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Lower back pain only in morning

I wake every morning with horrible pain in lower back (kidney area) that radiates to the front of stomach (rib area).  I have had battery of tests and found nothing.  I am only able to sleep 5-6 hours before pain wakes me, also unable to take a deep breath until I get out of bed (very painful just to roll over), once I stand and get out of bed the pain almost immediately starts to ease.  After about 20 minutes of walking around and after first morning void, pain disappears for remainder of day.
Could this be a pinched nerve or nerve compression?  Had MRI of lower lumbar which showed normal...chiro recommends stretching excersises, something serious has to be wrong with this kind of pain.  If anyone has any ideas it would be GREATLY appreciated!!
269 Responses
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I have the same problem:
Only on the morning pan and afer a bit of walk around the house it all goes

I have read quite a bit around and i think is because of gas.

Also if i have conticipation my pain is even larger...

So my opinion is the diet and gas
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did anyone find out what this was, I also sweat with this feeling when waking
did anyone find out what this was, I also sweat with this feeling when waking
1532222 tn?1440119195
Thank you for your response philnoir. I have seen my primary care physician and she has done some x-rays on 8/13 (F/U 8/28) the thing with my back pain is, it wakes me up with horrible lower body pain. After I've moved around for a little bit I'm fine, no pain at all for the rest of the day. Even lifting and pulling 200 lb. Patients, do not bother my back. My Dr. has precribed me cyclobenzaprine and tramodol but I've only taken it one time before bedtime. And it's baffling that this back pain only happens in the morning, usually waking me up, and there are some mornings I don't have this pain. I have tried different mattresses, even have slept on the floor, to no avail. I'll update when I get results ;-)
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Did you get any results, I am in the same boat as you
7721494 tn?1431627964
Hello Colleen3273 and welcome to the spine forum.

I usually don't reply to tail-end Charlies -- people who add a comment to a thread that's almost as old as I am, and has 300 posts. I just don't have the time to read back through the comments that say "I have just what you described."

But let me share a little information.

LBP (low back pain) is the #1 cause of medical visits in a country where 100 million people live with daily intractable pain. Pain is America's worse epidemic, ever, and LBP is a leading part.

There's many reasons for LBP, but not all are idiopathic -- of unknown cause.

Your problem could be anything from a bad bed and sleeping posture, to severe spine disease.

Strengthening your core muscles -- the deep low layer muscles, like the ileopsoas, that support your spine. There are specific exercises you can do every day to build these muscles -- many people see a remarkable decrease in pain by doing so.

But if that doesn't work, and you are 50 years old (or more), you are likely to have a painful degenerative spine condition that can lead to disc bulges and herniations that put pressure on nerves and cause pain. This condition progresses, causing painful arthritic changes to the joints in the back.

There are treatments for these problems, but if you don't start by seeing your doctor for a history and physical, and some imaging of the lumbar spine, you'll never benefit from them.

You're one of the sharper tacks in the box, so I'm sharing this information with you in the odd chance that you follow up on it and receive some relief.

Best wishes.
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1532222 tn?1440119195
I've read every single comment under this post. I to suffer from this monster! First a little about myself for comparison.
1. I've had bi-inaugural hernia surgery with mesh (I am allergic to the mesh they used)
2. I suffer from chronic kidney stones since I was 19. I am 42 now
3. I'm severely lactose intolerant
4. I have GERD with small ulcer and inflammation of the stomach due to lactose
5. Diagnosed with anxiety
6. I get Charlie horse in my upper right ribcage when I bend in a certain position.
7. I have plantar fasciitis.
8. I currently take Super B Complex vitamin 1tab daily, slow release iron supplement pill (Slow Fe) 45mg daily, CLA 1000mg 2caps morning 1 cap evening, 500mcg Chromium daily, 10mg zyrtec daily for allergy to mesh.
9. I drink at least 48 oz. Of water per day.
10. I was a dancer for 30 years
11. I'm currently a Nurse Assistant (2 yr veteran). So 3-12 hr. Shifts mostly on my feet, lifting pulling, turning patients
12. My low back pain started 3 yrs ago, and some mornings I don't have it
13. After about 5-6 hrs of sleep I'm awoken BY excruciating/paralyzing pain in my lower back area radiated just above my hips into the lower half of my body.
14. It's takes me at least 5-10 minutes just to roll over to my side and push myself up to sitting on the side of the bed with crippling pain.
15. I don't feel steady at all walking right away as I feel my lower body will break off at any moment the first 30 minutes after I stand.
16. Bending over to pick anything up off the floor the first 45 minutes to an hour after waking up, is impossible.
17. Passing gas seems to immediately relieve the hurtful pressure I feel.
18. Sitting on the toilet involves FALLING back onto the commode with a udder scream.
19. There are some mornings I don't have the pain. More so than not though.
20. I've went thru 5 different mattresses to no avail.
21. I've tried sleeping on the recliner, i was relieved for a few days but episodes came back.
22. I've tried beginners yoga for a week, it helped for a few days than the episodes came back.
23. I've gained 25 lbs in the last 2 years with failed attempts to losing it with strict diet and exercise.

This thread has comforted me in knowing I'm not alone in this. And I have some options to try. I will keep a journal for a few weeks of my diet, my activities, my supplements, and my hours of sleep and time of day I sleep (I work 7pm-7am) so some days I sleep while most people are working.
Things I'm going to try: (and I'm going to give each one below a few weeks so I know the pain won't come back) than I will report back to you all with my findings
1. Epson Salt: 1-2 tsp. In bottle of water every other day for two weeks. My grandmother swears by Epson Salt so I'll try this first!
2. PSOAS stretches: 15 minutes in the morning once my flare up is gone, and 15 minutes at night 1/2 hour before bedtime for two weeks
3. Take a daily prilosec tablet before bed for two weeks
4. Try a gluten free diet (though I'm already lactose free diet, so this one should be easy to do) for two weeks.

I do know that doctors and chiropractors don't know the cause of this just by all of the comments. So I'll avoid all the tests and sessions that you all have tried with no relief. I do believe that this thread there may be an answer and correlation to our problem. This condition, as I'll call it, the "Devils Back" does not discriminate against age, gender, nationality, or fitness level.
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13825484 tn?1431633406
I spent hours researching all the same complaints for my husband online as he was very worried & Doctors weren't finding anything to help...his symptoms were: mid-lower back pain, abdominal discomfort(which would wake him every day/night ) heavy feeling in stomach after eating,anxious feeling,tingling in the hands and feet,broken sleep, and brain fogginess...well this all led to a B-12 Deficiency,Magnesium as well, and needing to take a Probiotic daily& remember to take the vitamins at a different interval of the probiotic, because if you take all at once your discomfort will increase...I myself was suffering from the mid-lower back pain, also a skin condition and after much research I chose Dr Clark Cleanse system & slowly our symptoms are resolving...use a B12 Sublingual Quick-Melt so that your body absorbs it completely, research the best option for you & patience is key although my better halfs' sleeping improved within -3-4 days of starting the b-12 & magnesium, Hopefully this helps some of you with resolving your pain & discomfort, also my pain also diminished in the mornings within the 4th day of starting the cleanse....My best to all of you
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I've had the same problem. What has really helped for me, i'd say almost 90% is that my wife is pregnant and she bought what you call a pregnancy pillow at a garage sale for around $10, the one she got retails for $50-60 at amazon: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0000635WI/ref=s9_simh_gw_p75_d0_i2?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=desktop-1&pf_rd_r=15B9MRB9ZF95X0SJSB5W&pf_rd_t=36701&pf_rd_p=2079475242&pf_rd_i=desktop

anyways, it's a funny looking pillow that wraps around your neck and you fit it in between your legs. Sleeping on my sides with it or on my back with the bottom part under my knees have completely abated the pains i would wake up with. Before using her pregnancy pillow, I tried just using a normal pillow between my legs, and that technique did not work as well. It was barely a little bit better than having no pillow at all, which is the worst, and makes my back act up in the morning. Anyways, the pregancy pillow has been a blessing to me so I'd recommend it if you can find it for sale somewhere, craigslist maybe. It's worth trying out to see if it helps you. Might be worth it paying full price too, because like I said it has completely removed the pain feelings in the morning if I remain using the pillow all night.
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