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From time to time I notice little black specks in my stools.  At first I was not concerned, thinking it was something I ate.  Is it?  Is it from what I ate, or is it something else?  I am very nervous and don't know what to do.  These are tiny little black specks found all throughout my stools which have of late been mostly watery.  I have also had several bouts with extremely painful constipation and bowel movements.  Had a GI last year and was normal. But do have some corrosion in the lining of my stomach.  Please please help or let me know if you have had similar experience.  Thank you.
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Dear Bearnadette
Individuals with black stool that look like tar often have internal bleeding as the cause of the problem.  Small specks of black material interspersed in otherwise normal brown stool is often the result of what you ate.  If you have gastrointestinal symptoms and are concerned, then you should call your doctor and discuss the problem with him.

This information is presented for educational purposes.  ASk specific questions to your personal physician.
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A related discussion, symptoms of nor virus was started.
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I have been having black tarry stools first like tar paste that appeared after 3 days of taking picicillin and extra strength acetaminophen 500 mg. for an unidentified virus/bacteria which was first thought to be strep but was not. on day 2 with the addition of generous amounts of water the stools remained black but were watery.  I stopped taking both for one day and my stools returned to light brown color. when I started taking both again on day 5 the black watery stools returned. could this be a reaction to the meds? or could the meds cause the bleeding?  I also have had bouts with hemmoroids for years off and on. never clinically diagnosed. Doctors are bungling over what the cause could be.
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I have similar problems to what Bernadette and Kristina posted about, mainly loose light brown colored stools, with specks of colored things in them.  Not just black but also some mucus and I believe blood? some orange stuff too.  This is very unusual, I had sigmoid, they said mild hemmoroids and gave me Prevacid, come back in 2 weeks.  No help. Any suggestions?? Please email me:
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I have similar problems to what Bernadette and Kristina posted about, mainly loose light brown colored stools, with specks of colored things in them.  Not just black but also some mucus and I believe blood? some orange stuff too.  This is very unusual, I had sigmoid, they said mild hemmoroids and gave me Prevacid, come back in 2 weeks.  No help. Any suggestions?? Please email me:
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Q: Please help, very scared?

I am 23 yrs old. I have been experiencing problems for over 2 years, and they are not improving if anything getting much worse. I am too scared to see the doctor as I fear the worst.

Several symptons, are they related?
The pains started on holiday at first in America, sharp abdominal pain to the point that I had to lay down. The pain would also come on very suddenly whilst dancing a constant lower abdominal sharp pain. My periods are also very abnormal, but I have come to grips with it. I am not taking the pill. The sharp pain would go and then return in a few days.

My stools are abnormal, and not regular, and very painful during  my period. I have also started to notice blood on tissue.
I have excessive gas, even throughout the night. The pain in my lower abdomin comes and goes on a monthly basis.

I did vist my doctor about a year ago and mentioned all of the above. I was given a cervical smear test & a swab that came back negative?

Thank you in advance, I would welcome any comments, suggestions?

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Q:  Gastro: Please help, very scared?

I am 23 yrs old. I have been experiencing problems for over 2 years, and they are not improving if anything getting much worse. I am too scared to see the doctor as I fear the worst.

Several symptons, are they related?
The pains started on holiday at first in America, sharp abdominal pain to the point that I had to lay down. The pain would also come on very suddenly whilst dancing a constant lower abdominal sharp pain. My periods are also very abnormal, but I have come to grips with it. I am not taking the pill. The sharp pain would go and then return in a few days.

My stools are abnormal, and not regular, and very painful during  my period. I have also started to notice blood on tissue.
I have excessive gas, even throughout the night. The pain in my lower abdomin comes and goes on a monthly basis, but I had a bad bout this week to the point that I could not walk for the pain, and it was not like a period pain, it continued for about I hour.

I did vist my doctor about a year ago and mentioned all of the above. I was given a cervical smear test & a swab that came back negative?

Thank you in advance, I would welcome any comments, suggestions?

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I have a pain on the right upper side of my stomach. This pain comes up at times and then subsides. I find that it appears when I eat food that causes gas, like beans. Also the area is tender to the touch and it gives me the impression that it could be muscular.

I have IBH too and have itchiness of the anus. However this itching dissapears too when I start passing stool normally.

What could it be. I have no weight loss. In fact I keep putting on weight. However I do not exercise. My stool becomes normal after taking Physlum Husk. But I do pass stool several times a day and this makes me weak and lethargic.

Is there a way out?

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I am a 22 year old male who has a quick question about going to the washroom. I am wondering if I have a problem or not. In my stool I occasionaly have blood mixed in it, and has some black colouration. Some days it even appears that there is some sort of tissue floating around. Now this isn't every day. It will be here for a week and then be gone a month or so then it will come back. On top of this I get bad burpping if I eat after 8:00 and I feel really lazy. I want to do things but cant bring myself to do them. I have started to take Metamucil just for the benifits of fiber and to maybe see if it would help. So far noghthing. Anything you guys can think of.
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Last year I was diagnosed with IBS. I went to the doctor because every time I ate, I was immediatly in the bathroom. When I went it was very loose and my stool had blood, sometimes alot, sometimes not so much, but it was always there. My mother had the same problem, but she was diagnosed with diverticlioses. What is wrong?
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problem I am having is not having bowel movements for a long time
I have tried different types of laxitives without any results
Is there any procedure that can be done to cleanse out all of
colon?I feel somtimes it might be blocked.
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I am 30 years old and have been on Meridia and Xenical for about 6 mos.  While I have experienced weight loss, I am now concerned with my stool color.  As expected, the Xenical caused there to be oil in my stool after a fatty meal.  I have managed to forstall the associated diarrhea by taking 2 T of Metamucil each day.  My doctor has me taking this for life.  In order to improve my nutrition (beyond healthful eating), I have begun to take supplements.  A multivitamin, Viactive (1000 mg calcium), 400 mg vitamin E, potassium, magnesium, 1000mg omega-3-fatty acids, 500 mg vitamin C, and a B-complex vitamin.  I have noticed in the 3-4 days since starting to take these supplements that my stools have gone from orange-brown, dense, and bulky, to light orange-brown, almost tan.  They are also not as frequent and my abdomen is slightly distended.  What does this mean and should I discontinue the supplements?  Should I see my physician immediately?  Or will my body eventually adjust to the supplements?  Last night I woke up 3 times with the need to urinate-which is also unusual for me.
Thanks for your help.
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I just watched a show on "20-20" which dealt with people dying of esophageal cancer following what they thought was years of routine heartburn. They mentioned symptoms of heartburn occuring several times a week, problems swallowing, acid reflux, even a continuous cough. What concerns me is that my husband has all of these symptoms and also lost his father to esophageal cancer about twelve years ago, that loss being attributed to heavy smoking and drinking, neither of which my husband does. I'm worried that heredity may kick in or am I being an alarmist?
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I have had a similiar promblem with my stool and haven't got any answers yet. i was doing this search to try and find some. my stools always have for around the last 6 months little black specks that look similiar to coffee grounds. I have been diagnosed with "mild colitis" but still haven't had an explanation why it looks like this-also when i'm having a bad episode my stool will suddenly turn light colored like a banana and still has these black specks in it. I'm starting to wonder if i've been misdiagnosed.  I've heard that light colored stools can have to do with a liver condtion and the black specks to do with the bile.  At one time i thought the black specks might be this herbal tea i drink for my colitis (slippery elm tea) but i stopped drinking it for atleast a month and it didn't go away. is your stool still like this and have you gotten any answers? I've had a endoscopy and 3 colonoscopys with nothing found but "mild colitis".? please reply if you get a chance to ***@****
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Dear Bernadette,

We would be glad to inform you that we have a real possibility to help you and many people with
gastrointestinal problems such as IBS, gastroenteritis, enterocolitis, ulcers etc., including conditions
that appear to be after radio- and chemotherapy in cancer patients (such as gastrointestinal
disturbances and compromised immunity). The unique product
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Could potentially be a bleeding peptic ulcer...would recommend an endoscopy to rule this out. The test is mildly uncomfortable, very tolerable due to mild sedation, and takes about 10 minutes to com plete, tops. It gives the physician a great view of the stomach lining and duodenum, and biposies can be taken to test for H. Pylori (typically present with ulcers). The corosion could have evolved into ulceration, and the black specks in the stool could, not always, be a product of some bleeding from the ulcer.
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I am wondering if you are currently taking any bowel stimulants such as senna or cascara sagrada.  Both of these herbs will hyper stimulate your colon, causing extreme cramping and watery stools.  This will also cause any undigested material to be forced out of your colon, it can sometimes be undigested fiber from fruits or vegetables.  I am sure it is nothing serious, but just check any supplements you may be taking, especially dietary ones.  Please get back to me and let me know.
Glassthane @aol.com
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