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640548 tn?1340553355

Belly Buddies *5/22*

Please forgive any oversights...it's been a while since I've done a list, and it's been 5 weeks since the last list, my math skills have degenerated over the years, but here goes....

CONGRATULATIONS BRIDGETTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am so absolutely thrilled to welcome Bridgette over here!  For 2 years we have shared Bridgette's long journey to reach this most wonderful moment.  We know her cycle better than our own.  We have laughed with her, cried with her, been frustrated with her, vented with her, learned from her, prayed for her and have cherished the friendship of a wonderful woman, who even in her down times found the strength to lift everyone else up and offer her unwavering support to all of us who have needed it.  It is with tears of happiness in my eyes that I get to put Bridgette's name in it's rightful place, on the Belly Buddies list for a looong nine months of a whole new type of anxiety for our dear friend. We're ready for you Bridgette, let your journey begin!  ;)~

Done Buns!

mapes/Melissa - Adam  6/14/09
Dani - Colter  7/19/09
kc1021 - Olivia Kate  7/23/09
Tiger63/Stacey - Lillian Kathleen  8/6/09
pat4rod/Patty - 9lb boy  8/17/09
ashmcc - Kamryn  8/17/09
CacyMichelle - Addison Grace  8/24/09
munter - Lincoln Brian  9/6/09
Avik/Anna - Jamin Scott  9/16/09
Latrice - Trinity Allyssa  9/18/09
nickswife/Gigi - Abby Nickole  10/14/09
kgokgo/Niki - Isabelle  10/18/09
BPO629/Brandy - Allison Jean  10/24/09
melo1224 - ????  11/10/09
cari227 - Allyssa Marie  11/14/09
hazeleyes/Amanda - Ali  11/25/09
popcorn/Julie - ????  11/29/09
mikaleen/Aileen - Emma Claire  12/1/09
ladyM84/Lisa - Evan Zack  12/3/09
Elisha123 - Brianna  12/10/09
youme123/Leigh - ????
mialvan/Maria - June  1/16/10
GMB/Gina -  baby boy  3/15/10
tinkerbell101/Deb - Our newest member...Daniel Ethan  3/30/10 " welcome to the world!"
msteri - Chloe made her entrance on 4/30... Congratulations!!
EricaB28/Erica - Welcome Emma Rea!!! Born May 18th

Awaiting The Arrival!!!

princessa745/Rossie - 33wks - boy - 7/2/10
lilinz - 33wks 1days - boy - 7/9/10
steph9803 - 32wks 2days - boy - 7/15/10
natalie910 - 31wks 5days - boy - 7/19/10
steph_B - 30wks - girl - 7/31/10
heatherLF16 - 29wks   4days - ??? - 8/3/10
peterjl/Mary - 29wks 2days - girl -8/5/10
TCgirl - 27wks - girl - 8/21/10
teddiH - 24wks 3days - ??? - 9/8/10
rachaellou06 - 21wks  - ??? - 10/2/10
cocacolapanda/Amy - 20wks 3days - ??? - 10/6/10
szw2008/Sam - 19wks 5days - boy - 10/11/10
Dmarie919/Dana - 18wks 5days - ??? - 10/18/10
nunu/Vanessa - 18wks 1day - ??? - 10/22/10
nikkij6577 - 17wks 4days - boy - 10/26/10
missmyangel/Theresa - 17wks - ??? - 10/30/10
youngmum20 - 16wks 6days - ??? - 10/31/10
pips - 16wks 5days - ??? - 11/1/10
annalc - 16wks 1day - ??? - 11/5/10
babyhope8/Ana - 13wks 32days - ??? - 11/27/10
trying_x_3 - 12wks 1day - ??? - 12/2/10
1angelbabyM/Gina - 11wks 2days - ??? - 12/9/10
lori0615 - 10wks 5days - ??? - 12/13/10
Gailybaby - 8wks 6days - ??? - 12/26/10  Congratulations!!!

and a big fat morning sickness, swelling, crying, bitching, back pain, feet in ribs welcome to...dah dah dah dah...

Bam1014/Bridgette - 7wks - ??? - 1/8/11  OUR FIRST 2011 BABY!
193 Responses
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760797 tn?1303264540
OK...I'm on my way to the hospital...will update and post pics when I can :)
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760797 tn?1303264540
Hi all...just an update, I had my ob appt today and everything went well. I am measuring 3 cm. My dr offered to induce me so I go in on Monday at 6 am. I am so nervous/excited to see our son. I don't love the idea of being induced but I am so ready!!  I'll be sure to post pics and let everyone know how it went.
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1225070 tn?1344709174
Steph_b - THanks, I am so glad to hear that your doc told you that!! I was thinking along the same lines.

Well, 18w 5d - bad day already, my work is adding on extra work for me and I just about started crying when they told me...they want me to work 10xs harder and not give me a raise? WTF? Trying not to stress lol!
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991222 tn?1333990733
trying- I slipped on my icy driveway this winter when I was aroun 20 weeks or so, when I called my dr she told me that as long as I wasn't cramping or bleeding than there was nothing to worry about.  Like you mentioned baby has more than enough padding :)
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1225070 tn?1344709174
Missmyangel - We saw the A-Team!! I don't like action movies but it was funny too!! I didn't tell DH I cried like a baby at that time, but told him over the weekend...he said "I thought when you came in and sat down you'd been crying but I it was too dark to see" lol!!

They'd better have my popcorn on the 19th...did I mention I called and changed the date of my gender scan? Yup went from the 21st to the 19th...doesn't seem like much of a change I know but it's less than two weeks away!!

Okay question, I posted this in the forum but wanted to ask here to anyway...Not so much questioning as looking for some reasurance: I fell on Sunday, I was bending over in the kitchen looking for something on the floor and I slipped, I landed on my hand first and then my butt, I landed sitting up. At first I wasn't even sure I really landed on my butt because the only thing that hurt was my hand, a few hours later my right leg started hurting, like I had a pulled muscle. I did do some research online about falling while pregnant and found that most ppl who called their docs were told either not to worry (if they fell on their butts) that the baby is cushioned or their docs had them come in to check the HB...I of course have a digital doppler at home and when I checked this morning baby's HB was 140+ which is where it normally is. I was 18 weeks 2 days pregnant when I fell. Anyone else have this happen?
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991222 tn?1333990733
Hi ladies-  The boards has been pretty quiet lately.  hopefully it's because everyone is enjoying summer.

I just wanted to stop by and say hi to everyone.  I have 25 days till my due date!  Today I have been crampy.  I'm having pain wrapping around my back to my sides.  I don't think it's labor or anything, just uncomftable.  I hope your all doing well.
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1145691 tn?1291478338
Amy-Congrats on finally finding out that you are having a girl :)  I swear Kirk is going to have DH's nose and chin by looking at the u/s lol. I've actually read that there is some truth to being more hormonal and having a girl. It really makes me think my m/c was a girl, as I was a raving lunatic!

annalc-Thanks, and congrats on finding out your having a boy as well! Hope Iceland was fantastic :)

trying-Ha, ha. I cry over food too lol! Seems like a common pattern with us pregnant women! What movie did you go see? I went and saw grownups on Monday, it was hilarious.
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1128483 tn?1277340286
I had those pains for about 3-4 weeks before I delivered, from what I understand it's mostly pressure from the baby sitting/riding low.  I found sitting on a birthing ball instead of a regular chair helped a lot with those pains.
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609020 tn?1285350877
Just a quick question for those who have experienced labor before- I've been having a lot of pressure and sharp, shooting pains in my lower pelvis.  I know they are not contractions, because I'm having some of those as well.  Any advice?  I have had c-sections with previous births and was induced, I've never experienced these type of pains before.  They only last a few seconds- minute and then I feel okay.  I'm 35 wks with baby #4.  Thanks for any advice.
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1225070 tn?1344709174
Thanks girls...Just have to say lol!!! You guys made me smile, it's nice to know I'm not the only one embarrising myself in public lol!! Good to know I'm not the only one peeing alot still too, at least now though I only wake up 2-3 times a night instead of 4-6! Funny, I think someone should write a new book for those of us who don't fall along the "normal" guidelines! Like "what to expect when you're totally not normal" or "pregnancy week by week for the abnormal mom"...lol!!

Have a great day yall!!
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1128483 tn?1277340286
Trying - Hormones are insane!  When I was pregnant with my son in the second trimester we went on a trip to visit my sister in law and at the airport they only had greasy food (that the sound of it made me sick at the time), I was starved because I was expecting to eat there.  I was balling like a little baby in front of everyone!  Some random guy asked if I was ok, I'm like "I'm pregnant, I'm starved and all this food here looks so disgusting"  lol.

Although I don't know if it's the miscarriage or what, but this time around my hormones have been WAY worse!  When we found out it was a girl DH was like "That's why your so hormonal, the girl's adding to the PMS hormone issues"  lol.

I've also been peeing non stop since I found out I was pregnant.  Once I started feeling the baby move I've been peeing more often again!  At times it feels like every 30-60 min!
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773214 tn?1295135069
Trying: I've been peeing non stop..it's SO annoying...sometimes I keep wondering if something is wrong with me but I think it's just normal...

Amy: Congrats on the girl!

Anna: Congrats on the boy!  
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1211078 tn?1277494569
Ha ha, that's great! I almost started crying yesterday because my husband had a beer and it sounded so good!
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1225070 tn?1344709174
Cocacolapanda - I started crying a little when I wrote it...and then again when I read your response...hormones lol!

Speaking of hormones I forgot to tell you guys that I went to the movies Wed. after my doc appt. and they were out of my gourmet popcorn...I started tearing up but hid that the best I could from DH...as soon as we started heading toward the room our movie was playing in I excused myself to the bathroom where I promptly started balling my eyes out lol!! All over popcorn!! I went back to the concession stand 20 minutes later and they had it lol!!

17 weeks today!! Tired and still have to pee alot lol!! Hope you ladies have a great weekend!
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991222 tn?1333990733
Thanks Ladies- I'm not sure if that's whats going on or not.  I will mention it to the Dr. today.  It doesn't matter either way.  I know I just need to be patient and wait for the next 5/6 weeks to go by.  I am really getting sick of working  though.  I think with us moving it's making it harder.  I feel like I work all day, and I'm so tired when I get home, but I have to pack up a few more boxes.  Hopefully after the weekend we will be all moved!  I keep reminding myself that the end is in sight.

How's everyone else doing?
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1128483 tn?1277340286
annalc - awesome!   I'm glad you had a great trip and congrats on the boy!!  It is starting to grow on me.

Steph - I missed your mucus plug question too, with my first I had no clue I lost it till my dr told me I did.  I lost it gradually.  My dr said if you loose it gradually you might not notice it, but if you do loose it all at once you will most likely notice it.  I do think it was at least a month before I gave birth after loosing my mucus plug too :(

Trying - You are SO right.  You made me cry just thinking about those days!  
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1225070 tn?1344709174
I bet when she's older and your picking out prom dresses or trying on wedding dresses or putting your hand to her stomach when she's pregnant your not going to care that she couldn't share a room with her brother. You might still blame her if you have to move though lol!!
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1211078 tn?1277494569
I didn't see that you got an answer to your question about the mucous plug. You will most likely know it when it happens. I realized it with my first without ever having experienced it before. It is like ALOT of discharge and I think it is usually discolored (like brown). You could lose it gradually, or all at once. Remember though, you can lose your plug weeks before you even give birth (sorry if that's not good news). Good luck!
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1211078 tn?1277494569
Well, it's  been a while. I have caught up a little, but not enough (I'll have to do it when I have more time). Iceland was great. When I got home I found out that I am having another boy! So, the girls are outnumbered in our house now. That's ok, we have strong enough personalities to over-power these boys anyway ;) I am thrilled!

Congrats to Missmyangel on your little boy and Cocacolapanda on your little girl! Don't worry Cocacolapanda, I kind of felt the same way when I found out I was having my daughter (even though I did want a girl I was thinking that maybe I wanted another boy so that my son would have a brother), but once you have her you will be so glad that you have a little girl! They are so much fun!

Sorry if I missed any congrats that are due, but I'll hopefully get to catch up more later. Hope all is well with everyone.
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1128483 tn?1277340286
I'm excited it's a girl, but also disappointed at the same time.  I kinda had a feeling that she's a girl after looking at my 3D ultrasound photos, I can see several of my features in her face.  I did really want another boy though, and having one of each means when they are older they can't share a room so we need to re-arrange our living conditions, and I'd prefer not to move again I love our Condo!
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1225070 tn?1344709174
Thanks girls...doc said same thing lol!! Just a momentary freakout!!

Cocacolapanda - CONGRATS!!! A little girl are you thrilled??

Well I gained my first 3lbs!!! 16w6d!! I go back on July 21st to find out what the baby is!!

Have a great Thursday everyone!! After all the weekend is almost here!
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Congrats on the little girl Amy =)
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1128483 tn?1277340286
My dr's apt went well, in 4 weeks I get that yucky glucose test and RH shot (YUCKY)!!  However, we did find out the gender!  Were having a little girl!
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1145691 tn?1291478338
Steph-Thanks so much! I'm glad I got the right ones :)

trying-Not to worry, I know from pregnancy books that its ok to jog if your accustomed to it, so a bit of jumping won't hurt. I've caught myself jogging on occasion when the lights about to turn red or something. I also know its ok to shake your belly too (not too vigorously) to help with babies sleeping patterns, or in my case, I shook my belly the other day to get Kirk turned back around so he would stop worrying me!
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