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535822 tn?1443976780


Well this is a current event to me, and I am having a current event vent....On the MH Social Jo put up a thread titled' Xmas ' the thread is still there )I told her  I had seen a Wonderful Life and Miracle on34th st , also a Christmas Carol, and we watched a Christmas Carol concert the other evening ,well she responded back and guess what they deleted the posts mine and hers ...what is happening here guiys are we not allowed to say Christmas On this website at all, what on earth ,Freedom of speech has truly gone I just dont get it ..there I blew off I also put in a complaint .I guess someone hit that old delete button again ...YUCK what am I doing here at all....
40 Responses
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I do not fear the health care reform at all. I guess it just depends on ones personal experiences in life as to whether you agree or not. Personally, me and my family would benefit from any kind of a change as we currently have no options so anything would be better than our current status. To me, we already have govmnt programs and it is not the government that is abusing them, it is doctors and individual citizens of this great country. I am disappointed in the way things have turned of late but I guess we cannot have everything.  I think it is politics more than anything else. I think its time to get em all out of office and start over. Too many people doing the bidding of special interests to further their own pockets. That is on both sides of the isle. I am afraid moreso of having a civil war or even a fall in our democracy because it seems it isnt working anymore. One political party taking a stance against the other, no matter what is not what I call a workable situation. As far as the site goes, RJ said it about as good as one could say it. It is now Christmas Eve and I will turn my thoughts to a victory won and the promise of a better tomorrow.  Merry Christmas Everyone.  As for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord.  
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377493 tn?1356502149
As a Canadian I have lived with Gov't health care my entire life, so I have nothing to compare it too.  I will say though, that from my personal experience, it has worked well.  Other's may feel differently.  I do choose my own Dr. and am always free to change if unhappy.  I have never known what it is like to fight an insurance company that is threatening to drop coverage and my Dr. and I together have the final say in what tests I may or may not need. I don't have any idea what it must be like to be potentially facing bankruptcy due to medical bills, etc.  I am not saying this is the best route for your country.  As I said, I don't know anything different so it's hard for me to put things in proper perspective.  Just wanted to share one Canadians perspective on Gov't run health care and how it has worked for me.  I have watched with great interest as the US goes through it's health care debate and I guess it confuses me a little bit.  I know some say that gov't run means gov't calls the shots...I suppose that it is true.  But is it not true that currently the for profit health insurance companies make the decisions?  Not trying to be disrespectful or argumentative, I am just genuinely interested in how so many feel that is better?  Keep in mind that we will typically hear the worst case scenarios....such as people with life threatening diseases suddenly being dropped by their carriers, etc. so I may very well not have a well rounded perception of the reality.  I am so curious though. Whatever the outcome I hope it is a solution that benefits the majority of your citizens.  
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535822 tn?1443976780
Well said RJ thank you for that perspective, so far I have enjoyed seeing folks relaxing for Christmas, I think we have all been under the trauma of whatever this heathcare plan will bring, for me it has been because I have lived with it in the UK..as I have told before when Government controls your health and well being they call the shots and I think this Government is going to get bigger and Bigger as time goes on, and healthcare is only one piece of the puzzle, Global Government with Global Leaders .the rules and regulations in England will pale in comparison to what this administration has in store for '.We The People 'I have a feeling that we will have a new bill of rights written by our esteemed Leader.
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I haven't been on here in a while, but I am glad to see opposites agree that this is going too far. It is starting with Christianity, but control never stops it continues to grow. Those that don't believe in God will also be stripped in saying they don't believe in God, because they mention God. There is no end to censorship. It is kinda hard to talk about anything without mentioning something that someone, somewhere is not going to like. If we were all alike, life would be boring! The button pushers need to remember that when they feel strongly about something and want to speak up, someone that does not agree, is going to push the button.

I always though your journal was our own private thoughts of how we feel or what we thought. People can read it and give support if needed or make comments, but it is not a battle area, though others can read it. For others to make it a battleground for religion or anything else just does not seem right. I would think they would be the ones in the wrong. Otherwise, it is of no value to any of us. Things we need to get out about depression, can very well be because of our own personal beliefs. It depresses me a lot when I see that it really drives people bonkers to see a Cross or Nativity scene or walk by and hear a Christmas Carol. I get depressed when I hear vulgar language, and see people get excited about someone doing something to another to hurt them, or see a discription of a body part that gets down and dirty. It depresses me when I go to the grocery store and hear music that disgraces women and public servants, or uses such vulgarity that an adult or child should not hear it. People that do not like to read something or hear something, still have the choice, and that is what it is about, choice. The continuous push to stop one view, will eventually stop all. If one view is going to be respected then so should others.

It is a shame to destroy a site where people can come for whatever their needs may be and there is always someone there of different views and experiences to support them, no matter what direction it comes from. When I came here I thought the abuse button was for people that put their websites up to sell something. Someone that talks ugly to another that has stated a problem they need support in. I have seen that happen since I have been here. The person was not stopped that time and the person reaching out for help left the site and never came back. That was cruel. I have stepped out of political discussions when I felt it was not doing anything but causing fire to be added. The power of the button that some push, should be considerate of others views and not abused.

All of us that came here needed support for some reason or another. It is an important site for that reason. How many times have we seen people that are on the verge of suicide appear, and everyone would step in to help them. If any one of us express problems that are so difficult they cannot deal with it and can't eat, or get out of bed, or even work, we come together because we care. People that are facing death of themself or loved ones find their way here. Each of us want to help. We may be the only ones that they ever talk to and the only support they have.

I am a Christian and I am not afraid to say so, just as those that are of other beliefs or no belief are not afraid to say so. Christmas or any other holiday should not put someone in such fear that saying it or reading it must be banned. It won't jump out and bite someone. Holloween, I do not believe in, but it hasn't knocked me down one time when someone said Happy Holloween. I have said Merry Christmas to people that I did not know was of Jewish Faith, and they never said a word. I did not bite them with the words. So what is the problem?

There are too many here that are of too much value to others needs and support. How many times have we just read anothers plea and the answers they received gave us support with those answers. So what are we gonna do folks?

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535822 tn?1443976780
Ha Ha well its not Santa hes a nice old man, gotta be my DH who needs a good kick in the pants at times, although he thinks the sun shines out of his 'pants'    you are right peg I have noticed that also, tell you what on a good note I have noticed that in my area and I live in a strong democratic town,that folks are coming out in protection of Christainity and freedom of religion,it is palapble , we have more carols on the local radio, TV, and stores, a lot of signs and banners and I have seen several Nativity scenes, I would like to see the cross in the hills have its jacket taken off , maybe some kind soul will climb up there in the dead of night and remove it ..hey theres a job for Santa as he whizzes by ......
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203342 tn?1328737207
I thought this post was actually pretty calm?
Margy, what old man are we going to kick cans at??? Lol.
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458072 tn?1291415186
Its funny how the only ones told to relax are the ones that are conservative and republican when we get upset at the intolerance of OUR views.

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535822 tn?1443976780
We already did ....
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Tolerance is sometimes very difficult but it is essential for social interaction. I see intolerance frequently here. A sad state...... truthfully. Let's relax a little, shall we?
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535822 tn?1443976780
Happy Christmas everyone ... My Own come back if you have gone we need you ....
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535822 tn?1443976780
Ha Ha Ha hey we have to vent somewhere but I am sorry as I say Next time I want to yell I will go outside a kick a few bottles and cans around or yell at the old man , he needs it ...
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Whoa! Glory be, what happened here!  I go to work for a few and come back and WOW!  Looks like the old MH!  I am sorry MO left and I do understand why, however I do not think they care so what good does it do? I do hope she told them why she was leaving before she left.  Shall we take bets on how long this post is up before its deleted folks? If we get chucked off u guys have a merry christmas (yes christmas!) and a wonderful new year!

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203342 tn?1328737207
Me too. Somehow I don't think it would matter if Christians left the site. Even if hundreds of them left, they still have thousands and thousands of people who visit this site. It would not make much of a difference to leave. Me, I'd rather be here for the people if I can help. I still remain respectful but try to help where I can.
My pastor's wife had her kids in a public high school and was telling me how bad the schools are getting but she said if all Christians pulled their kids out of public schools, who would be that light for the kids who don't know God? Still, it's a decision every parent has to weigh the pros and cons. Not all Christian kids are strong enough to be in a public school and not be pulled in to the temptations there. Yes, we all should be and need to be but not all are. Her kids did have a strong faith but her daughter did rebel a little for a couple of years but came back around. It's a scary world out there, especially for those of us trying to raise moral kids who follow their beliefs. It's not easy but we're told we will have to have a strong faith, especially in end times and I think we're awfully close if not in the end times. Just my humble opinion.
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649848 tn?1534633700
Get used to it folks --- this is the way it's getting to be.  

I'm sorry to say that I haven't had a lot of time to spend on MH either except on Weight Loss & Dieting and thyroid -- everything else is censored too much.  

We are very quickly losing our freedoms and there are too many people who still "don't get it", so those of us who have figured out what's happening are in the minority right now.  ..............

I am still wishing everyone Merry Christmas and will pray for anyone who needs help.  

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535822 tn?1443976780
and actually one last moan......lol I did in fact say okay' so that means anyone from the other side talking about someone on MBSC gets deleted then ,I had no answer back on that....now I have let go, who ever leaves does so...I AM NOT ....and you dont know me if you think I dont stand up for myself and others ..whatever troublemaking some do......
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535822 tn?1443976780
I also mentioned religion in schools aswell ..well I am not leaving unless they decide to chuck me out its about more than trhat as I said I made my complaint in no uncertain terms, 3 times, they explained the rules and said it had political content in it, It was Jo aswell not just me , the thread it started with is still there Jo and I got our posts deleted ...I told her about a Gen Beck Carol concert and a movie on Fox Miracle on 34th st, I did add a bit in some context about religion being taken from th schools here. I was astounded when it got deleted and also Jos...It was so innocent , more than usual as I was being careful because of the Christmas Hols .and not upsetting anyone . and yes about 3 weeks ago I started a journal asking about what anyone thought of saying Holidays instead of Christmas  I did say that I thought that it was a shame about religion being shut out of schools and No Christams Carols ..that got del;eted and I was told why ..See its their website we are members but they call the rules .I dont like it but I am not going to leave, MyOwn had the attitude we should leave  READ her post ,So guys I didnt mean it to get out of hand and I am sorry I will go throw a few bottles at a brick wall in future instead of venting here .So Let it go will Ya ......pretty please..
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657315 tn?1319491387
My word!!!  I am NOT sorry that my life has taken over and I don't have time for MH much anymore!!!  Of course, when it was actually stimulating to BE on here, I *did* get on here.  I looked forward to getting on here, but not any more.  A police state has taken over good common sense!!!  

What a crying shame this site has turned out to be...  Intelligent debate is NOT allowed because someone MIGHT be offended???  Hello!!!  This is SUPPOSED to be America!  

WOW.  Margy, good for you for venting and letting us know the true state of things here on MH.  
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I'm back for a minute...for clarification. I spoke to margy about the post that MH removed - the one they used Glen Beck as their excuse. margy did say she asked them if it was reported. And whatever else they may have discussed, I don't know, so I am not saying she didn't speak up to MH. She obviously did if she questioned them why it was removed.
MH removing that post for the reason they gave was upsetting to me. The post about her journal - that was the first I heard this in the above post - and it hit me in a bad way and it still does, so my point is I believe in standing up for free speech and religious freedom,,,so now if I wanted to mention Glen Becks name - and say that I heard a good choir too, my post would be deleted.  And no one sees anything wrong with this??...
April, shine a light? where?  A person can't even mention that saying Happy Holidays is not their choice, but instead wishes every a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukuh without it being deleted. Is Anton Levy back from the dead and now a moderator?
And April, if everyone that is against this nonsense left - guess what? MH would see what happens when you try to oppress people who never lived under oppression, nor plan to.
I'm not going to answer anything on here anymore, I just wanted to clear this up. Anyone wants to say something to me, you can PM me.
I didn't want it to look like I was saying margy didn't question MH. That is why I popped back in.
By "allowing this," I meant a person - any person - that stays on a forum like this is NOT standing up for their rights - doesn't matter if they spoke to the moderators for 24 hours straight without a break - IF mods hold to this decision and don't put her posts back up, well then that is what I meant by not standing up.. I am doing what I consider to be "standing Up," and others have their way I guess. So nobody casually mention Glen Beck or anything on that line and you will all be fine.

That's it - take care everyone.
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203342 tn?1328737207
Oh wow, guys I just saw this! What in the world is going on? Margy, I wish I had seen your post. I don't even go to the social forum much since it seems to be policed so much anymore. I stick with the blood of Christ community and the cat forum. Sometimes I go to the pregnancy forums since my daughter's pregnant but that's about all I've been doing anymore.
This is very concerning. I think maybe everyone should talk to MH about this? Maybe we could send a nice email explaining how we feel and the unfairness of what gets deleted, etc.?
I don't want to leave because we do need Christians on here to be a light for others. If everyone left, then who could reach out to those who need it the most, the people who come on here? I see such loneliness and despair. I've had so many people express their gratitude to me for my prayers and showing them God's love. We can't give up. This world needs to see the light of God's love. I hope you all will stay, at least for the sake of those who visit this site.

Maybe we need to up our prayers. Sure seems like the devil has been so busy around the world anymore. People need God now more than ever.

Let's not give up, guys, ok? Prayer is powerful and the light always shines through the darkness.
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458072 tn?1291415186
well, GOOD FOR YOUI!!! but shame on them!

It is like I said though, I complain about curse words and nothing is done. So, I guess that proves that cursing is allowed, but Christmas is not.
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535822 tn?1443976780
Peg I did complain several times yesterday I was in communication with them about it my Own knew that ...I put it up and sent a message to MH and the Community manager before I put up the thread here to vent.I am no chicken and the implication was ,just that I told her that I had complained ........
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458072 tn?1291415186
this is insane. What gets me is that people can put up words that are curse words, and putting in an asterick does not keep you from knowing what they mean. I hit the abuse button on these all the time, and they NEVER get deleted.

Margy, I think what Myown was trying to say was that you should complain to the powers that be about the injustice, and the unfairness of what they have done to here to your post about Chirstmas.

It is not politically correct, it is censorship when they can state whatever they want.....no questions asked. That is where, like MO says, the rubber hit the road.
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If you want to consider that an attack, well then that's the way you interpreted it and there is nothing I can do about that... My caps were towards MH and the nerve they have to try to censor. But yes, I am totally surprised that anyone who stands for freedom would want to be a  part of a forum that is doing this kind of thing.

I am totally shocked that MH has become this - and you know what ? I DO stand up for religious freedom and free speech and I will NOT contribute to a forum that is censoring these.  And by being here, we are contributing.

So with that said, I am leaving. Unless MH apologized to the Christians and those who believe in free speech - I see no reason to stay. And I will say that anyone that does stay - I really wonder if they truly do stand for these rights of ours that are being taken away every where we turn.

I am not saying this in an arrogant tone, nor do I want to offend you nor anyone else. And I am sorry that you feel offended - I apologize.
And I was hot when I read that about your journal so if you think I was mad at you - I am not, just disappointed in all those that don't take a real stand when the rubber hits the road. I am taking a stand and will never come back to this forum.

I wish you all a Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Happy Hannukah and a good life.

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535822 tn?1443976780
Thank you for that attack I really didnt need it at all, you have your opinions I have mine ,I suppose it would be best to leave is that what you are saying well thats not my style and actually I dont mind what you think about me either ...Have a Merry Christmas .
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