3589321 tn?1347653300


last week in the UK I had my very first mammogram at the age of 44 after finding a lump in my left breast. I  am afraid to say that I found this lump 6 months ago and had convinced myself that as I had breast enlargment 5 years previous that this was just a symptom of the implant moving or ruptering!
Then a couple of weeks ago i started to get an aching pain around the lump, by the way that hadnt got any larger or changed shape, So I got my arse in gear and made an appoinment at my doctors, who on examination sent me off to the breast clinic. Even then while waiting for my call Im still convinced this is just going to be routine check and telling me to go home and not worry as it will just go away!
I get the call to the mammorgram laughing and joking with the nurse as she adjust my breasts in position and go through the motions, expecting to be sent home straight after, Im asked to take a seat in the waiting room still with my head in the clouds..Im too young for breast cancer, I have no family history so no problem!
Next I get called into the nurses office and they explain to me that they want to do a scan and if anything untoward is found then a needle will be inserted and a biopsy will be taken, of course thats excatly what happened! getting dressed Im asked to have a seat in a  room and a cup of coffee is given to me....Its at this point that I start to freak out! It suddenly dawns on me that this is more than just a lump thats going to dissapear on its own, thats when the tears came and I hadnt even been told anything yet! after a few moments two doctors came into the room and I was told that it didnt look good and that I should prepare for the worse! I had gone on my own thinking it would be something and nothing and there I was thrown in to a mind spin!!!! suddenly I was hearing words like chemo and  radiotherapy, but then confused that she also said I would have to wait untill wednesday 19th september for my  results, This wait is killing me! I cant sleep, or eat or think of anything other than cancer, Im convinced that its going to be bad news.!
After all this wittering on what I would like to know is how do I survive untill Wednesday results day without going insane with fear and worrie????? Izzy
50 Responses
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962875 tn?1314210036

Almost everyone agrees, waiting is the hardest part!

Most people find it helps to keep as busy as possible--going shopping, to a movie, exercising, cleaning your house top to bottom, talking with friends, etc.--whatever you can do to fill some of the time. This of course won't stop the worrying and dark thoughts, but it will help the time to pass a little faster.

And in your case in particlar,  I can understand how anxious and worried you must be!  With all the comments that were made about "it not looking good," and  already discussing treatment possibilities, it sounds as though they must have seen something very suspicious looking...

Please keep in mind, however, that only through the biopsy results can anyone be 100% sure whther it is breast cancer.

So the same advice we  give anyone in your position still applies: "Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst."

Feel free to write again, adding any additional  comments to this same thread,  if there is any way we can help, and please update us when you know more--we care!

Meanwhile, you will be in my thoughts and prayers,
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3589321 tn?1347653300
Thank you for you reply, Im trying to stay positive but also trying to take in as much information as possible, this is all consuming and the most frightening time ever, I have two teenage boys and havent said anything to them untill my results on Wednesday, its spinning around in my head on how to break the news to them, like you said they must have seen something as Im sure they wouldnt talk to me like i already have breast cancer! I need to stay positive and busy Wednesday seems like forever away.
Last night I woke up not being able to breath, I think i was having a panic attack! I have ever only had one before, the worry and stress I feel like ive aged 10years in the last couple of days! but im going to try to take your advice and keep busy today,!
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962875 tn?1314210036
Good morning,

I 'm not surprised you had a panic attack, with the level of fear and stress you are feeling!

Try to keep in mind, that should the biopsy results indicate breast cancer, there have been many treatment advancements, and depending on the type and stage, many survivors now life a long and healthy life.

When a loved one of mine was initially diagnosed and feeling very pessimistic, I sent her many of  what I call, "Stories of Hope."  These were the stories of some of the members of our forum, as well as some I found on other BC Forums, who had had the type of BC she had, and were still doing well many years later. Now I sometimes use HER story as well to encourage other newly dx women, and hope to continue to do so for a long, long time.

Regarding telling your sons, if it comes to that,  I'd suggest being straightforward, saying you have been dx with BC, like ________ (here you might mention some celebrities who have talked about their BC, or someone actually known to them, who is doing well), and that you hope you can count on them for  support and extra help  around the house while you are having treatment. Depending on what questions they ask, you can decide what else to say; depending on their individual personalities, it may take a while before they absorb and react to this news and are ready to hear more.

Hang in there,
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3589321 tn?1347653300
I will report back on wednesday with my diga wish me luck!
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962875 tn?1314210036
Absolutely! I'll be keeping my fingers crossed.

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3589321 tn?1347653300
Can it get any worse?????? woke up this morning with a nasty swollen red rash all over my face and neck! bit like heat rash only worse! think it must be to do with the stress, so today im smothering my face in sudocream and staying behind closed doors, at least all the paint work in my four story house has had a through clean!!!! LOL.
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962875 tn?1314210036
OMG, you poor thing! :-(

Do you have any Benedryl (or similar antihistamine) you could take, to see if that would reduce the swelling?

But if it get's worse, or doesn't get better, you may need to get it checked.
Stress usually causes something more like hives.  This could turn out to be an allergic reaction to something. (Like maybe chemicals you used in all that cleaning?) If it gets real bad, you may need a steroid to suppress it.

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3589321 tn?1347653300
Got a letter from the breast clinic today, Im even more confused if thats possible! the letter states that I have a 30mm extremely soft relatively well defined mass, my mammograms are M4 with distortion and the ultra sound is U5 29mm irregular mass highly suggestive of Maligancy. my axilla was clear, that I am understanding is the armpit have tried to google as much as possible as I have an appointment at the hospital 2morro but still confused , I really would like to go forarmed but not having much luck with googling results, can anybody help?
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962875 tn?1314210036
Hi again,

How's the rash doing?

This letter doesn't really add anything new, it just reports on what they saw in the mammo/US that was highly  suspicious and that led them to do the biopsy. It is still the path report from the biopsy that will provide the final answer as to whether or not there is a malignancy.

IF there is a dx of BC, the fact that the axilla (armpit nodes) look okay in the imaging  would be  favorable, in that it doesn't  show lymph node enlargement/abnormality that would raise immediate suspicion of  spread to the lymph nodes. But again, only the path report from checking the Sentinel lymph node, and possibly other lymph nodes, during surgery to remove the mass, would give a certain answer about lymph node involvement.

Sorry, the only way you can be forearmed at this point is by repeating to yourself what I said above: "Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst."

Just one more day to get through until you'll know the answer...
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3589321 tn?1347653300
thankyou wasnt sure if this was meant to be telling me something I wasnt understand, will get back 2morro. izzy
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3589321 tn?1347653300
Just got back from the hospital, Im totally numb, cant really take it all in! just got my diag, not good, as expected its cancer!!!!!!! I have an appointment on monday to see a surgeon to talk about what surgery i am going to have because of my breast implants, I can have them both taken out then have a lumpectomy, chemo the radiation then hormones, or keep my implants and have a my left breast removed and have reconstructive surgery on my left breast.... so much to think about, i think im going to talk with the surgon before telling my teenage kids, my heads spinning at the moment so will report back a little later.
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962875 tn?1314210036

I'm so sorry that it has been confirmed that you have breast cancer!

I'm glad that you don't have to go through a long wait for the appt. with the surgeon. That should help you begin to make some of the decisions that face you...

My thoughts are with you,

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3589321 tn?1347653300
Im a fighter and will fight hard, once i get my head around the fact that i have breast cancer, so many things to think about, how i look is how i feel, and knowing my looks are going to change so much is the most frightening thing, working within the fashion world and looks being so important to my job and the way i feel, this may seem so shallow but im so scared of how im going to look throught this process.
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962875 tn?1314210036
I'm glad to hear you're ready to fight!

And no, to have  concern about looks is not shallow--only if it stopped you from doing what is necessary to fight this disease. But our appearance is a large part of our self-concept,  the first thing about us evident to the rest of the world, and in your case an important part of your job,  so of course it would be on your mind.

It's your dx, your health, and your life, so you're allowed to have whatever thoughts about it all that pop into your mind.  In time you'll sort it all out.

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3589321 tn?1347653300
Thank you for your words of encouragement, the surgeon I am seeing on Monday is a specialist in breast reconstruction and cosmetic breast surgeon so I am hoping she may be able to help me make the right choices, I also have to have what they call the bubble test, which is to inject dye into the breast and watch to see on a scan as it travels through the lymph nodes in the arm pit to see how many nodes will have to be removed, this surgery is performed at the same time as the breast surgery so at least it is done all in one sitting so to speak! I have to say that I feel alot better now that I know, like you said the not knowing is the worst part, at least now i can face the challenge head on, I have decided to talk to my teenage boys on sunday and have had some advice from my cancer nurse how to approach the subject so they are fully aware why I may well be having down days etc over the next few months. As you sat its my body and my cancer, so I can feel the way I feel without feeling guilty, Im ready to stay strong and get through the next year whatever it brings!
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962875 tn?1314210036
That's great to hear, Izzy!

I hope the talk with your boys goes well. If they're anything like their mom, I'm sure they'll be fine, once they have time to adjust to all of this.

The "bubble test" you described is the Sentinel Node Biopsy I referred to in one of my answers above.

I hope this weekend is a bit easier for you than last weekend.

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I am so sorry to hear of your dx, but just from the little bit i have read you sound like a strong woman that will fight hard and beat whatever is thrown your way.
  I am 39 , found a lump, and mammo showed more to be worried about. It showed clusters behind my nipple on same breast. So biopsy done on monday for palpable lump, still awaiting results. Then dr wants to schedule procedure where they shoot dye into breast to guide to the clusters and I think biopsy them. Not quite sure how that will work yet. WAITING IS HARD!  
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3589321 tn?1347653300
I have to agree that is def the worst! just not knowing you feel like in limbo! you have to stay positive and like bb said to me to perpare for the worse but hope for the best, It aint over till the fat lady sings!!!! med these days is so advanced  so even if it is the worse news the outcome is positive, the way i look at is i have tooooooo much living to do yet, and if loosing a year to cancer is what i have to do, then thats just a glitch in my long life, I have way to many fun things to do yet so i will just put this done to bad luck and get on with my life!, wishing you all the luck with you dx, let us know how you get on.x
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962875 tn?1314210036
Since your profile says you like music, I've just sent you a private message with links to a couple of "coping with BC" songs.

I thought you might particularly like "Fight Lke a Girl," since you are now coming across like a real fighter!

To get the message, click on "Inbox" in the upper right-hand corner of the page.

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3589321 tn?1347653300
Thankyou soooo much, thats such a lovely thing to do for me, ive listened and i think FIGHT LIKE A GIRL will be my song to get me through my cancer battle!  you truly have a wonderful soul. are you fighting cancer also?
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962875 tn?1314210036
You are entirely welcome.

I'm not personally fighting BC, but joined the forum when a loved one was dx, so I fight it in any way I'm able.

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3589321 tn?1347653300
Today i will be telling family members, I could really do with their support right now!
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I'm SO sorry to hear of your cancer diagnosis and hope you get all the support you need from your family. If they offer to help, please take it and if they don't offer, please ask. So many women feel too proud to ask for or accept help that's offered for fear they'll appear weak. You're a fighter and that's super, but you'll need all your strength to beat your cancer. Let others take care of the things they can, so you can take care of you, OK?
I'm hoping your treatment goes as well as possible and you continue to be a strong, positive woman through it. Maybe one day you can come back here and tell us you have no evidence of disease and we can all share your joy. Take care of yourself and FIGHT LIKE A GIRL, Izzy!
Sending you a big hug from Michigan (     ),
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Just wanted to let you know that we all can understand your anxiety while waiting for your biopsy results---it's sometimes the worst of the whole experience. I truly believe we can deal with "what is" much better than the "what ifs".  It helps to try to stay positive and remember that the odds are in your favor: 80% of biopsies end up with benign results. Like bb says, you need to hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. Like Izzy, you sound like a strong woman who will fight it if it is the worst. Please let us know how you're doing if you wish-we do care.
I'm hoping for the best with and sending you a big hug from Michigan, too,(      ),
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