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1560663 tn?1298046527

Megacolon in cats

This isn't really a question but if my post can help even one cat/dog owner with this disease it will be worth it.  I have a cat with megacolan, Toonces, that's his name.  We had the surgery but it is back.  There is no other surgery available, the next step is to have him put down.  He has been in three times since his surgery a couple of years ago to be evacuated.  We switched vets a year or so ago because one of our cats died at the hands of our vet.  We just couldn't bring ourselves to return.  We questioned our vet's handling of his treatment.  Anyway ths could turn into a very long story but my focus here is to help pet owners with cats with megacolon.  We used a laxative that I cant remember the name of but it was a prescription that is for people and animals.  He had to have 3-5 ml shoved down his throat a couple of times a day, in addition I had to shoot a pill down his throat with a straw and he had to have fiber added to his food.  It was horrible and none of it worked very well.  Our new vet was young and fresh out of vet school and recommended Miralax.  I add about 1/4 tsp to some tuna, tuna juice or a couple tablespoons of wet food once a day.  It gives him some loose stinky stools but it is so simple and it works.  He also has some pretty bad gas.  Toonces is alive and doing pretty darn well for over a year now without being evacuated even once.  We may not have even had to have the surgery had we known about this.  We had the surgery because we were putting him through hell every day.  I think it was called laxatone or something like that and the pill was over the counter but I don't remember the name of it either.   If you have a cat or dog with this disease talk to your vet.  I don't know how it works on a dog but if your vet says no ask another vet.  I don't know what dose you would give a dog but I'm sure it would be fine for them if it's ok for a cat.  I just don't know for sure about giving it to a dog.  It has been a life saver, literally.  If I miss giving it to him even once his stool will begin to harden and they are huge.  I can't imagine passing a stool as big as he has had to so don't miss a dose.  You might be able to adjust it to a smaller amount so that it is not so runny.  I really hope if you are considering surgery or giving your cat a bunch of other stuff...try this, even if you have to try it against your vets wishes.  Just make sure it doesn't conflict with any other medications.  If you have to, call my vet and tell them I recommended you call them.  Her name is Dr. Martin at Adobe Veterinary in Tucson Arizona.  Please let me know if this has helped even one person.  Thank you for taking the time to read this... you won't be sorry, I'm sure of it..
38 Responses
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1560663 tn?1298046527
I don't know about the issue with long term use of miralax but zodiacqueen especially for ocassional constipation, I think you will be hardpressed to find anything as good.  My cat has been on it daily 1/4 tsp, for a couple of years now, so far, no problems unless he doesn't get it.  The alternative for him is death.  He is a bit gassy and lays on his back to help with this but all I know is my Toonces would not be alive today if it weren't for mirilax.  I have given him a total of three extra years of life so far.  If the Miralax stops working then I will cross that bridge when I get there but he is happy, loving and I can't be more pleased with my vets recommendation to use it. If you want to follow me I will post ocassionally about how Toonces is doing.  He is seven years old now and was 3 when he was first diagnosed so were doing ok.  I have seven cats so if anyone has questions about anything I think I have seen it all.  I'm not a vet but I have been through a lot with my babies.  Goodluck Carolyn and Zodiacqueen and anyone else who has any problems with constipation in your cat.
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Hi Patty, I hope I'm not posting this too late. But if it benefits anyone, our answer is PUMPKIN!. My 11 year old cat has had this for years and I had been cramming laxatives, etc down his throat. He was so badly constipated before I gave him enough of anything to work and it took days. The laxatone, Miralax, and tuna juice all worked but we started putting pumpkin in his food on a regular basis and what a difference!!! Not only does he and the other cats like it but it woks! I still give them tuna juice and even water in their can food as well (absolutely no dry!) and he's so much happier. I don't know of any major down sides to giving it to them but my vet bills went way down. Worth a try!! PS: Canned pumpkin-not pie filler..
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My 3 year old Bella has mega colon
She is currently taking Cisapride and Laxatone
I was wondering about the Miralax.....what is the dosage you give?
Bella's Mom
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I have a 10 year old cat with mega colon. We give her enemas when she has problems and if that does not help, we end up taking her to the vet for removal of the hard feces. We give her laxatone when she starts showing signs of the problem reoccurring. If I put miralax or anything in her food she will not eat it. Any suggestions?
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I also have a 10 year old cat who had exploratory surgery because she was vomiting. They thought it was Pancreatitis, then an x-ray and u/s showed a thickening in the colon so that is when we scheduled surgery. This is not Mega Colon but IBS, and I treat her with 1/8 tsp Miralax in her morning wet food and her evening wet food. She is on a diet pf Z/D prescription wet food and dry, and takes Budesonide (formulated as a liquid) every day.

After spending $10,000 in four months to find out what was wrong , I am happy to say she has been great. She has a BM every day.....and the Miralax is tasteless so she does not even taste it when I mix it with her food
I am beyond happy, although the Budesonide is a form of prednisone, I don't care she is HAPPY for now.
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In many cases contrary to conventional advice, FIBER is contraindicated in mega-colon, canned food should be no more than 2 % with miralax. Fiber was killing my mega-colon cat with a crushed pelvis and confirmed with x-rays enlarged colon. After a few months on Miralax, low fiber and a lot of mess - she completely reversed and is now normal. A Yahoo Group is how I learned about Miralax and LOW fiber.
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874521 tn?1424116797
p.s. the kefir I refered to above is the homemade variety...don't buy the store bought ones unless you are very sure they are sugar free :) must be pure kefir...homemade is easy enough as long as you can buy the kefir grains or freeze dried starter. there I've confused you enough!!
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874521 tn?1424116797
I am in awe of your devotion to this poor kitty....I deal with a special needs one too and know how time consuming this can get...we do out of love don't we.

I am surprised the cisapride isn't enough for motility...should be even without a lax.
I would find something other than the lactulose...it can have its issues esp when used long term and it doesn't seem to be working anyway....btw you do need to syringe extra water along with it..at least 50/50 to work properly. I used it for a few years for my Opus whose now been gone a few years. it did work for him, but does NOT for my Nemo who has severe constipation due to a stricture in his lower bowel..but not mega colon

I would order inulin...thats what I use for him, it speeds up the transit through the colon...its fiber and I do know with mega colon you need to be very careful with fiber as some can increase the problem...but inulin would be worth a try. I will add a link on where to order if you decide to try. 1/4 teas. mixed in a bit of water...via syringe. start slowly with her to be sure it helps not hinders

another thing you can try is using a glycerin enema rather than a soapy water fleet. mix it 50/50 with water and you can get the small syringes to use to administer from your Vet. thats what I do at times....

Miralax works well usually. I have used it on occasion as well....only 1/4 teas again mixed with water via syringe. I think you'd have better sucess with it over lactose. but the ingredients are questionable for long term use..but you are at a road block using many things already, don't think miralax would cause more harm. it was recommended to me by my Vet for Nemo but I have only used on occasion

I will also give you a link to an excellent probiotic thats safe for cats...if youhave ever read up on kefir...that is the highest CFU obtainable, and very good for cats since its lactose free when prepared. the link I will give you is for the probiotic I use

digestive enzymes are also a good idea, will give you a link to that as well
as is magnesium oxide...I use Natural factors brand.
the regiment I use for Nemo regularly is as follows, but always go over this with your Vet first.

-1/4 teas inulin
-25 mg magnesium ( i use citrate but have heard oxide is better) you'll have to buy the smallest capsule mg avail and measure out what you think is 25 mg.
-pinch of digestive enzyme
-pinch of probiotic (or sometime kefir, 1-2 teas....cats love this)

I buy all my products thru iherb in california, simply b/c you have to use products that have NONE or very little soy, salt, sugar, yeast and other such ingredients, they need to be as pure as possible to be safe for cats.

here are the links. best of luck to you and little kitty...keep us posted and we'll help all we can.

2 different probiotics: if you wish to use the one you use, if its pretty pure than open the capsule and just give her a pinch, mixed with water via syringe or in her food if she'll take it that way.


or this one


digestive enzyme:


I would discontinue all dry foods and feed only canned for many reasons but mainly for her b/c of the high water content. dry foods are so dehydrating that no amount of water will compensate. I hope this has helped somewhat. if I can help more just ask away. best of luck...and hang in there, I sure don't blame you for not going ahead with the surgery, it was proposed to me for Nemo last summer when he went thru a blockage and I too refused to put him through all that....♥
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13483152 tn?1430157348
My Noel  had a spinal cord injury which led to urinary incontinence and chronic constipation. Now she has severe Megacolon. She is on Cisapride, Lactulose and has a weekly enema (Feline Pet -Ema followed by pediatric soapy water fleet) Then she gets 100 ml subQ fluids(lactated Ringers) She is completely unable to evacuate her bowels due to nerve damage, I have to express her bladder twice a day or she will develop a UTI due to urine pooling in bladder.   Recently decided to research surgery and in her case, it's out of the question. Painful post-op period, success rate is questionable and recurrence of constipation and other symptoms highly likely in time. I won't put her through it. I see many comments about Miralax being helpful and that sugar content in Lactulose may lead to other problems so I am wondering about probiotics. I see a few suggestions but wonder what  is best to give her and how much. I have Crohns disease and take the 10 billion CFU capsules that must be refrigerated. Noel is almost thirteen years old but incredibly healthy other than this problem. She eats some dry food but mainly canned. All Blue Buffalo grain free. Spoiled, I also buy her rotisserie chicken. I love her and want to give her a quality life. If anyone has a similar situation I would appreciate your advice.
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874521 tn?1424116797
hi there jeri....glad to get news of you and Bali...glad she continues to be doing well, good for her!!!
other than the constipation issues of course, seem to plague so many poor kitties. the probiotics are a good addition.
Have you tried INULIN that I talked about above, its sure been a help to my Nemo..(and me too) his plugs are always near the sphincter as well due to his consticture.
nice to see you posting again:)
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131114 tn?1380083190
& btw her plug is right at the anus and close to the sphincter. don't know what that might tell you-but there you have it....
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131114 tn?1380083190
hello from Texas- Bali continues to do well- she had a little set back with plugged colon this week so back on the ID and miralax. probably going to be a trial and error type journey. she did get some hefty pro-biotics which we are adding to her diet right now and will give a little venison every now and then. at her age, it's hard to say what is at risk the most! all her Kidney and other markers are good right now so mainly trying to keep the constipation at bay. as long as we can do that- she is happy and affectionate- which is just the way i like it!

hope everybody has a good holiday- i am know i am grateful for the good vet care, the caring and all the support from everyone this year!
God bless you all and all your furry people too!!!
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874521 tn?1424116797
hi jeri....so glad to hear Bali continues to do so well and in remission!!!! awesome news:)

I have never fed raw jeri, tried too but both my boys refused it....however it is very much a recommended diet by anyone treating their animals holistically...they swear by their success with it, especially when it comes to cancer and the need for high quality protein.
however when feeding raw,(or any homemade diet) you need to take into account all the supplements needed...unless you are doing a whole carcass with bones and all...which I know your not.

I make a COOKED home made diet for my Nemo but I add supps like calcium, taurine, vitamin E, D, B plus trace minerals. all of which are needed.

all that being said, as long as you are feeding a canned commercial food as at least 70% of his diet than adding some extra protein like venison sure isn't going to harm, in fact may even do alot of good!!! vension is an excellent choice. yes just watch his kidney values...

at 16 years old...he deserves to eat something he enjoys IMO...

best to you both, keep us posted:))
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131114 tn?1380083190
PS I do think the Miralax is good for the right times and seasons! Sure helped my sweetie get over the constipation which was caused by Thyroid and kidney....
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131114 tn?1380083190
Hey Opus! Hope all is well!!
Bali my little Manx is still doing pretty well, I mentioned she had some colon issues, it's not mega-colon but old lady colon! She also is taking small doses of thyroid and BP meds. Since her radiation of the nose, the SCC seems to be in remission and she is finally feeling better and eating regular again. We did try the ID + Miralax for her to get her system regulated after we realized the stools were hard and dry. She ate that real well for a few months and then turned up her nose. Since eating is a big part of her immune system and strength to fight the cancer, we decided to try some other foods that she would enjoy. At 16 that's a big part of our life.

She is doing pretty well now, I am not giving her the Miralax every day anymore and she is eating a combo of seafood kitty meals and raw venison, as you might imagine the raw venison is a huge hit! Just wondered what, if any, experience you have had with the raw diets in older cats. I am a bit leery of it but my vet seems to think it's ok in small amounts - we have to watch the kidney values. I know where the deer meat comes from and it's very clean and fresh. So far all her labs are are doing pretty darn well, slight elevation in BUN for the last year, but not bad. Anyway she seems happy and we are having fun together!
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874521 tn?1424116797
good for you for trying with this fella....first of all do not ever use husk powder for mega colon, this will just add to the bulk it is a soluable fiber and  will worsen the problem, and thats the same with feeding the w/d diet...that is  fiber/bulk and that is the worst thing for mega colon. Was it actually a Vet that gave these instructions???? if so I'm really upsets me.

has he always been of Felix wet food? or what is his normal diet? its more than likely a rapid change in diet that caused the runny poo. feed him chicken for just a day or two to stabilize the diarrhea, do NOT try to use miralax until diarrhea has stabilized this is a laxative

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I have just taken on a maine coon with mega colon, the rescue place gave me felix wet food and a husk powder, this has made him covered in runny poo, and quite distressed, so much so im finding it hard to bath him today. I've left him for today, and will try in the morning. I have ordered some w/d hills food and some miralax as have read this is good.....after reading some post on here I shall also try with chicken daily. its so upsetting to see him struggle.
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I have a 13 year old cat who has megacolon. I've tried everything to help alleviate his constipation over the years. Recently about 3 months ago I started giving him a bowl of chicken breast every day. I buy a bag of frozen precooked chunks and give him about 5 chunks a day. Since I started doing this he hasn't been constipated and pooing in the box 3 to 4 times a week. It's been a miracle for me so I thought I'd share this and maybe you can try this as chicken is great for them and it wouldn't hurt to try. I also want to mention he has been more active and playful since I've been giving him the chicken which I think is partly because he's not constipated anymore and also I think the chicken is good for them as they are not meant to eat cat food in nature. Hope this works for you.
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Am trying miralax as this too is our last resort for our Dumplin. He has been evacuated twice and has been on laculose, zantac and metoclopramide for two years now. I pray it works as he is such a sweet cat and certainly does not deserve to have this condition. He is a rescue out of a dumpster (thus his name) and has had other issues but this has been his worst. So glad you posted this as I was desperate to try and find something as a last resort. Will let you know if it works. He has had his first dose today.
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874521 tn?1424116797
hi, your poor kitty is messing outside his litter box because he is trying to tell you how much he hurts...when in bowel or bladder pain a cat will associate this with using a litter box, usually when some relief is given they will go back to using their boxes...(as long as they are kept very clean and in a convenient location)

Yes you MUST start feeding canned food never dry food for a kitty that has constipation problems!!!!
also have a clean dish of water available at all times...they need alot of fresh water.

the benefiber I talked about above doesn't appear to be on the market right now. the main ingredient in this product is INULIN and you can order that product from a company called iherb. try this...it works as a insoluable fiber that speeds up the transit time in the bowel and therefore the stools don't become hard and difficult to pass....start with 1/8 teaspoon mixed in the wet food, if he needs more you can increase to  1/4 teaspoon.
here is the product to order.


try that first, if it doesn't work than as a last resort try MIRALAX as others above have had good results with....but it is a laxative. I have used this at times when one of my kitties have become very constipated. again start low and only use 1/8 teaspoon ...if needed can increase to 1/4 teaspoon. mix it with a little water to disolve than give it to him using a syringe.



please don't give up on this poor kitty, he only needs some help with regular bowel movements, he is very uncomfortable right now and just needs some help....

good luck and let us know how he is doing....:)

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My 18 yrs old cay had opposite,she had big appetite and watery diarrhea four times day.i took her to vet twice,they gave her medicine for diarrhea,but didn't help much.she had hair missing on back of her legs..i try best help her,but she died five months later,i never knew what she died from.now I found better vet.i told him story he said,sounds like bad thyroid...
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131114 tn?1380083190
Hi y'all we have just gone thru some issues with my kitty who is 15 yrs old. she has had hard stools for a few years, and now has CKD stage 1.5, some hyper-thyroid and HBP from the above.
She also is surviving SC-Cancer of the nose! She is a trooper.

We also had a great miracle with the Miralax and my vet has her on Hill's ID for digestive support. She seems to like it ok and is stable, finally, after 6 months of tests and trauma (on my part) As far as we know there is no mega-colon, but she has similar issues with bowel, likely age related.

A question I have is: are there any other brands that make low protein, digestive-friendly, foods for elderly cats? She is on canned only and I 'd like to treat her with a bit of variety in her diet. She was pretty happy with the ID for the last 2 months, but seems to be getting bored with it.

It makes me happy that your kitties are doing better- yay Miralax!
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My cat Ben has mega colon, he was on lacatose and cisapride, but was always going for and enema. I put him on miralax twice a day mixed with fancy feast and it has been a miracle!!!!!!!! Ben is off lacatose and cisapride and Thank God is doing great!!!!!!!!!!
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5002326 tn?1362164533
My male DSH cat, Nicko, was diagnosed with megacolon in 2007. He was prescribed Lactulose with only mild improvement. After a couple of years, the sugars in the Lactulose caused the "bad" bacteria in his intestines to flourish and take over. Nicko began the licking the hair off his belly, hind legs and forearms to try to ease the discomfort he felt in his skin. After three more clueless vets, we found one that understood this side effect of the Lactulose and he periodically treated Nicko with probiotics, but it would always come back because the vet kept him on Lactulose. Fed up and certain there was a better and more natural way to give Nicko his life and dignity back, I experimented with many of the ideas I found on-line and have found the perfect all natural solution for Nicko that completely has the megacolon and intestinal health managed.

First, I feed him a wet food with a good level of moisture in it – .75oz per meal. Right now, it's Blue Wilderness Salmon. To the wet food, breakfast and dinner, I add a heaping teaspoon of Fruitables pumpkin & Oatmeal SuperBlend and about a teaspoon of Barlean's Pet Essentials Flax Oil for Animals. In addition, I add 1/4 teaspoon of Nature's Way Primadophilus Children once a day. (I also feed him 1/3 cup of high-quality, grain free kibble a day.)

Nick hasn't had an "accident" since I began this regimen about 6 months ago. His stools are now normal sized for a cat (no longer Great Dane sized), they are a perfect consistency, and the frequency is normal. His fur has completely grown back on his belly and legs. He has even lost a pound or two, which is a very good thing. His stool is still on the stinkier side, but nothing like before. He has his confidence and dignity back.

If you're like me, and you'll go to the ends of the earth to give your pets a healthy happy life, this little bit of extra effort at feedings is worth it. The cost of these products is FAR less than what we used to spend on Vet visits. Because the Fruitables cans are large and would go bad in the fridge before it gets used, I spoon it into ice cube trays at the right serving size and freeze it. Then I just defrost a cube for a few seconds in the microwave for each meal.

I hope our experience helps others find a solution to helping their pet. I understand what a difficult condition this is for both pets and guardians.
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