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Can Remicade Cause Depression and Mood Swings

My husband takes Remicade for Crohn's Disease. He has severe mood swings after taking Remicade and then high and lows that resemble Depression. Are there any reported cases of this happening with anyone else?
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Hello...my husband and I married 3 and a half years ago and sated for 2. He was diagnosed with UC a few years before I met him. Hos colitis demands us to make health changes which is great for us. We are super advebturous...love being outdoors and are incredibly active people-people. This time after his 4th REMICADE injection....after about 2 weeks more or less..he woke up and was a different person. I didn't get it...I was so hurt...a few days later I figured it out and made the connection. I had even repeatedly asked him what it was..sometimes aggressively before I realized it was the remicade. I remember his parents saying during his first initial flare...he got like this with remicade ans homeopathic medicine for mood helped initially until the reaction faded. I have not seen him this way ever..he is the most hilarious, funny, sensitive man...he loves photography, travelling etc. Remicade has created someone I don't know...withdrawn, dis interested in hobbies, angry. It is so difficult..I don't know what to do. Is this permanent..will it last forever? He is so loving and now can't stand anyone. I called his doctor but his doctor is one of those who would NEVER blame medicine...he believes he is the holder of all knowledge right and this must just be my husband. I think I know mt husband! I think his parents know him..through difficult times..he holds his head up high..but now. Luckily they are stopping the Remicade because he's built antibodies to it. Please help...will this go away...I have stuck by him through difficult flares..I love him. This is so difficult...I want my husband back.
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Im on Remicade and found this searching for answers. Remicade on top of Prednisone has caused severe mood swings and significant depression.  It's real, it's new and we need to tell everyone. Caught me by surprise and damaged my relationship.
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I have been on Remicade now for 10 years for Crohn's Collitis and have been experiencing anxiety on occasion for a while now. I recently kept track as to when this was happening and it appears anywhere from a few hours to a week following my infusion treatment. It definitely is frustrating as I am usually easy going but the mood swings are taking their toll. I think they need to research this if they haven't already.
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My husband passed away just recently.  He was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease in 2002.  He was using Remicade for over 12 years and always said he would feel better after his infusion until after he had surgery about 1-1/2 years ago and then he became depressed, paranoid, anxious and had insomnia.  The last 2-3 weeks he would stay in bed most days only to come out and eat, drink or talk a few minutes.  He started missing work and would be up in the morning dressed and ready to go then not go.  Most of the time he was talking about stuff that didn't make any sense and mostly paranoid about everything.  He then ended up taking his life.  If you know what's best i would immediately stop taking  Remicade.  I would never have thought that this would happen because my husband never was suicidal?
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I have been taking Remicade for almost a year now and I can soooooo relate to these stories. Shortly after my infusions I get overwhelmed with everyday stuff and have had anxiety attacks. My focus and concentration go out the window. I don't want to go anywhere or do the things I normally enjoy doing. It affects my daily life but seems to subside about a week before my next infusion. I have tried other biologics however they severely affected my short term memory. I know the Remicade has helped with some of the malabsorbtion and digestive issues but the way it seems to affect my state of mind and emotions really just frankly *****. I too am contimplating a different strategy to fighting this horrible and life changing disease.
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my 16 year old son has been taking remicade for about 2 years. it seemed as though once in a while he would be in a funk and not want to do anything, we just ascribed it to being a teenager. But in the past year he has suffered from major depressive bouts where he won't leave his bed for days. none of this happened before remicade. after reading this forum we are taking him off remicade and will have to try something else.  Good Luck all
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My father was on remicade for arthritis, none of the doctors warned us about depression being a side effect.  And the mood swings, please let your doctor know about your depression/mood swings.  My father was on Remicade for probably about 6-7 months and in July of this year he took his own life.  Please do not ignore the symptoms.  
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I have severe chronic plaque psoriasis and am starting my third year of remicade. I have noticed my mood swings going more and more to depression and just not caring anymore in the past few months. I have researched side effects but can't find anything contributing to my mental state. I just can't concentrate anymore. Recommended meditation isn't helping much. I am afraid to say to much to my doctor for fear of him taking me off remicade. It is what's keeping me alive. I'm not that concerned about dying, I just rather it not be anytime soon and my psoriasis will kill me.
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My sister who has suffered depression has completely gone off the planet since being put on infliximab. She is now in a mental health facility and thinks she is possessed by satan. The doctors say it is not related to the Remicade . I think it could be this as it happened after the first infusion ( within a couple of weeks) . She has tried to kill herself twice. She has never done this before.
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I'm in tears reading all your posts because I can relate to all these stories of 'down time', depression, anger, ect.  My husband started his infusions in April 2013 after his second surgery for crohns.  I had spoke with the Dr. At one point about my husbands 'downs' afterwards and how I felt that he was having some depression.  My husband passed it off as it wasn't that he was depressed it was just that he didn't really want to do anything..(DUH).  So we went to see a counselor who flat out told me that people who live with disorders such as his can often feel a gap and have 'down' times. At this point iI'm starting to think I'm going crazy and there really wasn't anything wrong with him taking Remicade; that I was the problem.  I started looking into my hormones thinking that maybe I was the one having the swings and that he was just fueling off of me having a bad day. Now I'm walking on eggshells afraid to even ask a question sometimes in fear of it starting another anger session. Tonight's battle started with a simple question that progressed to a broken chair and wall items being bounced off the wall as he left. I start running everything in my head together as far as his infusion on the seventh, him complaining the past two nights of his knees and joints hurting, and his mood the past few days. When I go back to our last arguement that lead me to buy a pack of Ciggs (I'm not a smoker but my needed it for my nerves) it was after his previous infusion. Each MAJOR even I can document leads to an infusion within two weeks before. The scary part is that the anger and swings are progressively getting worse. I'm at the point of being scared of him. I WILL be calling the Dr. first thing in the morning because after reading this page I know depression isn't the only major side affect to watch out for! I feel as though I should have seen this long before now. I do encourage ANYONE seeing signs of anger or aggression to please call the Dr. ASAP.
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I have been on remicade for almost a year.  After every single injection, usually 6-10 hours after, I will have a sort of break-down.  I have extreme rage, I cry uncontrollably and yes, I take it out on my loved ones.  I always thought that this was a result of being on birth control AND remicade, but now I am not sure.  I am not saying that I go through a long period of depression, but I definitely have "down days" where I don't talk to anyone and I'll just sit in my room in the dark.  My boyfriend is extremely worried about me bringing up past wrongs of his.  I get somewhat paranoid and very angry at every single thing he has done to upset me in the past.  I accuse him of being disloyal and trying to humiliate me on purpose.  I also have severe separation anxiety when he goes away for long periods of time.  In addition to this, I have difficulty staying asleep every night.  I wake up once every hour and feel exhausted during the week.
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My partner has just initiated Remicade therapy and I have noticed after the first two doses that he is aggressive, distant, and 2-3 times more than the prednisone "blues" that I've gotten accustomed too. He is usually strong willed and positive but now just the oppisite. He is taking it for his U.C. and I am finding it hard to tolerate him sometimes, I love him sooo much. He stood by me during chemo and I will with him. I understand what you guys are going through. Please advise if you can...
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I was doing well mentally and emotionally for more than 5 years after being diagnosed with ulcerative colitis (although at the time I was coping with all the pain, cramping, etc). In spite of the frequent BMs and daily pain, I was able to complete a challenging masters degree and exercised vigorously for an hour almost every day.

After starting Remicade, I lost all my motivation. Most days I could barely make it to work, and I even went on short term disability for awhile. I thought it was depression and saw a couple of pyschiatrists. The antidepressants didn't help much. I had trouble concentrating. After work I went home and straight home to bed. I quit having a social life. I didn't care that I didn't have a social life. Some weekends I didn't even leave my bedroom. I quit taking care of my yard and my home and my kids (17 and 23) had to take care of me. I have had some mild depression that lasted a week or 2 in the past, but nothing like this! I don't feel sad or cry or feel suicidal or anything like that.

It has now been 13 weeks since my last infusion and I feel quite a bit better. I started taking low dose naltrexone prior to stopping Remicade. I work for a pharmaceutical and I urge anyone who has these type of symptoms to report it to the company that makes Remicade or to the FDA. Drug companies have to report side effects to the FDA and track all the problems that are reported to them.

I have regular blood work to check for drug induced lupus, which Remicade can cause, and so far that is negative.
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I can totally relate to what your going through. My husband started remicade April of this year for his crohns. Before the remicade he was a totally different person. He has terrible mood swings and depression. He is obsessed with relationships from his past and doesnt seem to care about how i feel. He is making decisions that are not totally thought through. Its taking a big toll on our marriage and we have only been married for two years. Im not sure what to do anymore.
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I just had my first remicaide treatment and i seem to be screaming alot at the people i care most about. I feel over whelmed for no reason and little things seem to set me off the only thing that hepls is my anxiety med. i hope this does not last long please let me know how thing are going for your family.
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My 13 year old daugher was diagnosed with Juvenille Rheumatoid Arthritis and Uveitis (inflammation of the Iris) at age 2 and 4, repectively.  She is on methotrextate and has been on Remicade for 4 years now to help control both.  I never had a problem until last year.  My daughter has also gone through a big change.  She's full of anxiety, especially at bedtime.  She also has mood swings.  She is also having trouble falling asleep at night.  She is very restless and it can take her up to 2 hours to finally fall asleep.  She is extremely exhausted the next day and it is always an effort to get her up in the morning.  She too lacks motivation and seems to have lost her focus in school and the desire to  do well in school.  She was an honor student but due to falling grades was taken out.  She never had sleep issues, as she's always been my best sleeper and slept without a nightlight and the door closed.  She never had a problem before with schoolwork and her personality was always pleasant.  Now she flies off the handle very easily.  It is very stressful being around her because you don't know what mood she will be in.  I am convinced the changes in her are from Remicade but I haven't found anything online that confirms these side effects.  Is your son still on Remicade and is he doing better?
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My wife has been taking Remicade for Crohn's Disease for 5 months now and, like all of you, I have noticed a drastic change in her behaviour over the past 3 months.  She's become extremely impulsive, aggressive, distant and detached.  I've researched the side effects of using Remicade and hadn't come across a correlation until I came across this forum.  Our marriage seems to be unravelling before my eyes and her strange behaviour is affecting our 2 yr old son.  One odd specific trait of her behaviour is that she seems to want to retrieve and hold on to past issues in her (and our) life that have long since been resolved (no, this behaviour is not exclusive to our relationship; work issues, past friendships, her immediate family all are fair game).  She just wants to run away from everything, even things that are non-issues in actuality.  Does this sound familiar to anyone?
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I know the original post is over a decade old, but I wanted to post my severe adverse reaction to Remicade for anyone considering this method of treatment for Crohn’s disease.

I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease 5/24/2021. I was prescribed Remicade in May of 2022. I had my first infusion on 5/12/2022. Second was 5/27/2022. Third was 6/27/2022. Fourth was 8/22/2022.

I had reactions ranging from:

Chest and throat tightening — this occurred during infusions. I was told this was a minor allergic reaction, and to take Benadryl before infusions.

Vomiting — occurred after infusions.

Severe joint pain, swelling, and joint immobility. There were multiple ER visits for this:

My jaw locked into place and I couldn’t open it; my knees stiffened and swelled to the point I could barely walk; and my shoulder locked into place and I couldn’t move it.

I was told by the GI doctor that this wasn’t the Remicade. He said it could be Rheumatoid Arthritis, and to see a rheumatologist. I believed him, and I was so sick and trying to manage a full time job, I didn’t take the time to research if the Remicade was causing my problems.

I started to notice psychiatric symptoms after the 4th infusion. I had an anxiety/manic/depressive episode, and increased aggression. I assumed it was my preexisting condition (generalized depression/anxiety disorder), and asked my PCP to increase my Buspar dosage.

On 12/19/22, I had my 5th and final infusion, and experienced a severe adverse psychiatric reaction. Within 3 days of the infusion, I had entered a deep psychosis, believing I was the devil, could control the weather, and the government was after me. I had other auditory and visual delusions, hallucinations, and paranoia.

I shaved my freaking head (I am a 28 year old woman).

All of this lasted 6 months, until the latter part of June 2023.

I am still recovering.

This poison should not be on the market.

Anyone considering using this drug should monitor their mental/emotional health closely. There clearly haven’t been enough studies into the adverse side effects of this “medication.”
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I have only had 2 loading doses of Remicade. I feel strange. I have noticed more aggressive tendacies and dreams. Will monitor.
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My boyfriend of ten years just had his second infusion of remicade.  A couple days later he threw some tantrums and jumped out of a moving car.  He's increasingly insecure and suspicious of EVERYTHING. HE HAS PSORIATIC ARTHRITIS. The same happened after his first infusion.  He said he had thoughts of suicide.
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Hi couldbeworse,

        I've noticed the same with my husband...my husbans is the most relaxed, funniest guy. After this 4th remicade..it's so bad..he won't even admit there's a problem..he gets angry..emotional. I have never seen him this way. I'm scared it won't go away. There is not enough research...and they won't tell us straight up...it's too profitable....It seems each doctor has their own philosophy. I just want him back..this is not him. Any insights?
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Hello...my husband and I married 3 and a half years ago and sated for 2. He was diagnosed with UC a few years before I met him. Hos colitis demands us to make health changes which is great for us. We are super advebturous...love being outdoors and are incredibly active people-people. This time after his 4th REMICADE injection....after about 2 weeks more or less..he woke up and was a different person. I didn't get it...I was so hurt...a few days later I figured it out and made the connection. I had even repeatedly asked him what it was..sometimes aggressively before I realized it was the remicade. I remember his parents saying during his first initial flare...he got like this with remicade ans homeopathic medicine for mood helped initially until the reaction faded. I have not seen him this way ever..he is the most hilarious, funny, sensitive man...he loves photography, travelling etc. Remicade has created someone I don't know...withdrawn, dis interested in hobbies, angry. It is so difficult..I don't know what to do. Is this permanent..will it last forever? He is so loving and now can't stand anyone. I called his doctor but his doctor is one of those who would NEVER blame medicine...he believes he is the holder of all knowledge right and this must just be my husband. I think I know mt husband! I think his parents know him..through difficult times..he holds his head up high..but now. Luckily they are stopping the Remicade because he's built antibodies to it. Please help...will this go away...I have stuck by him through difficult flares..I love him. This is so difficult...I want my husband back.
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1530171 tn?1448129593
Hi Renatho.
Look into the SCD program.
If it makes sense to you and you have the discipline to follow it,
it could help you get your life back.

Your mood swings along with weakness and "brain fog" are likely due to the imbalances caused by malabsorption and deficiencies, hallmark characteristics of UC.

Hope this helps.
Best wishes,
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Hello guys, my name is Renatho Azevedo, I'm from Brazil. I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis in 2010, I took mesalazine and azatioprine, which worked at first but for not too long. The only thing that work for me and make me feel like have no colitis is corticosteroids, but the side effect for a long period doesn't worth. I have been taking remicade for almost a year and half now, I also have severe mood swings with highs and lows, sometimes i feel like i can't think straight. I feel weak, without motivation, no social life and all other stuffs that all of you commented here. This is so frustrating...
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1530171 tn?1448129593
Immunosuppression, as much as the biologics' makers claim to be targeted,
still leaves the patient vulnerable to its effects, some of which include survival of unregulated low grade underlying infectious conditions , causing all types of damage when activated by various factors
The cumulative biological stress (hidden) added to the stress experienced daily by the sufferers of such serious chronic conditions, is enough to cause significant adrenal/hormonal and other deficiencies and imbalances.

Meditation: It is not as simple to get into it when suffering with severe plaque psoriasis or other severe chronic conditions.
I suggest you do a search under "Brain Wave Generator" .
The free software program will help you get into a therapeutic meditative state.

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