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Barrett's Esophagus

I have had stomach/digestive problems sine 1956. About two years ago it was diagnosed as Barrett's Esophagus. I have been going to a local gastroenterologist in my rural area of Texas. The last three times the endoscopic biopsies were "inconclusive" according to the gastroenterologist.
I have altered my diet trying to eliminate "problem" foods. However, sometimes everything I consume bothers me. I used a wedge to sleep on for about two years until I started having leg and hip problems. Several months ago I purchased an electric adjustable bed, which has helped in reducing the reflux. However, I still have erratic pain and reflux problems. I am currently on 20mg Prilosec twice a day and still I have some reflux problem.
I understand the nature, treatment and complications related to my condition. My wife and I are very concerned.
I am asking for the name of a HIGHLY qualified gastroenterologist in the Dallas, Texas area. I have little confidence in the treatment or concern by my current doctor. I live about 1 1/2 hours out of Dallas but am more than willing to travel to find the right doctor.
Bill Caddell, ***@****
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Reply to steve's message dated 2/3/2000

My husband was diagnosed with an adenocarcinoma of the distal esophagus in August of 1991.  At this time his Barrett's esophagus was also diagnosed.  He does not remember a time in his adult life when acid reflux was not a problem.  At the time of his cancer diagnosis he was 44 years old and seemingly in great shape. He is an active man who was just preparing to retire after over 20 years in the Air Force.  He did have the surgery with several inches of his esophagus and 1/2 of his stomach removed.  His recovery was long, but we have had 8 wonderful years since his surgery - life is pretty normal, he works a 40 hour week, travels frequently for business and pleasure,and enjoys all the activities he did prior to the surgery.  Now we have just found out that the Barretts has returned and, of course, he is concerned that it will mean another battle with cancer.  We are very interested in a treatment that may destroy the Barretts before cancer can develop.  One website we have visited is:
This site is on the Pharmaceutical Information Network and the treatment discussed is Photodynamic Therapy.  The article title is: Photodynamic Therapy Destroys Dysplasia in Barrett's Esophagus. There also are hospitals conducting clinical trials of this treatment.  
You have to consider your options.  Surgery was the answer in 1991, it may still be the best answer.  We're looking too.  Good Luck to all
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i am 40 years old with a 15 year history of reflux.  i now hve barretts-1 cm- with severe dysplasia.  The recommendation is for a total esophagectomy.  has anyone had this procedure-if so, what was your quality of life after the procedure.
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I am a 59 yr. old female recently diagnosed with Barrett's esophagus after 4-5 months of chest pain, food getting stuck half-way down, etc.  This diagnosis has really scared me and I am is a state of shock re: the risk of adenocarcinoma (from 1-10% varies with literature.) I also have coronary heart disease so this whole episode was really scary although after 9 yrs. with CAD I was able to recognize this was not heart pain.  I actually think I have had this pain before and it may have resulted in 3 of my 5 coronary-angiograms when I had chest pain.

Through all this, I have lost 17 pds. in 6 weeks because of the pain and now since the diagnosis, the pure fear of eating.  With such limited choices, eating has become a nightmare!  What to drink is a really big question since you need to watch everything that has citric acid and literally everything has citric acid in it as a preservative.  I drink water, water, water and some herb tea, although most have citric acid.  I am on Prevacid and since the endoscopy and stretching of a stricture, my pain has subsided.

I would really like to have a web board or e mail subscribe list for all of us with Barrett's/Gerd to communicate.  This board seems to fill very rapidly with all the concerned folks.  I would be glad to set up such an e mail subscribe list on onelist.com (free) is people would be interested.  Send me your e mail address if you would like to be included and if I get enough responses, I will set up the board and get it up and running.  I will let you know when it is set up so you can subscribe.

It was a relief to find other with this diagnosis.

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Good News,

My endoscopy biopsies (last Monday) showed no dysplasia or helicobacter pylori infection eventhough Barrett's esophagus (3 cm) and medium hiatal hernia was still present. My Gastroenterologist put me back on endoscopy every two year schedule (had been every 6 months for last 3 endos): continue with no fried or fatty foods and no caffeine products, chocolate, milk products, tomato products, or citrus fruits or juices. My medicine continues as 1-prilosec (20 mg) in am and 1-ranitidine (zantac) 150 mg in pm. AND, of course elevate the head of (at least 8 inches) my bed every time I lie down or sleep. The above treatments have apparently improved my condition. The Dr had no explanation re: the frequent horizontal pains across the middle of my back. However, in the material I have read and others comments about their situations show that the back pains may be characteristic of GERD/Barrett's esophagus.
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There are many good sites on the internet. Some good ones are at

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I am 34 years old and was diagnosed with Barretts 6 months ago after approx. 10 years of GERD. I have been on Prilosec for about a year and it has really helped (more so than Axid and Pepsid). Anyone with information on long term use of Prilosec?
I also have episodes (lasting over a month) of erratic or irregular heartbeats (mostly skipped beats). Judging from all the internet responses and info on this, it seems to be a very common thing. Three questions: What causes it? Is it something to be worried about? What can I do to elliminate it? It seems to happen in the winter - but it has only been two years since it started and both times were in the winter months. I am very active, otherwise healthy (severe childhood asthma) and I have changed my lifestyle to elliminate caffeine, alcohol, and late night meals. (Propped-up bed of course!).
I would appreciate any info or good websites on this, I can be reached at ***@****, thanks.
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