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Hi everyone,
I have posted before and will mention briefly for those that are new a little background. I have sharp back pain in my left upper buttock near the SI joint.The pain varies from day to day and I have had this recurrance for a year now. I got this from my dog pulling me forward (first time) and got out of pain from physical therapy. The second recurrance a year and a half later was from a twist done wrongly in yoga. My MRI is negative, bone scan negative, hip Xrays normal except mild osteoarthritis. I have seen an orthopedic surgeon who says that it is not structural it is dynamic. Pain doctor says myofascial. The physiatrist (physical medicine) doc says no idea see a neurologist to rule out any thing else. I see the neurologist in two weeks. I was doing ok after 6 weeks physical therapy (PT) out of pain until I bent over without bending my knees. I decided to see another PT and he totally injured me. I went on pain meds and finally got off but I had sat for a month and  a half and got weaker. I didn't do any home chores or didn't go anywhere. I finally went to another PT who made my pain get lower but then he had me do a lunge on the floor and I pulled a muscle since my left leg is somewhat weaker than the right or I am weak on both sides. Then he tried traction on the left hip joint to loosen up my thigh muscle and it hurt and finally I felt a tear and couldn't hardly walk for two months and again sat for two months and tried walking a little more each day. I am still not able to bend, wash myself where I have to bend and am too stiff to cross my left leg without some pain. I have gotten up to 45 minutes of walking each day (plus 10 minutes in the afternoon) and stretching twice a day (pyriformis, knee to chest, pelvic tilt, tighten stomach and kegal muscles, achillles stretch and laying on back , knees bent rock side to side a bit. I am riding in the car now to get to my doctors but it hurts to drive since I can't recline the seat. I use heat and still sit too much. I am really afraid to go to another PT, since I haven't responded to the last two.
My main question is if you are atrophied like I am and get slight injuries from things like trying to grab something when you drop it or twisting or moving the wrong way. How can I get stronger without hurting myself. Also, the other question is when you are atrophied does it increase pain in your injured area as you do  new moves or new exercises. Like will it get easier to sit in the car eventually just from doing the activity? I am trying to walk more every day until my muscles get sore then I don't increase. Any and all suggestions are very welcome.
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I am sorry to hear that your experience of PT hasn't been very good. When my back went initially I could not move or walk for almost two weeks due to extreme pain and poor treatment from my doctors. I had nerve compression in my spine that affected my left leg, and due to the lack of exercise I had lost the strength in my leg and foot. I couldn't go on to my toes, i had to walk putting the weight on my heel. PT was the answer for that, it did not help my pain at all (you say that you did experience some pain relief initially which is positive). I think you are doing exactly the right thing by walking as it is the best and most simple exercise for you, which is perfect right now, and will build up your strength. Really avoid anything that causes you more pain, at least until you are diagnosed, as it can of course mean that you are causing more damage, but if it is an irritated nerve then it is just pain signals to a degree, but you still need to be careful.

As you have not had a diagnosis yet I wouldn't suggest doing too much other than walking as you are. Maybe try some of the exercises that your PT gave you that did help, just the simple ones that are repetitive and simple, anything that causes pain, stop! As for driving, it may improve, but it is difficult to predict without knowing what the cause of the pain is, and what treatment options there are.

I wouldn't completely write off the idea of seeing a different PT, but make sure you explain your history and if they give you an exercise that you feel would not help, then don't do it and explain your concerns and ask if there is an alternative exercise. Keep everything simple. Again though, it is probably best to wait until you have a diagnosis that your PT can work from. I went to them for leg problems, but because they knew it was caused by my spine they didn't give me anything to aggravate that pain, but still regain the strength in my leg.

It is a very slow process, so don't push yourself too much, the exercises you are doing sound pretty positive, and the fact that you have increased your walking does show that you are developing some strength again.  As for sitting around still, just try and break up the resting, just getting up and wandering around the room for a few minutes will stop you getting stiff, or break up the walking you are doing in to multiple groups, so you are walking the same amount (you might even find that you can do more as it is less in one go) and that will break up your rest periods.

I hope this helps and isn't too rambling to follow! As you have seen in my posts, my lack of sleep is affecting my ability to process my thoughts so I hope this all makes sense! Please keep me updated on your diagnosis and progress. Hopefully you will get some answers soon! :-)
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Hi Kerry88,
Thanks for your comments. I agree that walking seems to have been the best thing overall for not causing injury and increasing strength somewhat. I hurt when I walk or do just about anything really so I have to push through the pain some. I don't know if I will get a diagnosis. I don't really know who else to go to after all the doctors I've seen. I think it is either a pinched nerve that is not yet seen on the MRI, myofascial trigger point or SI joint problem. I know they are quite different but it is not spinal. So, like you said try to not get hurt. Sometimes that is impossible for me. But I try to move forward. I don't even know what I can take for pain. I'm sensitive to most drugs and Ibupropin works ok but it hurts my stomach. I also am not sleeping well but mostly due to night sweats (peri-menopause). I am going back to my family practise and the neurlogist in two weeks. I don't expect a diagnosis. I think you are right about taking it slow but I need to be able to drive and get to my doctors appointments at least. My husband is taking a lot of time off of work to get me into the doctor. I did take a cab in the past but aside from it being expensive they go so fast and twist around the corners that and hurts worse than me driving. So, I am at a loss right now other than doing the walking and stretches. I have some strengthening exercises like the bridge, ball against the wall squats, the clam (lay on your side, knees bent and lift the bad side (knee) up). I am trying to go slower this time. I am thinking of getting an opinion from my PT that didn't hurt me but I don't if he will do it without me letting him do a physical. I am actually too weak to do the exercises he had me start with last time. today I am frustrated and tired. So, I'm sorry if I'm rambling. I sometime dispair and don't know what to do next. It is hard.  How do you know when you can go from a flat surface to a medium hill? Or, when you are strong enough to do a strengthening exercise? Does atrophy cause pain? Is it the sharp pain i am feeling or just sore muscles when you do more exercise? I hope you are feeling better.
thanks again,
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I can relate to wanting to drive yourself around. I let my sister-in-law borrow my car while I recover but they are taking forever to give it me back, so I am relying on lifts and you feel like a burden and want independence. Try altering your car seat so that you are as comfortable and supported as possible, maybe look at posture cushions that you could maybe use in the car so that your lower back isn't taking too much strain, and only drive when you really need to, like to the doctors and things.

It must be difficult to be in pain and not able to control it with painkillers. You could maybe look at alternative methods to relieve pain? I have no expertise in this, but you could maybe research this. I know certain smells can reduce pain, so maybe it could work for you? or even hypnotherapy?

As for walking up hills, it will all depend on how you feel. I have been using a treadmill so have, on occasion, increased the incline on the treadmill to see how I get on. This may be a good way to test yourself without finding yourself stranded in pain on a hill! The weakness can and will of course cause muscle pain as they develop, in the same way a child has growing pains or anyone would hurt after a first gym session.

I wouldn't like to suggest when to start introducing further strengthening exercises, it would be better to have supervision from a professional to make sure you don't risk injuring yourself further.

I know how frustrating it is recovering as it is a very slow process, but I do think you are doing everything right at the minute by doing regular low impact exercises and not rushing or forcing yourself to go too far. Look up methods of maintaining a proper posture, especially sitting, walking and reaching down to pick things up so you don't cause unnecessary strain. Possibly look at yoga for strengthening core muscles, but again, with an instructor. Do not venture in to something different without help and advice from someone who knows exact methods so that it can be as effective as possible.
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thanks for your support. I think you understand and it makes me feel better that you are reinforcing what I am doing. Well, most of the time the pain isn't too bad. There are days when I wish I had something that works that doesn't give me problems. Actually, if I take Ibupropin and tylenol for a couple of weeks my level does drop but then it hurts my stomach and my doctor said not to take it anymore. I do take tylenol but he had to monitor my liver. It isn't enough really. I am thinking about acupuncture but my insurance doesn't cover it and again I have to be able to get there on a daily basis. My husband can't take that much time off and the taxi drivers just won't slow down. I have gotten so I can get into the car with the seat reclined and it isn't too bad. I have a lumbar support pillow (though it isn't perfect). Driving hurts I think I said because I can't recline the seat and reach the key or the gear. I'll work it out. I want to be able to get back to getting around without help. I totally agree with you on the feeling of being a burden. But we are both injured. Well, I'll keep up what I'm doing and then try to get up more. it is hard to know how much to get up. There seems to be a point where I get stronger and then I have a small set back. I'm not sure why. But then I'll get into a spurt and go forward. So, I hope to recover at some point. I'm going to miss out on meeting with the family for Thanksgiving and Christmas again though because it is a minimum of a three hour drive plus they have very uncomfortable furniture. I don't know I sure hope to get out of this mess. I hope you feel better soon too. Thanks for being there.
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Hi, sorry it has been a few days since I have checked up on here. I hope you are doing well! I can definately relate to what you are experiencing, even if the cause is not from the same thing. Yesterday I set myself back by trying to boost my nephew up on to the settee and it pulled on my back, since then it has been sore and radiating down my leg a little bit, so I am just hoping I just annoyed a nerve rather than done anything permanent!

I don't know what to advise as far as gettin acupuncture, I don't really understand the american health service, but I had to pay to have a session privately as the NHS is slow and doesn't always cover alternative medicine, and I was desperate at the time! The lady did a home visit as I couldn't leave my house as there was stairs in the way of me and the front door! I didn't really feel any different as a result, but the acupuncturist did say that I needed medical intervention because of my symptoms and didn't book me for further appointments. I think it cost about £60 which I think is around $90 for one hour. I never revisited acupuncture as I think it is good for pain relief and tension etc if there is no specific root cause that can be addressed. For example, acupuncture would be no good treating a broken arm because it needs to be fixed, but could b very useful in dealing with the pain and healing of it. I think something like this would be useful to you if the doctors still can't find anything...another option could be hypnotherapy, as that can maybe dull the pain receptors in your mind to your specific pains, which could reduce your discomfort in daily life, especially when painkillers cause you problems.

I really hope your week is going ok, another week until you see your doctor, keep me updated on how that goes! I don't know what it is like where you are right now, but the cold definately does not help with pain! It is freezing here! xx
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oh yes, and thankyou for the best answer :-) x
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I thought I would write and update you and also ask how you have been. I don't know if you are still on this site but will see...
Since my last post in November I have improved somewhat. I still get set backs about every 3 weeks no matter what I do to try and prevent them. I am walking 1 hour a day now and driving to accupunture twice a week! I went to the integrative medicine doctor who does a combination of alternative medicine and regular western medicine. So, the doctor says I have myofascial pain syndrome. I have trigger points and that is the main problem. He doesn't want  me to do any strengthening or lifting yet until my pain goes down. He has me on Flexeril, which really helps me sleep and initally took away the muscle spasms, Limbrel 500 twice a day which is a plant based NSAID and less hard on the stomach, avosoy , which is extract of avocado and soy, fish oil, I added recently low dose of magnesium which helps with my leg pain or leg tightness and twitches. I have to pay cash too for the accupunture and I'm getting biofeedback next week just to try it. It is 75 dollars a visit if I pay cash. It didn't work for 5 visits except to relax me and to de-stiffen my back. Then I got another person by chance and my pain went from a 6 to a 0 that day and was better the next. The next visit with her it was lower on the day of the visit and then it dropped in the middle of the day to 0 for a short time then stayed low for a couple of days. But then I had a "tweek" or set back by just laying in bed and trying to push the sheets forward so as to not trip on them when I got out of bed. It set me back walking only for a week and the pain stayed higher for two weeks. i am back to accupunture and the pain is gradually getting lower. I hope to make it to my doctors appointment before getting it again!  He said also no PT yet and is not sure about getting myofascial massage as he thinks it may increase or flare up the pain so I'm to wait  for a while. It is on the list of things to do. He said no to trigger point injections. I am wanting to do strenthening to stop the tweeks but I guess it is a process. What do you think? Have you improved since you wrote me last? What has happened to you since you wrote. I have just started getting back on this site.
take care,
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Another update if you are on here or anyone else wants to comment.
It has been a month and a half since I last wrote. Since then I have had some changes. I started increasing my walking and finally am up to a slow but steady 1 hour and 15 minutes at one time. I do about 8 minutes in the afternoon. I still have pain (higher every other day for some reason) but the tweeks that set me back seem to be either gone or just lasting a day. It still hurts to drive usually the day of and/or the day after. I have been doing biofeedback breathing exercises, meditation, and still getting accupunture. The accupunture has only occastionally helped with the pain. But I am also taking about 300 mg of slow magnesium. I think I am improving but I still am weak and need to do more. I know I sit way too much and try to get up and move around.They want me to do the stretches from the Treat your own back book by Robin Mckenzie. I am working on the posture but don't know how in the world to get onto my stomack to do the extensions stretches. Anyway, I  hope you are better.
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