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Has anyone used chiropractic care?

I feel like I am going insane.  I have been experiencing weird symptoms since January and have had too many doctor visits and tests to even list.  Everything keeps turning up normal which is good but on the other hand, is frustrating.  I get these "episodes" where I feel very weak all over, my muscles ache and I feel like I am going to collapse.  It's not necessarily a lightheadedness feeling but like a car that is running out of gas.  I have bad neck/upper back pain/tightness nearly all day every day.  These "episodes" frighten me because I really feel like I am going to collapse.  It also feels like something is putting pressure on my upper back and I can feel it all the way through to my chest which makes me feel like I can't get a good deep breath.

The chiropractor I saw (as well as other doctors) have said my spine is a complete mess.  I have had accidents over the years and I think they have all taken a toll on my back.  I had two incidents in January before these "episodes" started.  I was in a very minor fender bender and instantly had a horrible migraine.  About three weeks after that, I hit my head really hard.

I am curious if anyone has had success through chiropractic care.  I saw a chiropractor last week and loved him.  He specializes in gentle adjustments (no neck cracking, back snapping type of stuff).  I felt alot better when I left but almost a week later and I am right back where I started from.

These "episodes" prevent me from enjoying life.  I want to believe that spinal misalignment can cause many weird, vague symptoms like the ones I experience but I don't know what to believe anymore.  

I took an Advil when this last episode started a few hours ago and I do feel a little better now so perhaps I have some inflammation that's causing this.

Does anyone have some insight for me?  I just don't know where to turn.

11 Responses
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4312069 tn?1352654446
Hi there

I had a very healthy life till recently i would say about past year a episode of personal and work issues causing a lot stress in turn had symptoms you mentioned although i did not suffer any accident previously... I saw GP's couple of times, blood tests came normal... Then a friend suggested chiro i tried for 3-4 sessions as my x rays came up as my back was messed up... it did help i would say also sametime chiro gp suggested that i look at my work desk, my posture (i used to lean forwards a lot hence neck pain) Work chair was causing my back aches... After making some changes in this area i have noticed significant improvement in my pains...I hope this helps
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I have MAJOR back problems. I did 56 chiro visits,with decompressionand 1 hour of theraputic massage. I was releived of a great deal  of pain.
   Now here's the deal with chiro. work.
   The 1st time you go you may feel sore or worse than B4 you went if you go for 5-6 weeks in a row and give it a chance it should help. The best way to explain it is this...you have bones/joints out of wack and then someone comes in and in 15-20 min. puts everything back where it's supposed to be. Well your body gets a little pissed! Like you were just in an accident,because it thinks that where your bones were is where they belong. So your body is fighting to put them back where it feels they "should" be.
So you are going to a chiro to "retrain your body"
I personally fell that you may want to start with "soft" treatment. But go up to a more aggresive approche.
Hope I was able to help.
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All they will do is harm. Chiro gets you into a never ending agony, Pl do not try them I am a sufferer. Try a qualifies Physical therapist or osteopath first
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I was adjusted the first day I was born. I was born with a condition called erb's palsy and the so called real doctors told my parents there was nothing they could do for me. I would  be disfigured my entire life. My chiropractor after working with me as an infant corrected the situation within one week! The so called real doctors had pulled my head to strongly during the birthing process causing a stretch on the brachial plexus. Chiropractors are the best doctors out there for health, MDs are great for emergencies. Never go to an MD for wellness, they administer drugs when not needed and are under the control of pharmeceautical companies. $ controls US healthcare. If you care for your health go to people who care, or what MDs call alternative healthcare. It is not an alternative, it is a must if you want to stay drug free, happy and healthy.
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As an insurance adjuster for one of the major work comp insurers, I see folks that go to chiro's all the time, as well as those that go to orthopedics or neurologists.  Consistently, those that receive traditional medicine get better faster, and feel better in a shorter period of time.  Chiro feels great for a while, but you'll keep going back.  The science of chiropractic manipulations is also a bit suspect beyond the first one or two manipulations to get the spine aligned.  Do yourself a favor and see someone that went to med school.
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KLB--- tightness in the upper back and chest is are signs of something called Upper Crossed Syndrome. It's a postural problem-- rounded shoulders, forward head posture (work alot on the computer?) cause an imbalance of the muscles in the front (neck and chest) and mid/upper back. My problem went undiagnosed until I met with a trainer/PT who now sits on the bench of The Detroit Pistons. He mentioned this syndrome to me and I fixed it in 4 months after 2 1/2 years of daily pain that basically took my life away.. Research it on the internet and then get started. The peron who first identified it is Vladimir Janda. Erik Dalton has a great website that explains the anatomical situation, and Jolie Bookspan has a great website (and books) on how to fix it.good luck. feel free to email me personally and I'll offer more help. ***@****
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I used to see a chiro until I became a health proffesional and learned that neck cracking can cause strokes.  Plaque in your carotid arteries can become dislogded and travel to your brain.  You should never even massage or rub the sides of your neck( look it up if you don't believe me, its called carotid massage.).  That scared the **it out of me and I never went back.  Now I won't let anyone near my neck haha.
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Osteopath are just as good as chirpractors or better, and they are actually physicians that went to medical school and deserve to be called a doctor, a good physical therapist trained in myofascial work can do the same as chirpractor. Many chiropractors don't have enough training, look at what chirpractors have done in workers compensation in california, the abused the system, I am not saying all chirpractors are the same, but consider an Osteopath first
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2 good resources for referrals are www.gonstead.com and www.chiropractic.org.  Good luck.
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I have been using my chiropractor for over 20 years and love him. He is smarter then any doctors I have seen for any medical condition. He is a health person and not in favor of drugs unless needed as a last resort. He has helped me with several car accidents I have been in that had put so much trama on my body. He has even come to the house when I broke my ribs and foot and wrist in one accident to adjust my neck. Yes, he does help with my pain.

I was in a 4 car collision three years ago and my body is so bad that I have been out of work since that day. He still helps relieve pressure on my spine and nerve pain.

Just make sure you are referred to a good chiropractor because if you are, that doctor is worth his weight in gold.

Good Luck!
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some people do not believe in CHIRO care, but I do. I have been going to mine for 20 years. I am 37 yearsold.  Iwas in a car accident when I was 12, rearended and got whiplash/cervical strain.  My back is also a mess. I have 2 herniated/bulging discs, I have osteoarthritis in my back and neck. I have stenosis on left side of my neck.  Been through 2 MRI's, physical therapy andand my chiropractor and all has gotten better, with no surgery.

I go once a month for an adjustment.  I don't have much time to write right now, but YES, I fully believe in my chiropractor.  remember, they are not all the same.  Find one that works with the types of adjustment youwould like.  Mine is a chiro that adjusts me, cracks my back and neck.  Others use little instruments to poke around and loosen things up (I don't believe in those kind). I believe in what they call the "bone crackers".  

GOOD LUCK to you.
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