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baby dust 9 was getting rather long, so here we go again. JAMIE-you are going to have a baby in this post!!

how is everyone doing? getting ready for Christmas? I am done all my cards and shopping but now I have to wrap and I hate wrapping!!
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i am starting baby dust 11. this one is getting long.
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460550 tn?1249846892
Well good for you, I hope it all works out. IF you do manage to do it without the epidural that is great, I Know for me personally with her I couldn't physically do it, the pain was too much for me, and my boys it was a piece of cake, my worst contractions were easy, but her she was totally the opposite and I was very shocked at how different the pain was. MInd you I Got my epidural at 8cm dilated and an hour later I gave birth. But seriously all the best to you and I hope it all works out. I am terrified of c sections, so I am glad I don't have to worry about them.
ALso, when your water breaks you will know. MIne made a popping sound before it did and then it was more then peeing yourself.

Krissyy- Thank you!! How old is your little girl now any way?

Joyce- I hope you get to find out the gender this time, my prediction is still a girl for you, but who knows.

You all are coming so close its so exciting when they are actually out and here. BUt sometimes its easier when they are inside our bellies, I am learning that for the evening times for Angel.

Hkenny- hope everything is alright with you
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272759 tn?1270485594
jamie-you have a house full!!!  but i think if you survived twin toddler boys while pregnant and then with a newborn, you can handle anything!!

katebud-i had that crampy stuff forever.  i just hope you don't get contractions for a week like i did.  it was so exhausting!!  you can do it all natural.  the contractions hurt but aren't as terrible as people say.  the hardest part is that they get so close together.  mine were really strong and a minute apart most of the time which was very hard--don't know if i could have done it much longer than i did so i was glad that i ended up with a csection.  because of the pitocin, the nurse said i was experiencing transitional contractions.  i never thought i would be happy to hear the word csection.  i can't believe you are so close.  i'm soooooo excited for you!!

tfernandez-updates??  how are you feeling??

joyce-yay, i hope that baby cooperates this time and you can see the gender!!  
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514585 tn?1328740013
wow katebud, you are almost there....wow...i have about 16 weeks to go before my c-section....give or take.... we havent scheduled it yet, but i am gonna ask about it at my next appt which is a week from wednesday. they will do the glucose test and were talking about another u/s to take a peek at gender.  i will be almost 24 weeks at that time. this has gone by soooo fast since i started seeing the doctor...since i tested a week early and the doctors up here (since i wasnt seeing a RE or anything) wouldnt see me til 8-10 weeks, so it felt like sooo long between finding out and that first appt. now the months just seem to fly by. hopefully the next 4 months go by just as quickly. i am hoping to deliver around May 22nd.

nausea has come back slightly and i dont like it at all....been getting a little bit of heartburn and still very very tired...i thought that 2nd trimester was suppose to make a woman "GLOW" i feel so down most of the time that it isnt even funny.  i get to go to the therapist this coming week cause i have just been in such a bad mood and soooo stressed. not sure what the cause is, but it is worth having someone to talk to about it...lol

anyhow i think this is long enough for now...will keep you updated after my appt.  btw baby is moving ALL OVER the place....lol
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368690 tn?1284357253
No I don't plan on having an epi, but if worse comes to worse, like get one to relax or a C-section, I'll get one.  :P  but I'm going to try to make it w/o one, just b/c I want to try it all-natural if possible.  

So I went to L&D today!  :(  thought my waters had broken b/c I had lots of wetness and liquid pushing out of me when I coughed all morning(and in between coughs).  My ob told me to head in just to be checked.  It's a good thing I was checked, because I have a UTI!!!!  So I'm on antibiotics and I think they will help me get over this virus/sinus thing in addition to clearing up the UTI.  Daniel was great, the monitor was on and he kept moving away from it, lol.  :)  But he is good, no amniotic fluid anywhere.  They said it was either the thin watery discharge that is prevalent at the end of pregnancy, or urine.  I don't think it was pee...I checked at home before calling the OB!  And they said my coughing may have forcefully been pushing it out, which I can totally see making sense.  But they also said to call and/or come in again if I have any more unusual wetness beyond what I'm having now.  So all in all, I'm very satisfied with things.  

I'm now 36 weeks done, and it's about down to the wire!  :)
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460550 tn?1249846892
well Angel had her 6 week check up today, and everything is going well and like your little girl Krissyy Angel has always been very active, and I am assuming she will be crawling like the boys at 6 months and walking by 9 months, but this time I am totally ready for it and used to having kids on the move.
YAY!! doctor gave me birth control lol I am not ready for another one, she is hard enough really she is worse then my boys put together at this age. She can be very colicky, and mind you right now our whole house is sick, and she has now got whatever we all got. I should be glad she is not a soother baby, but at the same time I can't help but wish that she was sometimes.

Katebud- the cramping is normal. I Know with me I Was cramping a couple of weeks before, but it didn't really do too much. I was only 3cm when my water broke, but luckily my water broke at 2 am so I Was 2 hours into the 16th which means I Was so close to having her on my due date. GOod luck to you and your labor, I Know this time around I cannot say that she was easy and painless, well it was an easy labor due to time and pushing time wise, but the pain was awful lol. BUt luckily for those epidurals they are great. Wait, do you plan to have the epidural?
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368690 tn?1284357253

Ok, so here's a little update on me and bubba: Not much.  :D  I've been waking up with crampy feelings like AF is going to start the past couple days and have not been wanting to eat...like, I'm literally tired of eating.  hahaha, if only that would happen when I'm not prego...  But I'm making myself of course (healthy foods) for Daniel's growth and development.  I've been having stronger cravings again though, like for potatos and ice cream.  I indulge the potato one more ;)  
But yeah, not really too much going on in my life.  Just getting over a virus that I've had the past 2 weeks almost that has completely wiped me of all energy.  I don't want to be weak for L&D!!!  :(
I'm at 35w&5d right now, yay!
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514585 tn?1328740013
krissyy i am actually due June 6-7 but with another c-section i am looking at between May 25-June 1....1-2 weeks early....havent scheduled it yet.

baby is moving sooo much more now, i am so much more relieved as with my history i am pretty sure that now that i have felt movements everything will be fine now.  anyhow mine seems to move alot at night when i lay down but does move some during the day as well....anyhow i will keep posted
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272759 tn?1270485594
katebud-yes, i pump...breastfeeding is a fulltime job!!!  but i love it (hate pumping though).

jamie-nothing calms skye down like boobie bottle either!  i think the closeness to mom is very calming to them.  does she bite you with those teeth??

hkenny-watch out!  you have a wild woman in your belly!!  skye was very, very active in-utero and she is a very active baby.  she's always on the move,  i'm in trouble when she starts walking/crawling!!  she is very curious!

princesska-i'm sooooo jealous of ollie's sleeping patterns!!  skye is not the best sleeper.  she is afraid she will miss something exciting if she is asleep!  ha!!

joyce-oh, i miss seeing and feeling the kicks.  i loved watching my belly bounce around.  i'm glad things are going better with baby.  remind me when your due date is????

i'm excited to hear about the upcoming february babies!!  it feels like yesterday you just got your bfps!!!!  

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460550 tn?1249846892
WEll girls I Really have to laugh at this. MY baby Angel has her 6 week check up on Tuesday, and well I got my mom to take her into the medi center today because we are all sick and she was a wake all night last night and just wouldn't stop fussing, well doctor says there is nothing wrong she is healthy and good, but she appears to be getting some more teeth. I think I Mentioned she was born with a tooth under her gums and about 2 weeks after she was born it finally cut through the gums, just the top part of it though. Turns out she is getting some more teeth. My boys were late teethers Jake had just two front teeth until he was about 18 months old then he finally got a little more in, he still has teeth to come in, and Gabriel well he was a late teether but not too bad, now her and she is only a month old and poor thing is already getting a mouth full of teeth lol.
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514585 tn?1328740013
well good news, not only did i feel some swift kicks today...much more active today...but i SAW the kicks and bf got to feel them too.  it was weird cause my belly was making all sorts of grumbling noises....lol
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345201 tn?1212714969
hi guys!! i read often but thought i might write a bit of a catch up. glad to hear all is well. katebud i am sure you will be fine and things will fly for you. before you know it you will be holding daniel!! wow how exciting. joyce hang in there and hope it all gets better for you. jamie glad you are being supermom and everything is good! krisssy your little doll sounds adorable and keeks you know what i think of rylen!!

well ollie is going great guns!! he is 110 on the percentile krissyy so much much bigger than your little girl. he has started rolling which means i cant leave him on the couch and table anymore. i have started him on solids which he is loving. he has had the rice cereal and stewed pears so far. he sleeps 12 hours at night - 7.30 til 7.30 and then a big 4 hour sleep from 10 til 2 then a few cat naps til bed again !! he is forever in bed i reckon! lol it is school holidays at the moment so i have the 3 kids at home which has been great. we are having lots of fun and the girls love playing with their baby brother.

anyway take care all and keep us updated!!
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jamie- i am here, somtimes i dont have anything to say,but i still read the forum.....
things with me are good, been buying baby clothes like crazy, and yep everyone says not to but i just cant help it! shes been kicking up a storm lately which is great, still waiting for hubby to feel her. still having a hard time sleeping......and been kinda grouchy the last few days!
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460550 tn?1249846892
I am breastfeeding on and off, she gets formula and breast milk, alot of the time as weird as it sounds at night when she is super fussy and won't take a bottle and nothing will calm her down, if I breastfeed her she calms down, and will eventually fall asleep while eating. FIrst thing in the morning I Need to breastfeed her due to I leak quite a bit if I Don't. Then through out the day its on and off between bottle and that, and at night time while I'M sleeping when she wakes up its a bottle. I am a little weirded out by breastfeeding don't know why, but oh well.
Hey you can add me on facebook I can't find you either its Jamie Pohl.

Joyce- hopefully you get to find out what you are having, lots of people seem to be having girls lately.

Keeks- glad to hear Rylen is doing well, my boys were the same way sleeping well when they were newborns, but then when they got older it wasn't the case. It sucked that way.

Hkenny- where have you been? how is everything going?
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368690 tn?1284357253
Krissyy.... I can't believe it.  :)  Little Sky is growing so fast!  Is it hard to be away from her while you are at work?  (Do you pump at all)?  

Keeks- Yay!  I love looking at Rylen on facebook..you should know this, as I comment on how I want to hug him.  He looks so cuddly  :P  haha  
I know Daniel will be out soon, and then we can cuddle!  For now, Dh will have to do, lol.  ;)  No really, he is super great though.

Joyce, you can nurse!  :) If you can do a couple months of nursing, you can do 6 months of it!  I've heard to make sure the latch is correct and that you never try supplementing with formula.  Babies are great at getting all they need, barring any genuine physical problems on either end.

My mom bought me a book called "So that's what they're for!"  I'm already 1/2 way through it, and its super funny and helpful.  I think I'm going to get involved in LLL as well, just for extra support, since I'm going to go back to work after my FMLA leave.

I hope everyone is doing well!  I know I'm starting to hit that wall where I am tired of being tired, sick and heavy feeling.  But I still absolutely love feeling Daniel and the actual carrying him part.  
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514585 tn?1328740013
krissyy....i have had several dreams that it is a girl, but then again for the first few months i thought it was twins too....lol....but just a single.  i dont know, with the losses i have had the gender count goes like this...... g,g,b,b,b.....so i guess it just makes sense that this one would even it out and be a girl.  idk maybe i will be wrong...lol

i am planning on nursing for at least a couple of months, but since i never had any luck with it in the past, i am not sure how it will go. still hard to believe that the time has gone by soooo quickly. a few more months and it will be a year since i have been on medhelp...numerous forums but medhelp none the less. seems odd....lol

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272759 tn?1270485594
keeks-i added you on facebook :-)

joyce-can you believe it???  4 mths!  before we know it she will be a year old!  why do you think you are having a girl?  

jamie-skye was a little fussy between 6-7pm before her bath/bedtime routine.  then once she hit 3 months, she hasn't been fussy anymore.  i think she was just getting over exhausted.

anyone breastfeeding??  hows it going?  skye loves her boobie bottle and i think she will have a hard time when we stop breastfeeding.  i hope to go for a year.  i truly love it though...and i will surely miss it!!!

update:  at skye's 4mth appt, she weighs 11lbs15oz and is 25 inches long.  she's in the 15th percentile for weight and 75th for height!  she is long and lean ;-)  she did well for her shots.  cried, of course, then calmed down when comforted.  she is so silly and so much fun!  she changes every day!
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514585 tn?1328740013
keeks so glad to here that rylen is growing well, and is active. i am officially 20 weeks, and i think i felt the baby kick for the first real time this morning...3 thumps in the same spot...seconds apart. it is the only thing it COULD have been...lol.  it helps my frame of mind since i really havent felt much at all yet.  a few times in the last week or so i have THOUGHT i felt a tap or whatever but just not sure...this morning it was very obvious...lol...i am exstatic.  anyhow please keep us posted on how skye and rylen are doing guys.

feb 11 i get a second chance on finding out what i am having....so excited, i will be nearly 24 weeks so they should be able to tell unless cord is in the way OR legs crossed, ect....lol...come on baby cooperate...lmao
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324911 tn?1276281382
Krissy ~ Make sure to let us know how Skylers 4 month check goes! has she had her shots yet? How did she do?..... I bet shes getting so big!!!!.....I keep trying to add you on facebook but you dont come up :( Try adding me next time your on , Kendall Armstrong , Rylen is my display pic :)

Quick Update ~ Rylen gets his 2nd set of shots on the 10th of Feb , he did good with the 1st set so im not too worried! I cant wait to see how long he is , he just got weighed last week & is 14lbs 11oz , probably a little over 15lbs now lol....He doesnt look it though , hes tiny hes just SOLID.....Hes the funniest little guy , always smiling & making faces , he has to be the centre of attention though or hes mad lol.....Hes doing a bit better at sleeping these days .....he slept better as a newborn which is a little annoying LOL.....He goes down around midnight & the last week he wakes up about 2 hours later with a tummy ache & pukes & then goes back to sleep until about 6am , eats , goes back down right away until 11ish , eats & then cuddles in bed with me until noon.....Ive been sleeping until then most days just to get at least 6 hours :(.....I love my little time of cuddling with him though cause he wont during the day lol.....Hes too busy slobbering on me or trying to get away , he will be crawling in no time .... he can sit up by himself for a few seconds , but falls forward & gets mad lol......Hes been sleeping in our room again because hes freakin crib got recalled , so thats not good cause I did have him in his crib for a while but oh well , im enjoying it for now.....Were moving March 1st hopefully , went & looked at some places & I think we found one , its a bit smaller than our current apartment , but brand new  nice , clean & bright & a  better area....Im pretty excited! not so much to move but to throw away all the **** ive been hoarding for years LOL.....Gives me a good excuse to start over......Anyways thats us in a nutshell , busy as usual ....... Hope everyone is doing good :)
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460550 tn?1249846892
lol supermom, I hear that alot, and then people are like oh but your so young and you have 3 kids and blah blah blah how do you do it? do you have help? etc it gets frustrating, but its nice to hear you girls call me supermom LOL, people always think since I am only 21 and have 3 kids that I can't do it, but its not that hard.... okay it can be very hard, Angel tends to be very colicky at night time, and eventually goes to sleep between 11 and 12am and sleeps until 5:30am, and my boys sleep through the night now so yay for me haha.
Wow, 4 months already that went by real fast, it seems like just yesterday when you were talking about being over due and what not.
Yes, hopefully she isn't as quick to walk as what my boys were that is when life got real interesting lol
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514585 tn?1328740013
krissyy OMG skye is 4 months already, dang seems like just yesterday you were where i am (20 weeks) or less.  have i really been on this thing THAT long...lol

anyhow i am anxious to find out if i am truly having a new princess or a prince....although i am pretty sure it is a girl...seems to be the trend on here lately...lol

good luck to all, and keeks and krissyy you give those babies hugs and luvs for me....
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272759 tn?1270485594
katebud-DON"T GET INDUCED!!  pitocin is a bear!!  it brings the contractions very fast and hard.  if i weren't 10 days overdue, i never would have done it.  i hope little daniel is easy on you and comes out a little early or on time...my little miss was very stubborn and liked keeping me in suspense ;-)  as keeks said, it isn't as bad as you think it will be...even though the pitocin was terrible, i did really well with my breathing drug free for 5.5 hours before they gave me my spinal for the emergency csection.  i, fortunately, didn't experience the "ring of fire."  but if you end up with a csection, i can tell you all about that (also, not as scary as people say).

hkenny-aren't the movements the best??  i miss being pregnant and cannot wait for number 2!!

jamie-girl, i don't know how you do it!  twin toddler boys and a newborn!  you must be supermom!!  skyler is very curious as well...she is going to be very smart, but i also think these curious girls are going to get into everything when they learn to walk!!

update:  skye is doing great.  not the best sleeper, but such a good baby!  she goes for her 4 month check up tomorrow :-)
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460550 tn?1249846892
doctors here in canada like keeks said do not do inductions, they don't do them too much unless they absolutely need to
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324911 tn?1276281382
Katebud ~ I dont know many doctors ( at least not in Canada) who will do an elective induction before 41 weeks , most doctors dont see any issues regardless of babies size to induce unless you were to need an emergency c-section or want to do an elective c-section , which to me would a million times worse than having to get any stitches or an episotemy....Its not that bad , I had a " running stitch" so like the entire right side " down there" was stitched inside & out because the layers of your labia can seperate ( yeah NO ONE told me that LOL ) but even then its NOT that bad , you just wear the weird mesh undies & use icepacks for the 1st few days & have troubles sitting , but that happens after a nornal delivery anyways because it will be super tender & swollen down there anyways......Rylen was 8lbs 5oz born at 39 weeks & I went into labor on my own , so I think sometimes your body just "knows" when its ready.....Best thing you can do to help prepare before is at 37 weeks start drinking Red Raspberry Leaf tea to help prepare your body & make contractions more effiecent & do different exercises , kegals are a good one to help your pelvic muscles retract better......I really wouldnt stress too much , its not nearly as bad as you think it will be & honestly when they do stitch ( if you need them) your so high from the adrenaline & overjoyed with your baby you dont even notice.....It took them almost 1/2 an hour to stitch me & I swear it felt like 5 minutes & it barely hurt , the worst part was feeling the thread like going through , but its more weird than painful........You will be good as new within a week after delivery & by that point you'll forget.....Its weird my mom is always like " oh you had such a hard time after he was born" & looking back its like " really??" I cant imagine having something better than my delivery , but hey im looking forward to doing it again if its supposed to be " better" lol.....Just trust in your body to do its own thing & get him out when hes ready , if he isnt quite done being all cozy by 41 weeks , then I would ask for an induction , but keep in mind , you have a better chance of tearing & needing a c-section with an induction done before 41 weeks because not only does it happen faster , but its alot more traumatic on baby to forced out type of thing......I dont know any different than going naturally but all my friends were induced & said it ***** , because its like going for 0 to 60 with contractions where as naturally they progess gradually ( for most people) & like I pushed for an hour & 40 minutes & the doctor had said if he had come out faster I probably would have tore way worse , so it just all depends & best to let the little guy do it on his own time!......You will do great hun just try to stay positive & keep your head up :) He'll be here before you know it & you'll be just fine!!!!!
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