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693804 tn?1304720474

Cycle Buddies October 26


Princessa745 / Rossie - Gone To The Other Side!!!!

This train is headed to "The Other Side"

princessjam - CD26
LiLnz/Lindsey - CD24
butterflybabies - 10DPO
bam/Bridgette - 9DPO
lori0615 - CD18
jennymin867 - 3DPO
teddiH - 3DPO
nunu/Vanessa - 2DPO
ita17 - CD16

Chugga Chugga Choo Choooo!

Queenspade/Jenn - CD14
natalie910/Natalie - CD14
preciouspg - CD13
smr/Lori - CD13
peterjl/Mary - CD11
anxiouslywaiting/Tausha - CD11
jennifervl - CD11
ladyashia - CD9

Getting Ready To Jump On Board!!!!!

northernsunshine - CD4
Dmarie/Dana - CD3
steph_b - CD2

This is my first time doing the list, I apologise if I messed anything up or forgot anyone. Boy this list will be much easier when we're all on "THE OTHER SIDE"  SSBD to all!!!
91 Responses
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919101 tn?1368109937
lol @ Lori-- I sure hope I get some reason to blame my moodiness on..its to early to call it PMS

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Evening ladies!!

Jenny - too funny about POAS.  I feel the same way.  If they are in my house they are going to get peed on!

I used my last one this morning and still BFN, but no sign of AF.  I took my temp this morning (first time since O) and it was below my coverline . . . so she's gotta be her soon, right?  Still debating if I'm going to do Femara for this upcoming cycle.  I desperately want to take a break, and now is as good as time as any . . .

I'm going to go start the new thread now, so meet you over there :)
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693804 tn?1304720474
northernsunshine- great attitude! Just go with the flow. It "WILL" happen.

Tausha- maybe your touchy for a good reason:) Fingers crossedXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

Dana- I did see her BFP, she must be thrilled! Don't worry, soon it will be us :)
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773214 tn?1295135069
Well we did get one BFP, but she hasn't been on this thread lately to post!  LilLinz got a BFP!  I announce it for her since it's been on her homepage!!! :)  I am happy for her!!  I want it to be ALL of us though!!!!  

CD10...FINALLY in the double digits.  Temping has been screwy with my cold so I am also going to start OPKs on CD12....

Bridgette: WELL??  AF show her face yet??

TWW girls....GOOD LUCK!  Waiting on your girls is the only thing that helps me pass the time until O time!!!
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919101 tn?1368109937
Thanks for the support on my Halloween drama..I was just aggrivated..and it propbably showed!!  I really don't think they intended to hurt my feelings.  Just glad we got it worked out.

But I am CD 18 today and don't know if we BD on the right times..which is probably a good thing.... I won't be so quick to test lol

Hope everyone is doing great and we need some begining of the month BFP's to get the ball rolling!!
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803467 tn?1341934706
smr08- I'm on cd 11 and entering the "O" train this week....lol.  I'm not stressing this month...if it happens it happens and if it don't then next month i'll go for the HSG test and the doctor will eventually figure out whey we are not conceiving.

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640548 tn?1340553355
Coming by to bring some baby dust over and see how everyone is doing, and who's testing next.

I love Halloween.  I had so much fun taking DD out trick or treating even though it was raining pretty good.

Bam...The NERDS are her absolute favorite.  She was so excited every time she got a mini box of them.  She loves bubble gum too, but only got one piece, and when she put it on the coffee table the dog ate it.

Lori...I hope all the "right" parts were stiff this month!

DH brought home a bag of Kit-Kats and a bag of peanut butter cups in case we got any trick or treaters.  7 years and we've never had one...our driveway is half a mile long!  So now I have 2 big bags of candy ( mt 2 favorites) and then he lends the ladder to our neighbor so he can clean the chimney, and the neighbor brings over a big bag of Kit-Kats too!  These last few weeks are going to be a giant weight gain for me!!
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693804 tn?1304720474
Morning Girls!

Jenn- I was the same way for a while, but now I try and realize that it's not his fault and I can't always b*tch at him. I know this is a hard time, but we we'll make it!

Jenny- LOL! I have one test left and it's starting to call my name to!!!

Rossie- thanks for spreading the baby dust!

Steph- I try so hard not to stress anymore, I think it's bad for the whole situation.

northernsunshine- what cd are you at??

As for me, i'm trudging along!! CD20 so I still have another 7 days of waiting!! Hopefully after this i'll have 9 months of waiting!LOL

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803467 tn?1341934706
Steph- I'm the same this month, i'm not really feeling it either.....but that might also be because i'm sick with a cold.  Who knows...maybe if it's not stressing us this month then it will finally happen, good luck to you!...LOL

jennymin867- I know how you feel...i try not to keep and sticks in the house this way i don't get tempted since the neareat pharmacy is 40 min away...lol  Good luck!

Bam - lots of baby dust to you!!! :)

Rossie- thanks for the baby dust sweety! :)

SSBD too all!
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991222 tn?1333990733
Morning ladies.  I'm just hanging in there CD6 and just waiting until the big O....  I'm not really feeling it this month.  I don't want to get excited just to be let down again.  I feel like the stress of not being able to get that BFP is not good for me and hubby.  So who knows.
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924332 tn?1284573918
Good morning girls!! Passing by to sprinkle tons of baby dust!!******************************************************************************************************

Queenspade, glad your doing well. Yeah i can totally understand being b*tchy!! My BF said it to me expecially the last two months... I hope you get your BFP very soon!!
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886189 tn?1265941191
Jenn - I certainly understand that "wear on us" thing.  I am there...

Tausha - I'm sorry you had to go thru that with the inlaws.  I am so glad you took the other child though.  I would have been super angry too.  Some distant cousins of mine were in from out of state this year and I was asking the kids what they were going to be for Halloween.  I was quickly shhhushed because they were given the choice of coming to Texas or having Halloween.  Ok first of all, the kids are 4 & 6.  The 4 year old probably has no idea what he is giving up.  And second of all we have trick or treating here in Texas.  Found out later the adults just wanted to go to a party and no one wanted to take the kids out.

Bam - I hope this is a good sign...  You going to POAS?

Well I am CD 25, I had the worst AF-like craps this morning I actually checked to see if she was here today (due Wednesday).  I have left over sticks from last month because she was 3 days late I broke down and bought the economy pack.  Now they are just taunting me.  Jenny...  come pee on me.  LOL.  I am trying so hard not to.  I hate the "not pregnant" or the no lines.  It is so depressing.  Stay strong.  Stay strong.
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715068 tn?1392933532
Princessa745, I am doin alright.  Still in the tww, which is never easy.  DH & I had a BIG argument today & I know I am the one being B*tchy!  I just hope we get our BFP soon this is starting to wear on us....again!  

Halloween went well here.  We have no trick or treaters come here but DH took DS out for me.  I was super tired & really didn't want to go.  This was little mans first year being something "scary".  He was so excited!
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924332 tn?1284573918
Good evening girls!!

Tausha, so sorry you had to go thru that with you inlaws. I think it was very nice of you to take the other child. I'm glad you guys worked it out.

Bridgette - SSBD AF is not here yet, that is always a good sign.

Lori and Tausha SSBD to you girls in you tww

queenspade, Dana, nothernsunshine, steph, how are you girls doing? SSBD**************
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693804 tn?1304720474
Tausha- me and my DH are together 23 yrs!!! Privacy is an issue in my house, theres always someone here!! I always say that nothing happens in my bedroom until after midnight, and sometimes by then i'm asleep on the couch! LOL
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919101 tn?1368109937
Lori- lol to funny..I know ours probably doesn't look like the average "newlyweds"(7 months) lol but we have been together for almost 3 years..Life hapens you get on different schedules and some times one or the other is just exhausted.  I was trying to put them in cause I forget when we BD..so I know when to make sure we BD again lol at least in the "fertile time" if that even exsists.
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693804 tn?1304720474
Tausha- I gave up marking when we bd because if anyone ever looked at my chart they'd be wondering how the he** I thought I'd get pg if we only bd'd once every few months!!!!(I always forgot to fill that part in)LOL
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919101 tn?1368109937
Dana/ Lori--I'm trying to hang in..but I honestly don't have to much hope for this month.  But it was a busy week, everything happens for a reason.  Now that I am thinking about it I think I may have forgot to put a BD(during the middle of the day down but i'm not sure lol like I said it was a busy week.  

Lori-  How are things going for you? Hope all is well!!

Dana--Get better..its time to start going to work ha ha

Precious---Sorry DH didn't make it home for O SSBD for next month!!
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773214 tn?1295135069
Lori...I agree....I usually bd so much I can't believe we miss it but somehow we do....Tausha..don't give up yet!  it only takes once!  

Bridgette...hmm...greedy kids!  wanting more candy AND cell phones?!?! :)

I was so proud of my little Lion last night..he put on his costume and didn't cry!  I was so relieved!  

Found out my cousin and wife are having a girl...I'm happy yet sad at the same time...

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693804 tn?1304720474
Hi Everyone! Hope you all had a nice Halloween! Mine was relaxing, but I did get alot of kids, ran out of candy by 8:00.

preciouspg- I'm so sorry that your DH didn't make it back in time:( I'll pray that next month is your lucky month.((hugs))

Tausha- it's so hard to know what days are the exact days, i've read about people bd'ing everyday and somehow they miss it, so don't give up just yet! Sorry about the IL's, sometimes people just don't realize how much their words hurt, glad you were able to hash things out.

Bridgette- thats to funny about the cell phone! I still have like another week left of this torture!!! And to top it off I have a baby shower around the same time....Not good!

Dana- glad to hear that your starting to feel better:) I hope the temping gets on track!
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preciouspg - sorry you missed out on O :(  I know how frustrating it is when life gets in the way of TTC

Tausha - I agree with Dana, people just have no idea how hurtful those things are.  I'm sure they aren't meant in a vindictive way.

Dana - I was trying to be conservative with the candy from the get go.  I was handing it out  . . . I had the little boxes of nerds and one older girl was like "only two boxes??"  Oh well.  Guess I'll just buy more next year!

So I was on the phone while the trick or treaters came to the door and I laid my cell phone in the bowl so I could hand out the candy.  I had at least 3 or 4 little kids ask "can I have the cell phone?"  LOL!

My TWW is winding down.  I hate these last couple of days (I keep running to the bathroom to check if AF is here)!  I think the Femara tends to make my LP longer.  AF always used to come on 14DPO and last cycle she was late and this cycle she's still not here.  It's messing with my head :(
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773214 tn?1295135069
Bridgette....did you let the kids pick the candy out of the basket or did you hand it to them??  There's a trick with that...at the beginning of the evening you hand them each a piece from your stash...then if at the end you have a lot left you can let them take a big handful!  We live out in the middle of nowhere so we don't get any t or t'ers...but we used to at my moms.  

Preciouspg: I'm sorry you and your DH missed O time... :(  

Tausha: I'm sorry you had a drama filled evening.  People don't realize what an impact saying certain things has on someone.  They haven't been in your situation so they didn't even realize how much that hurt you.  :(  I'm sorry.  

So I am trying to temp this month but it's not going well since I've been sick.  Temp was super low yesterday and then today was over 98.  Weird.  Anyway...I'm hoping to get back on track soon...feeling a little better today.  
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919101 tn?1368109937
I think we skipped the most important days to BD this month..and I am just now noticing it :(  It was a busy week uugghh  Hopefully I didnt O the day I think I did!  

Well Halloween was crazy in my house I had a big blow up with the sister in law. over her or her husband not going to take the kids trick or treating because they had one scared child they noth stayed back..and we took their other one with us. then MIL tried to jump in which made it worse cause I was kinda mean to her.  They both hurt my feeling when they said "you don't know because I don't have kids"..and "wait unitl you have a child" =( but when my feeling are hurt I can be rather mean(thats I am I refuse to let someone see me hurt..but cried later by myself..i'm silly like that)..but I don;t even think they realize that it really hurts when they say those things but after we hashed that out. The evening was ok
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758493 tn?1271611163
I am so sorry that your DH didn't make it back in time :( I believe everything happens for a reason.... keep thinking positive thoughts, just think if it happens next cycle you are going to have the best Christmas present ever. Sending you a big hug x
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