prevention is the best medicine.  It is much easier to prevent than it is to reverse.  MANY people have reversed their diseases...multiple diseases...do your research, get the information..ALL the information..don't depend on your primary care physician to give you the information you are seeking...they aren't trained and in many cases it's illegal for them to give you what they know...seek out all kinds of groups on healing.

The answers are out there but you must be willing to find them.
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Being healthy is not an easy thing in todays society.  It is easy to go to the store and buy a box of cookie which have the trans fats, hydrogenated oils and preservatives which allow the cookie to last forever.  It is alot harder to go to the kitchen and make your own cookies which do not have all the bad stuff in them.  It is easy to go to the doctor and let him give you a pill.  If that pill doen't work he will give you another pill.  If you do not like what that doctor tells you go to another doctor.  They all have different opinions.  Which one is right?  We have been conditioned to think the doctor is always right since he is the expert.  How can that be if they all have a different opinion?  You have to make own decision about the direction you go with your health.  It is harder to get on the web and investigate your problem and choose what seems logical to you.  We are all responsible for our own health and we must make our own decisions as to how we treat these health issues.  If you leave these decisions in the hands of the experts(doctors) you better makes sure you have the right doctor.    You will be the one who suffers he make the wrong decision.

Many come to this site looking for answers.  I think what they are looking for is a majic pill which will cure them.  This pill does not exist.  The cure is what you put in your body.  It is not easy to change the life style which we have grown up with but it is the only chance we have at getting healthy.  I am reminded when I tried to give up smoking.  I felt terrible and knew cigarettes must be good for me because they made me feel better.  I realize cigarettes were going to kill me and I had to give them up no matter how bad my body felt.  When you start giving up the things the body craves at first you will feel bad but that is a good thing.  You are getting the bad stuff out of your body.  Detoxification is not an easy thing but it is the best thing if you go about it the right way.  All this information is on the web and all we have to do is look for it.  

Some people tell me eating the raw fruits and vegetables are more expensive.  When you no longer get sick and have to go to the doctor it more than covers the cost.  My family will ask me how I can give up eating things which taste good.  What they do not realize is what you get use to eating will taste good.  People enjoyed eating before we had McDonalds and Burger King.  Yes, it is easier ordering  a Big Mac and fries than going to the kitchen and cutting up some lettuce, celery, tomatoe, cucumber, spinach, red cabbage, carrots, alpha sprouts, mushrooms, red peppers, green peppers, yellow peppers, olives and using some olive oil and vinegar for the dressing.  Now days I would prefer the salad.  When I go out to eat I always choose the vegetable choices because that is what I prefer now.  After your cravings for the bad things go away you will enjoy eating healthy.

Just last week a couple of our friends we dance with were taken to the hospital because of strokes.  I feel bad because much of this can be prevented through diet but many do not want to hear this.  They want to continue doing what everyone else is doing.  It makes me ill when I see a 29 year old overweight person telling me about the blood pressure medicine he is on.  He thinks it is all about genetics.  It is all about what he is putting in his body.  Everyone can forget about this genetic factor.  There is nothing you can do about your genetics.  What it is is what it is.  The only thing you can do is put good things in your body.  If you try to identify the toxins in your enviroment and eliminate them as much as you can.  Put the good things in your body which allows you to eliminate the toxins, that is all you can do.  This has allowed me to be healthier that I can remember and I feel like I will never get sick again.  I have been following this path for over a year and a half and have not had to go back to the emergency room.  Wishing good health to everyone.      
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334194 tn?1288289595

Our generation have grown up with the belief that the medical system cure people with drugs.   This will take time to change, however the winds are in the sails I think.  Right now, it's mostly people who have turned sick, and gotten a good look at the dark side of the current system, that understand how wrong it is.  Humans are creatures of habit, and it usally takes a significant event to change our habits.   I do believe in the future we will see more focus on diet, alternative medicine, and foremost, PREVENTION.   Unless you move out in the woods somewhere far away from industry and pollution, we will be exposed to toxins, every day.   Right now, we can only avoid them as best we can, keep a clean diet and a healthy attitude and mind.   Keeping a healthy gut is KEY to staying well and healing disease, as what we absorb makes us ill, not neccessarely what we eat.  

  I really do not have much positive to say about conventional medicine these days, as I've been taken off my benefits for refusing to take prednisone and various other drugs that will most likely kill me.

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I am embarking on a raw food journey as well.  the amount of information that is available on the health benefits of raw food is just almost overwhelming.

WHY has this information not been made public?
And why doesn't this FORUM, MedHelp not have an alternative therapies forum?
I want a place to gain support in making the changes I need to make for my health.

Thoughts? anyone?
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Amalgam fillings relates to me because I had over 10 root canals and crowns along with an assortment of amalgams.  Think when you have over 10 of these you can suspect this as a problem.  These root canals usually have amalgams underneath them.  I followed a detoxification program by Tom McGuire, DDS which gave me a list of supplements I needed to get the mercury out of my body.  This program is suppose to run a minimum of 18 months.  All these bad teeth have been removed and I am glad I had it done.  Bernard Windham has done an interesting paper looking at how these toxic metals relate to various diseases.  If you are interested in it "flcv.com/ms.html".  He list a study done in Germany showing that 85% of the MS patients showed recovery when the teeth were extracted and 16% showed recovery when the amalgam were replaced.  He also had information about people with thyroid problems so you might want to read the article.  Boyd Haley a professor at the University of Kentucky has an excellent video "nomercury.org/media/haley/haley_files/default.htm" explaining how the mercury is effecting our cells.  

I have had hair folical test and mercury level is low.  If your hair or nails have been growing for six months that is what the results will show.  It has nothing to do with the amount of mercury you have accumulated in your body over the years.  The test they have to check the mercury levels in your body involves the use of DMSA which is a drug that releases mercury from the organs.  You are given the drug for a period of time and then the mercury level is tested in your urine.  Each of us has an ability to excrete mercury from our bodies.  Some can do it better so it takes more mercury to make them sick.  It all depends on your genetics as Boyd Haley says in his video.  We all have to get the information and decide for ourselves the best way to deal with our health.  

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Just for your information..I watched a DVD this morning..again after having gotten it back from a friend last week..Healing Cancer From Inside Out..and there is a woman on there last name Cobb owns the Living Food Institute..made the comment that they have even seen people who have gone blind recover their sight...i thought of YOU...you may want to get the DVD and watch/listen to it and see what you think.

I'm on some of the same supplements as you..
I am on a juice for my high levels of antioxidants...am "re-testing" ( kinesiology) all my supplements again tomorrow...will get new thyroid and other blood work done next week.

Good to hear from you again.

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My Naturopath said the "sterified fatty acids" in the juice I'm drinking daily has helped to get rid of almost ALL of the mercury and I still have 2 fillings left to get replaced...interesting....the hair/nail analysis showed just a trace of mercury left...so what I "think" has happened is that my body is better able now to take the mercury out..it's NOT building up..and it didn't take me years..just FYI...food for thought.

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334194 tn?1288289595
Yes, I do take supplement, a bunch of them in fact.  When we are healthy, the majority of vitamins and minerals should come from our diets, but seeing how our produce today has less of everything, we definately need to supplement (especially when ill).  This is what I currently take ...

Duniella Salina (natural algae)
Krill Oil (for EFA/DHA)
Probiotic and enzymes
B Complex
Vit C
L carnitine
L Glutamine
D Ribose
Milk Thistle

I seem to have no issues taking those..i probably even forgot some :)  Basically antioxidants and immune enhancers.. in addition i do take 1 Rx, LDN (low dose naltrexone).  

My MD still wants me to take prednisone..no thx.

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My sympthoms were similiar to MS.  I had a mouth full of amalgams and root canals which are very toxic.  I followed a supplement program by Tom McGuire, DDS which was a natural way of removing the mercury from my body.  I went to a mercury free dentist and got rid of the bad teeth.  I use to think being sick was normal but now I realize we make ourselves sick because of what we are putting in our bodies.  My diet is mainly fruits and vegetables which is what the body needs to repair itself.  I never imagined I could feel this good again.  I am amazed at the change in my body.  Obviously it will take many years to get all the bad stuff out of my body but I can tell I am on the correct path because of the way I feel.  
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I believe that fresh live food is the answer.
I've been working on getting 100%, but as of today have not been able to eat that way for more than 3 days due to ( at first) fast food addiction and now a basic cooked food addiction.  I've been trying to follow Victoria Boutenko's 12 Steps to Raw food where she goes over the reasons why we are addicted to cooked food.  It all makes sense to me.

A healthy body, fed healthy food CAN and WILL deal with all of the polution and environmental "issues" we are now faced with.  I believe we are INDEED evolving as a human species...so we are adapting to our environment.  No worries.

Begin by eating as much green leafy greens as possible in each and every day...that's the place to begin.

Tell me more about your story of health :-)
P.S. no I have not heard of The Makers Diet
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Are you familiar with "The Maker's Diet".  It is a book about a person with Crohn's disease who healed himself following a diet which comes from the Bible.  These diseases are a result of the modern diets we have been eating.  There are other factors in our enviroment  (dental amalgams, vaccinations, drugs, bad water, bad air.......etc) but the only hope we have is to give the body what it needs to repair itself.  Hopefully we are able to discover this before we damage our bodies beyond repair.    
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Debra Black's remarkable recovery from debilitating lupus...another success story from Dr. Fuhrman.

I was feeling fatigued and a little
achy for a few months. After
being referred to a dermatologist
for a rash on my face, I was
told I had lupus.With hardly a discussion
about it, the dermatologist
wrote out a prescription for plaquenil
and prednisone. I asked the
doctor about the risks of the drugs
and was told I would need them
for the rest of my life, and if I did
not take them, the lupus could
attack my joints and kidneys and
might even kill me. I left the office
in tears.
Looking for another approach, I
went to see Dr. Fuhrman. He told
me about his success in treating
lupus with nutritional therapy and
was confident he could help me.
He pointed to a few medical studies
that supported the effectiveness
of this type of treatment, but
he said most doctors are simply
not interested in anything but
drugs. I had nothing to lose.
I followed Dr. Fuhrman’s vegetable-
based diet with his blended
salads, fresh vegetable juices, vegetable/
bean soups with added cruciferous
greens blended in, and
lots of berries and nuts.He showed
me how to make his great soups,
too.He also had me take three separate
nutritional supplements. He
wrote out a plan for me telling me
exactly what to eat and what not
to eat, and I followed it like a
After following Dr. Fuhrman’s
program for just six days, I felt
“freaky,” like there was a sunburn
inside my entire body.My skin was
warm and itchy. I called Dr.
Fuhrman in a panic.He was pleased.
He said that this was a great
sign to be occurring so soon and
that my body was withdrawing
from my prior toxic diet and
detoxifying. He explained that
this was the first step before my
ugly skin rash could heal.Within a
few more days, my stiffness and
pain had lessened significantly. I
couldn’t believe I felt so good, so
fast. Within one month, the discoid
(lupus-caused) skin rash had
disappeared. I looked and felt
radiant. Everyone commented on
howgood I looked.My skin looked
soft and smooth. I was well again.
I went back to the dermatologist,
excited to share my story. He
became irate and screamed at me.
“Ridiculous nonsense,”he said,and
told me to get out of his office.
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I agree with you...after just a short time my body knows what it wants and doesn't want.  i have been on some supplements from a new doctor for the past 3 months and my body just intuitively is now saying let's get off those.  I think it's because I'm getting so much more now from my food that my body is coming back alive in ways that it can now support my endocrine system on it's own and it doesn't need the endocrine support from the supplements.

Are you on any supplements?  which ones?

I still have hopes to get off the thyroid medication ( it's natural, armour) but still...the FDA basicaaly is trying to shut down any company that makes natural thyroid meds..so i have gone to a compounding pharmacy in town here..and it's 4 x's more :-(

have a good day!
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334194 tn?1288289595
I'm doing OK thanks. :) It's been getting really cold here which I don't appreciate so much.   I've been getting more on juice lately, and try to have 3 meals / day raw.  I also eat some cooked stuff for dinner, but try hard to cut out animal protein.   I definately can feel a difference, I'm just hoping my eyes can heal at some point.  

I've watched the videos you mentioned, and they should be motivating for a lot of people (the Dan dude is pretty entertaining :)

So I'm definately adding more raw as it makes my body feel good.  It's amazing how I can now (after 2 years trying many diets) feel what to eat and not.   Something my body doesn't like? It tells me right away...
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Just watched Victoria Boutenkos movie about Greens Can Heal You..again for like the 10th time...there is SO much fantastic information anout disease in this 2 disc set i would recommend it to anyone who is wanting answers and can't seem to get them.

Down another 5 pounds this week..am able to go back to the gym.

Put off the other two removals of the fillings until Jan. of next year..I'm getting my business off the ground and opening my new offices Jan. 2, 2010.  Very busy mailing fliers about the 18 workshops and bookstudies I'm teaching in Jan. -Apr.

Anyone else eating more raw food?

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Check out dave the Raw Food Trucker on You Tube and see how one man is changing his life...healed himself of cancer and diabetes :-)
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Your attitude has EVERYTHING to do with healing!  Absolutely!
The energy of healing comes from our minds and from OUR FOOD.  FOOD carries with it a vibration for healing or a vibration for destruction...it's sad that most of the food in society in the US is on the destruction mode...if the REAL numbers would be released people would begin to wake up, I really do believe.

Watch Food Inc. and see how our beef, poultry, pork etc,. is treated...BAD ENERGY and then they add BAD ENERGY to it before we buy it and eat it! :-(

How are you doing?
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It is wonderful to finally have answers.

Have just discerned that animal products/protein is THE cause for my irregular heart beat and my "fine tremors"...used myself as a guinea pig...and also watched a movie called Healing Cancer from Inside that explains WHY the animal products are killing us slowly slowly..s...l...o...w...l...y!!!  Just amazing what isn't in the media!!

Movies that I have watched that are helping me heal.
The Beautiful Truth
Food Matters
Food Inc.
Healing Cancer from Inside
The Future of Food
Bad Sead
Dying To Have Known

and a few they won't let me post here because of the Doctors name :-(

I'm healing and I won't be a victim of a mindless society that is just "ok" to sit back and die a slow death!

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Wow. It was really great reading all that you have written. I thought there for a minute you may be my best friend encognito..but she is childless. Anyhow, it sounds as if we all have been doing the same research and coming to the same conclusions. In a world of so much dis-information, it feels great when you can discern the truth and apply it and see Great results. Kudos to you!
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334194 tn?1288289595
I think keeping the negativism out is also important to healing.  I've stopped subscribing to newspapers, and I seldom watch TV and only once in a while read news online.   I find nothing but negative information, so I stay shy of this too (look at the swine fly hysteria going on..prime example).  Some might look at this as being asocial and "hiding" from the real world.  Not so.   Information is wonderful, and power.  If it wasn't for internet I would not have all the information I have now, but we have to be selective of what we absorb.  We do not only absorb food, we absorb information;  this can also be highly toxic.  

In my book there are 3 ways people deal with sickness.   Those who accept the fact, those who deny the fact, and those who refuse to give up.    In some odd way, being put in this kind of situation opens new doors, and most certainly makes you see the world from a completely different angle.   I think we all need something to slap us in the face once in a while.  Like Wayne Dyer put it, we should all "die" once, while being alive.   That really should ground us, and make us treasure our health and life, and the incredible planet we temporarely inhabit.

"We're not humans having a spiritual experience, but spirits having a human experience."  W. Dyer.

May we all find the way to optimal health!

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It has not been an easy ride to health...and I'm still not there 100%.  BUT I do have directions I am heading in...now that my food is pretty well mostly organic and raw, I'm looking into the metaphysical side of life...meditation, how my internal words effect my physical body, how the negativity of the news and radio seep in like a sewage dump to undermine my positive thinking...it's interesting...now listening to Tony Robbins again, Dr. Fuhrman and Michael Beckwith, Ester Hicks and the like.

Body, Mind and Spirit.

Getting ready to run Circles of Women in my Life Coaching practice.  Education is key in all aspects.

The WHOLE is the sum of the parts and all the things you have been discussion contribute to the WHOLE.  I still love and refer back to The Autoimmune Epidemic book by Nakazawa...excellent as she gives solutions.

WE must be our own intelligent choice makers.  And as I have found out, we must be our own best researchers and fact finders.  The country we live in is so full of SECRETS...I just want the facts given to me.  I deserve to be able to make my own choices :-) and so do you!

Enjoy your weekend.  GREAT weather in Missouri...I've been down with a chest cold this week...but feeling better today.

Health to you all!
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