670929 tn?1226173181

Sudden Death of Cat

My cat suddenly died this morning. There was no warnings or signs that he was in distress. He was sitting on his cat house enjoying his breakfast one minute and on the ground the next. He tensed up and look as though he was going to vomit then went limp. I tried to perform CPR and didn't notice anything blocking his air way. We called the emergency vet line and were told that if he wasn't breathing and no pulse was felt that there was nothing more they could do. Our vet is closed until Monday so they aren't available to answer our questions. I was wondering what might have caused this. He made no noise and didn't look as though he was in any pain, just very scared. Besides having surgery in 2009 to remove a bladder stone he was a happy and healthy 6 year-old European short hair.

Any information you can give is very welcomed. I'm just very confused about it all.
35 Responses
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There are no words to express the pain we feel  when our fur babies leave us. My 8 year old Boxer came in from outside, laid down and died. She had heart failure and passed in October 2018. When  I sit with her beautiful Urn I still cry. Everyone grieves differently so do what works for you. So sorry your baby is no longer with you physically. I am sure if love could have saved him, he would have lived forever!! :'(
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I hope you still check your comments because I see this was a few years ago. The same thing happened with our 11 yr old Siberian on Friday. He yowled once,acted like he was going to vomit,yowled once more then died. It appeared to be heart related because it happened so fast. I’m sorry you lost your kitty but please know your post helped me so much with my grieving. I was having all kinds of What I’d Id done This & Why? Thoughts going through my head.
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Sorry for the misspelling on my comment! Why can’t you edit your comment after posting? It’s supposed to say I was having thoughts of What If & If Id done this & Why?
134578 tn?1716963197
530lisa, that is such a sweet story. Thanks, it brightened my day. All we can do for our pets (and for ourselves, our friends, and the world too) is to do our best, and it sounds like you are learning and trying and doing your best. There are a lot of good books on cat care, have you checked some out? (hint -- you didn't need to bathe them every day, you just needed to clean their little bottoms to stimulate them to poop). But they sound like they have brightened your life and advanced your awareness, which is what the best of owner/pet relationships are.

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874521 tn?1424116797
Im so sorry to read of your sudden loss, any loss is hard but a sudden one is such a shock too.

I agree with CML's comments, its the best possible outcome for our pets as well as ourselves in the event of illness, you kitty had lots of love and was there with you till her end and it was sudden so no suffering

Its very possible in sudden deaths like this that it was a condition called Cardiomyopathy, or HCM. a disease of the heart and one of the leading causes of sudden death in cats. I will give you a link.

RIP little girl ♥

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Thank you for your response.  After much research we think that it was cardiomyopathy that caused her to pass away.  We are sad that she is gone but know that she is in a better place.    
I was compelled to write, my story is a bit different then all of yours and in t6elling it im sure to anger many but hear me out please. Ive always been an animal lover except cats,  ya kittens were cute but beyond that they were useless and little more then a rodent. I had no compassion for them, and certainly no room in my life or heart. Then that al changed, out of extreme beredom one day i was srolling through my facebook and this couple had found these two dirty, hair all over the place, wild eyed little girls, eyes barely open and being bottle fed. To this day I cant explain why I did something so totally out of character and said yes Ill be there sarraget mom, while thinking ewww, the couple couldnt keep them so I drove and met them and brought these two little miserable looking little things that were so little I didnt know how they would possibly survive but ive always loved  a challenge. I was up every 3 hours faithfully, they got a bath 3x a day because I was worried about germs and the food caking up on there fragile bodies, blew there hair dry with a blow drier. I mean since I was the parent of these two I was going to be the best. They had there own room and I would every 3rd day rearrange and rebuild there ramps and little shelves, so they would not get bored.  Made countless phone calls to a very popular pet store asking questions if i  was doing it wrong. Went through the guilt of thinking i might be the cause of these helpless things being deaf. I noticed that when I would call them they would not come and would act as if i wasnt there,I was scared to death that maybe i got water in there ears and made them deaf so again i called the not so nice lady at the pet store and i explained my concern of bathing them might have caused this deafness in my poor kittens. She told me maam again your kitten might never get use to a bath no matter what temp the water is and most likely there ignoring you..there cats! Please quit calling. When I hung up the phone I really looked at my new family members and after a few tests.........ya they were ignoring me, aint that some !@#$, lol. They became my little monsters from that day on, it been a learning process and its one I wouldnt have missed for the world. These cats have taught me more about life in general then any book could have. My two monsters, that someone through away like garbage,  I guess what Im trying to say is even if it is just for a minute, know that you people that take the time to open your hearts to any animal so completely without a doubt have a special place in heaven. With all the abuse out there, dog fighting, and just out right evil things being done, you loved something so completely and unconditionally and some of these animals might have never known or been touched by a kind hand if you hadnt extended yours.
Your story got me smilin', and Yea, the little bits do teach us a lot.
7052683 tn?1392938795
I know it is a shocking way to lose a kitty. However  I would prefer my Meezy to go this way. She is loved everyday and if she were to die in her sleep instead of suffering....well can't say I would mind leaving this world that way. No Suffering .

It is a little easier when the kit has lived a long life.  When they are young , I believe they spared themselves some genetic malady waiting to happen.

Anyway--I believe they never really leave us, just in waiting for their new body. I so believe their energy recycles into Catdom. --Crazy , Huh!
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Thank you for your response.  There is comfort in knowing that she did not suffer and is in a better place.  
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My beautiful cat Mia (almost 13) passed away suddenly and unexpectedly two days ago while I was in the next room.  I found her seconds after it happened.  She never showed any signs of being sick and was eating, drinking and playing as usual.  However, the night before she passed and the morning of, she was looking for more attention.  We didn't think anything of it and just gave her extra love.  It is shocking because we do not know what happened to her. She was an indoor cat so we have ruled out any toxins.  Given her age, we didn't feel it appropriate to have the vet perform a post mortem nor did he recommend doing it.  she is currently being cremated and we are waiting for her ashes to be returned to us.   My other cat, Lilly is two and loved Mia like crazy. She has been walking around the house looking for Mia and changing her routines. We am giving her extra love and helping her cope.  I wish I knew what happened to Mia.
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Our cat suddenly died yesterday morning 3 am. There was no warning at all. On saturday morning he and my other cat were sleeping with me, he was happy, even purring, so gentle. During the day, he was meaowling a bit, I thought he wanted to go out (it's an indoor but during summer I put him a leash and take him out on the back terrace we have, during 15 or 20 min. As winter here in Montreal is cold we just don't take them out.

Anyway, I retourned back home with my wife on Saturday afternoon and stayed with our cats. Homero, the cat who died, was a bit nervous, more than usual but I calmed him down, putting some soft music, which he loved. Then he went to sleep in our bed (10:30 pm). I went to bed at 12 am and he was sleeping but much alive (he moved when I went to bed).

Then, before 3 am my wife woke up to go to the bathroom and she noticed he was in a bizarre position, when she woke me up, we just realized that our beloved, beautiful and young cat (4 years) died. It's shocking and I am still thinking on him...I'm in the office but not able to concentrate good today. My wife stayed home today as she is 7-month pregnant and only studying part time for the moment.

I read about cardiomyopathy, and I believe my cat probably had it. When I took my cat to incineration (yesterday at 3:30 am), the vet told me that heart failure was much likely the cause. My cat was a domestic longhaired, although other people who know about cats told me he was Maine Coon (although he was a bit smaller)...and I read that Cardiomyopathy is more common in these cats...should I've known before it was too late :(  .He didn't show any signs, even the day before he ate normally and went to their "bathroom" as usual.

I'm very grateful for these 4 years my cat gave us love, and we loved him so much. Cats are angels, and I know he is now watching us from Cat Heaven.
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Our cat suddenly died yesterday morning 3 am. There was no warning at all. On saturday morning he and my other cat were sleeping with me, he was happy, even purring, so gentle. During the day, he was meaowling a bit, I thought he wanted to go out (it's an indoor but during summer I put him a leash and take him out on the back terrace we have, during 15 or 20 min. As winter here in Montreal is cold we just don't take them out.

Anyway, I retourned back home with my wife on Saturday afternoon and stayed with our cats. Homero, the cat who died, was a bit nervous, more than usual but I calmed him down, putting some soft music, which he loved. Then he went to sleep in our bed (10:30 pm). I went to bed at 12 am and he was sleeping but much alive (he moved when I went to bed).

Then, before 3 am my wife woke up to go to the bathroom and she noticed he was in a bizarre position, when she woke me up, we just realized that our beloved, beautiful and young cat (4 years) died. It's shocking and I am still thinking on him...I'm in the office but not able to concentrate good today. My wife stayed home today as she is 7-month pregnant and only studying part time for the moment.

I read about cardiomyopathy, and I believe my cat probably had it. When I took my cat to incineration (yesterday at 3:30 am), the vet told me that heart failure was much likely the cause. My cat was a domestic longhaired, although other people who know about cats told me he was Maine Coon (although he was a bit smaller)...and I read that Cardiomyopathy is more common in these cats...should I've known before it was too late :(  .He didn't show any signs, even the day before he ate normally and went to their "bathroom" as usual.

I'm very grateful for these 4 years my cat gave us love, and we loved him so much. Cats are angels, and I know he is now watching us from Cat Heaven.
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Hi, thank you for your kind words. She was 10 but was healthy as could be. You are right. It's so hard to make to say goodbye when you have the choice. Did this 2times in last couple of years (22yr old Siamese, 10 yr old lab mastiff mix) and that is one of hardest things you have to do. But in end its for the animals well being and would be selfish to keep them around if they are suffering.
still this was extremely hard on me bc it was different...before was always time to prepare etc. in fact I'm still kicking myself that I didn't take more pics of her bc I thought I'd have so much more time to do it. But she was such a proud and happy Kitty and I'll always remember her just like that. I wish every pet owner hear peace for the pain we endure with our losses but you are right it's so important to remeber all the joy our friends have provided us. Thank you and she is resting in peace with a couple of her favorite toys watching over me and the crew
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874521 tn?1424116797
I am so very sorry you lost your beloved kitty Tinkerbelle, its such a shock when there is no warning. You didn't say how old she was? I can tell by your words and your grief that she was very loved.

although a shock, this was a good way to go....quick and painless, how I prayed my Opus would go like this back in 2005, it was so hard to watch him slowly decline and to have to make a final decision one day for his sake...

all of us pet parents here have suffered losses, some just recently too. We all know how hard this is and how lost we are for awhile without them, just remember the good times and the love you shared...she will always be with you in your heart

RIP little Tink♥
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Thank you all for sharing your stories. I lost my beloved Tinkerbelle the other day. Found her at top of steps after a two day trip to VT to visit family resting on her side. Knew something was wrong as she would always greet me and her positioning was just off as she rarely slept like that. Broke my heart. She was so special came when I called her always by my side. House sitter said she was fine ( she rents out my honeymoon suit so I know and trust her) even slept with her night prior. She was best buddies with my 65 lb pit /hound mix and was the matriarch of my other two kitties. Just doesn't feel right without her.
I live in PA ground is rock solid but dug her a beautiful resting spot in my back yard so she can continue watching over me. She even had a little pink collar that I got her two months prior (she would sneak out occasionally to be with my dog Riley in the yard so bell would warn wildlife she might go after).
She wore her collar so proudly I think towards end she thought she was a dog! It's been a tough year as my wife and I going through stuff and now me in a big empty house. Thank you all for sharing bc many of us don't have anyone we can grieve with. Also as you all probably know non animal loves don't always feel the same and may think we are whiny or weak for feeling the way we do about our furry friends
Vet did not do autopsy but said was probably heart attack or stroke. Or heart worm but feel that's less likely. Nothing you can do and she did say Tink probably didn't even know what was happening as happens so quick and painlessly. Thank you all and we will be with all our beloved pets again. Hope this helps others like your posts have helped me
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My condolences to all who have written here.  Yesterday morning my beautiful 7 year old cat Hamlet passed quietly in his sleep. My other cat keeps looking for him and we are devastated. You are not alone x
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I know your post is older but I am hoping you receive this as I lost my baby yesterday morning and I am beyond devastated - I can not stop crying - I am heart broken.  She died much in same way your fur baby did - she was fine - sitting on the table and then fell to floor - she breathed for about a minute then went limp and just died.  I am so upset - I want to understand what happened to this 15 month old, loving, active and intelligent creature that I loved so very much.  I just don't understand...
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506791 tn?1439842983
My Chessie Bear died in mid leap to the top of the bed in January, massive heart attack the vet thought.  She'd had some difficulty the night before and we were about to gather her up to bring her in for an exam...

Have had cats all 57+ years of my life...never becomes easy.
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1215170 tn?1266389122
I am so sorry for your loss this was your best friend for a long time.  This Saturday our 9 year old Tabby Penny was playing, eating and having a good time with the other cats in the morning.  Five hours later she collapsed and I picked her up and she could not breathe.  I got to the vet in 30 minutes but it was too late.  First time that I ran through all the stop signs and red lights.  I was blessed to hold her in my arm while she was suffering but I still have the memory of her in my mind trying to survive.  Penny never had any symptoms of being sick, our other cats had the medical symptoms.  I am very upset because I've always checked everything that could go wrong with our cats. Our vet never told me or warned me to check for this disease. Anytime they felt bad for a few days they were in vet's office.  They were given the best food money could buy.  Penny was the king of the house and spoiled rotten.  We understood that Penny was getting older, so we watched him carefully for problems.  Always an inside cat, refused on place his paw on the ground outside.  It hurts when you don't know what I could have done differently to prevent his death.  I never once had a cat die like this and I've cats for 40 years.
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874521 tn?1424116797
I am so sorry to read about your dear loved kitty.....this must have been a terrible shock for you to find him gone when you weren't even made aware of a health problem.

It does sound very much like cardiomyopathy, the only reassuring part is that you know he didn't suffer, it was quick.

I am so sorry for your loss, his final resting place sounds so beautiful so fitting...he can forever be keeping watch over his beloved mommy:(

RIP little man
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I found my 13 year old sweet seemingly healthy cat deceased on the bedroom floor just yesterday morning.  The tears are still flowing as I type this.  After reading and reading about sudden death in cats, I truly belivee my
Taz-Bo died of cardiomyopathy as well.  I couldn't bear the thought of a necropsy even though I knew there might be some closure.  I had him since he was orpahaned and I became a "failed foster". It doesn't get any eaiser!  I had to say farewell to my 17 yr old Aust. Shep barely 4 months ago...and this unexpected loss is very hard.  I just talked to a vet and he assured me there was nothing I could have done and shouldn't beat myself up over this as it can truly be a silent and sudden killer.  I am lucky enough to have a large yard and hs is now in his final resting place under a nice shady lemon tree where he can keep an eye on the house and also the wild birds that have feeders in the tree!
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Just happened to me yesterday, so trying to figure out what happened. My ginger Tiffin was a true personality, rode on my shoulder and so friendly! Came in and sat near my face - we had a conversation about "what do you want, cream I suppose" he promptly collapsed, thrashed about, pupils fully dilated, tongue blue, screamed and then "fitted" for a few moments with tail fluffed and stiff then went completely limp and stopped breathing. I am devastated and totally bereft. He was my friend and my rescue buddy (along with his 2 sisters who seem fine!). I think it was the heart condition mentioned but I am in shock. It was so quick, from start to sad end it only took 60 seconds! I have just buried him with his older pals - we have a small farm so he can RIP in the sunshine undisturbed. It is so very upsetting I just cannot get over the minute that seemed to last for an hour that ended his life.... My sympathies for anyone who goes through this - so traumatic and sad. My respect to you and your sad time.
I am sorry to hear of your loss. (Possibly a stroke? I lost a cat to heart issues and it wasn't sudden like you described, but drawn out over a day or two.) I guess the only thing that could be said is that there was nothing you could have done, it's not like even if a vet had been standing right there he could have been saved. Poor baby. I'm glad he is able to be with his older pals in the sunshine.
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So sorry to hear of your kitty's sudden death! I had the same thing happen with one of my cats. My vet, a feline specialist with years of experience, said the only thing he knew of that would cause that sudden a death is a blood clot in the brain.
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I just happened upon this page when searching for info about my beloved kitty Little Joe's condition-- hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.  I see that your sweet kitty Dozey--what an adorable name :)--passed about a year back?  I'm sooo terribly sorry for your loss.  Little Joe is like a son to us--we couldn't love him more if he were our human son.

I definitely think your kitty died from cardiomyopathy.  If it haunts you at all you can research 'HCM' on the internet--there is so much information.  the disease has a literal mind of its own and medication has little effect but is used when warranted.  It's a heartbreaking disease--but aren't they all.   I hope and pray that our Little Joe's condition does not worsen as some do not and some do--you never know.  I don't know I will ever handle it if I lose him.  He goes to a cardiologist and we follow his instructions completely.

This littleman is truly a part of my heart and I am sooo sorry for your loss of your little guy--I know that pain and it is beyond deep.  Please know that there was truly nothing u could have done with cardiomyopathy sudden death.  I believe with all of my heart that he is in an amazing place where someday you will be reunited again~

with sincere sypathy and healing thoughts,
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670929 tn?1226173181
That sounds so nice! Eternally together...poetic almost :)

It all happened so fast that I didn't think of doing something like that. "Grave Goods" sounds really nice.
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506791 tn?1439842983
Something I have done with my kitties, when we have had to send them off to the Final Care, is to make a little cloth bundle of favorite things, which are flammable, that will be cremated along with them.

"Grave Goods" are a tradition in my family for beloved humans we've lost, so I continue it with my furry friends.

I really like your story about making a special pillow for Dozey's urn.

We have Queen Victoria Grey [17 6/12] and Calamity Jane Grey [21 4/12] together in a nice tea tin (they were sisters), and April Dancer [6 6/12] and Cerridwen Blythe [16 5/12] together as they were great friends. We think Cerrie thought Dancer was one of her kittens. ,-)  In our own Final Arrangements, both my wife and I wish to be cremated, and have kitties placed in the columbarium with us.
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670929 tn?1226173181
I honestly never thought of cremation either but since I live in a large city now you are not allowed to bury you pets. Cremation was the next best thing since I would be able to have a part of him with me still.

The pillow kept me sane on the day of the cremation. It kept me focused on something other then what was really going on. It is a little black and white round pillow with a "D" on the front. I also made another rectangular one that says "LOVE" to match...and a little ribbon rose with my left over ribbon. I really like it and it was perfect for what I needed it for. His urn is the only color on the pillow so he stands out.

I am still in shock...it was traumatic to experience. As the days go on I am very happy that I was there with him to comfort him as he went. I'd had him since he was born so it was like completing the cycle.

Kitten does go around looking for him at least once a day but we can easily distract him with cuddles. He is feeling a little down after the shots today so all he wants is to sleep in the middle of the living room where he can see everyone.
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242912 tn?1660619837
That's great news about Kitten.  She also seems to be coping well with the loss of Dozey.  Aw, that brought tears to my eyes that you made a little pillow for Dozey's urn.  I've read so many members have had their kitty cremated and I think that's what we'll do when the time comes for Jade.  Not something I ever knew was done or thought about before this forum.  

More hugs to you, ohbehave007.  I'm glad your vet was able to set your mind more at ease.  And of course you're not ready yet.  Has only been six days and I imagine you are still in some shock.  You will know in your heart when it's the right time for another kitty.  
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670929 tn?1226173181
Just got back from the vet and Kitten is perfectly healthy (as far as sh could tell anyway). This is a great relief. He was vaccinated and de-wormed just to be sure. We also discussed Dozey (the cat that past away) and she said that it was probably Cardiomyopathy and there is nothing we could have done when it happens that sudden.

Thank you all for all of your help and comfort. It really helped me when I needed it most.
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