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Sharp pain in upper back and left shoulder, pain increase upon breathing.

I have been having a sharp burning pain in my upper back mostly on the left side by the shoulder blade.  At times my neck and left arm are effected too. The pain is present upon rising and lasts throughout the day. I am concous of my posture and do not believe it to be the cause. The pain worsens if i am carring anything at arms lengths or even if i am carring a light bag over either of my shoulders.  I have tried; hot, cold, advil and exercise but i haven't seen any releif for the past 5 months. The only thing i think that could have caused the pain is when i moved about 5 months ago.  There was a great deal of lifting and stress. I am 26 years old and feel like this pain is limiting my ability to go about my daily task. Any suggestions please?
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you can try accupuncture treatment
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When I breath it gets worse, in the left shoulder and the stinging and burning keeps me up and I get fevers. What could it be.
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I have the same exact problem that everyone of you are writing about. Mine started in Aug 2014...it lasted about 3 weeks and then dissappeared until after a bad fall in my bedroom from tripping on a cord across the floor in late Sept 2015.  Around the first part of October 2015 this pain just came rushing back out of no where and it affects my left arm in a bad way...includes my shoulder blade and my neck area  and the collar bone,  In the beginning, I would be trying to sleep and not able to get comfortable because it felt like my collar bone was broken!  It hurt for several months.  It eventually it started to cause pinching/grabbing pain down the back of my left arm which also radiated clear down to my wrist. It hurts tremendously if I have to clear my throat!  I have sinuses and so this is a very common thing that I do often.  My right shoulder now does this but on a much smaller scale as it hurts a lot but not as bad as the left...and occasionally the right arm just all of a sudden feels like the muscle at the back of the arm is being grabbed or pinched real hard just all of a sudden with out any warming.  I don't have any chest pain, no shortness of breath and no other signs that could say that I am going to have a heart attack.  I had a stress test in 2014 and it determined that there is nothing wrong with my heart.  I don't drink alcohol, I don't smoke, I am still a little over weight by 30 pounds....which is nothing compared to what I lost over the last 10 yrs. I don't have insurance and want answers as to what this is.  Not interested in going to a doctor to get cut on.  Not my idea of a good time.  It's causing much interference with how I do my job.  No accomodations for this kind of thing either is what I am finding. So anyviable  ideas as to what I can do I would be very grateful.
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This pain sounds exactly to what I've had for years... I just had rotator cuff surgery last week because I had a bone spur that has been damaging my rotator cuff. The doctor said my shoulder is trashed at this point and I will never be able to do the lifting and the digging in the garden and then I have done in the past. If someone had diagnosed the sooner it would have been a whole lot better
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Did this pain ever go away for you or was it diagnosed? Because I had the same thing for years and years and everyone thought I was being a big baby but last week I had shoulder surgery to repair my rotator cuff. I'm 62 and had a car accident at 21 where my arm flew out the window. Bone spur was causing my rotator cuff not to work properly, and at this point it's so thin that if it had torn it would not have been able to repair it. Pain is in my neck comes around the back shoulder blade and it's in the muscle in the front and the back of my arm.
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Sorry, I forgot to answer your first question. No, the pain doesn't move around very far and it used to feel around the bottom of my scapula (shoulder blade), now, it's a little higher or at some point I had a painful area close to the top of my shoulder. One more thing I forgot to mention is the pain extends into my upper arm and forearm, even my small finger sometimes. I had even an experience of pain in my left side of skull (bone pain), not headache and my eye socket bones as well as my left jaw and teeth even at least couple of times. Now a days, the pain in my arm comes and goes no matter if I have been on pain killer for two hours or four hours or six! I hope I can find what generates this pain before by body builds total resistance for these pain killers. I can go for acupuncture, but first, I have to know what causes the pain and second, I have to pay out of pocket since the insurance doesn't pay. Ironically and unfortunately, the insurance doesn't pay for what makes your condition to improve and even be eliminated. It pays for pharmaceutical drugs, which in most cases prolong the disease hence, profit for provider and big pharma! Think about it.  
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I am in Colorado, USA. I haven't been to orthopedic physician appointment yet and I think he is the one who can put the pieces of this back pain puzzle together and come up with a correct diagnosis. I had an MRI of thoracic spine. However, a physical therapist suggested having an MRI of the cervical segment of vertebras too. The radiologist didn't mention anything about a herniated disc. I think I have too major pains in my left upper back. One is on the left side of vertebras about T2 to T5 area and it's a burning but dull pain unless, I don't take pain killer, then the pain is excruciating and a combination of burning, throbbing, and aching. The other pain is around the edge of my shoulder blade but it's not on shoulder blade since a chiropractor checked my scapula (shoulder blade) by pushing his fingers under my scapula and it was all fine. When he pressed against the rhomboid muscle under the scapula, then he found at least couple of very painful areas. The pain in on and around the edge of scapula is more of a burning and stabbing pain. Later, when I thought about it, I thought that the stabbing pain is a result of scapula pressing or rubbing on rhomboid muscle, which in turn gives me that stabbing sensation. However, I found massage relieving the pain only for a short while and after the second massage session I had, my pain increased! I’ll post more after my visit to orthopedic physician.
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15186219 tn?1438976591
Hi Chef,
Based on the pain you are describing including burning and radiating to different areas, it is your neck, not your back. While your neck may seem like it feels fine, you actually put a lot of stress on it in your business when you are lifting things far away from your body and especially overhead. The fact the pain gets worse over the course of the day indicates the swelling, inflammation and irritation get worse and pinch the nerve more severely as the day goes on. I would suggest that you get to a good physical therapist who is trained in the Mackenzie technique. This helps the discs recentralize and stop causing problems if in fact they are the culprit. Based on your statement of 19 years in the business it is possible you are experiencing pain due to narrowing of the foramen which are the pathways the nerves take to exit away from the spinal cord. Your symptoms are classic indications of C5-C7 and should not be delayed in getting appropriate care. Seeing a physical therapist trained in appropriate spinal techniques can significantly help, so don't delay.
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15186219 tn?1438976591
Hi saturn2015,
Sorry to hear you are in so much pain. Does the pain move? It sounds like by your description that it moves across your back and probably a severe tightness all the time in your shoulder blade. Do you have any neck pain? Does turning your head to the right make the pain worse?
For everyone here on this forum, if the pain moves across a large area (down your arm, across your back, across your collar bone etc.) this is nerve. No other tissue in your body has pain move a far distance except potentially referred pain. Where have you had an MRI scan of? What part of your body? Sometimes pain can be referred from gall bladder issues into the shoulder blade but most often the guilty party is C5-C7 of the cervical spine. It feels like you need to crack your back, or if you could just get something massaged out it would be better. This is the nerve misfiring and causing muscle spasms. The "small spots" the massage therapist is finding is the either fascia or muscle fibers that are scarring from the spasms. You need to have your GP do an MRI of your cervical spine with T2 weighted images and look for a herniated disc. Where are you located? Country of origin?
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I have this burning, stabbing, pulsing pain and sometimes even this electrical surge in my left upper back and I feel most of these horrible pains 24/7 on my scapula (shoulder blade).  I have had X-Ray, CT scan and MRI and none of them showed anything related to this pain.  I tried chiropractor with no effects and been to ER twice due to this excruciating pain. First they came up with pleurisy, second time with muscle spasm! I tried massage therapy and found these small spots (about a dime) on my back between my vertebras and shoulder blade that are so painful to touch and when the massage therapist started, she went so gently first because the pain was unbearable.  She used the technic called acupressure.  After massage the pain goes up but you can always tell if it was effective, the next day. I have to wait another 20 hours to tell you the result.  I am sure it is effective but the problem is the insurance doesn't pay for it.  I am taking Ibuprofen 2400mg a day and recently I have noticed they are not as effective as before and I had to ask my PCP for stronger painkiller and he gave me some opiates to use as needed since some days  or nights specially, the pain is much worse than others.  This situation has been going on for almost 5 months now a I hope this is not my fate for the rest of my life since those who unfortunately have this pain know that what I am talking about.  It is not easy to bear with pain 24/7.  Pain killers reduce the pain but don't eliminate it.  I am in the waiting list to see a orthopedic physician and if he cannot figure out where this pain comes from, my last chance would be a neurologist. The medical science with all the trumpeting advancements, is in its infancy yet and there are many complex activities in the human body that these MDs have no clue about them.
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I rolled over a golf ball on the floor for about 15 minutes and it really helped.  For me I think it was just some kind of knot in a muscle in my shoulder/neck/back area.
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7721494 tn?1431627964
Right now, you are getting symptomatic treatment only -- the treatment of pain. And that doesn't sound very effective.

Incidentally, try applying ice packs to the neck and shoulder region. Ice has a tremendous effect in numbing pain.

To treat your problem you first need a diagnosis.

To see if there is an underlying anatomical or pathological problem behind your pain, you'll need to see a physician who can take a health history, make a physical exam, including a neurological examination. Nerve conduction studies may be ordered to determine if your problem is neurological or muscular (or both) in origin.

Treatment generally begins with a PCP or generalist, who can perform a the basics neurological exam. If your problem is not apparent from basic medical examination technique, then a specialist experienced with your symptomatology may be appropriate, and your PCP can make a proper referral.

Proper treatment of the underlying problem causing pain can only begin after a diagnosis is made, so get to it.

Best wishes.
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Hi my name is Monique and I'm 42 my left shoulder neck back/forearm hurts so bad the pain is unbearable I can't look up nor turn my head and my hand feels like its burning all the time what can I do? I've been to my doctor and had many trips to the E.R and they do absolutely nothing for me. But give me ibuprofen .gabapatin and flexil but that don't work can you give me some advise. please.
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Reading what all of you have written, it is strange. I finally got a diagnoses of CRPS/RSD. I thought I had pulled a muscle. It felt like someone at one point had stabbed me under my shoulder blade. Felt pain under my breast on left side.
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Hi, I just read what you posted and when I seen what you had said about the weed eater it hit me...about a month ago I was cutting a path through the trees with weed eater/shrub cutter attachment. It sounds ridiculous but, I had cut a walking path on our new property, the path was 5 feet wide, in 2 days I had cut approx. 350 yards of path with no shoulder strap. Right around the time of my pain problems. But if it's knotted muscle why won't strong pain killers put a dent in the pain. I am amazed at how many young people are on this site with the exact same problem. Is it normal for so many young people to be experiencing this pain. When I started reading on this site I expected most people to be my age or older...not the case at all, if anything there are as many people half or less than half my age on here. But one thing they, and all of us on this site have in common, we all use computers, lap tops, or smart phones. It's not like watching television for 2- hours a night, because you are 8-10 feet away from it maybe more, and you can sit back relax, adjust your sitting position. On a lap top or smart phone you are hunched usually and can't really relax your shoulders. There's tennis elbow....how about computer shoulder. If you don't spend 2 hours a night or day on your computer like I do, I'm sorry I wasted your time reading this. But I'm just trying to come up with ideas as to what is causing this obviously very common problem. I just don't understand why pain killers aren't working for me or most of everyone else here. Maybe our muscles tense up and knot up so bad from being in this hunched position for so long that pain killers and muscle relaxers aren't ABLE to fix it.The pain for me has been constant(24 hrs/day) for about a month. I went through the same thing about 10 months ago, after taking pain meds that didn't work for a few weeks the pain eventually went away until a month ago. But when it comes back, it comes back with a vengeance. Like most everyone else, I haven't had a car accident or any bad falls, and I'm not 80 years old or more. So what is causing this?????    
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Hi, I am experiencing the exact same pain. for about the same length of time it hurts way worse  lying down for   whatever  reason. So bad to the point that in the morning it  feels   like   I've   only  had a true   2-3    hours  of    sleep.  My doctor, like so many  act like  they aren't taking you serious. I've  been taking this pain killer he prescribed that is supposedly stronger than a Tylenol 3. It didn't even  put  a dent  in the pain, then  after the first 60-70  pills, he  increased the dosage  to 2 pills(4 times a day) insisting this will    take care of the pain.... still nothing.  I've even tried 3 of these things, and finally after about 150 of these pills and 4 physio appointments I'm in the same place I was 4-5 weeks ago. I've heard acupuncture  works for some   people,  so I  might try that, nothing else is helping. About a week and a half ago the   pain around my shoulder blade reduced, but then pain shifted to my left arm with numb fingers. Now the pain is shifting back to my shoulder blade area. Very sceptical of chiropractors, but  almost ready to even give them a try. The   pain almost  makes you feel desperate, especially when 3  different  doctors and xrays don't reveal anything. Now i'm on a waiting list of about 8 weeks. Just long enough for the pain to go away, just like it did 8-10 months ago. I'm 46, tired of the pain, because it is constant 24 hours a day. Sorry you're going through the same thing.  
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Do yourself a favor don't waste time with x rays from what I have been reading ask your doctor for a  MRI or referral to a specialist that will .I hurt my shoulder using a weed eater I have lived with pain but this had me running to ER I lost use of both arms in the kitchen on a Saturday night vanity kept me from going that night I could not shower or change clothing next day ER x ray I think they thought I was having a heart attack the first words were your heart looks good and lungs gave me 2 shots and 2 prescriptions I felt a little better for a few days..I stuck it out for over a week not better went to doctor asked for MRI .The doctor did 7 more x-rays and told me I had arthritis if it didn't get better he would do MRI, Well I knew I have arthritis and have bursitis in other shoulder I am frightened that it will get worse because something was overlooked. I love my doctor I new better to get a squeeze in he was leaving on vacation out of the country I'm sure I didn't have 100% I still have the pain in a spot it feels like sharp glass is under my blade pain down arm to elbow 2 fingers on hand go numb. I pray I don't get the hiccups or have to sneeze . I cannot take a deep breath without much pain. I need to take my own advice but for now (Follow your gut). We know when something is very wrong with our body's not always bye the book. Best of luck please post your outcome it may help others .
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I had left shoulder injury for 34 years when I was in military.  after 34 years and a lot of pain they decided to do surgery on it.  over the years I have develop lower  left  back problem.  my back hurt so bad that sometime it take me 3-4 hours to get going after I get out of bed.  I feel my lower back pain is due to my injury left shoulder for 34 years.    
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Hi everyone. I have had a problem with back pain in between my left shoulder blade and spine that feels like a burning/pinching/stabbing annoyance that progresses through the day to become unbearable. I've been to the ER and was prescribed muscle relaxers and 800mg ibuprofen. Neither of which help. I am also a chef and am constantly lifting pans with my left and right arms, sometimes overhead. I have also started(4 months ago) to notice severe pain in my left shoulder sometimes radiating to my chest as well as down my arm. I believe(as I am no doctor) that all of this pain is due to a torn rotator cuff. I am not sure but it all makes sense. I believe it is due to the fact that I have a lot of repetitive movements of 10+ pounds throughout 10 hour shifts. I also know that this type of damage can happen suddenly from falls or improper lifting(mine seems to be from 19 years in the business). Know that the shoulder blade, shoulder and collarbone are all involved when moving your arm, so the pain can seem like it's coming from your back. I deal with pain daily and by the end of the week I'm ready to rip people's heads off. Unfortunately I can't take time off of work. I would suggest to many to get your shoulder checked, it may not be a back problem, however it could easily be a herniated disc. Good luck, pain *****.
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Also I have the upper pain, but I have no problems with breathing at all
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Late July 2012 is when it started for me.  I fell on my left shoulder playing soccer and felt a little on pain and stopped playing.  Then less than 5 minutes the pain was gone.  About 5 days later I woke up with a numbness feeling and shooting pains.  I went to the clinic and they did an EKG and the result was abnormal heart beat.  Heart rate was between 33-53 beats a minute.  I got rushed to the ER where I did a CAT Scan, Xray, and blood work.  All negative for a Heart attack.  Then was scheduled to see a heart specialist and a neurologist.  With the Heart specialist I past a stress test with no problems.  Wore a heart monitor with no problems as well.  

I had an MRI done of the left shoulder and cervical spine done.  The results of the MRI was there is a Cyst in the left shoulder with slight encroachment of a nerve andminor arthritis.  Cervical Spine there is disc hernations between c-3, c-4, and c-6 also minor narrowing of the spine.

The first neurologist did the EMG test to see where a pinched nerve was at.  The results of that test just showed a slight nerve blockage behind the left elbow and carpal tunnel of the right wrist.  There is no pinched nerve.

Saw the first orthopedic doctor which tried a cortisone shot in the shot which just made me get nausea right away and didn't help the pain.  Then proceeded to tell me to just live with it.  

I have tried physical therapy twice with no help.  I had one MRI, a few X-rays, and two CAT Scans.  

Right now trying pain management to help with the pain.

Still don't have an answer to what is causing the pain in the upper left shoulder blade?
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It's sad to see we all have a problem and noone is giving an answer... Hello, is there any doctor out there that can give some good advice... Please help us!!!!
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I have the same problem. When I turn my head left or right it I get pain in my upper left back by shoulder blade and it feels like something is pinching me by my left shoulder blade. If I am riding in a car on a bumpy road the pain gets so bad that the left side of my head hurts too. I cannot lie on my left side anymore because it gets so bad I am in tears after a five minutes and it feels like something wants to snap in half. I cannot live with this.
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I have the same problem, left shoulder blade stabbing, pins and needles down my left arm, I can't breathe properly, this has Destroyed my life I want to cry... I don't know what to do, had ultrasound, MRI, x ray and nothing.. I am sick of being told its anxiety when I felt a burst in my shoulder blade, since this I can't breathe properly... Suffered for one year now...Does anyone from 2007 have an answer, I would love to know how u are going..

Good luck!
From mala
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