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Are these signs that my 3 year old is being sexually abused?

My 3 1/2 year old daughter made a sexual abuse outcry to me about her father.  She said daddy touched her hoo-hoo, it hurt, she told him to stop and he kept doing it.  We went through 3 months of supervised visitation (her father and I are in the middle of a nasty divorce, he has been diagnosed severe narcissistic personality disorder by several professionals) and he took the ABEL assessment, a penile plethsmograph and 2 polygraphs.  He showed sexual deviance on both assessments but not to children (sexually mature adolescents, though) and he cheated his way through the first polygraph but passed the second one.  His visitation was reinstated. I then taught my daughter to bite anyone who touched her hoo-hoo since biting is way out of character for her.  One month later, while in her father's care, she told me on the phone that she bit daddy.  She told me when she came home that she bit daddy because he touched her hoo-hoo.  The next week when I asked her if she bit daddy she said "no, he didn't touch my hoo-hoo this time." She also told this to my friend and this friend call Child Protective Services (Texas).  They started to investigate until they spoke with my daughter's play therapist and then based on a discussion with her they decided not to continue!?  A few week's ago my daughter asked if we are suppose to put our fingers in our hoo-hoo when we potty.  I said no and asked if anyone had done this and she said that her daddy had.  This past week when my daughter came back from her dad's she had 2 potty accidents within a few hours and she hasn't had an accident in over a year.  She says that she doesn't want to go to daddy's and emotionally shuts down when I drop her off.  Over the past few weeks she's really made a desperate crying scene when I drop her off.  One night while we were getting ready for bed this past week she told me that she couldn't talk about daddy to me because he said it gets him in trouble.  I am desperate for some answers, some help.  Does anyone have any insight or suggestions?  I am helpless to help her because she's 3 and no one wants to believe her over the overly charming and manipulative narcissist.
8 Responses
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535822 tn?1443976780
This is reminisent of something that happened to my Daughter many years ago, I would say it is Sexual abuse and you need to get your child checked by the Doc and have his report given to the Courts etc, Certainly no child should be made to go to anyone who makes her so afriad, you need to believe her, my Daughter has never got over her abuse at the Hands of her Grandfather we didnt know till her Granma died and she felt she could tell us, I blame myself for not being more observant ,it went on from age 6 to 12 year old, tto this day her behavior has been extreme and it definatly stems back to the Abuse.
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Call the police. Call Child Protective Services again. Just because the investigation stopped does not mean it cannot start again. Call her dr get her examined and have the dr file a report with the police and CPS. Don't stop yelling at the authorities until you don't have to send your daughter there anymore. Call anyone in a position of authority who will pick up the phone and don't stop talking until someone listens.  
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Upon reading your comments, there is no question at all that abuse is occuring.  Don't stop persuing this....keep calling the authorities, whatever you have to do, DO IT!  Your daughter is confiding in you because you are the one person she can trust and is depending on you for help.  I fear that if you don't try to do everything you can to help her, she will have nobody else.  Consider this....a 3 yr. old would have no way of even knowing that "putting her fingers in her hoo hoo" is an option, other than someone showing her how to do it.  Please continue to listen to your daughter's cries for help!
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537136 tn?1264941144
i'm really sorry but i cannot understand what you are doing if i was in any doubt at all that my daughter was been abused by a certain someone there would be no doubt in my mind that i wouldn't take her. STOP shes obviously petrified, do as all the other people are advising call the police and CCPS, it needs to be stopped immediately.
be there for her she needs you, a 3 year old dont make those kinds of things up.
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535822 tn?1443976780
Please let us know what has happened as you have read we are concerned for your Daughter.
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Please listen to your daughter children that age do not and cannot make up allegations and feel the way she does out of the blue. I didn't see the signs at first that my 3yr old daughter was being sexually abused and given heroin shots until way later she is going to feel like u did nothing to protect her. I simply told her father he was not going to see her ever again and it has been 2months shy of a year since he saw her luckily I have a very intelligent daughter who trusted me enough to tell me the truth when I asked her and she goes back and forth that her dad isn't like that now or she hates him for what he did to her but denying after disclosure is common it's a child's way of not having to feel guilty for what happened by pretending it did happen do something now before she is affected worse. My daughter developed ADHD, night and day terrors has a fear of toilets and bathtubs, is scared to death of the dark and major control issues. I also fear she may be paranoid schitzophrenic I found an old pair of her underwear when doing spring cleaning a week ago and discovered blood stains in the crotch this pair had been washed but courts or no courts do what's right in your heart protect her at all costs don't let people who barely believe you tell you where to take your daughter she looks to you for protection because to a 3 yr old mommy is everything. And pray seek Gods help he is the answer he can make a way out of no way hire a private investigator to snoop around during visits my bosses daughter had been kidnapped at 12 and taken to Canada and the police saw it as a runaway case and 4 months passed the police were being stagnant so my boss hired a private investigator to find her and he did within two weeks and had pictures there is always an option ur number one goal in life is to see that your daughter is safe and provide and care for her don't let anything get in the way of doing the right thing hire a lawyer to give you all your options if there is still no hope "relocate" where no one can find you and her you owe it to ur innocent daughter who trusted you enough to tell you something alot of kid would just keep secret. She is crying for help if no one will hear her voice atleast you should listen if I had no option I would hide her away and if that made me look like the bad guy for kidnapping her and warrants for my arrest I would do it. What did Moses mom do for him? Hid him it was against the law to have a baby boy back then. The Hebrew slaves were growing in numbers so they made it against the law did that stop her? No she hid her beautiful baby until she couldn't anymore then God made a way out of none she put Jim in a basket hoping God would save him and he did the pharaohs daughter found Moses and kept him as her own  there will always be a way out when you are doing the right thing trust me you will regret not doing more later and if she forgets now about the abuse she will more than likely remember later and be mad that u didn't do more to save her. My daughter thanks me for saving her life and shes 4
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I would hope you check this because I really want to know how things are going with u and daughter and I will pray that. God gives you the answers you need you can take advice from us average joes all day but the best advice you can get is from God. Because he has the solution to your problem good luck in your struggle and I'm sorry our justice system has failed yet another one of our little gifts from God my daughters father is still free and living it up she disclosed to her counselor numerous times but because it wasn't a disclosure to one of their counselors then that meant she wasn't ready to talk but she doesn't want to talk to a stranger she says and they told me she could only be seen a few times so it didn't look like they were coercing it. She's been seen by a SANE nurse who found nothing but I checked her and she has scars down there and the nurse said that she can't check her unless she wants to be checked it's a nightmare I know but I will find a way and so will u just keep her safe no matter what
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189897 tn?1441126518
   Thank you for your comments, but this post is over 4 years old.  We seldom get any answers back if the post is even 4 months old.
    I am curious how you were able to dig up this old post as there are many other more  recent posts that probably could use your input.
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