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Effexor XR withdrawal symptoms

I am a 47 year old female.  Earlier this year, my Dr. and I decided that the effectiveness of Zoloft for my anxiety had waned after 3-4 years. He choose Effexor XR as a new med.  After taking 150 mg of the Effexor XR for a little over 1 month, I decided it wasn't right for me. My libido became non-existent, I was gained weight, my digestive system seemed out-of-wack, and I'm not sure that it helped my anxiety. I'm not sure it was related to the Effexor XR, but I was bruising very easily, and I was obsessive about spending and "projects" during this time. I should also mention that I am on 30 mg of Adderall XR for ADD.

My Dr. decided to switch me to Wellbutrin XR which would also help me quit smoking. He had me drop down to 75 mg of the Effexor for a few days, then to 37.5 for another 2-3 days. The first day off the Effexor, I experienced increasing nausea, vertigo and a "slushy" head. The next two days, the symptoms increased. There was some confusion as to whether it was the Wellbutrin or the Effexor that was causing the symptoms. I had decided that I was the getting used to the Wellbutrin, and I just had to ride it out with the help of over-the-counter motion sickness meds.  My Dr. never mentioned that Effexor is associated with withdrawal symptoms.

The effects of the Wellbutrin seemed to kick in almost immediately. My libido jumped way up, and just like that I quit smoking cold turkey.  I couldn't stand the smell or taste of cigarettes all of the sudden. Now without the smoking, I also found that my morning coffee was nearly forgotten. (I'm sure that withdrawal from nicotine and caffeine added to my symptoms.)

Nearly two weeks after I stopped the Effexor, I started having extreme irritability & very negative thoughts, followed the next day by nausea and vertigo. Also, I had crying spells. I phoned my Dr. who said that crying wasn't a withdrawal symptom. Since my symptoms worsened the next day, he wanted me to try taking 37.5 mg of the Effexor to see what would happen. Within one hour, I was nearly symptom free. He said that I seemed to be especially sensitive to the drug. He then put me back on 37.5 mg for one week, and then approx. 18.75 mg for another two weeks. Well, the withdrawal symptoms started all over again.  Couldn't have this happening at work. I decided to go back to the 37.5 mg. and taper off very slowly - either that or take time off work to get through the withdrawals. I have literally been counting the granuals (there are about 90 in a 37.5 mg capsule). On July 20, I started at 60 granuals, and decreased by 5 every few days to where now, on August 24, I have been taking 20 granuals a day for the past week. The entire time I have been nauseous. My Dr's phone msg. reply was that vertigo, not nausea, is a withdrawal symptom. Actually, I thought vertigo caused nausea. Over Labor Day weekend, I plan to stop the Effexor I hope that any symptoms will disappear over 3 days. Please help me.
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I think you are doing the right thing by this extremely gradual tapering off.  Everybody reacts differently, and you know your body better than anybody.  I would predict that you will be through with this nightmare by the end of labor day weekend.  Gooed luck. Stay with the Wellbutrin.
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I have been on Effexor XR for 14 months.  In February of this year, I got laid off so I told my therapist that this seemed like a good opportunity to withdraw meds since I could just stay at home an cope with any "discontinuation syndrome" (what a load of happy horse-hockey THAT euphanism is!).

I was taking 150 mg a day, so I cut back by 37.5 mg.  After 1 week I cut down to 75 mg/day in two doses.  Everything was ok for about ONE DAY, after which I got the ZAPPING thing so bad I could hardly get out of my chair.  Before I started the withdrawal I was doing a daily yoga routine along with weight training and 30 minutes of Nordic Track; this all had to stop.  In fact, it got so bad that just MOVING MY EYES was enough to ZAP me.  The sensation was like the back of my head, neck, shoulders, and arms were jabbed full of needles that had electricity hooked up to them.

Finally, I gave up and started taking my regular dose; all symptoms disappeared within 24 hours.

Other comments... I didn't get the nausea some of you suffered.  Also, the main reason I wanted to quit Effexor was that I didn't believe it was helping me that much. (I have been through the meds like a friggin' guinea pig... Paxil, clonazepam, Wellbutrin, Remeron, Celexa, Nortriptaline, Effexor, Imiparmine, lorazepam, and clomipramine.)  Anyway, I went to another MD for an opinion and he said that 150 mg was not a clinically effective dose.  He said that if I was his patient, he'd up me to 300 mg/day.

I have since done that and it has REALLY helped me a lot.

Also, if you are taking Effexor, you might want to ask your MD if you are at the proper dose.

Good luck to all, and God bless you... I hope you can find some peace from your depression.


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I have been taking Effexor Xr (75 mgs) for almost a year, and just started weening off of it.  I thought it was about time that I went off of it, because my anxiety attacks disappeared completely.  I don't like to take medications if I don't have to.  Now, however, I am questioning this.  I have been severely naseous and "dizzy" for the past couple of days.  I was prescribed 37.5 mg for two days, 18.75 mg for two days, and that's all.  Is this normal?  I realize that I have only been taking 75 mg per day for a year, but the withdrawal symptoms (if that's what they really are) are horrendous.  I was planning on going away for Labor Day, but I don't think that is going to happen.  I actually thought I was pregnant due to the stomach sickness.  When will this really end?  I know that each person is different, but is there any "normal" time frame for all of the withdrawal symptoms to just disappear?  I don't know if I can hack this.  I am having severe problems concentrating at work, and I am extremely tired (even with a decent amount of sleep.)  My real question is...."Why don't the doctors tell you about these effects?"  My doctor said absolutely nothing about any withdrawal symptoms.  I just think it would be better if they told you this stuff, so one doesn't think that they are going "crazy."  Thank god for the internet, and it's ability to help me find information like this.  Thanks everyone....
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One thing everyone has to remember is that withdrawal symptoms are different for everyone.  I was on Effexor for a little over a year when I decided that I had enough of this drug and was willing to deal with the unbearable withdrawal effects.  I can assure you that the withdrawal symptoms do go away... but it takes time.  The biggest symptom of all was the brain zaps.  Those lasted about 2.5 months (the severity decreased during that time).  Also during this timeframe, I had tingling sensations, headaches, unusual hunger, excessive saliva (this symptom came after a month of being off of it), moodiness, anxiety, crying episodes, dizziness, irritability, difficulty concentrating/talking, & insomnia.  Rest assured, all of these symptoms go away.  

I have battled with anxiety & depression for almost 10 years, and I finally realized that depression was "really" all in my head.  There was never any reason for it to begin with.  See a therapist.  Don't talk to psychiatrists or doctors because they are simply pill pushers for the problem.  You need to find the root cause of the issue and address it... which is what I did and I've never felt better and I can't see why I will ever be depressed again.  I should have seen a therapist years ago.

For everyone who is fighting withdrawal, don't give up!!!  It all goes away.  Your body has the ability to heal no matter what your doctors tell you.  Medical research studies are based off of statistics.  Don't let statistics tell you that you have a problem.  The human brain is capable of anything.  Like I said, withdrawal is different for everyone.  I am living proof that you can get through it.
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I can tell you right now that the doctors have no idea what they are putting us through unless they experience it themselves.
I had been on Effexor XR for 15 years prescribed because of an auto accident that resulted in head injury, traumatic brain injury and post traumatic stress disorder. Folks, anything would have felt better than the agony I was having  from the pain,  short term memory problems , speech problems, and cognitive issues. I'm here to tell you, "DOCTORS DO NOT KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH YOU" so they put you on what they think is a quick fix and gets you out of their office. I am in no way running down doctors, because they can't help it...no training they have had will help them deal with a Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or Traumatic Brain injured person. In fact, I was X-rayed and was allowed to what out of that emergency room with no help from the medical profession as to where to get help and how to cope with what I was about to face. Needless to say, I went to several towns, to all kinds of professionals to no avail. If you aren't busted open and bleeding they can't help you. You aren't hurt if they can't see it. I even had one doctor tell me "Unless we can take your brain out of your head and examine it, we cannot tell you what part of you brain was injured in the accident." There are no such tests. I tried to work for a couple of years, but kept loosing jobs because I would just break down and cry if someone said "boo" to me...therefore I did not get along with supervisors. Finally my doctor suggested I file for disability and just cope at home with my deficits left from the brain injury. The psychologist I was seeing only wanted to medicate me....thus the EFFEXOR XR. I got mad, I screamed at the doctor because when I told him I couldn't remember anything, he just said, "Well, you are getting older"...I informed him that I did not get older in 1 years time. Even after spending 2 weeks in a rehabilitation center didn't help, Expecially when they ask me if I was rich, because my insurance would pay no more, they released me and sent me home saying I was cured. I screamed at them too, the day they released me and told them they were just getting rid of me like all the other professionals. After that, I got all the books I could find and with the help of my hubby, relearned everything I had lost, I recovered as much as I could on my own....I did it....not the doctors, but me.
Well, now I get to the part of the Effexor XR withdrawals. I am 63 years old. have been on this stuff for 15 years, I have gained 60 lbs (yes, I too use to be thin) and have tried to come off this stuff three or four times because as I get more healed from the accident, the more I realize that this stuff just isn't good for you. Also, I was started to notice reverse symtoms. Like the help it has once given me was reversing. I mentioned to my doctor that I was ready to try again to come off of it. I was determined there was no going back. I was taking 75mg and she lowered it to 37-1/2 mg for two weeks and told me by the second weekend to go cold turkey. She said if I couldn't make it, she would prescribe Prozac, but I thought why get off one just to go on another to come off of. Folks, it has been three weeks. This past week I have not had anything and you're right...it is HELL. When they doctors tell you withdrawals won't be this or that..THEY ARE WRONG!...I have read many or you symtoms, and I can't believe out of the clear blue we all are having the same symtoms without it being directly linked to the Effexor. I have had the very realistic nightmares you are speaking of, the headaches, nausea, digestive upheaval, tightness in chest, jitters, the zaps in my head which are horrible, go to sleep at the drop of a hat, and oh, VOICES, yes....it sounds like something from a scary movie. Like somewhere above your head there is a droning voice that just briefly says something unaudible. People, I am not crazy...I am a sane, christian person with good scruples, but I will tell you, there is something devilish in this medication. I really think there is something that controls your whole being.
But, I have good news, you can break it...you can beat it...all these symtoms are getting weaker and weaker and I AM GOING TO MAKE IT THIS TIME!. You have to stay determined, you have to tell the voices to go away and you have to stay disiplined to get off this medicine. I am starting to feel like my old smiling happy go lucky self again....THANK GOD....without him I could not have made it.
Good luck to all of you trying to get off of any of this stuff. I will be praying for all of you no matter what your religion or whether you even have a religion...I will be praying for you.
Best Regards, Pearl
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hi there, i have some comments on withdrawal from effexor.  my withdrawal has been pure hell for about2 weeks now and i am beginning to wonder will i ever make it thru this. i had been taking 300mg a day for the past 2 years but was beginning to feel it was time for me to be off this medication and live my life you know.  anyhow with my dr's advice we gradually tapered off the meds but i am still having severe withdrawal and wondering will it ever stop.  i have sweating, chills, amcompletely out of it most of the time.  i have such a buzz in my head that is is quite scary and i am hoping this tremors in mu head will stop.  all i have been able to do to get somerelief is tostay in bed, i have been unable toeat, have had diaharrhea, chills and then sweating, and am just completely feeling out of it.  does this feelig ever go away.  went back to my doc to see if he could give meanythingto ease my withdrawal only to find out hat he thought i had been on a too hig dosage of effexor and that is why i am having such bad withdrawal fromit.  anyhow he has now suggested putting meon klonipin for a couple days and then taking one 75mg of effexor daily and eventually he plans on tapering me off the klonipin and keeping me on just one 75mg of effexor a day.  i am quite nervous about this andwondering will it help and is is the right thing to be doing right now. all i know is i want to be on a low does of effexor and maybe that will be enough for me but definitely do not want to take a 300 mg daily dose of that again as the withdrawal is pure hell.  he also suggested taking nexium for my nauseous and no appetite and assured mei would feel better soon.  i just hope this new regime will work for me and i just wished my psychiatrist had explained the withdrawals from stopping the effexor, and gosh i hope thoe brain shivers or buzzes go away. i am very worried that i am not doing the right thing and concerned that this will not work for me either.  i really wanted to be off all the meds but i have a feeling i will probably need to be taking 75mg of effexor for a while and then gradually taper off the knonipin.  does that make sense and does anyone know is this possible  to do. i seem to be doing just fine with my anxiety right now and feel i would be better off totally drug free and i plan on working towards that by tapering off both meds really slowly. anyhow i just wish my dr had have informed me in the beginning what the withdrawals from effexor would be and i just hope they are not permanent.
if anyone has any comments on this or any suggestions as to what to do of if this new approach will work for me please send a reply.  i would gratefully appreciate any help i can get on this right now. i am at my wits end over this.
thanks gerbildine
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My husband was killed in an accident at work and because of tremendous anxiety problems my doctor put me on effexor.  I have taken different types of anti-depressants one other time in my life when my father was suffering with cancer and I was maxed out.  I have never, ever, ever experienced the withdrawl complications that I have gone through with this medicine.  I took it for approximately 3 years and decided I wanted to experince life naturally.  Face the music alone.  I was taking 75mil. and reduced really, really slowly over a period of about one and 1/2 months. 3 weeks on lower levels.  Everyone that has taken effexor knows the feeling you get after the second day of not taking it.  Horrible nausea. Very dizzy.  Well.  When I went off the effexor completely I vomited so violently , dry heaves, sweating, you name it.  It is horrible.  I was in bed with a waste paper basket.  So dehydrated but not even an ice cube would stay down.  I went to the doctor after the 2nd day, so weak I could hardly stand.  He gave me something to stop the nausea.  For 2 months I didn't even consider a cup of coffee in the morning and believe me nothing was more important to me than my coffee.  I am just now starting to enjoy the taste after, oh I don't know for sure 3 or four months ? of being off the drug.  I did experience the strange buzzing in my head when I had forgotten to take the effexore for over a day but didn't feel that when I quit.  I am really very concerned now though.  About 2 weeks ago, I was sitting in my house and I heard a noise that sounded like a radio was on or some electrical humming noise and I searched my house for something that I may have left on.  It is really quite loud.  I couldn't find anything.  I gave up and just turned on the stero so I didn't have to listen to that aggraviating sound.  Later I went outside and oh my god....It was outside too.  I have since realized that the noise is a buzzing in my head.  Much more intense than what I had experinced when I was late taking the medication.. I have told my doctor so that other patients considering this drug will choose another.  I am really afraid this horrible noise will be with me forever.
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I stopped taking the Zoloft prior to starting the Effexor. During the month that I was on the Effexor, I didn't seem to have any type of withdrawal symptoms from the Zoloft.

You know, everything I've read confirms what you and I know for a fact - that nausea IS a withdrawal symptom. I am feeling discouraged with my doctor. First he said that my crying episodes weren't a symptom, and then the nausea. He even insinuated that the withdrawal symptoms I've been experience probably seem more intense due to the fact that I suffer from anxiety. When I mention info. from the Internet, He says one has to consider the source.

Speaking of websites, found some helpful information on this website also - http://www.dr-bob.org/tips/venlafaxine.html.

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It takes a very understanding person to support someone through this process and you seem to fall in that category.  During withdrawal, your thoughts and emotions can be extremely overwhelming and can cause emotional outbursts or irrational thinking.  Not knowing your girlfriend’s personality type, it may be difficult to say why she’s unable to talk about her symptoms.  She may be afraid to tell you what’s going on in her head due to the nature of her thoughts.  Also, she could be afraid of losing you if she does talk about it.  

Take it one step at a time.  Try asking her about a specific symptom first instead of asking about her overall emotional state.  Perhaps you can ask her about the ‘brain zaps’ (the feeling of electrical pulses crashing into your brain and down through each appendage).  This seems to be a common side effect (I know because I had it a little over 2 months).  If you get her to talk about 1 symptom, that’s a good start.  By taking that first step to break the silence, she may realize the benefit of getting these issues off her chest.  This may also pave the way for her to talk more about her emotions.  Just remember, getting to understand her pain can’t happen in 1 day.  It will take time and plenty of patience.  Give it a shot.  It doesn’t hurt to show that you care.  
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I accidently missed two doses of Effexor (not sure the dose but low) and got so terribly sick with flu like symptoms so I didn't take any all week because I thought I had the flu and couldn't keep anything down anyway. I finally put two and two together and realize now what I have been experiencing the last 7 days.  I've gone cold turkey this long I'm not going to take any to alleviate the hell I feel.  I almost feel a little better today (day 7) so I'm going to stick it out.  This drug should be illegal.
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  I was experiencing severe side effects from Effexor XR after being on 150 mg for 8 months so I weaned myself off the same way I went on ...gradually. It's been almost 2 weeks with no drug at all and I'm affraid I will lose my family and friends before I ever see the end of the withdrawals! I have been experiencing all the symptoms you people have described but the anger and crying are the hardest for me to accept. I have reduced my 12 year old son to tears more than once this week with my tirades. I have thought of leaving my husband because there are times when I feel I hate him. We have always had a deeply loving relationship and I know it's the withdrawal causing my emotions to misfire. How much can I expect my family to endure at my expense when they can't possibly understand where this is coming from? I'm so greatful I found this site and people who can understand and perhaps offer the support we all need to get through this. Wishing you all strength and courage.
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I tapered off my Effexor very slowly and have now been off of it totally for 5 days, I have never felt this horrible.  I do remember feeling this way if I missed a dose by only a few hours but it would last only a day and then I would be fine.  Now here I am on day 5 and I feel just as bad, if not worse, than on day 1, the whooshing feeling in my head and ears as if I am constantly underwater is driving my nuts but to add to my misery is the nausea, dizziness, clumsiness, weakness, sleepiness, bloating/weight gain, the feeling of hundreds or thousands of ants running all over me, and the  feeling of being totally disconnected.

How can this DRUG be on the market?  If your condition doesn't do you in then the withdrawal symptoms will for darn sure.

How can I find relief from these symptoms other than sleep my way through it?

How long will this last?  

I hope someone has the answer because I sure as heck can't find it.  I'm just about ready to throw in the towel and go back to taking a small dose just to be able to feel normal.

Desperate and seeking advice

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I forgot what I was going to say in my last post....
ISide effects:
I have no sex drive at all,( I used to be a very sexual woman, now I feel like a freak) if we do have sex, no matter how long it lasts, I am feeling nothing at all...so I pretend, which makes me feel so bad because it is like a lie to my husband.
I have put on 50 pounds even tho I eat 1 meal a day!
I CANNOT sleep, doc gave me sleeping pills, still no sleep!
I go days with no sleep, then my body gives out and I drop for 16 or more hours!
I had to quit my job because I suppose I was overtired, I got so I couldn't stand anyone or anything.
Customers do not deserve that, they used to come to where I work just to see me, and after I would come back from vacation, I got so many hugs!
My blood pressure top number will not go down no matter what they give me, another side effect of effexor!


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I have been on 150mg Effexor for about 4 years. I noticed that I have also been bruising easily, and my cuts heal very very slowly. I don't know if this is from the Effexor but I have been having the brain shocks and nausea since starting to reduce my dosage. I have cut down to 75mg with some of the common problems, but I am not looking forward to the effects that others describe when going down below 37.5mg. I will be fine for a while then I have a couple of days where I am just mad as a hornet and God help anyone who crosses me. On those days I need to just stay put and avoid people. I own a small business and even gave a customer a piece of my mind and felt horrible about it later. I know my doctor does not understand the power of this medication and hopefully with enough people sharing their nightmares about coming off Effexor it won't be prescribed quite as freely. Oh, the joint pain is definitely hitting me now as it has done others as I have read in these stories. My sex drive has completely dried up. Even Viagra does not help. Honestly, I'd rather deal with depression than with the effects of this medication. Good luck to all of us who are attempting to quit.
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Oh, BTW, I forgot to mention, yes, this med does cause itching and the feeling that something is biting you or pricking you skin. It is even worse for a couple of weeks when you are coming off the Effexor.
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First, I’m glad to know it is not just me.  I threw my effexor in the trash a week ago because I felt it was the cause of many weird problems I had / have.
I started taking effexor approximately six months ago.  At first it was okay (certainly better than I felt).  Then things started getting weird.
1. I was playing with a puppy approximately five months ago who proceeded to bite me in play.  The bites never healed. They just started to heal in the last few days.  
2. My right eye would shut when I got tired.  I would have to hold it open to use it.
3. I gained thirty pounds (something my doctor told me would not happen).
4. I started to live on Excedrin migraine tablets to curve (not cure) the headache.
5. The pressure in my eyes became too much to handle.
6. I kept losing track of what I was doing (makes paying your bills and general life interesting).
7. Everywhere I have nerve damage (from a wreck I was in) became irritated.

Now that I have thrown them out I still have problems:
1. I woke up to eating cake last night at three in the morning (am I doing this more than I know? Was I doing it on the pill without knowing it?).
2. I have cold and hot sweats at the same time.
3. I’m either annoyingly happy or really angry.
4. I intermittently start crying for absolutely no reason at all.
5. My left arm hurts almost all the time.
6. I’m having extreme suicidal and / or homicidal thoughts. (I know me very will so I know the thoughts are coming from the withdrawals and not to take action on them).
7. I’m starting to agree with Tom Cruise (about mental health help).

I feel like I traded one bad thing for another (and back again), but now I can not throw out the problem because I’m not taking anything.  I am annoyed with my doctor because he knows, since my wreck, that I have intermittent high (very high) blood pressure and high cholesterol (hereditary) which is why I wanted something that would not make me gain weight.

How long is this going to last????
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Don't stop it cold turkey, whatever you do! The brain zaps feel like lightning racing through your brain and then your whole body. These are the worst side effects...others are irritability and vertigo (that I have experienced).

Even stepping down slowly has given me severe brain shocks (or zaps). They are so bad that I lose my balance, and experience them with every move that I make. They really hurt. I called Wyeth today to find out what I can do to help this symptom. I didn't get a straight answer...only "withdrawal symptoms" and "sensory disturbances." I want to know what is REALLY going on. I only got bandaid answers. I was also told that this is rare. From what I have seen online, it is not.

Does any one know exactly what is causing this feeling? Is it  neurons misfiring or something else? I want the biological answer so I can find a way to make this stepping down process NOT interfere with my ability to function.

If you have experience these sensory perceptions, please call Wyeth and have them take a report. This needs to be added specifically as a symptom to the prescribing information. If I had known it would be so bad, I would have asked for something else. (I experienced NO side effects from stopping Zoloft, Xanax, and Cymbalta.)

Best wishes.
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Been on Effexor for over a year now, after having been on Zoloft for the past 3 years.

I asked for more counseling because i feel 1 hour of counseling every 2 weeks does not help me a great deal. My doc said yes, good idea but...he
recently added a new medication to my current ones. This is Seroquel, 50 to 75mg per day. Dr. says this will help optimize the Effexor. What the heck is going on?????...How many more meds will be added???? Yes, i take these meds for depression...but i was not getting worse.

Quit 187.5mg of Effexor...COLD TURKEY...5 days ago.

Day 1 to 3...brain shocks and mildy depressed...but not so bad.

Day 4 and 5. Arrrrg!!!...Yesterday felt so sad...i usually don't cry...but i cried like a baby all evening. Brain shocks every few seconds and worse if i move my eyeballs. Stomach cramps. Dizzy. Feeling as if my brain is clouded. Return of panic attacks...but just slightly. Really weird nightmares, waking up constantly from these vivid bad dreams with pulse racing...i've never experienced these before.

Today, Day 5, was even afraid of getting out of bed...this is so scary!
(As you can see, i eventually willed myself out of bed and i will keep on going on will power to get through this!)

Thank God i found this site. Knowing i'im not alone helps a great deal.

I've got to get through this detox. I'm a 40yr old mother of 3 boys from 3yrs of age to 16yrs. Also raising them on my own. I'm going back to work in january and i really hope these frightening symptoms will be gone by then cause i just can't imagine being productive feeling the way i do today!

I've been reading about people who tapered thier doses of Effexor and it seems to help them a little.

I would of considered tapering the medication myself but the reason i went Cold Turkey is the high price of Effexor. Each capsule costs me 3$... here in Canada. My small budget just can't afford this anymore, even if i have a medical insurance plan. I have to dish out the cost before they pay me back and unfortunalely, at that price, i have to cut back on basic food for my kids and i....and thats out of the question!!!

For those who do not know about this kind of withdrawl...let me tell you this. I've been through broken bones, back surgery, pneumonias, gave birth 4 times...all painfull short term or long term...but this Effexor withdrawl is really something!!!

I guess all i can do is pray i get through these debilitating symptoms and never again feel this crappy....Ugh!

I'll be back and keep you posted on my progression. And thanks for this site!

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hi there, this is my second message and i am hopefulsomone out there can give me advice on reducing from 300mg effexor daily to just 75mg plus 2 mg of klonipin three times daily.  has anyone ever done this before, under dr;s supervision.  i feel like myself again and and wondering if i have caused myself some internal damage from taking such a high dosage, and if anyone has been thru this  like me.  i think i willn probably need to be on 75mng of effexor for the rest of my life just to cope with my anxiety and i plan on talking with a therapist and trying some self help books too,
anyhow anyone out there who has been in a similar situation as me please let me know how you are doing. good look to you all and keep smiling!!! and don't give up.
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I took 150 mg of Effexor XR for about nine months.  When I got off of it, I took 75 mg for a month, and then stopped completely.  I was nauseous for about a week and had "zapping" sensations in my head for about two weeks. Then I was OK.  But the nausea was very uncomfortable for that week.  Nausea is definitely a withdrawal symptom of this medication, at least it was for me.   I actually wound up going back on Effexor XR three months later because I got depressed again.  When did you stop taking Zoloft?  Could there be any complications from that?
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reading your posts have helped me understand more what my (ex)girlfriend is going through and has been going through for the past few months. Unfortunately, she didn't want to share with me what she was dealing with on her emotional rollercoaster ride, and I didn't pressure her either.  I am learning more how I can support her while she's weaning herself off  Effexor.
Anyway, all I can do is be there for her if she needs me & be there for her even if she doesn't need me.
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I feel your pain and have been through the exact same issues; lack of desire, motivation, decreased cognitive ability, emotional numbness, etc.  What also got the better of me was that I was tired every single day.  I was drinking coffee just to get me by and to heighten my concentration since I too have a job that requires me to be on top of my game.  

I stopped taking Effexor half way into May ’07 and it was the best decision that I made, but it was a very difficult journey.  Prior to abruptly ending this madness, I weaned myself down from 150mg to 75mg (waited until the withdrawal symptoms disappeared before stopping the 75mg dose).  Perhaps I should have weaned myself down to the 37.5mg dose, but, regardless, this is what you should consider doing yourself to endure the withdrawal symptoms.  It’s a shame that there isn’t a smaller dose than the 37.5mg.  What you’ll learn during this experience is that you have to rise above it all.  Tell yourself that you can get through this everyday and resist temptation to take another dose.  If you have a significant other or close friend, it helps to talk about what you’re going through surprisingly.  I was fortunate enough to communicate my suffering to my significant other who comforted me all the way through this whole ordeal.  May, June, and July…. what an interesting experience that was.  

I can’t emphasize how good it felt when the withdrawal symptoms finally ceased, and to finally feel some sense of stability.  I stopped drinking coffee and I wasn’t lethargic anymore.

Don’t let everyone’s withdrawal experience discourage you from stopping.  Everyone is going to experience the withdrawal process differently.  How well you tolerate the symptoms seems to be relative to your own mental threshold for pain and suffering.  I kept a positive outlook as much as possible during times when my symptoms were intolerable.  But, I also had support as well to get me through…. this is key.  What I’m trying to get at is if 2 people experience a withdrawal symptom of the same degree of severity, what makes 1 person breakdown and take a dose of Effexor, and the other to fight through it, is your mental state.  Hang out with friends, watch a movie, talk it out, exercise, engage yourself in some activity to keep your mind off of it.  Don’t go at this alone.        
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I have been on 75 Effexor for a couple of years and lately have felt numb to any emotional feelings, have no desire for romance, sometimes I feel like I'm in a trance or I'm so tired I have to take a nap. Mainly, I feel disorganized in my mind and can't logically function in my work unless I really concentrate. It's hard to focus or concentrate and I have to really force my self to pay attention and go through details. I'm a project manager and can't organize or direct a team, much less be technically savy. I'm sick of feeling this way, so I've decided to stop taking this drug!

I started 2 weeks ago just skipping 1 dose every 2 days, next week I plan to skip 1 every 3 days. From the sounds of the withdrawl symptoms you all are having, I'm not too anxious to hurry through this.

Can't say I feel better yet, although the need for the naps has happened only once this week, when it used to be daily. I have felt some vertigo and nausea, but it's been managable so far. I hope by taking this very slowly I will not experience the terrible symptoms. I don't think I could handle the stress of that and carry on with my day to day activities.

One thing that I've found does help in depression and anxiety is visualization. Sometimes when I don't think I can do something I close my eyes and just try and visualize myself going through it. It helps, when you do it for real you can remember your visualization and it seems like you've done it before, which gives you confidence.

Good Luck you all - I'll post again and let you know how this works - I'm not feeling warm fuzzies about it since reading some of your posts :(
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Wondering how you are doing.  I am on my 5 day now and not doing so good. Took med for 10 years up to 225 max. Fourth time trying to get off of it! This is the longest I've been able to go.  Are you feeling any better at this point as you are a little a head of me.   Has the 5-HTP helped?  
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