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Always feel like something is stuck in my throat?

Ok let me start off by telling everyone that I am an average build 23 year old male. I went to the doctor back in October I believe because I felt like I had something stuck in my throat and I had a very minute ammount of blood in my saliva when I spit. Anyway, he told me I have a sinus infection and gave me antibiotics. Now I have always had allergies and plenty of sinus infections and I knew this was no sinus infection. So I take the antibiotics and nothing changes. So I go back to the same doctors office to see a different doctor. This time because again I feel like something is stuck in my throat and I have a small dull paint to the left of my sternum. The blood in the saliva has stopped at this point. She decides it was acid reflux and gives me a months worth of Protonix and schedules an appt. for me to see someone in gastreology. So I've been taking the protonix and I went to see that doctor and he said he thinks I have acid reflux. I've been taking the Protonix as directed but still all the time I feel like something is stuck in my throat. Feels like it's right behind my tongue in the tonsil area. Sometimes it's on the left and sometime's it's on the right but it's always there. I drink plenty of water and the only other thing I drink is sweet tea and that's every now and then. I've drank it my whole life with no prior problems. Also I've noticed that it seems like something slimy. Almost like mucus drainage or something. I have been able to pull some of it up out of my throat and spit it out but it's clear with no color or spots or anything. No relief comes from that. Sometimes I can make it go away for a couple of minutes if I brush the back of my tongue. I took some Ztus expectorant last night hoping it would release it but no luck. Does anybody else have this problem and what can I do about it? I'm going to schedule an ENT appt. next week. There is no pain, it just feels like there is something stuck there much like when you try to swallow a pill without enough water. It makes me worry when I go to sleep because I'm afraid my throat might swell up causing breathing problems. Thanks in advance.

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Sounds like it could be a small hair or a tonsil stones. Tonsil stones are the whitish yellowish spots you can gently remove yourself with a clean finger or tool. The hair is a bit more tricky. I usually try to brush the back of my tongue as far as I can in circles to try to dislodge the hair. But I know how you feel. It sucks!
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I don't know your background but this sounds to me like a spiritual warfare. Anything that can't be explained or treated by doctors is something that stands chance to be treated by prayer. Receive and confess Jesus as your saviour, repent of your past sins, and then seek physical and spiritual healing. Try to find a church where they're big on prayers and get them praying and interceding for you.
Blessings of the Lord
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Have the same problem at present, ENT had given antibiotics, but no improvement, have to go for CT scan, had the same problem 2 years back and had upper GI and CAT, but nothing serious in those and it resolved by itself when I went to attend a function and had no time to think about it.  At present, it is almost 2 weeks now
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To think about it I was using the same vinegar and I was not having this problem until I stopped taking  it every morning alone with lemon and honey
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Hello evryone, sorry abt all ur discomfort nd pain... I too hav bin experiencin difficulties in ma throat for d past four years
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Hello evryone, sorry abt all ur discomfort nd pain... I too hav bin experiencin difficulties in ma throat for d past four years
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Sorry to hear about everyone's pain and agony discomfort and irritability that your body is causing you as far as I can see we all have pockets in our throats that gather food that builds up some are within our sight and some aren't. I also get a dry feeling in my nasal cavity not to mention I suffer from seasonal allergies I usually remedy with water in my nose and if that doesn't work I do a little aroma therapy using Chapstick but it's Burts Beeswax brand they use all natural ingredients the peppermint smell is what alleviates that dry feeling. As far as something feeling like is stuck in my throat I usually cause a vibrating sensation the same as most people do when there throat itches horribly then those pieces of white matter that looks like brains or something like that and smell like death or rott . When those particles star coming out I can almost instantly feel some relief . Well what I really want to tell you guys and gals is to use Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar take a tablespoon twice a day and also use it in warm water to gargle as much as you like without swallowing. Now it's a bit strong and for the squirmy hard to swallow when you take it straight , I recomend taking it straight so when it.goes down your throat it will gett on those bothersome areas. Now for those of you that are not aware of the benefits of vinegar well it's a natural antibiotic known to help kill viruses, infections , breakdown of calcium which most likely if what's building up in those pickets in our throats . On a personal note my mother had some x-rays done years back and they found dark spots in her lungs well sounds like you guys know the process Specialist after specialist meanwhile no treatment from them anyways . She was taking the Apple Cider Vinegar straight twice a day anyway long story short she went to one of her follow up x-rays and the doctors were baffled the black spots had shrunk and almost completely disappeared. He went and asked her what she was doing my moms 82 years old now well she just laughed he went on and told her whatever your doing don't tell my other patients . Now that's sad that a Doctor ( medical healer) would say something like that . Anyways I wish you all the very best never give up . And don't write this off take a hard long look at the healing properties of vinegar you will be surprised . In no way am I a Dr. on contrary I have lost hope not in all of our Dr's but in the vast majority I'm just a person that likes to use Gods given natural healing foods and minerals and of coarse faith and prayer . Now make sure and research any and all things before you do them . Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar Book check it out
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try fresh juice..celery and cucumber..kale optional...fresh fruit juice..orange pineapple.....get some good juice recipes off line.do enemas daily at night.
fast for at least 7 days.its hard..but yo can do it...fresh red grape juice is absolutely dynamite!...fresh watermelon juice...at the end of 7 days eat very little... a small salad and your juice then add maybe an apple and salad the next day take about 3 days to break the fast only adding small amounts of raw fruits and veggies. oh yeh...IT ABSOLUTELY MUST ALL BE CERTIFIED ORGANIC!  then just eat fruit and salads and raw veggies for a couple weeks...then do it again..only have to do the enamas when you fast! but absolute must you have to do the....gets rid of the toxins and your headaches and feelings of ill! I promise you this will make it all go away if you do it long enough. I had the exact same thing..this works!
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I noticed this about 2 months ago.  Started spitting blood, very little coming from nose.  Then noticed I am constantly clearing my throat and as if something is stuck in back.  I've tried doing that thing guys do to get whatever is stuck out, but to no avail.  At night I feel drainage so I get up and spit blood.  Sometimes cough up mucus clots.  I have no tonsils, went to ENT and had that scope inserted through nose.  Was given a Rx for acid reflux but also told if it doesn't go away in 6 wks, will have to go to Gastro, dr.  BTW, I still feel like drainage so I get up and spit out blood.  No other problems like fatigue, weight loss, etc.  Just very annoying.  I've noticed my voice is a little raspy at times too.  I have an appointment 1/26/15.  Hopefully nothing serious.
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I've suffered with this my entire life. I have allergies. I'm 47 I've always thought in was my adenoids. But I fight with they doc about sinus infections, Gerd, just overwhelmed with phlegm.
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Hi Everyone,

I'm CW, and I've had similar experiences, as well as my sister before me.  Although everyone experiences are different I've come to see that Thyroid issues may be the problem.  That was the problem for my sister and unfortunately, now, that is the problem for me.  Even though we had similar symptoms there were some differences too.  Hers was rapid coughing and mines was a lump in the throat. The lump is an enlarged thyroid or goiter.

Has anyone had an ultrasound or CT of their throat {where they rub gel on it)?
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i habe the same prob what to do please
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391686 tn?1225168008
Exactly that, wake up you think great its gone.... Till you have a drink or coffee, then its back!

I too think its is tonsils... I never had them before and now I can see them clearly in my mouth!  Dr said their not big, but their new to my mouth!

Because of this, my upper neck glands feel like their the size of grapes - which by my books means tonsils!

How does one walk into a Dr and demands for tonsils to be removed?  I raised it with my ENT, though she also says my tonsils look OK, is not obstructing...  And when she looked down my throat, said could not see anything..  Bloody lazy specialists. She even said its likely neurological!

Overall, I think the tonsils are tricking our system/neck region.
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391686 tn?1225168008
Actually I started having numbing left side of face, left arm and warm left good sensation early this year 2014.. Dr ignored, so did I. Those all went away I guess, but lately been having a lot of twitches throughout the body. Now this stuck in throat feeling... And forcing myself to burp during a meal can be difficult, almost like I need go quickclte gulp a glass of water to bring the food down the pipes.
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391686 tn?1225168008
Forgot to mention, the feeling of something stuck for me is much less when laying down....

Who thinks were not taken serious enough by the drs and specialist? The amount of I have researched I've done on the throat anotomy, I could be my own ENT - just give me the tools so I can work on my own throat.

It almost feels like get a baby bottle brush and shoving it down the throat a few times for a clean.
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391686 tn?1225168008
I been having the throat such symptoms for about 4 months now, initially felt like losing my voice, horessness and losing my lower vocals(still feels like I can't get my lower vocals back). Initially started like a sore throat so I took lozenges which did not help, did not think much about it as I was traveling at the time.

When I got back from travels I was eating biscuits at the office and notice the plastic tray holding the biscuits were disintegrating and realized I had a tiny plastic on my lips.... At which point I felt like I was choking and lack of breath. Rushed to the nearest go around the corner to get checked out by the nurse and they could only see some redness at the back of my throat - says if anything it would have passed through and just grazed is what I could be feeling. Dr was fully booked off course.

Later next day I still was unsure and any to the another gp, for second opinion, and also ED/ER for third opinion. All day the same thing and then referred me to an ENT. Somewhere along the lines GP also cultured post nasal drip(visible but culture was neg), uvular is very long at this stage. And go prescribed reflux meds saying silent reflux can cause throat stuck like symptoms with no heart burns.

Went to ENT and described my event, used the optic to look down my throat and says can't see anything obvious but generally throat does not appear normal. ENT did blood works and also checked for thyroid, neg. ENT booked me in for a larascopy and look down my voice box, where they took biopsy of tissues around there, throat and tongue - all tests were neg for anything nasty.

ENT palms it off as nothing and probably neurological related, since I mentioned I feel like food needs to be pushed down with water when I eat, or i feel like forcing myself to burp so I know my throat/esophagus is clear.

Since all this, I am more concerned if I have to swollow pills as often enough it feels like it gets stuck until it dissolves in the throat. The entire feeling is like the throat is narrowing and what feels like something such could be the feeling of the uvulu dangling??? All my life I never noticed my uvulu to dangle so much unless I had a sore throat, which now is constant...

I went on a business trip last month to Malaysia, where I was there for 2 weeks, my entire time there I felt so much better in that my throat problems felt like they subsided! Gained more weight as I could east more, and comfortably... When I got back home to Australia, the throat issues started to come back!  I just don't get it, is it allergies related or what! I just can't eat normally anymore and I take double the time to eat compared to anyone else.

I know my right tonsils look a little bigger and the pocket looks more obvious. I'm someone who all my life have no obvious appearance of tonsils in the mouth, so the tonsils look new to me... Could it be tonsils causing all this????
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Good day all,

I have similar thing as well.. A month ago I was working in my office as per usual, I drink coffee and a chocolate brownie.. It was not more than 15min when I felt like I am loosing breath, tried drinking water and nothing helped.. I then rushed to a nearby hospital (on my way there I was very weak and felt like I was gonna pass out, stopped at a garage and got something to drink).

Arrived at the hospital was checked over night and Dr count not see anything wrong with me..

4 days later, I had to go back to a Dr again.. I wanted to vomit and struggled to breath again. Dr said I had Abdominal Infection gave me some medication to neutralise the stomach acid.

Now what is left is something stuck on my lower throat (sometimes it moves up). It feels so weird: No pain just that when I eat or drink sometimes it feels like I am gonna chock. To cope with this I need to keep on burping.. It has been 4 weeks now and still feel it. I decided to self medicate and I came across this site.

I tried some suggestion of massaging the throat (which I found on this site) reluctantly so! but its amazing! it gives some temporary relief.. I am going to get the vics vaipo rub and see what happens.. So far I think I am getting help from this site...

Maybe it works for someone else out there.. try it and see!
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2 months ago a fish bone was stuck in my throat which was taken out by ENT specialist. I had a comfortable month afterwards but started to have same feeling "somethin stuck" and hence visited the same doctor. He prescribed some medicines saying its only throat infection.. It was recovered apparently but as soon as I stopped consuming those medicines I often get such feeling. I have noticed if my throat is dry, the feeling become intense. I have no problem in eating / digesting anything and there's no pain, just a feeling that there's something at the end of tongue on left side of throat.. Couldn't figure-out the reason yet.

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what was the muscle relaxer called?
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I have all the problems. Its started with tendinitis 10 months ago which have now developed to acute Carpal Tunnel. The doc wont do anything before an MRI scheduled on 17th September 2014. 2 weeks ago after dinner i felt this chocking feeling and though i tried i could not get sick. Something is stuck on my throat on the left and it causes constant belching but the air is left trapped inside my throat and the belching act does not complete. yesterday the doc put me on Tecta for GERD and it does not help. I am so uncomfortable i am going out of my mind
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Hi all,

         I've been reading all your comments and wow relieved that you guys have a place to talk about this.

I'm 31 Year old boy. 5 years ago I started having severe tonsils infections. 22 tonsillitis in a years. So after 2 years I asked the doctor to test me for everything STD's CANCER etc,  all results came negative. So I told the doc to refer me to a specialist to get them removed. Once removed, which it's been 3 years. I have been having the feeling stuck in my throat right below the adam's apple.  Doctor told me that it was post nasal drip ( tried the medication and nothing). Then it was acid reflux ( tried the medication and nothing) then it was allergies ( did all the allergy test and nothing ).  Then a couple days ago I went to the dentist and she told me that I have some little mass in my lower inner lip that I have to go and get checked out. I'm freaking out!!! LOL, Meanwhile I was doing some research online and I found 3 possible problems. 1. I have Oral Cancer?  2. It's my thyroid or 3. It's all in my head...

I'm soo stressed out.

thx for letting me write this
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Did you ever figure put what it was? I have the same symptoms and have a small mass on the lower lip under the skin as well.
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ok i have th same but mu lump in throat comes with heavy chest and stroke like symptoms that come and go --I have rushed to the hospital 3 times in 3 weeks thinks i am having a heart attack or stroke --all tests normal --they say I have nuerological response to toxins i was exposed to and the pill feeling in throat is anxiety ---never had reaction to bug spray before --I think I am going crazy that the mind can do all this --does anyone else have this ? numbing face and arms ? heavy chest and pill in throat feeling ? I was diagnosed 20 years ago with complex migrane but this is way different and wont go away --its been 31/2 weeks --could it be reaction to bug spray ?
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I am MISERABLE..   mine has only been going on less than five weeks.   Mine not only is the feeling in my throat, but I have the feeling in the right upper side of my chest that something didn't go down also...   I NEVER goes away..   There are times that it is a little better, but it is NEVER gone.  A burp makes it a little better, but not much.  I was put on Protonix  several months ago because after an asthma attack that placed me in the hospital, I continued to cough.   They were concerned that I may have some Reflux.   Well if I did I didn't realize I had it that bad.   NOW THIS...Someone have any new help..
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I am MISERABLE..   mine has only been going on less than five weeks.   Mine not only is the feeling in my throat, but I have the feeling in the right upper side of my chest that something didn't go down also...   I NEVER goes away..   There are times that it is a little better, but it is NEVER gone.  A burp makes it a little better, but not much.  I was put on Protonix  several months ago because after an asthma attack that placed me in the hospital, I continued to cough.   They were concerned that I may have some Reflux.   Well if I did I didn't realize I had it that bad.   NOW THIS...Someone have any new help..
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