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Clogged/Fullness in Ears and Pressure/Vertigo in Head

Hi everyone,

I have been having this problem for the last 4 years and still didn't find a solution for my problems. It started with ear pressure and my ears feel clogged and full all the time and I keep trying to pop them every day. I keep opening jaw and pushing through nose to try to keep them open but with no longterm success. This has been happening on a daily basis for the last for 4 years and it is really hard to live like this.

The second problem is the head pressure and these weird feelings in my head. This is something that comes and go (or is bearable at least for some time), but when it is there I feel like there is constanly some pressure around my forehead, eyes, sometime at the back aswell and in my neck. I feel a bit of vertigo and I find it hard to focus because of this (with stress it gets even worse). If i lie down I can also very easily hear my hearbeat in my head.

I have already been to multiple ENTs,Neurologist, took CT of head, sinuses, went to TMJ specialist,chiropractor,bioresonance and probably some other stuff that I can't remember now. Thing is all results came back normal and noone could tell me what is wrong with me while I know something is not right.

If someone has experienced this or found a relief or know what it is, then PLEASE help as I am desperate to get better.

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I live in London, England and I have been having these symptoms for the last two months - "swooning" feeling in my head.  Pressure behind my eyes and in my temples and across my sinuses and feeling tired all the time, despite sleeping a lot. My eyes feel as though they are not focusing properly, despite a "better than 20/20" eye test last week.  Feel as though my right is needs to pop.
My doctor has been treating me with Betahystine for Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo, and I've had the Epley Manouver done a couple of time, but its not helping.  Some days are betting than others and the symptoms are less severe than others but I just feel so ill.
I felt better for a week, while lazing around on holiday in Greece, but have relapsed after a few days trying to live normally again now home.
A different doctor has now prescribed antibiotics "in case an infection is causing it" and has referred me to an ENT consultant, but the first appointment is nearly 8 weeks away.
Most recently, I have had numbness and pins and needles in my forearms, hands and fingers, especially on my right side.
I am feeling very scared and emotional......
Slightly reassured that I'm not the only person feeling this, but not being diagnosed with a reason for how I'm feeling.
If anyone gets a diagnosis for their symptoms please share!
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Very similar symptoms here, still searching for the answer 5 years on :(
How are you getting on?
Hi there.  I had this problem myself.  For me, it was inner ear tube dysfunction.  Eustachian tube dysfunction is the name.  I suffered for a good while.  Here is what helped--  sounds weird but relieved my symptoms after a few days.  Hold your nose, blow.  Your ears will pop.  do it over and over.  It's called a reverse ear pop and an ear nose and throat doctor told me to do it.  It helped tremendously.  I now only occasionally have flair ups.  In those cases, I take psuedophine.  This is harder to find and you generally ask a pharmacist for it.  It's over the counter but now controlled because it is one of the ingredients used when people cook drugs.  Don't let it scare you.  When used once in a blue moon, no big deal.  Taken by mouth and not cooked.  ha.  Anyway, I bought a box 2 years ago and still have all but a couple of tablets.  I took it when going on a plane because I was afraid of ear issues recurring.  But it makes me feel better to have it in case of a major flair which for me leads to major vertigo.  Anyway, hope this helps.
Hi. I have similar. Look up binocular vision dysfunction. My eyes while tested normal at eye doc with further exam where not syncing up right. I am doing treatment now with prism glasses and nasal occlusion tape. It helps. I found it is US thru searching vision therapy. Hope it helps!
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I would also suggest to get Vit B12 and D tested . Use Vit B12 tablets and get some early morning sun .Use saline spray.I had similar symptoms as above  but under control by following above.Do you have acidity also .Control acid reflux .
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Your solution seems quite valid to me cause I am having the same symptoms and have been diagnosed with very low vitamin d and b 12 levels. And yes I also suffer from acidity. Currently taking the supplements and hoping these will ease the symptoms.
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I also have this problem or something similar

It's like there is a clogging or build up in my left ear behind and against the eardrum, similar to having my ear covered or a finger in my ear, it results in

-much lessened hearing with lessened ability
-hearing internal movements a lot more such as breathing, talking and blood flow
-unprompted momentary bouts of dizziness
-a general sense of clumsiness or imbalance
-and of course from these effects come frustration and without a proper diagnosis comes confusion and helplessness, which combined leads to depression, etc.

It's almost like theres wax in there but it's not wax, and if I could just get some warm water in there to melt and flush it out or twist and tilt my head a certain way to drain it, but unfortunately it's still there

I have tried the following with no success

-ear candling
-cotton buds, rolled tissues, and all kinds of ways to try and clean my ear
-depressurising and internal throat and nasal manipulations
-swimming in waves at the beach seemed to help because the water pressure of being dumped by a wave seemed to correct it but it was also painful, this was only temporary and the mysterious affliction soon returned

I'm 41yo
I recently quit smoking approx 3months ago and was smoking 3-5 a day for 25years
I recently had my gall bladder removed approx 8months ago
I have another probably unrelated symptom of dermatitis around my calves and ankles, also around my eyes

I do have a very minor increase in symptoms when there is an increase in moisture in the air either from rain or humidity however it's so minor that I believe it's just me noticing it more because I'm stuck in the house instead of busy doing stuff
I have not tried medication yet
I have not been to see anyone other than GP's, GP's just subscribe it to Tinnitus or Menieres and say there's no cure
It's been presenting now for approx 3months, starting in August 2016

I think we can use this forum to collate our similar symptoms and attempted cures and figure out not only what our health issue is but also a remedy

Let's work together and figure this out
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The internal feeling of being clogged or blocked is quite internal, not just inside the eardrum, it feels like it is almost at the back of my throat or in a small pocket or sinus, inbetween and slightly superior and posterior to the centre of my ears, occasionally I hear and feel a little bubbling or gurgling noise like a stomachs gases moving or a bubble of air escaping to the surface from air trapped underwater

When this release happens the symptoms decrease and I gain relief

This small internal space I feel, that feels like fluid and gas are trapped there, it feels only tiny, like maybe 0.5-2cm wide only
My ears and head been clog for two weeks I get dizzy my left ear got noises in it it making me nerves
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Hey guys! I saw the neurologist and my diagnosis is chronic migraine. I don't know if this fits for you, but I learned a lot about migraine today. Migraine is not a type of headache, it is a medical/biological condition. Pain is only one of the symptoms. Half of sufferers have only mild or moderate pain, and half will get severe pain but also get mild headaches. Other symptoms include: tightness, aching, pounding, pressure, sensitivity, pressure behind the eyes, over the sinuses, base of the neck, also shoulders, nausea, blurred vision, thought blocking, poor concentration, confusion, numbness, tingling, vertigo, dizziness, insomnia, fainting, or stroke-like symptoms. Chronic migraine, if left untreated, can last weeks, months, or even years. I have so much pressure in my ears and in my head that I can hear my blood swooshing and hear my heartbeating. And my vertigo is off the charts. I've had just about all these symptoms for a very long time, years, and I have a headache daily, but only got severe headaches 1 or 2 times a month, so I didn't even consider that I had migraine. I thought it was sinus pressure. So, the moral of my story is that it is possible that you are suffering with some or all of these symptoms, but not have severe pain, and not realize that it is classic migraine. I have a program to follow with my neurologist and I'm looking forward to feeling better! I hope this helps someone! God Bless!
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Did you find a treatment that worked? Do feel normal again??
I hope you have found relief by now. After suffering from migraines for over 40 years, I learned that gluten found not only in bread, pasta, etc but an ingredient in many many foods can cause migraines. Read up on exactly what gluten is and you will learn so much about how it can affect your health. Once I went completely gluten free my migraines went away for good. On a side note, after being gluten free for about 5 years, I learned I had chronic Lyme disease and that is the reason my body could not tolerate any gluten. It is nice to no longer suffer from those dreaded headaches. I wish you the best.
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It's me again - I forgot to ask where you live and what the weather is like. Are you affected worse during weather changes or rainy or humid weather? Or in summer or winter or all the time?
I ask because I live in a mild sub tropical climate and mine used to be worst at the start and during winter which is dry, but the last couple of years I'm affected really badly when it rains and in the humid stormy summers.
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Humidity--rain associated with "mold"?...have you had prick or blood test to see if your allergic to "grass/trees/weeds?..I would check with immunologist for a test--can help with meds you need. Good Luck.
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Me too - exactly the same. For years and years, and it's getting worse. Diagnosis was chronic 'inflammatory sinus disease'.
Treatment....sniff up salt water....use nasal spray and so on and on. Had all the tests, brain scan, sinus exam and like you, hearing and balance tests, eye tests and other stuff that I can't remember because this is so hard to cope with that my concentration and memory is affected when it's bad.
I have found no answers! Doctors have given up! Anybody, please help us both if you can.
Anyway Playaz, you are not alone.......there is somebody out there.....(me)

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Me Three: Same problem for over 4+yrs. Sinus surgery, over 33 doctors, major NY hospitals--Chronic Rhino-sinusitis...never feel well...and yes, my memory and concentration is "off" due to the pain& stress dealing with head. I get pins/needles in the sinus area, nose burns, eyes swollen. Name the test, I've had it...all paperwork "I'M PERFECT", but my life has changed and not able to do what I use to do---horrible. Neil med with saline does help...but not a cure. Today, after a blizzard (cold helps)...I'm still miserable. I've been taking allergy shots by immunologist close to 2yrs.--doesn't help with sinus pain ..ear pain, teeth pain.One Ent dr. told me "your allergic to the ENVIRONMENT, I think so also. Vertigo: that's when the room spins...I get dizzy but then stable. AGREE: Memory and thought process is not same with this condition. I was told: TRY ANOTHER STATE TO LIVE IN FOR FEW WEEKS. I've had ev. test imaginable...all Perfect..which is embarrassing to say the least. Antibi's don't always work..and depletes your immune system..Keep me posted on any infor. you find to help resolve problem...

This is so me.........It has been going on for over 6 years. Done all the tests, and the only thing I am told is that it could be migraines. The neurologist suggested taking topamox to see whether that would help. I have yet to try it as I am such a wiener.
I first start out with a quick dizzy spell, then my face fills with pressure and extends across my cheeks and eyes. My left ear plugs and I am off balance. This is a daily thing. I have noticed that cloud movement seems to have alot to do with it. I live in Ontario, Canada. Wondering where you all live to see if we have similar weather. Just do not know what to do with this anymore. It seems to consume me. Then you know what happens........anxiety sets in. Appreciate any of your thoughts
OMG...I thought it was just me!  Ive been feeling this way for about 2 years now.  It has gotten worse over the past few months.  I have had CT Scans, Upper and Lower GI, a full thyroid panel work up and everything is normal, but I still dont feel 100%.  Im goIng to yet another doctor next week in hopes that he can find the problem.  My ears always feel full and my head is full of pressure.  I have dizziness and sometimes I feel like Im walking in a fog.  At times, I cant get my thoughts together and it scares the heck out of me.  Oh...and then I have major panic attacks!!  I have pretty much self diagnosed myself with everything.  I just want answers!!!!  Glad to know Im not alone.
I had these symptoms when I was a teenager.  I nearly went crazy.  I was diagnosed with a cerebral electrical disturbance.  I was put on Phenobarbital and Dilantin.  I was allergic to the Dilantin, so remained on phenobarbital.  It finally subsided.  Now it's back again.  I had an abnormal EEG, that was how it was diagnosed.  I also have panic disorder, Oddly enough, I just read that these two things are related.  I do not have Epilepsy, but it's very strange.  I have pressure in the top of my head, my ears feel like they're about to blow off.  I'm slightly dizzy, and feel confused.  The weather has not had anything to do with it.  I too have suffered from many allergies, especially as a child.  I have seemed to grow out of most of them.  I hope this helps someone.
I would also suggest to get Vit B12 and D tested . Use Vit B12 tablets and get some early morning sun .Use saline spray.I had similar symptoms as above  but under control by following above.
I would also suggest to get Vit B12 and D tested . Use Vit B12 tablets and get some early morning sun .Use saline spray.I had similar symptoms as above  but under control by following above.
I have the same problem. Went to family doc. She treated it as a sinus infec. did not help much. Went to a ent. Doc. he said there was nothing wrong with my ears. He said it was R ARTHRITIS in the ear, or TMJ. My rt. side of my teeth hurt also. Could not give me anything, said no surgery. Very disappointed. Guess I will have to live with this. Going on for the past 3 months.
Try the capful of peroxide in each ear, laying on your side for each one, 20 minutes..let it do the work of softening your ear wax. Get up drain on towel, do the other side...worked wonders for me...cheap and easy fix!
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Wow I thought I was alone in this situation , this is the post I was about to write , I can almost copy it and post it on here, you just described the exact symptoms I have and the exact outcome thanks. Let's work on brake in this down as I have not had any help from the doctors all I get is nasal spray and allergy meds and a kick in the wallet.
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I thought I was the oddball out having these symptoms off and on for about 20 years. At first I thought it was just too much living and drinking in my twenties. When I stopped drinking, it was not as severe, but it was still happening. I did have a problem with high cholesterol, high triglycerides, and high blood pressure. I got all that under control and for a long time I did not have symptoms. I moved to a healthier lifestyle with better eating, quit smoking and exercise. When the symptoms stopped, I thought I had it down. It had been about 4 or 5 years and nothing. But the last couple of months, I have been experiencing them almost daily and this last week every time I get up out of my chair here at work. I have ready so many of your posts and did also look into Meniere's  disease. I do suffer from chronic allergies so I find the post nasal drip theory interesting. My blood pressure is still normal, but I have to admit I have fallen off the healthy lifestyle wagon. You're posts have given me a lot to think about and discuss with my doctor.  Thanks again
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Have you have you blood pressure checked regularly? I get that feeling when my bp is high. I've also had that feeling when I had a severe sinus infection. Go to an ear, eyes and nose dr. And ck your bp when you get that feeling in your head. Goodluck
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I'm no doctor and am responding way later but I had the same stuff....dizziness and fulness filling in my ears and continued to pop them to get relief. FINALLY I took a capful of Peroxide, lay on my side and poured it in. Stayed on my side for 20 minutes...as it fizzed and fuzzed in my ear. Sat up, drained it out...repeated on my right side, 20 minutes, drain it out....PERFECTION! Cheap fix for scary, annoying problem. It softens the wax in your ear and sets you right.
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20876830 tn?1558284608
I would recommend the Epstein barr virus panal bloodwork done, I also just had a sinus cyst removed in surgery ....I have hope it improves, I used tea tree and olive oil drops ( 8 drops olive oil and 5 drops of tea tree oil in my ear last night and today ...blessings!
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I recently posted a question on here (sensation of fullness in ears) and when coming back to check for replies noticed this thread which I can definitely relate to.

I struggle with depression and anxiety both of which are due to personal issues with work/life and which are at least affected if not also caused by this medical issue. Trintellix and clonazapam perhaps reduce the feeling (or maybe better worded reduce any other headaches etc in these regions and help relax me) but do not seem to make the symptoms go away. Stress does make things worse but that goes for almost every disease and i have a hard time believing stress is what is causing these issues (although my doctor seems to think it is in my head...).

My main symptoms are fatigue, a sensation of pressure in the ears (although I can relieve the pressure using valsalva etc so don't believe it is a real pressure at least not in the ear cavity), my left temple region in specific has some weird symptom of almost skin tightness or someone lightly touching it, left eye sometimes feels like it has minor pressure behind it, left scalp sometimes feels odd like someone is touching it and at times has twitched. The ear issue affects both ears but temple/scalp issue is always left side only. As others have mentioned I sometimes feel like I have trouble focusing my eyes although I do decent enough at eye test (can focus, it just feels like I have to try to do so at times, I do have a minor prescription which means vision has degenerated since laser eye surgery 7-8 years ago). Optometrist did a field of vision test supposedly tests for pressure on optic nerve but it came back fine although the test seemed a little questionable to me. One other potential optical symptom is aniscoria although this is fairly common and minor in my case, the weird thing is that I do not remember ever noticing it until the past year or so which is during the time my other issues/symptoms have developed.

When I first talked to doctor about plugged ear feeling he looked in ear saw it has fluid in it and started me on nasal rinses. Have done nasal rinses for months now, tried nasal steroids, gone to an audiologist(hearing and tympanogram were normal). Believe it is better now but still feel the sensation most days in varying levels. Exercising can set it off and is the one time i can start to feel vertigo(if i exercise really hard sensation will build up and no amount of moving jaw, pressure equalisation etc will provide relief and this is the only time i have ever felt dizzy but it has happened a few times now).

I have never considered myself to have allergies but in fighting with this stuff I felt like at least some of the symptoms were allergy related. I started taking antihistamines(claritin) and leukotreine blockers(singulair) a couple weeks ago and found some relief but mostly to symptoms of nasal congestion, scratchy throat and sneezing. I stopped taking them for a couple days and symptoms were worse so seems to be some correlation but hasn't made the ear or temple stuff go away. I haven't played with the mediciation enough but am guessing it is the singulair that helps me more then the claritin. Have talked doctor into seeing an allergist, still waiting for appointment.

Doctor thought maybe it was something related to a TMJ disorder. Have had chiropractor help stretch it out, was tight at first but since has loosened up. Pops every once in a while. When I move my jaw i hear kind of a squishy sound especially on right ear not sure if that is normal or not. Saw a dentist who did some tests and checked teeth for signs of clenching and grinding, but only minor signs of clenching, no sore jaw muscles etc was determined TMJ disorder was unlikely (unless is a style that doesn't cause tenderness in muscles or messes up tmj movement which is really all that has been tested for).

I have been to a neurologist, appointment was mainly to review hand tremors(have had them for years now) he came to same conclusion as previous neurologist, essential tremors. He wants to send me for a head ct for these other symptoms but that hasn't happened yet.

So in short I have tried months of nasal rinses, nasal steroids, anthistamines, leukotreine blockers, antidepressants, benzodiazepines, tried taking more vitamines (b complex, vitamin d, calcium/magnesium, omega 3 and others), blood tests for most of the normal stuff, been to an optometrist, dentist, audiologist and now neurologist. Have only seen minimal improvement. Hoping the ct (might opt for private MRI first) will show something.

There were some more options listed in this thread (Lyme, Meniers, migraines, intercranial hypertension) which i haven't considered/looked into and will do so, thanks for others sharing their results.

Between this and the stress from work I have barely been able to function so I hope I find some sort of solution/relief because I do not believe I can keep up my stressful line of work while dealing with these health issues. Hopefully others are finding answer too and will share them as they do.
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Lyme disease, I have it!
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I lost my hearing one my left side completely. With tremendous pressure and tinnitis, It happend sporadically over a year with feelings of thick mucus, I realised just a few days ago that it had started about the\ time I was using glaucoma drops. Despite the doc fearing I would endanger my sight I stopped the drops the blockage cleared within hours - getting better all the time. My hearing is back to normal after two days. Pressue is gone. Life is great  
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Hello. I just came across this site and I see many of you have posted as early as 2012. I pray you have all found answers to your problems. If not, i will briefly share my journey which started in 2001 at 42 years old and I finally got solid answers in 2016. Shame on our medical community.
SEPTEMBER 2001: I discovered while showering a large round welt/hive behind my left armpit. No itch or pain. Within hours I felt like I was getting the flu (?) but no cold symptoms. Aching and weird sensations all localized to my left side radiating out from my left arm. I was in great shape/excellent health but I thought maybe I was having a heart attack (I had all the signs) so I went to my doctor that day. I was told I had a virus and to go home and rest and the "hive" by my armpit was unrelated. I questioned if it could be Lyme disease and she laughed at me. (I lived in CT).
By the next morning I couldn't stand up without passing out. I called the doctor on call and he told me to go get blood work that day and prescribed doxycycline. 2 days later he called to say I tested positive for Lyme, instructed me to take the doxy (for 3-4? weeks) and I would be "good to go". I went on with my life.
NOVEMBER 2012: I was showering and felt something "pinchy" behind my right armpit so I jumped out of the shower looked in the mirror to discover a tick embedded under my skin. I called my then-current doctor and he prescribed doxycycline but within 1 day I was itching all over with a full body rash. He said that was all he could do for me. I never went back to him. I tried to self treat for Lyme with potent natural remedies as I had stopped using western medicine over the years. I was "doing well" relatively speaking, so I thought. Over the years I had many odd health issues and went to many doctors including primary care, ENT, neurologist walk-in centers and hospital emergency rooms all who told me there was nothing wrong with me and I should calm down and enjoy life. I was just getting older and should accept my body was changing. How can you do that  when you go from feeling healthy as a horse to experiencing:
-raging headaches,  
-numbness and tingling in my legs, feet, hands
-intense itching up and down my shins
-odd sensations across my face like it was going numb
-hearing my heartbeat in my ears mostly at night but sometimes during the day
-whooshing sounds/ringing in my ears when lying in bed at night
-bouts of vertigo
-panic attacks
-sinus issues
-the "flu" that would last for only a day or two.
JUNE 2016: I had just returned from a very busy few days in California  and was feeling run down and exhausted. I stayed home from work for a couple days to shake it off and ended up flat on my back for 3 weeks when my boyfriend finally dragged me kicking and screaming to the walk-in medical center nearby. By now I didn't have a primary care doctor as I didn't trust any of them. None of their diagnoses were correct and none of their poisonous medications worked long term. The walk-in tested me for the flu, mono and Lyme. The first 2 were negative and the Lyme was positive (new bands, new bite). The very next day I was sitting in a Lyme specialists office. I have been undergoing treatment for the past 2 years with my practitioner in CT. I've since moved to Arizona to get away from the cold weather which makes my symptoms worse. Trying to kill off these parasites which have taken up residency in my body over the years has been a daunting task. I am treating this time around completely holistically and I plan to win. My doctor gave me choices and has guided me in my options. I still have a long way to go but now I have answers to my strange symptoms. I'm not old (almost 60 but still in great shape) just sick with Lyme. Please don't believe the antibiotics can kill the parasites. It can only temporarily weaken them. Then they make babies and find new places to hide in your body. They create a biofilm around themselves which is difficult to break through. Read. Educate yourself. Feel free to contact me. I'll help if I can. I pray for all of you that you will find answers. I hope you don't have Lyme but always explore that option if you don't have answers. God bless.
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Hi Joyce can you please email me at ***@****. I may have Lyme's disease!
Hi GigiB1968
I was away for a few days so sorry I didn't reply sooner. Your email address gets blocked when posted. Not sure how to connect directly. I'll look into this to see how.
Yes. Its lyme. I have it too. Babesia is worse.
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I have the same exact problem no clue what to do head sinus pressure vertigo comes and goes sometimes tingle in hand feet if u find out anything let me know ill do the same for u
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I’ve have what I think is sinus pressure in my face and forehead, I feel tingling sensation on the top of my head (like the feeling of getting the chills, but on my head), sinus headaches, eat pressure and crackling soiling whenever I chew or swallow,and dizziness for almost 6 weeks now. I’ve been one antibiotics twice to treat a sinus infection, but neither helped. My dr told me to take Claritin for two weeks, and if that doesn’t help she will send me to an ENT.  I cannot stand the dizziness more than anything. I want to feel better but don’t know how to shake this. I’ve never had sinus issues before,  if this is really all it is I can’t believe how miserable it can make a person feel! Any suggestions on what can help dizziness from ear fluid/pressure would be greatly appreciated!
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I was diagnosed with Meniere's Disease (with many of the symptoms everyone is listing)...but I did find a way to stop the vertigo.  I visited a nutritionist who told me I was gluten intolerant (I also experienced heartburn, stomach pains, etc)...once I cut the gluten out of my diet, my vertigo disappeared.  My stepmom had sent me an article about food allergies and vertigo, so that is why I decided to see a  nutritionist who did testing.  So for those out there who might be looking for an answer, you might want to see if you have any food allergies...it can affect yours ears, not just your GI tract!
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Also meant to add, whenever I do cheat and eat gluten, I definitely notice it in my ears!  I don't experience vertigo unless I've eaten gluten!
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Hi been in the same boat for 6 months now can manage with Serc but not without it
Been to ENTs Neurologist physio Chiro ...my neck n shoulders trouble a lot
Would like to hear more feedback if anyone has found a permanent solution
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Whatever this is we are all experiencing some real uncomfortable issue. I've been dealing with right ear pressure and crackling. Entire face pressure. Eye pressure that I get a strange relief by squeezing my right carotoid artery. Wtf is wrong with me? I push myself everyday and fake life. I literally feel like my head is gonna blow off daily. Any have suggestions?
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My wife has struggled with “clogged” ears, vertigo and hearing loss for 15 months now.  We’ve been to ENT, Neurologist, Primary Care, Headache specialist, and now to an Integrative Health Specialist.  He believes that she has Lymes Disease.  We have not done the blood test that confirms Lymes (and the coinfections) due to the cost but will be doing it soon.  Best wishes to you all - from a hubby, I know it tough to see my spouse suffer and not have relief and I can’t do anything for her either.  Sometimes it seems like weather triggers an episode...sometimes we feel it is hormonal...but it is never consistent.
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My issue is triggered by changes in weather.  Am guessing it has to do with air pressure.  I keep my clogged ear issue at bay by a few things---  I will take an OTC antihistamine such as Claritin.  It helps and I take it when I go to bed.  I do reverse ear pops (hold nose and blow, your ear will pop), I chew gum and I will once in a blue moon take pseudophedrine during the day.  I have not had a bout of vertigo in a very long time thank goodness.  Hope your wife finds help.
Hi 15 months for wife. Have you and your wife gotten any answers regarding Lyme and co-infections? Please read through these posts as I have told my story and have commented on others posts. I'm not sure how to communicate other than here as putting your email address doesn't post. I have learned so much on this dreadful journey and would like to help others navigate these waters so they don't have to go through what I went through. If anyone knows how to share email addresses here, please post. In the meantime please know that for LYME AND CO-INFECTIONS blood tests are only a partial answer. The real key is to look at your clinical profile...what are your symptoms. There is no magic pill or combination of meds that will cure you. The answer lies in good nutrition. No sweets. No foods that convert to sugar. No gluten. No dairy. No alcohol. Turn your body into a hostile environment for these parasites. Only then will they leave. Take care of yourself (sleep, eat healthy, exercise, SWEAT! and you will get better. Find a good Lyme literate doctor to help you. RUN from any doctor promising magic pills, quick miracles, ridiculously expensive treatments or anything that sounds too good to be true. For every honest doctor out there, there are a hundred who will promise you the moon for a price. RUN FROM THESE SCAMMERS. You will know when you find one who truly cares to help you. I wish all of you reading this good health.
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Yes I have also been having these symptoms Now for 2 months it is so dehabiltating. Anyone have any answers? I am due for an MRI soon.

My neck always cracks and and brings on a nausea feeling and vertigo also.
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Hey, I'm currently having the same symptoms. What was the problem? Please reply
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Hi, I have been having the same problem going back to the 1990"s and have all the medical testing that many have mentioned here plus more. (The Grand Tour), Today I was on youtube and came across a video that actually seems to help relieve alot of the pressure in my head, neck, forehead, and so on. The name of the video is (Absolute Best TMJ Treatment You Can Do Yourself for Quick Relief)  and the name of the Chanel is  (physicaltherapyvideo) This is a quick relief video and they have a long term treatment video also called. (TOP 3 EXERCISES FOR TMJ- Temporomandibular Joint Pain/Disorder). I hope this helps someone. I just tried this less than 30 minutes ago but it's the first thing I have ever found that had any positive effect.
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I have the same issue too! I live in Toronto, Ontario and my symptoms are more severe in the spring and summer. The heat or humidity or air pressure must contribute to it. In the Spring/Summer I have both ears blocked or one ear blocked constantly. Feels like I need to pop it but nothing relieves it. However, end of November my symptoms completely disappear until the following April!

I saw an ENT specialist and had a miremgotomy performed without the tube insertion ( they just poke a tiny hole in your eardrum) to relieve any negative pressure that may be built up behind my ear but unfortunately it didn't help.
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My mother had pluged in ears preasure in head for 10 years and with gods help we found the BLACK SEED OIL COLD PRESED and it helped the very first time she took it!! Try it hoop it help you all!!
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