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A related discussion, air trapped with burping was started.
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A related discussion, Crazy painful burping =( was started.
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A related discussion, Chronic burping was started.
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A related discussion, Chronic burping was started.
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A related discussion, Chronic burping was started.
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A related discussion, Bloating,naused,and can't eat was started.
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A related discussion, bowels was started.
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A related discussion, burping was started.
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I noticed that all of these comments are dated in 2005, well it is now 2007 and i was wondering if anyone had any answers for why they had constant burping.  I am 19 years old and for the past three years, i have had painful uncontrolling burping.  I can not take it anymore, the burping takes place from the time i wake up to the time i go to sleep, i have even had people tell me i burp in my sleep.  I have not had a good nights rest in years and i throw up atleast once a month.  The burping is loud and very embarrasing.  it starts from by back and moves up to my throat.  I have been to many doctors and had many tests and the results have been negative.  If anyone has any answers i would be very grateful for some input.
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I have a similar burping problem and my doctor diagnosed me with Acid Reflux, even though I have no signs of acid coming through my esophagus or any pain associated with it. I've never had heartburn, I just burp CONSTANTLY.

I drink only water, I eliminate fast food completely, I stick to stictly turkey and lean chicken meals ... I just can't find a cause for this!

Interestingly, it became noticeable after I had started my Graphic Design program about a year ago and became glued to a computer for 8-10 hours a day.

What is it with computers and burping?!
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I know we probably have some unique situations to some degree, i.e. not everyone has a hiatal hernia, but based on the research I've done, not much is known in the medical literature about how to improve and essentially cure our problems.  I'm really onto the ideas about possible small-intestine motility issues, since I know that I don't have any problems further down with bowel movements or anything noticeable in my large intestines or colon, my lower-digestive system.  I'm imagining some sort of blockage or accumulation somewhere.  

I'm really looking for a simple cause, and hopefully this will lead to an answer.  I am too young and otherwise healthy to really believe that I have treated my body poorly enough to have caused some kind of disease.  My 3 friends are in the same boat as me.  I think this is a phenomenon that doctors have not caught on to, and it's probably due to some change in the western diet over the last 50-100 years that is unhealthy but perceived as "ok" in our view, or maybe some cultural change in our eating habits.  I see people around me with far worse habits in many of these areas, so it confuses me how this can happen to me, but genetics plays a part as well.  All of my friends and I with this problem are Northern European by descent...

I really think that this is nothing that a good "cleanse" and careful diet selection can't fix, but I don't know much about how to perform that cleanse.  The anatacids and proton-pump-inhibitors the doctors prescribe are not helping anything except the heartburn, and from what I read, they are really screwing with other system balances that might not be such a good idea.  I want to strike the problem at the root of it, and if none of the simpler efforts I apply make a difference, my last resort will be some kind of overall digestive cleanse, possibly through some carefully designed, safe fasting method, like an all-liquid, leafy green diet for a few days or more.  Beyond that, I will make more efforts to maintain a diet free of processed food.  

I have tried a digestive aid called gamma-oryzanol without much of a result.  I've also tried taking digestive multi-enzymes with Acidophilus (a pro-biotic) with each meal.  I've done this for about the last month, and have not noticed a significant difference, if any, although it is still probably beneficial.  I tried eating more greens like spinach, more fresh fruits.  It's possible I haven't given it enough time, but I haven't noticed a significant clear-up, although the regurgitation is definitely worse when I eat fatty, greasy food.  After stopping taking Prevacid and Prilosec, and maintaining a healthy diet for a few months, the burps have remained, but I rarely have heartburn, except for one memorable night, at 3am after having a Quizno's sub for dinner at about 7pm.  I learned not to do that again.  FYI, heartburn sufferers, if you crave the fatty, greasy foods, please, eat them early in the day.  Before bed will give you more problems by far.  I've learned this through experimentation.

One thing I want to try are these pills called Okra-Pepsin-E3.  Here is some info, albeit quite possibly unreliable, but a suggested read:

These supposedly cleanse the hardened mucus build-up in the small-intestine after taking one with each meal for about a month, suggested with high fiber diet.  From what I recall reading here, this mucus can build up from eating processed food much more often than fresh greens and fruits (check!), overeating (check!), eating too fast (check!), and it can prevent nutrient absorption beyond what digestive enzymes and probiotics (good bacteria supplements like Acidophilus) can repair.  The description on that web page seems convincing for our type of problem, but based on how many other supplements I've tried to no avail, I don't know whether I trust it to do anything.  Has anyone else tried this product yet?  Thanks.
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Just an update.

Well, last week I had an upper GI done and quite honestly I figured everything would come back normal like others have posted.  However, during the upper GI the doctor let me watch the screen and  I was diagnosed with a moderate sized Hiatal Hernia.  To me it looked to be about a third of my total stomach size. I also asled him about my pressure sensations and burning and burpyness.  He felt that it might be caused by the part that is herniated the lining may be raw causing the burning and that it may also be causing spasms which lead to the pressure and burpyness.  He also said that would explain why I get nausiated when drinking really cold liquids. I also had to go to my regular doctor this week for the offical results of the upper GI which he told me I had a large throat muscle and they do not know why.  He also said the upper GI should I had a motility problem which they felt was due to my diabetes.  He said they felt the nerves around the hernia also seemed affected which could cause me to have symptoms in my sternum area like pressure, heart palpatations or sharp pains.  And of course he explained my Hiatal Hernia.  He said they did not really recommend doing anything about but treat the symptoms and take acid blockers and the best thing I could/should do is loose weight. (I am over weight, I weigh about 352) He offered to refer me to a gastrointerologist to see if they could offer anything for more to help with the burpyness.  Considering all I didn't feel that would help much.  Just wanted to share what I have had done and what was said.  The only other thing that was recommended was I eat more but smaller meals through out the day rather than eating 3 solid meals a day.  It has seemed to help some.  Their thoughts were keeping lighter stomach but keeping something in it all day.

Additional notes/thoughts:
I find I tend to be better staying away from spicey and/or greasy foods. Uncooked onions really affect me. I also don't seem to be affected by the burpyness first thing in the mornings as bad as I am in the afternoons and at night.

Best wishes to everyone!
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I have been burping throughout the day (and night) for the last year or so and the intestinal motility thing sounds about right to me as well.  I am 26 years old, and I'm in good shape.  I have no noticeable bowel movement issues.  I get a bloated feeling, then I need to shift around until I hear or feel some sort of "release" followed by the sound of bubbles going up through my stomach and then out comes the burp.  I'm also at a full-time desk job in front of a computer and I catch myself with awful posture all the time.  Standing up doesn't make the burps completely go away, but it makes the process somewhat easier (as long as I can let it out without worrying about those around me).  

Now something interesting is that 3 of my friends have developed the same exact problem.  I hang out with 2 of them, both males, for the weekend about once a month and we have had plenty of occasions of excessive alcohol consumption, but besides that, I almost never drink.  I thought maybe the alcohol consumption was the problem, since it's something we all have in common, but I soon found out that my 3rd friend, a female, never drinks at all.  She has recently developed the burping problem, but I almost never see her, so I can't point out any obvious (unhealthy) similarities.  

I never thought my diet was that bad, but it does seem to effect my general digestive comfort.  I had an endoscopy done, and the result was a "slight redness."  I was prescribed Prevacid and Reglan.  I asked about the H. Pylori bacteria and he said he would test for that, but never gave me any response, so I assumed the result was negative.  I've had occasions of severe heartburn, and it was mostly due to the inability to burp out the gas after eating certain greasy foods, so the acid would feel like it was getting pushed back up by the gas underneath it.  

I've tried increasing the fiber in my diet to achieve 100% of the FDA recommended Dietary Fiber amount per day, improving my general diet, sleeping with cement blocks underneath the head of the bed, and I can't say it doesn't help at all, but these are definitely not cures.  They may have made me a healthier person, but the burping is still there.  It looks like my next research project will consist of google searches on intestinal motility and IBS.  I'll report back if I ever find an answer.  I wish our doctors knew something about this besides what they read in their med school text books.
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i am 53yo female with a history of gallstones.  my burping began a few months ago.  previous to my burping i had a gallstone problem but it passed so i thought i was out of any trouble.  i have put on 10 solid pounds since menopause in the last 2 years.  i am thinking this burping must be weight related.  i seem to have the problem at night when my body starts to digest the days food.  i have consumed trans-fatty foods more frequently in the past two years than previously. Less physical activity then in years past plus i sit at a computer all day working with little exercise.

  there you have it.  until reading this thread i thought i could attack my problem with weight loss.... i am going to continue with my food plan for reducing my weight, but it looks like my problem may not be going away soon. wow, bad news.  

  i feel pretty isolated knowing that if my lover spends the night i may be under the covers burping away uncontrollably.  this is not good news.  nothing else seems wrong... the same old same old basically, but this new rather distracting habit is starting to make me feel, well, odd.  thank you all for sharing your experiences, concerns and attempts at remedies. it truly feels good sharing this newest torment with people who understand.
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10947 tn?1281404252
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My problem is a little different, but would like to know if anyone has experienced this.  I started the burping about a month ago.  It is not constant - mainly after I eat or drink something.  The concern I have is that after burping, I get discomfort in my left upper chest almost to the side.  If I swallow, the pain goes away.  This happens almost everytime I burp, so now I automatically swallow.  Have not been to the doctor, but will probably go soon.  I might mention also, that I have been somewhat constipated during this time - don't know if this relates or not.  Would just like to know if anyone else has experienced something like this.
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Add me the group.

For the past several months I have been suffering from chronic belching with no abdominal pain.  It happens most when I get up from a sitting or laying position.  It doesn't matter what I've eaten or how long it has been since I have eaten, the identical problem occurs. I have had problems with heartburn in the past, so I avoid spicy foods. I laid off dairy for three months and it didn't help the belching. I had an upper endoscopy and all they found was a small hiatal hernia.  I took Priloec for a month and it eliminated the heartburn but had no effect on the belching. I have noticed when I talk a lot I often have to stop and belch, which makes me think maybe I am taking in too much how.  If that is so, I wonder why I am suddenly doing that now at 52 years of age and what I can do about it. It happens most when I wake up from sleeping, even with tape over my mouth to keep it closed.
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Add me to the list.... It's hard to say how long this burping has afflicted me. Maybe 2-3 years.

I am a 25 year old woman, with no previous health problems. I am 130lbs.

These are my symptoms:
Within a minute of eating or drinking anything from a small meal, snack or just a glass of water, I start burping profusely. The burps start, and continue with barely seconds apart. This can last for an hour to many hours.

Usually, I burp all day long. I go to sleep burping, and I assume that it subsides while I sleep, but I do have some trouble some times going to bed, due to constant burping as I try to fall asleep.

The burping affected me more negatively over time. When this symptom first appeared, I was burping regularly but it was bearable, just annoying. Now, I can barely breathe when I burp, due to the frequency of the burps. It hurts my throat, chest and sometimes start to hick-up because of my inability to breath smoothly.

My tummy usually feels very stressed out, and tense. Like it's not painful, but full and strained, very tight. I would call it abdominal discomfort. Sometimes my tummy grumbles...

The fact that I burp so much after eating or drinking anything, makes me think twice before I reach out for a snack or drink. I am worried it will start to affect my interest in food. I don't want to starve because of this burping....

It's embarrassing in public, and makes it really hard for me to work and concentrate. Sometimes while working and experiencing intense burping, I have to stop everything and lay down, or sometimes I just get really pissed off...

I have tried changing my diet. Removing gluten, or lactose or whatever. It makes no difference what I eat. I even fasted for a while, but alas, I was still burping.

I do get bouts of burps sometimes when I don't eat. If for example I have not eaten all day, I may start burping in the evening and it just won't stop.

I do get light-headedness when burping.

Here is what I don't have:

I don't experience heartburn ever
No acid reflux ever
I never feel nauseous or need to vomit
I don't experience flatulence
I have never had major pain
I am never constipated or ever have diarrhea

Here are some of my habits:

I work on the computer on a full-time schedule
I am a vegetarian who eats fish, have been my whole life.
I have never had any health problems in my life.

If I think of anything more, I will let you know.
I am happy to see I am not the only one. This is a problem I just don't know what to do about. I tried over the counter gas medication, I tried eating really slow, I changed my diet several times. I just don't know what this could be.

My only problem is constant burping. I don't have ANY of the other symptoms that digestive and gastro conditions of any kind seem to describe.

I hope we can come to some understanding of what this may be.


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This is astonishing to me that there are so many of us experiencing this, over several years, and yet not one of the Gastro doctors can nail it down. I was just at the doctor last week. After all the tests that I've had over the last couple years he says it comes down to a couple options: 1) that it could be gastroperisis (delayed gastric emptying). I did that test--the delayed gastric emptying one--and it showed that I didn't have that. They put me on Reglan anyway and I don't feel it's done anything. 2) He said that it could be the lack of my gallbladder and some how having bile come back up? and 3) He said that I could take antidepressants and that might help. Taht shocked me as I do not want to take them and I don't feel depressed at all. However, after reading this thread and seeing that someone else is taking them and that they have helped, I might consider it.
Thanks for posting everyone. I check back every now and then and I think that maybe we are going to be able to nail this down with combining everyone else's symptoms.
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I have chronic pancreatitis, but after ERCP, the doctors did not found any abnormal situation. But I have burping and gas and pain on the upper part of the stomach. Can't be GERD or Pancreas Insufficiency because the pancreatic enzymes are eliminated on the duodenum, make sense, but after all kinds of test they couldn't declare any diagnostic. This drives me crazy; I have seen over 7 doctors I had done 3 CATSCAN, ERCP, and nothing.
Did someone here have the same problems after pancreatitis?
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I have the same experience of pushing at that 'triangle', inducing a burp. I tried quite a lot of probiotics but in my case it didn't improve symptoms. Zelnorm (Tegaserod) is - from what I understand - a 'serotonine [5-HT] type 4  [5-HT4] receptor antagonist' used to treat people with IBS-C (constipation predominant symptom), but also tried on people with Functional Dyspepsia. I haven't tried it yet, but people suffering from what is considered as GI motility disorders seem to benefit from it. I have been taken an antidepressant (Remeron) for some months (60mg) and it had definitely some beneficial effect on the burping. Remeron contains/is a 5-HT3 receptor antagonist. Also a natural medicine Caprylic Acid helped a little bit in my case.

In June I had an abdominal x-ray. Last week I showed it to an
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I think you are right - this does sound like a motility problem.  Like several of us here, I have burps 4-6+ hours after I eat that are a nasty version of my last meal (yuck!).   The food should be long gone by then.  I never thought of the problem as being small intestine, because I also have no "lower abdominal" symptoms.  I definitely have that distention in that triangle area where the ribs meet (is this the diaphragm?) and can "push out" a burp if I press there.  Has anyone tried Zelnorm?  Isn't that a motility drug?  Another theory I read - an overgrowth of bad bacteria that could be causing these symptoms (or the root of the lack of motility?) - has anyone tried probiotics?  I already went through an endoscopy and am slated for the barium next to rule out a diverticuli in the esophagus - I think I may ask to try the motility drugs first.  I re-read your original entry; I sympathize with your experiencing these symptoms for 7 years, but definitely appreciate your insights for the rest of us!
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In the archives of this forum, in threads on belching, more people mention tightness in the chest, deep inhalation/breathing leading to a burp etc. Also the case with me.

In my case I'm 100% certain it
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sfmm, I too have noticed that if I skip a meal or get very hungered my symptoms increase, and I too have had the nausea. I have also noticed a pain in my back but I have always gone around poping my fingers, back and neck. But here lately it seems my "fits" are gitting worse.  Once I start, it gets hard to stop. I have even noticed too that after I eat and have them I may burp up some food, yes that sounds gross I know but I want to share for hopes of helping toward a solution. My wife is really starting to get worried and she gets mad and says there is more than just swallowing air, because they can just come out of nowhere. My sister thinks it may be the body trying to correct itself in someway.  She mentioned something about a friend of hers that started these coughing fits and then found out the doctors found like a heart papatation and said she was caughing when her heart would start messing up. So she thinks that sounds similar in case with my pressure in my chest and pain in the back and the nausea.

Somthing else I forgot to mention too in my first post is I wondered once if it may have been started by increase in medication s I was having to take.  6 to 8 pills morning and night.  I got to where when I took them (I'd take them all at once) I would get these nasty tasting little burps. I asked the doctor back them if I it could be a problem taking them all at once but he said no.  Just another thought out there.

I amd begining to wonder if there could be something related to what my sister is thinking.  Would be curious to be hooked to a portable EKG machine for a few days to record and see if buring went in hand with any irregular heart activity.
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