612876 tn?1355514495


Sorry everyone, I know I've been gone longer than I anticipated and only managed to pop in briefly to answer a few posts throughout this time.

I wanted to drop by to explain that I haven't been away this entire time due to my dog.  He is actually responding quite well to the treatment, and all indications so far are that he will make a full recovery.  However, as it sometimes goes ... when it rains, it pours.  I'd been having increased tachycardia and noticing that I was showing signs of dehydration; I really *should* have gone to the hospital to ask to get tanked up on IVs but I thought maybe I could just keep pushing fluids and pull myself through it.  I was wrong.

One of my aides came in for her shift and found me passed out at the bottom of one of our staircases.  When she got me flat and elevated my feet, I knew as soon as I woke up that my back was hurt.  She called me an ambulance.  Luckily, the x-rays showed that it wasn't broken, but it's really bruised and I think it's going to take a while before whatever soft tissue injuries I sustained are fully healed and the pain subsides.  Meanwhile, they got me up in the emergency department (once they knew my back wasn't broken, obviously) to get a urine sample to make sure there was no blood in it from internal bleeding or anything and (surprise, surprise) I passed out before I could even stand back up to get back to the bed from the bedside commode.  Of course they gave me IVs but I was still having trouble feeling dizzy if I even tried to sit up let alone stand or walk, so they ended up transporting me home in an ambulance to keep me lying down flat.  I think it really wasn't helping that I hadn't eaten since breakfast and it was like 12 hours later by that point.  

At any rate, I've put calls into my cardiologist's office begging to hear back about the progress on getting me lined up with routine IV treatment because I really think that's what it's going to take to get me back in gear.  On the bright side, I was wearing my helmet when I fainted on the stairs, so the pain is restricted mainly to my back; the helmet seems to have done its job of keeping my head safe.  :-D  

I may try to pop in here and there as I'm able, but I don't know exactly when I'm going to be fully back to my normal activity level here on MedHelp.  I'm taking two different pain meds right now for my back, and that's making it very difficult to even think clearly.  Plus, even with that it's painful to be up out of bed.  And then there's the orthostatic intolerance that's still not exactly under great control all the time ...  Oy.  I know this will pass, it's just a bump in the road.  I'm sorry it's keeping me from keeping up with posts here on MedHelp.

I'll be keeping you all in my thoughts.
I hope you all are doing well and taking good care of yourselves.  
10 Responses
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Heiferly, I am so sorry this happened to u!: I am glad it wasn't worse although itsbad enough. Thanks for.letting us know as have missed u. Right now u just take care of yourself and recouperate.
I am glad your dogs doing ok too.
Take care,
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1438638 tn?1304946457
Oh man, when it rains it DOES pour!  I'm so glad both you and your sweet dog are going to be ok...eventually.  I'm really glad you didn't hurt yourself more :)  Please take care of yourself and don't feel bad about your activity level here.  I think we all understand how exhausted and sick we can feel...sometimes for long periods of time.  I'm sure others will agree...your health and wellness is worth the wait to have you back here more frequently :)  

I'm just realizing, getting back from vacation yesterday, that vacation is something that I'm going to need to recover from, from now on!  So I'll be a little more absent until I'm back up to speed as well.  I'll be thinkin' of you :)  Give that dog of yours a kiss for me :)
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Sorry to hear your having such troubles.  I'm glad you were wearing your helmet though.  It's raining and pouring at our house too, so don't feel alone with that.

I hope you back feels better soon,
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I'm sorry to hear you've been having such a hard time lately. I do wish you a speedy recovery!
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967168 tn?1477584489
oh wow sorry to hear that; please take care of yourself and stay well

good thing you had your helmet on; what a lifesaver that is - I'm shivering just thinking about a fall like that
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O . O  Just a bump in the road? Well then, you are one very tough lady! Thank goodness you had your helmet on!
Do take good care of yourself. I hope you mend quickly. And I hope the home IV can move ahead quickly for you now.

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612876 tn?1355514495
Thanks everyone for your kind thoughts.  It means so much to me to have such a great support system here.  You guys are like my extended-extended family!!  :-D

I dragged myself to the dentist today and found out I'm going to be referred to an oral surgeon to have my 3 impacted wisdom teeth extracted; that should be fun.  I'm starting in with a new dentist and I think the poor guy reassured me about three times that they would be careful to use anesthetics that are safe for people with dysautonomia (if you don't have the article on how dentists can safely treat patients with POTS/dysauto, I'm putting the link at the bottom of this post so you can grab it).  I've avoided seeing a dentist for 4 years because I was so nervous about them not understanding my dysautonomia or taking it seriously enough, having a problem with the dental anesthesia, and possibly ending up in a really dangerous situation.  I'm really happy with the dentist I'm seeing because the office is literally inside a hospital complex building, so if anything goes wrong they could get me to the ED posthaste.  Plus they were really considerate about reading everything I sent them about dysauto before my first appointment so they would be ready for me, and were *really* patient with me about my nausea and hair-trigger gag reflex.

I hope things go this well throughout my cleaning, six (yes, SIX) fillings, and the oral surgery to have the wisdom teeth extracted.  Tomorrow I have a checkup to see how my back is doing.  I kind of want to stop taking the pain medicine because it makes me more nauseated than normal, but when it starts to wear off I get pretty miserable so I'm not sure what I should do.  I want to ask if they think something like PT would be helpful to speed the healing, or whether it's just going to take time.

In the meantime I'm just sleeping a ton ... partly from the pain meds and partly because it's boring lying in bed, but it hurts too much to sit up for very long at all.  I wish I could mount my computer on the ceiling so I could lie on my back and mess around on the internet all day.  :-p  

Here's the dentist article for anyone who still needs it:

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1323747 tn?1364806882
Oh my goodness.  You are having a downpour of events!  I am so glad your dentist is in a safe place and that you are feeling more comfortable with all.  As for your swan dive down the stairs, both your aide and your puppy must have been beside themselves when they found you.  For sure I hope the IV solution gets in the works and soon.  Rest up from all and for heaven sakes drink lots and lots of fluids.  

I have been back and forth to appts. so haven't been on for a few days.  Hope all settles down for you at your place and soon!  Marie  
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1401877 tn?1288107639
Wow, you are very tough, that's a *ton* to deal with!! I really hope you start feeling better soon, just take it easy and rest.  And I'm glad your dog is okay so that's one less thing to worry about!
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Aw, Heiferly, please feel better soon. Wishing you good health today and always.  Tkimber
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