740516 tn?1360942486

Girls will be spayed Thursday morning

Today I finally set the surgery for Lucky and Joy,
Of course I'm worried about sending both together for but...
It will be better to manage after, I  guess.
Vet that is doing the surgery is the one that attends Loreena but I dont now nobody that did the surgery with him, well I saw a furry patient leaving the clinic once (ALIVE) but for sure I dont know what happened later on :-)
Something that worries me is the fact that he already told  me the medicine ( I asked him) and its available on shot and oral solution only.I do will prefer some pills considering the troubles I had with Loreena vomiting the sulfa the ended with he giving up,cat stressed and a vial almost full of medicine wasted plus a box of pills bought for using just one!
Its AMPICILYN _ not sure about the spelling in english.Vet prod - the humane one is available in pills,someone told me
Hope things go fine and this damn antibiotic do not cause other problems to my (no so) little ones!!
Pray for them,I will try to keep posting about!

28 Responses
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541150 tn?1306033843
Aw...you are such a good mama to your kitties. I think it is a great idea to have them spayed at the same time. This way you only deal with the whole thing once. I will keep my fingers crossed so everything will be fine. Don't be afraid and please don't stress over cats that don't come out of the clinic alive. Your girls will be fine and in excellent shape after the surgery. After all, this is the same vet who spayed Loree, right?

Doesn't the vet have Pill Pockets for the medication? You really have to get them to take the antibiotics and pain killers one way or the other. If I have any ideas I will let you know. But I would definitely buy te pill pockets online. You can find them on amazon for a good price. They will ship it to your place and everything. But you'd have to order right away since the girls will be spayed soon.

Good luck to Joy and Lucky. Post pictures soon please. I can't wait to see the girls!!!!
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874521 tn?1424116797
Oh yes good luck to the girls from us too...don't worry, this Vet has looked after Loreena well so trust in him.
Antibiotics can cause upset stomach and diarrhea as you found out already..I hope it won't happen with the girls, if it does he should be able to give you another kind.
the pill pockets would be a good idea, much easier than trying to get them to swallow a pill, I hope you can find them easily...
I'll have to order some too in case Sami ever needs a pill he loves the treats. Of course Nemo is a whole other story, won't even take treats that one!...but I think he's a whole 'other' species.
good luck to the girls, please let us know how everything goes..
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740516 tn?1360942486
ITS Not the vet that did Loreena surgery,I got hers for free in a quite expensive place.
Not that I had loved that vet...

2- I dont have problems with pills,I have problems with liquids with bad taste,they caused Loreena to trhrow up
But those pockets are usufull,no doubts
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541150 tn?1306033843
Ah! Sorry. I misunderstood.  My advice remains the same. Don’t stress over the surgery and cats not coming out alive.  Just think of the future and how happy your girls are going to be and you won’t have to deal with cats in heat.  I’m not sure how vets are in Brazil.  But spaying/ neutering are fairly common.

Good luck with the meds. Hopefully, the vet will give you pills instead of liquid :)
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242912 tn?1660619837
Hi Apple, will be thinking and praying for the Joy and Lucky on Thurs.  I'm sure the surgery will go just fine and everyone will come out alive and well (you're so funny.)  Hopefully the girls will take to the oral meds better than Loreena did, but of course, would be even better if you can get pills.

Good luck and do let us know how it goes!!!
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740516 tn?1360942486
Just bought more food (again!!!) and  a bag of whiskas sachet chicken for kittens as reward for the girls.Its a new product here.
They will love it, I'm afraid :-) They alredy tried a few pieces of Loreena's sachet once...
The vet that will do the stuff is the one that take care of L. since when she was not feeling ok a few days after surgery and the one that had done "was not Available" (you all know how much I loved her for this...)
I like him but he loves antibiotics a little bit more than I wanted...But he's right,I hope,we have to trust him.
Stitches that have to be removed later on do not sound fantastic as well,but this is not really important, means just another day going there -and another transport fare.
He said girl will go home using those after surgery clothes,thats good,hope Loreena do not help them in licking that off :-)
The e-collar I have wont fit any of them - fits loreena-I had to exchange it 3 times and she not make use of!
Tonight I wont know how things would be since they are supposed to be fastening since 8PM - they are used to eat the last meal at 9pm and wake up crazy for food always.Poor ones,the part I think harder is about not given water,Loreena will have to do without as well since they are sleeping together.
Haveto be sure the toilet is closed :-) - in fact I've been doing it for almost half year now...
Thank you for the good wishes,I'll be back asap

(that  was the part I tried to post sooner without success.Follows some uptodate below)

Vet mailed me I can use Rilexine pills -almost perfect except for the fact it will make the expenses with medicine  even bigger :-(
Fact is spaying both was never in my plans,til my friend decided new borns in need wouldl take Joy's place
Well I have til tomorrow noon to decide for one,maybe I will have to try the liquid one - I will ask the vet if he has sampler of this one for a first try.
I have to go home( i'm at a school) sooner today cos I have to feed her earlier tonight.
New post tomorrow when/if I get time for,I'm intending go there with them,return home by myself and come back there by the time girls were released - if I'm not with them they will travel in the back of the  clinic van and sometimes they transport more animals at the same time. Each one in one case but I dont feel like is a good opportunity for my kittens being introduced to dogs...
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541150 tn?1306033843

Oh My, you are such a good mama to those cats!! God bless you, my dear. Good luck to you. We will all be waiting for the next post. You'll see how fast cats can recover.

Good Luck Joy!
Good Luck Lucky!

Try to keep it together. It is all good, honey :)
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740516 tn?1360942486
Girl went home about 4pm - wet ( peed?) and with a bad arranged clothe but awake.
Lucky has two places without fur ( both arms) they must have had difficults in finding veins.
For my surprise they are not allowed to eat or drink til tomorrow- no one told me that when I spayed Lore and first thing she did at home was eat, of course! With no visible problems,btw :-)
Vet wants then to use collar but I wont do it - if they start licking I will put a tshirt sleeve clothe on them,worked fine for L,
I'm completly exhausted for coming and going everywhere all day long - hope they do not cry for thirsty or hungry during the night
Just pick the antibiotics,I will buy the other med tomorrow morning ( all pills- hope they cause no problems)
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541150 tn?1306033843
Oh I'm glad the girls are doing good. Keep updating us. Let us know all about their progress ok? Keep them cozy and comfy. If they pee again, try to keep the area clean and dry. Do not let them run or jump until they are completely healed. No two cats are the same. Some may recover more quickly than others, so don't be afraid if one of the girls gets a bit lethargic while the other one seems fine. Keep an eye on them, and remember, they need rest; no playing, no running, no jumping......so they can heal faster AND without complications.
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740516 tn?1360942486
Dear are you suggesting me to bound them or wrap then completely with medical adesive tape ? ;-)
If I know them, they WONT be calmly resting.Btw, they left the place comfy i put there to sleep on the floor or over another empty carboard box.
But I will try to explain then the situation :-) - how do we say that in "Meowish?"
About pee,their litters are close,if they have energy for mess around,I guess they will be able to use those
Theyprobably arrived peed cos they were stressed at the clinic and/or stayed in that place for much time wainting for and no one noticed and/or cleaned the box
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874521 tn?1424116797
well I'm glad for the girls that its all over with....I don't understand why no eating or drinking either, did you question the Vet about this?
thats a long time with no liquids for them,,,would be 48 hrs...
I would ask why if i were you.
but don't worry I'm sure they must know what they are doing, perhaps its because they are worried about a reaction to the anesthetic?
please keep us informed...sounds like you all need a good rest tonight.
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541150 tn?1306033843

Just try to keep them from being active for now. If you have to lock them up in a room, DO IT! lol....
Some cats......... their stitches will open due to the running and jumping. It might get an infection, and you can prevent it from making them rest some way or another.

Good luck with that lol...
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740516 tn?1360942486
fastening was for the effects of anesethect yet,they would cause vomit so he said. I didnt trust very much and give then just a little spoon of water ans a few grains of foodalmost 11 pm -it happened( just a proprortional one of course)

The are still eating few today(Their option) and no poos yet.Joy is the one that is feeling worse,shes still having some problems in walking( not that that keep the in the place we wanted or avoid climbing),feel or lie on the floor sometines
Bought her pain pills early in the morning cos they are supposed to take just half a day but she probably was in pain
Saw Joy drinking but not peeing and Lucky litter yet not not her drinking

Vet said its for the clother and pacther and qould be fine when they're gone 8 DAYS!!!
Girls maybe were doing that for the stress or pain and the stuff get better
later on (my opinion) but by now I'm afraid I will take the keep one the girl locked in her box ( both are in the bathroom)- it means all night without acess to litter or water..

A Loreena is worse I'm afraid she slap the girls now they are not in conditions to run away fast.(she already tried some times)I am also afraid keeping her complety appart I wont never be able to join then again

I just would need 3 diferent rooms -completely empty if possible :-)

Ah,bout me just broke my glasses this noon -right the side is was working fine,the other is almost useless cos I had another surgert to do and no doctor would prescribe new one til that nor I was intending waste money on those...
Means my new pics- if i got some would be even better,you cannot miss :-)

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740516 tn?1360942486
Ps Loreena its ouside all day long but she wants to enter home an I have to allow her sometimes.She sleeping in a corridor next the bathroom close at night
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874521 tn?1424116797
awww you are having your problems aren't you!..gosh tho can't help but tell you what a great job you are doing...worrying over and tending to those babies.
A few days apart and all should be well, do you have a cat cage that could be used for part of the time?...just be sure they are out to eat/drink and use litter often....but I don't need to tell you that because you know what you are doing already.
They will grow stronger by the day and once they are eating and drinking more all the plumbing will follow...I am so glad you have pain meds for them, I can't remember ever getting that for mine and I should have insisted!
Oh don't worry abt L accepting them again after a few days....cats have good memories, as they get older there maybe some scuffles but nothing to worry over.
best to you all
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996946 tn?1503249112
Hi Apple, Just wrote you a nice long note on here, and yes it just disappeared in thin air.  I just wanted to tell you I'm thinking of you and Joy and Lucky and hope all of you are feeling better and better.  Sorry about your glasses, you didn't need that to happen.  I hope you are safe and far from the floods in Brazil.  The girls should be fine and you should take care of yourself and get some much-needed rest.  Talk to ya later, Linda
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740516 tn?1360942486
Fast news

Sunday Joy throwed up for sure,doubts about Lucky.One hour after the morning pills
Vet said I should stop that for the day and prescribed something for vomit ( that I finally didnt give then since the fact do not happened again) Something tells me it was overeating reaction plus stress after some days almost starving - hope so
Monday was ok,just some fight for they swallow the pills now that they chew some already - wish they were no almost adult girls getting adult teeth!  ;-)   - btw  I found 2 this last days)

Since day 3 girls are sharing the same place free again.They are not playing but at least theres no fight.

Loreena is under supervisioned visits system yet,today she was allowed to stay about one minute without me keeping her and just licked and pat slightly their heads.
She still have some possibily dangerous reactions,but I can see some progress.
But I guess I will only let them together when the girls were without patches and stiches - means weekend or so...
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740516 tn?1360942486
Gils had the stitches removed Friday and they were allowed to give up medicine the same day ( they were supposed to take 3 more pills )

The same day I let them stay all together with no troubles and now Thankfully they are a happy family again!
Again they are together meowing at my door in the morning,trying to invade my bedroom or running as crazy... Poo was I little loose but seems like all is back to normal life... except for Loreena not disturbing me for 2 nights and being there with her kids til the moment I went bed ( she usually sleep in the living room while I watch TV)

Just found a funny stuff,like a coloured bag in dice shape and they are enjoying,If they really got used to maybe someday I buy an appropriate feline bag,that one is cool but not much strong,Loreena could destroy it easily if I was not watching
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996946 tn?1503249112
Hi Apple, glad to hear things are good with the kitties.  I think of you all often and pray that all is ok with them and you as well. Sounds like they are enjoying playing with their toy.  Apple, have you ever given them a catnip toy to play with?  My cats love the catnip once in awhile, lol.
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541150 tn?1306033843
Kids and Loree are doing fine! YAY!!!! You are such a good mom to them, Apple. God bless you dear :)
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740516 tn?1360942486
Dear,my cats are already "plugged on", except for this recovering time when they were slowed a little  bit by clothes (sort of on purpose,they didnt have the chance of licking the surgical cloth cos I put another over it in advance)
I dont think  they need some  more catnip "incentive" - not at this moment, at least :-)
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996946 tn?1503249112
LOL,  Apple I know exactly what you mean.  You always make me laugh....or smile  :)
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242912 tn?1660619837
Hey Apple :)  

I'm happy to see the girls came through the surgery and are doing well.  A few bumps here and there I see, but nothing you haven't handled with your usual brilliance! :)  Hope they continue to improve every day.  Are Joy and Lucky still on meds?  
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740516 tn?1360942486
No,they not even finished the 8 days pill vet had prescribed,after removing the stitches he said it was not necessary anymore...
Now my future feline expense will be vaccines for Loreena,she needs the ones for kids cos I dont know if she already had any.Rabies as well but that she could get for free in campaigns ( August - she was suspect of pregnancy last year)
Lets see if they allow grandma to spend some bucks with herself cos plus the glasses my dermatologist put me back to acid ( STRONGER)  and solar block ( no big troubles just oily skin and acne,but I have not been taking good care of this last times.GUESS WHY? :-) )
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