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1139187 tn?1355706647

Burning nerve endings for back relief HELP?


My pain radiates from under my right shoulder blade, to under my rib cage in front.  Hurts worse when I sit.  Tried a block but it didnt work.  Now they want to do some sort of nerve burning on T6-10.  Has any one ever had this done?

What should I expect?

Thank YOu
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I have 2 buldgin disk l4 and l5 I had 8 injections and worst pain for the next 2 days of my life on pain killers hydro 103 x a day hes upn it to 4x a day on a 4 mg mucscle relaxer dnt want up that, now saying he wants to burn the the nerves in back with I think 3 injections as well, I also have osteoarthirthis in left knee and is giving me 3 injesctions in the knee all in the same day. I want some relief but tierd of the injections the physical therapy makes it worse so I refuse to pay money on that that's not an option and told pain management dr that, I did  it 3 x well 3 strikes ur out not doing it, I have water above the knee had it drained 2 x they say cant drain any more or I risk infection and loosing my leg, I'm only 38 and have to small children 10 and 8. any suggestions I open to listen? thank you
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7721494 tn?1431627964
Chances are you will recover from the nerve ablation procedure in less than a week.The procedure causes some inflammation that causes a temporary spike in pain, but does not last long. Then you can look forward to many months of decreased neck pain.

That medial branch block procedure is brutal -- relieving pain for at most 6 hours, while exacerbating pain for a week or more. These days, there is talk of eliminating this step in the treatment of spondylosis and facet syndrome. At least you will not have to have this again the next time you need a nerve ablation -- it will have already been proven to be effective.

Best wishes and good luck.
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I'm having 3 nerves in my neck burned tomorrow.  The 2 trials are diagnostic as well as for insurance purposes. If they don't work, it's not likely the burning will work. Mine worked, but I had really bad soreness in the injection sites for 2 weeks after the second trial, so I'm scared I'll feel horrible after the burning for at least that long.  I have a good massage therapist in Hemet, CA.  Mercy Champlin at Hands of Mercy Day Spa.  You can find her online or on Facebook.
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7721494 tn?1431627964
Well, it would help to know what procedure you had, and what it was meant to treat.

The neuroablation procedure does damage to neighboring tissue, and so will cause pain until this temporary trauma is healed -- usually 1 to 2 weeks.

Also, neuroablation is usually done in two stages -- one side, then the other. If you have advanced spine disease and chronic pain syndrome, you will probably not receive relief until they are finished with both sides, and you've healed.

The usual protocol calls for a two-week wait between procedures, which means that altogether, the process requires about 1 month before it is at maximum pain relieving effectiveness.

Not everyone is put under general anesthesia. Sometimes only waking anesthesia is used, and doses may need adjusting. Tell your doc before the next procedure that you experienced a lot of pain during the first procedure, and perhaps she'll adjust to your dose to give you more pain relief during the procedure.

Good luck.

You were given post procedure instructions -- have you been following them?

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Hi. this is my first time on here. But I just got the nerve burning procedure done on Thursday and its Monday now and I'm still hurting. How long does it take for it to start working? And I was reading that some of you guys were put to sleep when you had this done is that right? cause I was wide awake and crying like a big baby (I'm 55 yrs old) and cussing like a sailor. I've been with back problems since 2004 and been on pain meds since then but under different doctor care now when I started to take pain meds they had me taking 10mg of percs every 4 hours. and now this new doctor will only give me 5mg every 8 hrs. whats up with that? Can anyone give me some advise?
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7721494 tn?1431627964
Yes -- neurolysis (or RF ablation) is performed through a single catheter for each level. The interventional pain doctor inserts the catheter into the medial groove of the affected vertebrae. Once position is confirmed with fluorscope, the needle is replaced by an electronic probe that "burns" the nerve.

This procedure reduces pain in the facet joint (at that level.) On a bilateral ablation, two injection sites are visible. There is one site per side, per level in this procedure.
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My husband has had numerous injections in his back for pain and none of them worked.  He had been asking the doctor at the pain clinic to try nerve burning for a year.  The last time we went the doctor said he had done it the time before.  He only had one needle, would this be enough to burn the nerves?
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Had back surgery in 10/13 had injections before that and then the surgery.  It was great for about 3 months and the back and leg pain started all over again.  I now have had 3 more injections and I still have back and leg pain although this is only my 4th day after the 3rd injection.
I am very active love golf, fishing , long walks etc.  Any suggestions if this injection don't work??
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Brucegoldberg: I have the burning sensation in between my shoulder blades. T-3,4,5,6,7. Then starts out all over my back. But it only happens when I sit and lean back against the back. It burns so bad it's inflamed my stomach and through to my chest. I can walk around and it will go away. It burns like a 3rd degree sunburn. Does that sound like what you had?
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I went through many facet injections in my lower back, I have severe back pain after a car accident.  When those would wear off my Dr. from the pain clinic recommended that we try burning the nerves.  It takes 4 weeks for the nerves to completely "die" I had months of no pain in my lower back and no pain shooting down my leg, it was amazing.  Well it's back with a vengeance, I spoke with the pain clinic nurse and she said some people grow back the nerves and it is common for a small percentage of people who do grow back the nerves to have the pain come back also.  They recommend burning the nerves again and if the pain comes back, talk to your pain clinic Dr. about inserting a nerve stimulator or a pump in your lower back to deal with the pain.  You shouldn't have to deal with debilitating pain and take hard core narcotics- Don't get me wrong take them when you need them, that is what they are for, but you shouldn't have to live on them, that's no life.  Anyway this has been my experience so far- so i'm making my next apt for my 2nd nerve burning and after that- no more, i'm getting a pump put in or a nerve stimulator.  I'm tired of walking like i'm 90 and i'm only in my 30's
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I am having my radio-frequency of the facets on the right side of my neck.This is the second time i have had this done, it LASTED 4 YEARS!!!!. I truly believe the outcome has lot to do with the DR!!!. I have a pain management                      Dr who is a anesthesiologist  ,He has done my whole back years ago and now i need him again, but five years is a long time to be pain free.If you are in near Merritt island Fla look up the space coast pain clinic, Dr Gayles. you won't regret it
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i am having to have my nerve ending in my back killed is it pain full to have done
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Do not get a fusion! Ever!! That is an archaic approach to fixing spine injuries known to have terrible success rates and is irreversible.   additionally it will cause problems on the discs and vertebrae above and below the fusion point.  I was 17 when I first suffered my spine injury in HS wrestling.  It wasn't diagnosed proudly until after I was in the usmc and 19.  A lot of it had to do with core strength and flexibility and it hurts like hell to work through. 13 years later after a discectomy at 20 it looks as though the burning of my best option...but there are disc replacements, discectomies and many other procedures before ever considering fusion. Personally I would exhaust all physical therapy strength and conditioning options first and foremost even if pain pills are needed in the beginning
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I have ALOT of arthritis in my back along with spinal stenosis and bulging discs and age. I have not been out of my house for over a year. I can't stand for longer than 3 minutes...............i finally was sent to a pain clinic where they tried meds, which really didn't work. Am looking into a spinal stimulator and hopefully insurance will pay.
I had the Facet Joint Blocks a few weeks ago and it helped ALOT. Now they say that since that worked, they will FREEZE the nerves...............
Anyone had that done?????????????????
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My mother has the same exact conditions and treatment. We are looking at burning the nerves in her lower back. Is that the same as freeze?  And how did the freeze work? ***@****
My mother has the same exact conditions and treatment. We are looking at burning the nerves in her lower back. Is that the same as freeze?  And how did the freeze work? ***@****
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I have had two steroid epidurals and two facets( a different medicine but same area L4 & L5. I am scheduled for the nerve burning on the 21st of this month. My pain management Dr. says I will get a minimum of 6 months relief. I am praying it works because my disk are herniated at L4, L5, & S1. I will post how it goes.
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1139187 tn?1355706647

Make sure you get the radio rhizotomy where you are put under.  Under no circumstance should you do this while awake.   There are two kinds, one goes deeper in than the other one.  A friend just had it done last week and feels better in 2 days.   You will be sore the day of and next day, but after that you should start to feel relief.  Remember, when you wake up and they ask you the pain level, tell them "10" so you get some good feeling drugs while you are there :)
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Hi Bruce, just wanted to thank you for your posts.  Its encouraging for me.

I have arthritis in my lower back and bulging disc issues from years of a healthy active lifestyle and finally getting rear-ended by a speeding semi.....What use to be flare ups became a regular thing...this became unbearable for me.  

Steroid injections lasted less than a week.  I am 3 weeks in, from my right side nerves being burned and less than two weeks in, from the left side being done.......i am in so much pain!  It actually felt better, earlier on, but its getting really tough to take.  I do not like taking pain meds.

I did read a post where somebody said it can take up to a month of pain, before the burning procedure really takes affect.  If this was you, thx so much.  It will make today, pethaps, a little easier to get through.  Hope is a beautiful thing.

I see the doc on wednesday.....im sure he will have answers for me, too

Thx for your time,
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1139187 tn?1355706647
Its not really a burning, its a radioofrequency thing that goes in and has more of a freezing effect.   Make sure hes knocked out.  If it works he will be in a lot of pain when he wakes up til the next day.  Then in about 3 days should start getting some major relief.
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I really don't know if I'm getting my nerves burned or not in the lower part of my back yet it will be my first time. I'm game anything to get rid of this pain. I've had this for a few years I use to stand on my feet I was a hair stylist for years I've raised two grandkids and working on my third one now. I would try anything to get rid of pain I can take it for awhile and then that's it and I've hit that's it. So I hope I'm a candidate to have my burned. Hope I'm one of those that are lucky and the pain goes away soon afterwards.
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my husband has had his back fused together at the l4 and l5 area  then a year later he got the si joint fused also  he still in very much pain  now they want to burn his nerve ending in his back   do u think that this will help him  he is tired of the pills  and all the pain he still has  he has wanted to kill himself cause of the pain  I'm really worried about this procedure  I hope this helps him with all his pain    

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1139187 tn?1355706647
me?  LOL     its an easy procedure.  just scream for morphine when you wake up LOL   takes about a day to heal.
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I know this is years later but.....thank you for documenting your story. I have been in misery for a year and am now scheduled for having my nerve burned to stop the pain. I have been afraid of it. Afraid to hope. Afraid it would just make me more miserable.
Hearing from someone whom has been there is absolutely what I needed. Thank you for sharing. Thank you most for giving me a little piece of mind. I am a mother of three and can't continue to be sitting on the side lines.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
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1139187 tn?1355706647
no it cant.  it doesnt go in that far.  Its like one step more intense than a cortisone shot.  they use a cat scan to guide it in.   You an also try a tens unit.  bruce
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I have degenerative disc disease from my neck down to my tail bone. I had 2 surgery on my right shoulder from bone spurs. Now, Im in pain in it again. I've seen the doctor over this and he said, it could be scare tissue. causing the problem. With the mri he dont see any reason for another. I cant lay on my right side no more the 15 mins. He did a mri on my left shoulder said, I had a bone spur that will soon be tearing into my rotor cuff. I said, it dont hurt, only when Im laying on that side to long. So, I refuse to do another one having both arms, that could be even worse.I also had ulnar nerve compression on my right elbow. My arms are so weak. I can only pick up no more then 10 lbs and have to put it down right away. Also, my arms ache so bad. My husband massages with muscle rub. I have to have deep tissue massage in my neck, shoulders, and arms to be able just to get out of bed. In my low back I cant hardly stand him touching it. He rubs the muscle rub on the low back for me to even get up. He puts this on at least 4 times a day.Im been.Iwas never dianosed with fibromyalgia but they put me on neurontin 600mg 2pills 3 times a day, going on 3 yrs. I cant tell a difference it taking it.  I been on  I been to chiropractors, physcal therpy, had trigger points & pain meds. I have been in pain managment haveing lumbar cervical epidural steroid innjections for 3 yrs.  And its not helping. I tried another painmanagement dr and he looked at my medical history. He put my on roxicodone. I never heard of it. I took it, it seemed to help but few days later, I was hurting in the top of stomach. I started vomiting, direahea for 2 days. Called doctor and told him and he put me on zofran, it helped alittle. But, I dont know if being sick is worse then the pain. They both was running a close race. I went off it for few days. I wasnt sick but, still in pain. Tried the roxicodone and zofran again. I wasnt vomiting but, I felt so sick.Pain was alittle better, while taking it.  So, I went off the meds again. Cause, I couldnt stand being sick. I was so, sick I couldnt sit up. With pain I can sit few, stand few, etc.Now, the doctor wants to burn the nerves in my neck and low back. Im sooooooo scared. Can this procedure cause you to be paralyzed?  I need all the help I can get.
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