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Severe depression and abdominal pain/ suicidal

My daughter has had severe lower left side abdominal pain since last october. We have had MRI's , colonoscopies, xrays, etc. The only remote is a buildup of stool noticed on one of the mri's. She quit taking paxil last septmenber after 5 years of use. Since then we've tried going back on and weening off, but the depression and severe pain continues. I'm not sure it is paxil withdrawal symptoms, but nothing else works. I am at wits end and fearful she no longer wishes to continue life with this pain. Is there anything we can do???
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Generally, GI symptoms on the lower left side are indicative of possible Chrohn's disease. General abdominal pain might also have something to do with an extended Paxil withdrawal problem. There are cases in literature connecting withdrawal with uncoveriing underlying gastro disorders.

Has anyone mentioned the posibility of celiac disease or a gluten sensitivity? This is a lot more common than once thought. As early as 5 years ago, celiac disease was thought to affect 1 in 5000 people. Within the last two years, after several independent epidimiological studies, most from Northern European countries, have now put the probable incidence of celiac in the general population as common as 1 in 30 people.

Gluten sensitivity is a widespread problem and can certainly be related to depression and anxiety. There is also an interesting connection to scizophrenia. Not that your daughter's condition is that serious. However, the presence of the symptoms you mention are indicative of possible gluten problem.

There is a misconception that celiac and gluten sensitivity almost always presents with diarhea as a major symptom. The fact is, that in most adults with either of these conditions, constipation is more common. Specific neurological and skin disorders have also been identified with gluten sensitivity, without the presence of gut problems, though at times abdominal pain and distention might also be present.  

The suggestion that you seek help from Baylor University is an excellent one. A former head of the gastro department there is now heading up cutting edge research on the development of new diagnostic stool testing. These tests can determine whether someone is gluten sensitive, has celiac or the early stages of Chron's and other possible gut disorders. There is also additional testing available from these folks determining whether there's a presence of any of the four gluten gene haplotypes, which would not neccessarily indicate disease, but does determine predisposition.  

For more information, you might check the non profit website for gluten disorders: www.celiac.com

Click depression in their search box and start reading. Good luck.

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Hi, hope I can help.
I agree with the others that it can be a G.I. issue. I have a sister with Crohnes and I myself have Irritable Bowel Syndrome, aka IBS. Apparently, IBS is usually a stress induced problem, along with medications...anything that calms you slows your metabolism, slowing the bowels, too. Trying to get off anti-depressants IS very stressful! I'm still trying. Another thing could be Divertculitis, where the stool is pressed into the bowel walls, causing it to be unable to pass out of the system. Very painful, I hear.

IBS is treatable, very common, but not exactly "curable". Mine flares up when I'm under stress. I typically don't even realize it until after it has started and is full blown pain and I realize I haven't been able to have a bowel movement for several days.

My internist suggested fiber supplementation like metamucil or similar, with a dose of milk of magnesia a day when the consitpation and pain is happening. This has worked for me. For the diarreah side of IBS, if she has this symptom, Donnatal works wonders for the pain.  

Anti-depressants are VERY hard to get off of, but personally, I could never recommend a treatment center since I was not helped AT ALL by these people who treated me like a criminal for being addicted to medications prescibed by a supposedlyu reputable doctor.

I would recommed seeing an internist or G.I. speciaist. In Dallas area, Texas, I don't know where you are, but at Baylor hospital Dr. James Otto was my savior through all of my hardest times. The best doctor I have ever had.

Psychiatrists...I am skeptical. They tend to try to "label" a person as soon as possible, and end up adding more medications rather than helping one get off medications. It's very convincing when you are at the office, I've been through it many, many times, but please don't let this happen. You mght try a pharmacologist, as well. They seem a little more open minded.

I wish you the best of luck with this. Feeling good is not as easy for some as for others, and I have greatest empathy. There is hope...DO NOT GIVE UP. If I can help, please let me know.
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It might be worthwhile doing a small bowel follow through to see if there is a site of inflamation in the terminal small bowel [ie Crohn's]. It is occassionally missed by other imaging techniques. You mention
"The only remote is a buildup of stool noticed on one of the mri's" this can be precipitated by a stenosis/stricture as seen in crohn's. Has your daughter had any loose motions for extended periods? If so this increases the liklyhood of Crohn's. Any skin rashes? Any red-eye. Any stiffness in the lower back? Any mouth ulcers? ALL these increase the likelyhood of crohn's, but none are requisite for Crohn's to be present.

If the pain is low it is also worthwhile looking at Gynalogical or urinary problems as well [such as meital stenosis] however these are less likely.

Hope this helps
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242532 tn?1269550379
I don't have much to offer about the pain because it sounds like a bowell issue and your g.i. doctor or surgeon is the one to help you there. It does not sound at all like anything related to Paxil withdrawal, but if you have any doubt about that, the thing to do is start her on a real trial of paxil and see what happens. If she is suicidal, she must see a psychiatrist for evaluation, not just medication.
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Depression is seen when people are sick or on the verge of sickness. It was and perhaps still is considered one of the first symptoms. This is why so many people in America are depressed. Have you tried looking at her diet and changing it appropriately?
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