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136956 tn?1688675680

3 yr old that wont go to bed

I am not sure what I am supposed to do.  My child never wants to sleep. I dont blame her for not wanting to nap at school, but they force her to and I dont like that because when she naps there she doesnt sleep until 10:30pm at night.  latley she keeps saying she wants to sleep with me, but I cant have her sleep with me because she doesnt sleep she goofs around and is restlessor hours and I am tired.  How do I get her to sleep???? I have tried everything, i dont even think that the nanny would be able to get her down
45 Responses
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535822 tn?1443976780
why are you laughing and giggling ?
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oh my goodness this post is very old... hahahaha cant help but giggle....
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My son is 3 1/2 years old.  He has never liked bed time and as soon as I put him in bed he starts rocking and humming.  Since he started sitting up as a baby he started doing this ritual.  Is this normal?

He would do it for a while and then just fall a sleep.  Also he wakes up very early in the mornings and roam the house.  Is this normal?  He never listens to me and when I try to make him listen he laughts at me or thing I am funny.  I have tried every possible methord to make him listen and he things I am a big joke.  Is this normal?  

PLEASE HELP! What do I do?
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You should read her the children's book, I Sleep In My Own Bed (www.isleepinmyownbed.com).
My daughter's biggest problem was sleeping alone: always crawling into our bed or calling from her room to have one of us stay with her in the middle of the night.  However I Sleep In My Own Bed's cute illustrations and text taught her that her room is just for her so anyone else in her room or any other room doesn't work.  The book also taught her that all her belongings are in her room with her so there is no reason to be scared. She really loves the book and wants it read to her every night.  And most importantly she sleeps in her own room by herself.
I highly recommend it!
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I have a solution to the problem.  I have a wonderful 3yr old boy that just recently refuses to stay in his toddler bed.  He was going to bed at 8pm on the button every night with his bedroom door shut until one day he wasnt having it.  He wanted the bedroom door now open and just wouldnnt stay in bed.  Ended up at our bedside for hours.  So we did the supernanny thing and  walked him back to his bed for 100+ times over 3 hrs.  We tried that for nearly 1 week and it clearly wasnt working.  Our son is so stubborn and being more stubborn than him is taking us to the brink of insanity.  We also tried all sorts of bribing and nothing remotely was working.  

After reading hundreds of posts Ive decided to put a child gate up at his door and anchord his dresser to the wall for safety.  Now we have 3 stage approach to getting him quiet and sleeping within 30minutes.  

Step 1 - tuck in  and leave the room with the bedroom door open, night light on, the gate locked, and the hallway light on.  Make sure he knows that if he leaves this bed he will then get the bedroom door locked.  The ball is now in his court.  

Step 2 - If he gets up and is disrubtive at the gate (keeping my other children up) then I lock the actual bedroom door so he cant open it.  (Lots of ways to do this.  Buy a plastic cover on the inside so he cant open it, reverse the lock, or we actually have a lock on the outside of the door in the hallway.  My son really doesnt like that door shut.  He gets very upset about it, not scared, but just wants that door open.  

Step 3 - We keep it locked for up to 10 minutes and then open it up, calm him down which takes about 1 minute, and are left with an open bedroom door, gate locked, and a child that is ready and willing to go to bed.  And the next night he remembers the consequences of getting up out of bed.  Its tough love but absolutely nothing else is working and we need him down so the rest of our kids can get a good night sleep.  

If you only have one kid and dont mind your child at the gate for a while, you can always just use the gate and leave the bedroom door open.  Hope this helps.  Thoughts?
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okay my 2 year old is stayin up all night long.....not till like 3 or 4, i mean he is still up in the morning.....we tried to put him to bed after i got off work at 10 and he is still up now and it is 1:40 in the afternoon the next day and he is running around with all this energy!!!!!!  u can see it in his eyes that he is extremely tired, he has circles under them....he just will not sleep and he isnt really able to tell us why yet bc he just turned 2 and u can sorta understand him.............................any ideas!!!!!!
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If your daughter is goofing around when you let her in your bed it's obvious that she isn't getting enough one-on-one time with you.  My daughter does this every once in awhile and once I spend some good, long quality time with her she lets up a bit.  I know usually any advice helps so that is mine and I hope it helps or at least gives you a start.
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I'm having the same problem with my almost three year old daughter. It takes about two hours to get her to sleep. She gets out of bed immediatly. We already have a routine, I read her a book, and sing to her.she gets up almost instantly. She will growl at me, yell at me, and then scream she wants mommy. My eight year old son shares a room with her and I have to tell him to sleep in my bed. I am usually doing this all alone and get frustrated. I'm about to bring the crib back even though she can climb out of it. I'm at a loss of what to do. She also listens to NOTHING I say during the day. No matter what I do. I'm very overwhelmed.
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I'm having the same problem with my almost three year old daughter. It takes about two hours to get her to sleep. She gets out of bed immediatly. We already have a routine, I read her a book, and sing to her.she gets up almost instantly. She will growl at me, yell at me, and then scream she wants mommy. My eight year old son shares a room with her and I have to tell him to sleep in my bed. I am usually doing this all alone and get frustrated. I'm about to bring the crib back even though she can climb out of it. I'm at a loss of what to do. She also listens to NOTHING I say during the day. No matter what I do. I'm very overwhelmed.
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I'm having the same problem with my almost three year old daughter. It takes about two hours to get her to sleep. She gets out of bed immediatly. We already have a routine, I read her a book, and sing to her.she gets up almost instantly. She will growl at me, yell at me, and then scream she wants mommy. My eight year old son shares a room with her and I have to tell him to sleep in my bed. I am usually doing this all alone and get frustrated. I'm about to bring the crib back even though she can climb out of it. I'm at a loss of what to do. She also listens to NOTHING I say during the day. No matter what I do. I'm very overwhelmed.
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Firstly in my experience, children thrive when given clear boundaries. They like the feeling of security when they know what they can and can not do. In saying that they will regularly test those boundaries to see if they have change. What ever you decide to do, you must do it consistently and with firmness. You are the parent, you are thinking of your child's long term health and benefit!
Bedtime routine is important. half an hour before you wnat lights out, tell child it is time for bed (make it a directive not a question), get their pj's on, teeth cleaned, nappy changed/toilet visited. Read a book on the couch, not on their bed, this means when you finish the book you can say tike for bed and walk with child to their room. Kiss/cuddle, pray, what ever works for you, lights out. One way to teach a child to go/stay in their bed is this:
1st night you sit on the foot of the  bed, no talking. If child sits up etc, you say 'lie down' firmly. The novelty will mean it may be hectic for bit. You sit there til child is asleep.
2nd night you repeat the above but sitting on the floor next to the bed.
Each night move closer to the door as you repeat the process.
You may even have to sit outside the door for a night or two..
This takes time but has a long term benefit.
Some thing to be aware of is that many children have mild sleep disorders... My son was three when my brother became a quad, because I was at the hospital every night for three weeks, he got completely out of routine. My paediatrician prescribed Melatonin (available at the healthfood store) - it is actually a hormone our brain produces that regulates your sleep patterns. My son took half a tablet every night an hour before bed. Within two weeks, he was going to bed as normal and asleep within 10mins.
Maybe a combo of the routine and melatonin might help you??
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i have a 2 year old son he refuses to sleep no matter what you do.. if i keep putting him in his room he will still cry for hours if i would let him. me and my boyfriend just broke up he used to play the guitar for him in order for him to sleep... i have tried playing music for him in bed.. i have tried everything nothing works.. it's been 4 days and i'm running out of energy lol... what do i do somebody please give me advice. i have tried warm milk as well plus he is a very hyper and temper mentle :) HELP!!
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HELP!!! My daughter just turned 3 and WILL NOT stay in her room at naptime or bedtime...and she DOES need a nap still. I dont know whats worse...the 2hr battle to get her to take a nap or the rest of the day battle with her because she is so cranky & exhausted from not taking a nap. We put her in a toddler bed when she was 2 and havent had a problem with her staying in her bed until a few months ago. I have tried the supernanny technique where I just continue to walk her back to her room with no communication and she literally gets up 75 or more times within 1 1/2 - 2 hrs. It is physically and mentally exhausting and I dont know what else to do. She has had the same bedtime routine her whole life, I dont know what has caused the change in her behavior. PLEASE HELP!!! Also, she will not stay in time out, she gets up over & over & over. Then she will pee while she is in time out...to get attention I'm guessing. I am out of ideas and out of energy. Any suggestions???
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973741 tn?1342342773
Three and four year olds are tough because they are so willful and yet not able to completely understand what is to their benefit.  I've had issues with this as well.  My oldest son just turned 6 and it was about a year ago that I could say things like----  you need to go to sleep NOW so you can have a good day tomorrow.  

So I'd make those comments to her during the day . . . if she is melting down and crying  ----  say, you are tired.  You didn't go to sleep last night.  We need our sleep.

I swear, after a while that sticks.  Some kids are naturally super energetic----  it sounds like you and your wife work hard to give her outlets for that.  My kids sleep so much better when they've had that physically busy day.  I have one that loves deep pressure too----  it relaxes him.  So we rock and I squeeze him tight.  I even have him lay down and gently press pillows on him (calling it a sandwich).  We keep night time very routine.  

I also talk about how much I need sleep to have a good day.  Keep that dialogue going.  They do grow up----  and our sleep issues we had with my oldest have resolved.  He has a delay of his nervous system . . . so he was particularly tough on that.  But it so much better when they are well rested, isn't it?!!  Good luck
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My 3 year never wants to sleep.  She has a lot of energy and she seems to never get tired or run down.  My Wife and I have tried almost everything and we are getting to a point where we are getting overwhelmed by it all.  We know she needs her sleep and rest, as she has bags under her eyes.  I've read some of the post about other family’s situation but what makes a 3/4 year old understands why it is important for her to get her rest?
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My son is 5 1/2 and we are haveing a problem with putting him to bed at night. When we lay him down we have to accually lay with him or eles he won't go to bed. He usually wants his back rubbed and he will go to sleep. But sometimes he can take up to an hr if not longer. When we did try to put him to bed and leave the room he would scream, not cry or whine but scream that he doesn't want to sleep by himself and won't. Another time he just wouldn't sleep he would stay up and try to play in his room but that was in another house we have moved sence and now he doesn't even do that he just screams. He will accationaly say he is scared of the dark but he has a lava lamp that lights up the room, not to much but just enough. Does anyone have any suggestions ????? Please help....
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How long has this been going on? Besides her sleep, how are you doing in the rest of your life? Are you also stressed to a point of being overwhelmed by your husband being in Iraq?
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HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have a 3 yr old that fights me every step of the way to sleep. I have tried everything. Her daddy is in Iraq and she just screams when I put her to bed for a nap or anything. She will keep getting up constantly. Tried baby gates they dont work she pushes them over. I will lay her down and she will purposely pee in her diaper just to get up and have an excuse. I am so stressed and need help please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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273019 tn?1195565344
No i do understand what you are saying thanks for mentioning it.
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please understand that i am not trying to be mean. and i understand its all the same subject, but i thought you guys started your own questions about the same subject and that still needs to be on a different post so not only you get better answers but everyone concentrates on the main persons questions. if i am wrong, then i appologize for my misunderstanding .
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273019 tn?1195565344
If you have read all the post on this page we are all talking about the same issues that we are having we are not going off the subject what so ever,
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with all respect. i swear i dont mean to be rude. specially to blondie ,laura and some others. i want to remind you all that you can start your own post for your own questions because this way, youre taking the space and the attention off the person who is originally asking the question on this post and is seeking answers. thank you and please dont take my comment the wrong way.
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I need help. I am a single mom and I still live with my parents.  My son is almost 4 and he wont go to bed until 12 or even later.  I feel like I am at my wits end and I have tried just about everything from cutting out the sweets after 6 to eliminating naps all together. Even if I turn off all the lights in the house he still doesn't care and he is very active during the day as well.  He knows that he can get away with many things with his grandma and I can't do it anymore.  I'm currently a student and I work part time so I also need to sleep.  Nothing seems to be working he will fight me and then both of us get frustrated.  I dont know what to do so if anyone can help I would love your ideas
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273019 tn?1195565344
That is a great idea, i will try that tonight, thanks a million,
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