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Post surgical pain after cervical disc replacement

Pain after having an artificial disc replacement~
I had ruptured discs at c5, c6, c7 and the surgery was to use an artificial disc at c6 to alleviate pain.
Right after surgery, I felt great, but about 2 years post surgery, started having pain again.
Now, and dealing with severe headaches that start at the base of my skull, and are like tension headaches.
Also, severe muscle spasms in upper back and shoulder areas (both sides) that are not responding to muscle relaxers, exercise, massage, or ultra sound therapy.
Help! Need some advice!
Had an MRI and MRA about 3 weeks ago, that show no reason in the brain as to why I am having such bad headaches, there is no rhyme or reason to the episodes either.
They can happen in an instant and can go away quickly or linger for a day or two.
The disc is the Prestige artificial disc, and I am involved in a study group.
The doctor that did the surgery says that the pain I am experiencing is not from the disc itself, so he is no help.
I feel like my shoulder and the sides of my neck are constantly tensed up, and I can crack or pop my neck sometimes and that relieves the pressure, but some days, the pain is so intense, I just want to take something to make it all go away!
I do have an office job, but try to get up and walk around the office often, and I do exercise often, walking, SCUBA diving, light weight lifting.
Any suggestions would be great!
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I had 2 disc replaced Lower beck like C5 C6 come to mind around 2016. I was doing good too about to get off my pain pills then BAM!! Everything you described. I can't do many things because the shoulder and back burn, spasm, ache so bad. My daughter uses her elbows to give me deep tissue massage and the knots she says are so hard and embed in my ribs. I am on Gabapentin, Muscle Relaxers, and 5mg hydrocodone..I feel like it will never stop and it is very depressing to have your hands go numb when reading, painting (furniture) things I love..My husband acts like I am faking. I just don't know what to do anymore. I do get trigger numbing injections in the tight muscles. They help for a few weeks in the back shoulder areas but now my neck left side is so tight. Did trigger injections there but didn't help. Also did a torchering series of shots that go deep to the nerve and burn them. It took months and the pain was unbearable. Month after I realized it didn't help. This started in my mid 30's now I'm 44 and dread aging more because I hurt so bad I'd rather sleep through my days just to escape it. If you find any real help..Find me somehow.
SandraJH_USA or something near that I use in Gettr . Good Luck to you. I hope you find answers. My husband doesn't understand and makes me feel like I do nothing but, when I try I move wrong or use my arms to much I end up paying for it for days with muscle pain in upper back, up my neck and every night pretty much head aches.
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I had 2 disc replaced Lower beck like C5 C6 come to mind around 2016. I was doing good too about to get off my pain pills then BAM!! Everything you described. I can't do many things because the shoulder and back burn, spasm, ache so bad. My daughter uses her elbows to give me deep tissue massage and the knots she says are so hard and embed in my ribs. I am on Gabapentin, Muscle Relaxers, and 5mg hydrocodone..I feel like it will never stop and it is very depressing to have your hands go numb when reading, painting (furniture) things I love..My husband acts like I am faking. I just don't know what to do anymore. I do get trigger numbing injections in the tight muscles. They help for a few weeks in the back shoulder areas but now my neck left side is so tight. Did trigger injections there but didn't help. Also did a torchering series of shots that go deep to the nerve and burn them. It took months and the pain was unbearable. Month after I realized it didn't help. This started in my mid 30's now I'm 44 and dread aging more because I hurt so bad I'd rather sleep through my days just to escape it. If you find any real help..Find me somehow.
SandraJH_USA or something near that I use in Gettr . Good Luck to you. I hope you find answers. My husband doesn't understand and makes me feel like I do nothing but, when I try I move wrong or use my arms to much I end up paying for it for days with muscle pain in upper back, up my neck and every night pretty much head aches.
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My wife had an accident 20 yrs ago and had c5 c6 replacement 1 & 1/2 yrs ago. She had 9-10 pains in arms, shoulders, scapulas, with some numbness just before surgery but now the numbness is gone but she has 2-3 pains everywhere. How much time elapsed between your injury and your surgery? - I suspect that the longer that period is, the longer the recovery.
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Hey Nick- this is the best response I've read about exactly what is going on in my life. Are you still a member here? I would love to connect, and see how things have progressed since this!
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Thank for the advice you gave Bill  for the other way of sharing his advice. I to have had surgery and 5 yr later is having a  lot of pain in back of neck  and front temple. There are time when I forget what I'm saying.  This is very hard for me because I love the outdoors and to exercise.  I've been to my Dr  got injection and something for headaches but the headaches want go away. ?.....

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I had artificial cervical disc replacement 10 mos ago. Temporal headaches and I had headache prior with numbness to my arm and fingers prior to surgery. The headaches have reocurred and are worse along with pain in disc area and shoulders. No treatment recommended other than injections (already done) therapy and meds.
Did you check to see if your body is having a negative reaction to heavy alloys? What type of ADR?
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It's been 5 years and i am curious what came of your story. I am experiencing the exact same symptoms, especially the electric current feeling when i lean my head back. i've been diagnosed with cervical spinal stenoisis and 2 severely bulging discs. I'm considering double dics replacement. How are you?
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547368 tn?1440541785
Welcome and thank you for your information on this very old thread. I've been a member of MedHelp since 2008 and have missed this informative thread. Why? - because the title is misleading.

There is a lot of great information contained within - hidden among the multiple posts. I want encourage all new posters to begin a new thread - post - also called "Post A Question."  It's easy and just takes a few more strokes.

I have nasty cervical spine pain. I had a cervical (neck) fracture of the C5 in 1985. Several years ago the cervical spine pain became chronic instead of sporadic and has gradually increased in intensity. Due to sudden onset of severe, Acute Brachical Plexus Neuritis this summer I had an MRI of my cervical spine. It revealed concerning structural changes. The Neurologist shook her head and said "Oh my. You've really got something brewing here."  She referred me to a Neurosurgeon - actually made me an appointment.  Mind you I am a nurse but I became frightened and cancelled the appointment. Who can blame me for cancelling after all I have read on this thread? I will avoid surgery till I can no longer function.

What I did find in this old, long thread is some very good information - information like the Shiatsu pressure point procedure mentioned by Bill Brown this July.  

Please members and visitors - begin that new thread - with a powerful (or catchy) title as Philnoir suggested this July. It'll help others and that's what this and other communities of MedHelp are all about - Help, Support and Information exchange.

If you're reading this after you have already posted on this thread - no problem. Copy and Paste your comment or question into a new thread. It's simple - just go to the top of this thread and in the Green Box on the right hand side it says, "Post A Question" - click on that and it will walk you through the process. I promise it will be far less painful than your cervical spine (neck) pain. :o)

I hope y'all find solutions for your pain and cervical issues. I look forward to hearing from each of you that are still reading and/or active.

Thanks So Much,
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I was in pain, running down my arm and back.Was talking loratob every 4-6 hours and it was doing nothing. Started taking nerotin and the oain went away. I've been pain free for 3 months. Ask your Dr's about this med, For nerve pain and not addicting
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that is awesome feedback. Way to encourage and help out. Thanks so much.
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7721494 tn?1431627964
Thanks for sharing that information Bill, and welcome to the pain forum.

I like the way you write, and appreciate your contribution. But here's the nub -- when you add a comment to an old thread, there's a good chance that many people will miss your contribution as posts quickly roll off the page, replaced by new posts.

More importantly, the title of this old thread may not attract people looking for the information you've so generously shared.

We recommend that you begin a new and give it a powerful title, for instance, "Shiatsu Helps Pain of Cervical Disc Replacement Surgery", more people will find your information and will potentially derive help from your contribution.

Thanks again for sharing. It sounds like you know your stuff and I look forward to further contributions you'd like to offer. We don't have many writers here talking about alternative pain relief practices and I would love to see more.

We're about supporting people in the task of reducing their pain here -- no matter what the means.

Thanks again and best wishes.
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My wife just had disc replacement surgery.  She has needed this surgery for over 20 years, her migraine headaches and severe neck and shoulder pain threatened to destroy her very active sports life.  Luckily we found a Shiatsu practitioner who taught me how to find the pressure points that block the nerve from sending its pain message to the brain.  Over a very short time, with practice, I became proficient.  A strong disbeliever in all forms of alternate medicine I further researched this and found that many progressive doctors believe if you can interrupt the signal to/from the muscle that is in spasm, it can become relaxed or “reset” and the pain naturally goes away.  This allowed my wife to live an active normal life and avoid surgery for 20 years—while waiting for more medical advances.  
I only know what works consistently for my wife’s condition and while it has also worked for a few others I am by no means a specialist.  Most neck, head and upper back pain appears to be caused by muscle spasm— cornic recurring pain equals chronic recurring spasm.  This can be brought on from almost anything it’s a good idea to keep cause and effect notes.
Our method to reset the muscle is to have her sit upright on a low backed chair, lace her fingers together on the lap and allow the elbows and shoulders to sag towards the floor.  No talking means less distractions and less muscle movement.  Now I rest my fingers on the shoulders and probe the back with my thumbs pressing firmly in and out until the she jumps in pain or tells me it hurts by nodding her head once.  
This is the point you’re looking for.  It may feel like a pea sized lump in the muscle.  The suffer must breathe very deeply and slowly in and out (yoga style) after 3 initial deep breaths I begin to press firmly (this will hurt) on the pressure point while she breathes in and out at least 3 more times.  The pain at the pressure point will lessen after 3 to 9 breathing cycles.  When the pain is greatly reduced or gone—I slowly release the pressure point.  
Make sure you press all of the sore points in the same manner.  A comfortable 15 minute rest period follows and the effects should be felt.  The full effect may take an hour or more.  Good luck, I hope this helps everyone.    
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7721494 tn?1431627964
One thing you can do is get a second opinion from an objective spine doctor -- one who is not a surgeon.

I suggest seeing a specialist trained in pain management and the spine. These doctors are a board certified pain medicine specialists, credentialed with the initials MD, DABPM after their name. This means they have a diploma from the American Board of Pain Management.

These are doctors who are trained in advanced anesthesiology and treat chronic pain as a disease – not a symptom. They have a thorough understanding of the nervous system, the spine, the use of advanced pain medication, and are trained in techniques that can deliver pain relief with injections and other non-invasive procedures to specific areas of the body.

They are also experts at diagnosis of rare pain syndromes, like central pain, CRPS, and RDS.

You are showing signs of what's called "failed back syndrome" which really means "failed back surgery."
When the neck is injured or diseased, the lumbar spine compensates to keep your head over your pelvis.

A DABPM may offer alternative treatments to help reduce pain, and also look into your lumbar pain problem.

These docs are also skilled in the use of pain medication.

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I had a c5-6 Disc replacement in June 2012 from a work accident I had several months prior.
For the first two weeks after surgery I was not to bad but was on tablets, from then I started to notice some of the same stuff numbness tingling ect. I also had some other symptoms my arm would give way if I reached for something, headaches and migraines constant, more pain through my shoulder and even less sleep due to pain the dr had me back at work 3 weeks after surgery.
Right now I'm off work and my workers camp has stopped, the restrictions I have from the dr and the pain, migraines, no sleep makes it so I can't work. I'm trying to figure out something I can do from home as I refuse to go back to that surgeon who said I'm the only one preventing my recovery, the surgery was fine. However at our first meetings after surgery which one of my workers heard him say he could of used a bit bigger disc in but it was ok which denied later saying.

I started to think I was crazy as I knew what I could feel and also just after my injury I was told it was all in my head to then and Ended up having surgery.  I ended up in hospital with depression after surgery some months later as I thought I was going crazy, but have now excepted I'm the only person that's knows what I can feel.

But after reading all the comments I'm realising there are others who have problems.

I've also had problems in my lower back as I can't lay flat due to my neck and I sleep in a recliner as I can't afford the bed I need, but when I need to go to the toilet through the night my lower back hurts like crazy but Drs just say it's muscles compensating but lately it has got worse and happens every time day or night.

I'm sick of being told its in my head. I have and do everything I'm told like exercises and stretches and keep weight off ect.

Just wish someone would listen. Sorry if it does not make sense it's getting me angry as I type.

But I will now follow it up more. Is there groups for people like us if not someone should create one. So we can all chat more.
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Year and half after surgery...  Feel pretty good but have surprise headaches and muscle tension in neck.  I have always be cautious about popping my neck and about get sick when I see others pop their neck.  Slow stretches help tremendously and sleeping with my neck brace.  I have found that I hurt more if I am leaning forward a lot or I sleep all curled up.  Some of you might want to try sleeping with brace on. It keeps you putting your chin close to you chest.  It might take a couple of days but I think you will see a difference.
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On a follow up note.  Had xrays done, cent find anything, and now my insurance is not wanting to pay for MRI that doctor says I need.
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I just came across this group.  I am getting ready to goto the doctor myself in about an hour.  I had disk replacement surgery on my c5,c6,and c7 about two years ago.  They also put a metal plate in to help with the healing.  I too felt great after the surgery.  Some side effects I did notice however was less motion of my neck from left to right, and a constant felling that my neck needed popped.  I never have popped it due to concerns of what could happen, but all this I could live with.  however as of 5 months ago... the headaches started coming back, starting at the base of the skull.  Also muscle cramps on the right side of the front of my throat, and within the last few weeks the shooting pain, along with a rather large lump on the back left side of my neck has started.  The lump seems to get better and then bad again, the shooting pain seems to happen if I do a combination of walking and turning my head in a certain direction.  Please if anyone has the same problems and any info of what is going on.. email me.  I'm not very trusting of the doctors in my area.

email...  ***@****
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I have severe pain in my right arm and after trying physical therapy for 3 months had the surgery performed. My c6 was in pieces so the doctor replaced it with a cadaver and had fusion. Now 13 months later I have pain in my left bicep and elbow that varies in intensity.  There are times that I have to have help getting my shirt off. My neck also hurts and the base of my skull.  Waiting for MRI results.
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I wish I read this forum before I proceeded. I was in so much pain prior to surgery I figure I had little to lose.
I had a cervical ADR on c5-c6 and a spinal fusion on the level below. Prior to surgery I had severe neck pain caused by DDD. I was told this operation would fix me up fine. Six weeks after surgery and I feel much worse than I did before I went in for surgery. I was told to wear soft collar and was given a sheet with some neck isometric exercises to perform everyday. I have been diligent on my rehab and have taken 6 weeks off from work. I see my surgeon for my first follow up.
The level of pain I'm in now and really it's different and much more intense pain has been greatly worried. I feel for all who are going through this process.
My ADR was the Pro C.
I will keep forum up to date as to what doctor says from here, I wasn't expecting 100% better but I certainly was not expecting worse. Perhaps it's still very early.
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Hey Everyone,

The doctors made me feel like an idiot but finding this forum, I realized that I am not the only one (in a weird way, I feel so relived that I a not alone). I was injured at work in mid June of 2013 which rendered me with absolutely no feeling in my left arm (as a musician, this took away something near and dear to my heart) and partial feeling in my right arm , between June and October I was under the care of workmans comp and for the entire time they treated me for a pulled muscle or  strain, the doctors a lot kept me in work without a care (I work in a warehouse where lifting is my main objective, so you could image how that went). After multiple X-rays, "second opinions'' PT visits and epidural injections they finally did an MRI which reviled that I had 4 ruptured/Herniated discs and crushed nerves. At this point workman comp and the doctors had suggested a full disc replacement. I fully accepted the offer after being in so much pain for so long, On November 18th I had the surgery for only one disc out of the 4 , thinking all was going to be alright- about 3 weeks following the surgery I felt a pop or break in my neck and the pain instantaneously returned, at my follow up appointment the doctors told me that it was normal sent me on my way and back to work. The following weeks produced more intense pain, headaches, vomiting, fevers, sweating and dizzy spells until I couldn't handle it any more. I went back to the doctors and he did an xray to find that the disc has shifted and dislocated. My workmans comp rep is now sending me to another doctor and this doctor is saying that there is nothing wrong with me and and the disc is fine. I guess what I'm trying to say is I am scare, and I am in pain and I feel like I am falling apart. this injury is ruining my life, my marriage and ruining my life with my daughter. I just do not know what to do anymore.
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I had c56 disc replacement in February 2013.  Surgery was great I don't have numbness tingling or pain in shoulder or back, but I had cracking and popping constantly in neck and aches in my head near where the skull meets the neck. Weirdness thing right after surgery, I would go to bed fall asleep, move and not right after but 3oo 4sec later my neck would pop. So loud my husband could hear it.  It seemed to have gone away 6 months after but has now returned since I have started doing more activities. To help .  I go back to what the pt told me in stretching my neck.  It helps instantly rid me of headaches. Sometimes I have to do it for awhile but it is worth it.   The stretch is simply pulling you chin up and back to the back of ur head. U can feel the stretch  Kinda like someone is pulling your jaw from the back. Posture has a lot to do with how you feel. Keep your shoulders down and head pulled up.  If you are on a device  or phone all day looking down. I found I have more headaches. Try keeping head and eyes forward.  Riding the lawn mower also bothers me with the bumpy ride so I have decided it isn't worth it.  You now have to limit yourself on activities.  Never thought I would have to do that.  It has only been 8 months. But I am trying to get stronger with  exercise and I believe it helps   I am hoping I will feel normal again soon.  Just keep trying to strengthen your muscles .  
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I hope you check back and let everyone know the outcome. Alot of us are going though the same thing and same tests.
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Had a constant knot on my right shoulder and started to get tingling down my right arm.  MRI showed herniated disc between C6 & C7, so, had the Prestige cervical disc surgery in April of 2009, four years ago.  Knot is gone and tingling is better.  Prior to the surgery the doctor had put me on Valium to help alleviate muscle tension, which did help.  After the surgery the doctor switched me to Klonopin, a different Benzodiazepine.  While these medications do help, I strongly urge you to research the long term effects of the family of Benzos.   I found this web site: http://www.benzo.org.uk/ that really help me wean off of Klonopin, which after four years had taken over my life.  I’ve been off of the Benzos for 4 months.  I feel more lucid, but the headaches have gotten much worse.  I initially thought the Artificial disc was the root cause of my headaches, but after reading everyone’s entries, It appears these headaches occur with fusion too.  I find the longer I lay my head down the worse my headaches last, much the same as krazeekook4u’s May 12, 2010 entry states.  If anyone has a non-medication cure for the headaches please post it ASAP.  thnx
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Had cervical ACD using Pro-disc C at C5/C6 on 12/19/12.  I'm a Dentist and "head forward" posture is how the majority of my work day is spent.  After the surgery, I had pain/stiffness as to be expected and took 3 weeks off from work. I can say with confidence that after 7 months I can function at work and play without pain.  I do not work out with heavy weights anymore, but instead stretch daily.  I also use a home device called the " posture pump" for about 15 minutes every other night.  The thing that was hardest for me was knowing that I literally "broke my neck" due to my workaholism and bad posture.  Everyone on this blog with pain remember to arm yourself with 2 things; knowledge and persistence.  If your pain is real and your surgeon or family Doctor wishes not to acknowledge it then move on.  Do not watch and wait as this is what resulted in chronic irreversible damage to your spine.  Find someone certified and well educated to review your MRIs/ x-rays, preferably someone that is not involved in capitalizing on your procedures!  With all that said, trust your gut and listen to your body.  Use medication as a temporary solution while relentlessly pursuing a CURE
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My wife had an accident 20 yrs ago and had c5 c6 replacement 1 & 1/2 yrs ago. She had 9-10 pains in arms, shoulders, scapulas, with some numbness just before surgery but now the numbness is gone but she has 2-3 pains everywhere. How much time elapsed between your injury and your surgery? - I suspect that the longer that period is, the longer the recovery.
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Hi there thank you for you post. I have been scrolling thru trying to find the most recent post that is similar to my own situation. I had c5,6,7 neck fustion - titanium plate & 6 bolts with spreading and cleaning out of discs cemented with cadaver ground bone on Aug 20, 2012. I did not have an accident... just usage, work and genes. Now 4mo's post surgery I am experiencing now and for the past two months acute spasms behind my neck that radiates out to the ears. Plus right should pain/ache down to my fingers, etc... My Neuro says that I'm fitting into the 20% of patients that have this done and have this problem. He said it's my muscles and related it to a lady who wears stilettos all her life and then goes to flats. That the muscles regect the idea of not having to work so hard, better room for them and try to stay where they have been trained to be over the years. I have an extension from him from work for another 12 wks. I sure hope I feel better by then. I miss my job and co-workers, feel guilty all the time and most the time feel alone in this situation. I have never taken pills before or had any type of medical problem. I'm 60 going on 30 and have always been active. Such a drag. I read the posts just so I can find that tunnel of light from someone in our situation that has broken thru the post surgery pain and are now doing great! So if there is anyone out there that is doing great now, let us know. I'm just looking for a timeline to recovery.
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