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no one ever posts to my topics

I've posted here now several times. I'm 4 weeks out from an l5/s1 open back fusion with instrumentation. I'm interested in talking to other kindred fusion spirits, to hear their journey and how they healed and the stages it took. I'm still in pain but push thru it and walk everyday. Plz sumone, it would be so nice to have sumone to talk to who's walked my path. Greatest blessings to u:)
53 Responses
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2118160 tn?1334705452
Sounds you got some people responding now! I've had a great time with this board so far.
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2128754 tn?1335434077
well similar story first ruptured L3-L4 in 1996. 4 ops and 2 discs later they fused L3-L4... Titanium cage and screws. Have had 6 ops now each worse than the last but when its a choice between unbearable kill yourself pain and medication managable pain i'll take the pills. I was on seriously high doses of meds after 16 yrs of ops, physio, useless chiro and anything else i could try (had a chiropracter actually rupture a disc) i'm back to skelaxin and valium for cramps and spasms and 10/325 vicodin with 20mg oxycontin 4 times a day. I have a massive tolerance for narcotics but lowered myself to where i am (yes lowered) if it's been months or years and you still have severe chronic pain i hate to say it but narcotics are likely the only thing that is going to give you any relief from the pain. Take the pills and enjoy life as best you can. Be honest with your doc dont overstate pain and sign the medication contract then get pills that work. P.s. Nsaids, tramadol etc are NOT narcotics and vicodin in pill form is 5, 7.5 and 10mg the big huge number is TYLENOL so if someone tells you to take 500mg of vicodin lol lets just use two words...OVER DOSE another thing to remember is you may never be rid of the pain but with meds and exercise you can get it to a tolerable level. Good luck i wish you the best
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2128754 tn?1335434077
well similar story first ruptured L3-L4 in 1996. 4 ops and 2 discs later they fused L3-L4... Titanium cage and screws. Have had 6 ops now each worse than the last but when its a choice between unbearable kill yourself pain and medication managable pain i'll take the pills. I was on seriously high doses of meds after 16 yrs of ops, physio, useless chiro and anything else i could try (had a chiropracter actually rupture a disc) i'm back to skelaxin and valium for cramps and spasms and 10/325 vicodin with 20mg oxycontin 4 times a day. I have a massive tolerance for narcotics but lowered myself to where i am (yes lowered) if it's been months or years and you still have severe chronic pain i hate to say it but narcotics are likely the only thing that is going to give you any relief from the pain. Take the pills and enjoy life as best you can. Be honest with your doc dont overstate pain and sign the medication contract then get pills that work. P.s. Nsaids, tramadol etc are NOT narcotics and vicodin in pill form is 5, 7.5 and 10mg the big huge number is TYLENOL so if someone tells you to take 500mg of vicodin lol lets just use two words...OVER DOSE another thing to remember is you may never be rid of the pain but with meds and exercise you can get it to a tolerable level. Good luck i wish you the best
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2128754 tn?1335434077
well similar story first ruptured L3-L4 in 1996. 4 ops and 2 discs later they fused L3-L4... Titanium cage and screws. Have had 6 ops now each worse than the last but when its a choice between unbearable kill yourself pain and medication managable pain i'll take the pills. I was on seriously high doses of meds after 16 yrs of ops, physio, useless chiro and anything else i could try (had a chiropracter actually rupture a disc) i'm back to skelaxin and valium for cramps and spasms and 10/325 vicodin with 20mg oxycontin 4 times a day. I have a massive tolerance for narcotics but lowered myself to where i am (yes lowered) if it's been months or years and you still have severe chronic pain i hate to say it but narcotics are likely the only thing that is going to give you any relief from the pain. Take the pills and enjoy life as best you can. Be honest with your doc dont overstate pain and sign the medication contract then get pills that work. P.s. Nsaids, tramadol etc are NOT narcotics and vicodin in pill form is 5, 7.5 and 10mg the big huge number is TYLENOL so if someone tells you to take 500mg of vicodin lol lets just use two words...OVER DOSE another thing to remember is you may never be rid of the pain but with meds and exercise you can get it to a tolerable level. Good luck i wish you the best
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Thats great news glad to hear it. Its also good to know that your feeling better today.


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Hi kalvin, I had my appt today. Did exrays, hardware looks great, no fusion beginning yet, dr said it can take up to 3 montbhs to begin to see it on exray. He is extremely happy at my progress at just 6-7 weeks post-op. He's proud that I hve stopped all my other med's but percocets and that I'm up walking as much as I am. He didn't seem very concerned bout my popping noise and pain. So I'm going to assume its a normal part of recovery and work on not twisting or bending. I feel pretty good today. Havnt had a good day like this in nearly 2 weeks lol. Dr will cont refilling my percocets til the pain simmers down permanently for me so that's good. Anyway, that's my new news...hope all is well with u, take care:)
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I think we must have been posting at the same time yesterday. I hope you feel okay and your Doctor's appointment goes well. Talk to you later, I have to get back to work.

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The fusion site always hurts real bad for the 1st 3-4 months, although I don’t know why yours hurts more that it did. The hardware tightens things in the one -two vertebrae and the other vertebrae are not as secured and move around, that can cause a popping or grinding sound. Scar tissue over the hardware can also cause a popping sound as you begin to get your flexibility back. It happens when you twisted in bed, sit and stand up, but I don’t know about this, because your surgery is fairly recent. I used to get kind of a clicking feeling in my back when I walked; it hurt some, but not real bad.

I know you’re worried, but don’t give up yet. When I was at 7 weeks, I spent most of my time sitting in a recliner. And don’t be taking about a failed back surgery, its way too early for that. Popping sounds are pretty common after back surgery, I’m just wondering about this pain you’re having. There are a lot of back surgeries that don’t turn out so good, but there are also a lot do. I know several people that have had good outcomes, myself included, and one of those was a 5 level deal. On a board like this, you’re not going to find a whole lot of people taking about how great their surgery was, the post above me is a perfect example.

I hope you get all your questions answered by the Doctor, are they going to x-ray you? I know what you’re going through its scary, especially since you felt better a couple weeks ago, but these recoveries are sometimes one step forward, three steps back. Try to stay positive, feel better and make sure you let me know what your Doctor had to say.

Take Care


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Karen thank u for taking the time to read my topic and post!!! *hugs*  ur views on ur own back surgery scare me in a way. Its everyone's worst nightmare's come true with a fusion surgery. Thank u for ur kind thoughts and I wish u the best as well...take care:)
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1273576 tn?1270754326
I am new today, looked over most of the conversation.  I had a l4-s1 fusion 2 years ago.  I regret it with all my being.  I was in pain before and had some limitations, but nothing like now.  I have 6 kids, I can't play with them like I used to, I can't pick them up and hold them, I can't go on field trips or even to the park.  My parents now live with me to help take care of the kids the house cooking driving etc while my husband works.  I started withe the failed back syndrome after my 1st back surgery 3 years ago l4-l5 laminectomy.  Again, that one did not work which led to the 3 level fusion 14 inch scar front and back and instruments.  I always "feel" like there is something in my back, I'm told it's in my head.  I just posted with my current problem so I wont write about it here.   I will pray for you that all is going as it is supposed to be going and that your just getting used to the adjustments.   You seem brave and determined, don't let that go!  Hugs, Karen
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Kalvin, over the last two weeks, the pain at my fusion site has been suprisingly increasing. And now I get this "popping noise and feeling" when I roll over in bed, try to sit, or stand, or walk. Pretty much when I move my fusion site pops and then this sharp, piercing, shooting agonizing pain comes to my fusion site each time that area pops when I move. The pain is worse than it ws just 2 weeks ago. I'm scared that maybe sumthing from my hardware came loose or maybe I might be at the beginning of a failed back surgery thing. I'm trying to stay positive but its hard. I figured I have my 7 week post op appt on Friday so I can just wait to talk to my spine surgeon about this then. U heard of anyone going thru this? Hope all is well, take care
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ThaNk u kalvin. I can't wait for Friday to come and my appt to come lol
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I hope you felt better and had a good day!

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Kalvin, from listening to who u are thru ur posts...I've no doubt u raised sum wonderful girls, just like urself!!!! I still havnt been doing a lot, I did go waqlking yesterday, first time in several days. I am going to try to go walkng again tomorrow. I need to learn the boundaries btwn walking, and trying to do too much lol. Oh ur so lucky u never became constipated lol. To this day, I struggle with having no urge to poop lol.  Have a great week my friend:)
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How are you doin? Are you feeling any better? Hope so. I didn’t like the loopy feelings the drugs gave me either, but they did help with the horrible pain I was in. 16 days wow, I didn’t have much trouble with constipation, just lucky I guess. But I know it can be very painful and I have had a family member who has gone through the hellish experience you describe. It’s like the back and leg pain isn’t enough, you have to deal with that too.

I didn’t realize you had a son that old, even so, we males can be very inconsiderate at times without really realizing it. I have 2 girls, their both on their own doing good. I don’t know how they turned out so good, because I was a total screw up as a kid.

Take Care

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Thank u kalvin, never thought to post a topic there!!! I dislike the "loopy" feeling I get on percocet but the pain in my back and even in my tailbone region hurts enough that I have to still have sumthing. After my surgery, I didn't have a bowel movement for 16 daYs. I'm sure the surgery was just hard on my body and the pain meds helped to make me constipated even with the stool softeners I was taking. It was strange...I simply lost the urge to poop. Since I began taking percocets, I'm beginning down that path again. I had to go to instacare the last time cuz I was so impacted and it was a hellish experience that I'm still paying for. I think it messed up my stomach cuz since then, my upper abdomen has not stopped hurting. I have appt on 22nd with a stomach dr. More info than u probably wanted to know lol. My son's are 19, and 13 btw. I'm hoping my surgeon will agree to a tens unit for me. Anyway, thanks for listening and have a great nite:)
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Your boys are probably just too young to understand whats going on with you and how serious it is. The whole thing could be scaring them a little bit and by not being supportive, they trying to run from it. Thats me the child psychologist, I've practiced on mine too, and besides that I was a real rascal when I was a kid, so I know how they think.

Sorry you've been feeling bad, running errands and getting in an out of a vehicle is hard on a person, its hard on me. I know they really push the walking after surgery, I just couldn't for a long time, and when I could walking around in those stores use to kill me. Especially Walmart. Sorry I don't remember half of those body maneuvers they  taught me. I don't think you hurt yourself, unless you had a hard fall You just have  more healing to do. I have a tens unit, do you think one will help you?

When I was at 7 weeks I was taking about 7-8 10 mg/650 mg Percocet, somewhere around 1200-1800mgs of Neurontin ( its like lyrica) and 30mg of flexeril a day. No wonder I couldn't walk right. So its amazing to me that your only taking I or 2 a day, that's incredible.

I hope you feel better soon. And I wanted to tell you that you might want to try posting one of your topics over on the Pain Management board, I post over there once in a while and I think you'd get a better response. They have 2 moderators over there that are really nice.

Take Care

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Thanks kalvin *hugs* my teenage boys have not been as supportive of me after my surgery and with my temp limitations as my daughter has. We will have to have a family pow wow. I've begun to take a percocet once or twice a day depending on how I feel. Not sure why things would be goin great for so many weeks then the pain in my back gets worse. Maybe I walked too much lol? I have had it drilled into me to walk, walk, walk. And so I did. Havnt the last 3 days or so cuz just doing errands and driving and getting in and out of my van to go into places tuckers me out and makes my pain in my back pretty strong. Resting doesn't seem to help. Can't wait for my dr appt next week on the 9th. I'm going to talk to him bout getting a tenz unit and I have several questions for him. When I left the hospital, I was only taught how to safely log roll out of bed. No other safety proper body manuevers were taught to me so I hope I havnt messed up my back with daily activities. I try to be as careful as I can. Anyway, thank u for listening to me and have a wonderful evening!!!  
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Thank you, for your kind words. I don’t think I’m an inspiration, I’m just a guy out here trying to make sense of all this. Struggle makes use strong, right. I know things will get better for me one day and for you too. At least I can function somewhat, there’s a lot of people out there that are in a lot worse shape than me.

I’m sorry you’ve been hurting worse, only walk as much as you feel, don’t force yourself. Have you tried taking a little more medication? You did say you’re going to see the Doctor this week, right? See what he says. Didn’t I read on here somewhere, that you had a couple of boys? Tell them to get out there and get the yard cleaned up. And you don’t have to thank me for the conversation, I enjoy it, I get something out of it too.

Hope you feel better

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Paddywack, u have been on ur hellacious journey...thank u for ur support!!!! *hugs*
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You have both been through a great deal and I take my hat off to you. keep strong.
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Kalvin *hugs* so sorry for the journey u have been on!!! U've dxone wonders to roll with the punches!!!:)   thank u for ur kindness and conversation!! I havnt been walking as much the last few days. I'm so tired and my fusion site has suprisingly began to hurt worse. I just do what I can now. I have a heaven-sent 16 yr old daughter that has been wonderfully supportive!!! I bet ur yard will look lovely when ur done, I'm not even goin to worry bout mine this yr lol. Take care
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For sum reason, it won't allow me to click on "get more results". Can a post only have just so many comments? I can't get to the end to see new comments:(
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Sorry to hear about your pain, it takes along time to recover. You should be getting a little bit stronger every day. Hope you have help around the house, so you don't have do too much, I don't think I could walk a mile if I tried. I'm too lazy, actually its not that, I'm on my feet all day at work, so it kinda wears me out. We have a pretty big yard too and lately I've been trying to get it cleaned up for spring, its a pretty big job and I hurt from that too, but not too bad. I can rest tomorrow or today or whatever it is now.

I see you posting calming all these people down about their up coming surgeries and stuff. Its good therapy, when you help someone else, you help yourself. I wish I would have found this site before I had my neck surgery. Those Doctors made me feel like I was the only one in the world that didn't get better after surgery. When I came here and saw all the people that had the same pain problems I did, I think it brought a tear to my eye.

Take Care

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