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372726 tn?1236108394

Why does my cat suddenly poop on our bed?!

We have 2 cats and 2 dogs. All of our pets have been with us since babies. They get along great.

My boy cat is now 7 years old. He recently had a check up and blood test all was normal. I just don't understand why he goes on our bed comforter and poops on it?! The cat litter is cleaned and I have tried new cat litter and also changed and used the same cat litter, just in case that was the problem, but he still goes on our bed.

The strange thing is that he also uses his cat litter box but once in a while he goes on our bed. The poop is looks normal color and does not look he's sick. The poop is round and somewhat hard in texture. Is he trying to tell me he's sick? What should I do about this behavior?

It's driving me crazy!
18 Responses
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Is everyone on this thread INSANE BC the original person who posted this question has in NO WAY referred to "putting her cat down" in fact a person who answered oddly enough made the comment so is it everyone has trouble reading or am I missing something on my end? It's crazy everyone's attacking this person but yet it was never ever implied she was going to do such an act. Wow!
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And why when anyone on this thread uses a comma or makes a word plural w the letter S or quotation marks.... There's a bunch of numbers placed directly afterward that we did not do. It's weird and needs fixed by this pages administrator immediately. I've never seen such nutty stuff geesh
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You should never have a pet. You are a bad person. The cat is not a bad cat. You don't have the tools or knowledge to fix the situation. I hope you don't have children! You don't put a pet down. You send him to a rescue group so he can find a good home. Yours is not a place where any living thing would thrive. I bed even your plants are dead.
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to put a cat down for that ,KARMA !!!!!!!! your time will come
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You don't put down family members or old people that wee themselves but why people get pets and can so easily put them down is beyond me... pure selfishness, if you say you give your cat love it's not the same as loving them.... God I despise selfish humans with no compassion!  They are our children and we their carers - not their doom bringers.  I  hope you never have any more pets that don;t live up to your damn selfish expectations!
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You don't put down family members or old people that wee themselves but why people get pets and can so easily put them down is beyond me... pure selfishness, if you say you give your cat love it's not the same as loving them.... God I despise selfish humans with no compassion!  They are our children and we their carers - not their doom bringers.  I  hope you never have any more pets that don;t live up to your damn selfish expectations!
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unfortunately there are so many of those people having pets :(
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Absolutely horrible, you vile human being
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506791 tn?1439842983
The famous Miss Teia was peeing in inappropriate spots in the apartment (and the Illinois house before  that), hit on the idea of using puppy pads on a boot tray.  She took to those quite well.

I do not believe that any animal is unreachable with the proper tools, both in the owner and in her habitat.
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6726276 tn?1421126668
See if a rescue group will take her before you put her down.
  I'm sorry & I understand the horrible frustration. We do attribute too many human qualities to our animals.
   Bottom line she is a cat. An animal. Her misbehaving doesn't necessarily mean that she is spiteful or hates you.
    I had a cat that ended up peeing on everything. I was fostering her, so I had the luxury of sending her back early.
   The director at the foundation told me later, she was a model cat at her new adopted home. Go figure.
   I had even given this kitty 3 litter boxes. 2 for pee & 1for poop. Nothing worked.        Pamela
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Jesus lady. I had to read that several times to be sure I wasn't imagining what you said. I mean, putting him down? Geez. Hope you don't and never do have any kids! Fine line between us and so called animals for sure.
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My cat did the same thing, after I locked her in the room, after she repeatedly knocks things over, including my food of which she is not interested and not hungry.  I had a lady friend over and we began kissing and the woman looked and the cat was staring at her intensely.  Then the cat swiped at her and ran.  I give this cat an enormous amount of attention, she's fed the best food, filtered cold water always fresh her litter box is always clean (although she stopped covering up her poop).  She has toys and I play with her. Brush her everyday.  
Me allowing her to poop on my bed when she is angry I cannot tolerate.  She seemingly feels she can express her anger that way and refuses to realize that I am the boss, and that's not acceptable.  I seriously doubt you can say anything that will help, this is her personality, you have good and you have bad.  I'm begining to understand why she was a stray when I found her.  SHE IS JUST A BAD CAT PERIOD, just like you have bad people and you put them in jail or worse, cats have distinct personalities like people.  She will be euthanized.  I am done.
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KARMA will come your way
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Our 3 year old male cat has pooped in various rooms for almost 3 years including his OWN bed. We use.enzyme cleaners and a small  Bissel cleaner just for his accidents We have had him to the vet numerous time and he has checked out fine. We slowly incorporated new litter and re-trained him by buying an additional open-top litter pan and slowly moving it closer to the  (open top) one in a small bathroom, We changed his food to a sensitive dry food that the vet recommended. He has never had a firm stool, and the vet did not seem concerned each time I bring this up to her. He is a very well loved cat, We give him ample attention and play with him daily.  When we leave for extended periods of time,we have a special adapter that we plug in that gives off pheromone for cats. We plug this in if anyone in the family leaves for an extended period of time and well all of us go away.  He does spend lots of window time and there are several of our neighbors cats that visit our property, but these cats have been around since he was a kitten and he seems to enjoy "chatting" with them. Could this possibly be the problem?  Any ideas???? We are really beginning to wonder what else we could possibly do.
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The rule of thumb is have one litter box per cat. Cats are territorial by nature, so two cats sharing one litter box could be a problem. Also, make sure to scoop the boxes daily, cats are clean animals and don't like dirty litter boxes. Wash the litter boxes  with soap and water at least once a week. Hope this helps!
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Maybe you should check the litter box
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My cat is pooping on my bed we had another cat but got rid of her for doing it at first we thought she was marking her terrirtory but she has done it many times now and only on my bed and my sister shares a room with me we're almost to the point of giving her away.I give her love and scratch behind her ears WHAT SHOULD I DO?!?!
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874521 tn?1424116797
I will send you a site with some reading and things to rule out....first of all its important they each have their own litter box..very important.

two the male could well have crystals in his bladder, very common with male cats that are fed a dry food diet. it is MOST important male cats in particular be fed wet food only....dry food is too dehydrating, no matter how much water they drink its not enough to flush out the crystals. this should be checked out by a urinalysis at your Vet clinic...it is a very painful condition..
sometimes inappropriate elimination is when kitty is trying to tell us 'its hurts'
first start with a wet diet and see if that helps.

are you cleaning all the soiled bedding with an enzyme cleaner to eliminate the odor from KITTY's strong sense of smell? you maynot smell it but he can and will continue to use the area thinking its the litter box.

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my cat started peeing on our things but he has especially been defecating on our beds!!! he is only about 6 months old and we also have a girl cat that is about 8 months old! we feed them wet and dry food and they share one litter box. we hardly ever play with them but we love on them and they sleep in our beds sometimes. the boy is the younger and he is an inside cat. the girl is the older one and shes an outside cat. they are not sick and have not been showing any signs. help? i dont know what to do!!!
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My cat is a long haired tortoise shell. She recently got seperated from another cat which she has spent 2 years with but hissed and fought with constantly. She has been really loving since seperating them and seemed to be really happy. However in the past two weeks she has started to poop all over the house.She is also cowering alot even if she hasnt pooped. She has been moved house but was fine its just the past two weeks she has changed. She gets loads of love and attention im not sure what else to do. She isnt off her food and she does go in her tray for a wee. HELP PLEASE
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Our cat has always been great about using only the litterbox but one time, when my son and I were away for more than a week, she did poop on the bed. It was so out of character for her, but now I realize it's probably because she was upset that we were away. My husband was home but he doesn't love her like we do so she was definitely pining for us. Does your cat have his own litter box? I know that my friend had two cats and they used to potty on the floor until she got each cat their own box. Not something you really want around the house but maybe it's worth a try. Good luck.
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609884 tn?1227329403
The first thing to do is take him to a vet for a thorough checkup.  He could be telling you that he's sick and you don't want to ignore it.   I don't want to speculate, there are number of conditions that it could be.

Otherwise, he's upset about something.  Have there been any changes lately?  Cats don't like any kind of changes.  Moved furniture, anything like that could do it.  If you are out of the home more than usual, that could do it.  Cats often do this sort of thing to get attention, or to express anger.

If it's an emotional thing, all you can do is give kitty lots of love and reassurance.  And re-potty train him (you know, if he starts to go, pick him up and put him in the litter box.  Show him all over again what to do.)  

Very important - no scolding or punishments, you'll just make him confused and hostile.

Let us know if you have any other questions or concerns, ok?

Good  luck.
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