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Help with Eustation Tube Dysfunction

Hello.  My fiance has been suffering with eustation tube dysfunction for a little over 6mths. now.  We have tried numerous decongestants and nasal sprays as well as a round of steroids.  His ENT did allergy testing on him, however, he did not have any significant allergies.  Our last resort was to have PE tubes placed.  This only made his symptoms worse and they took them out after a couple of weeks.  Suprisingly after they took the tubes out and his ears were healing, he was symptom free.  When the holes closed up he began with the same symptoms all over again.  He has constant pressure in both ears, a fluid-like feeling (though the doctors say there is no fluid), and a stuffy nose.  He is completely miserable and losing all hope of getting better.  We are at a loss.  He has thought about having the PE tubes put back in and giving it a little longer this time to see if they will help.  We are both scared and upset and have no idea what to do at this point.  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.  Is there any other treatment at all for this disorder??
Thank you so much,
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I have personally used these medicines and trust me, they do work. All these are well-known herbs. The Kali-Muraticum is a mucous thinner, to help its drainage. Hence initially you might feel increase in mucous level, but that's due to its thinning, causing drainage from all areas of inner ear.  Let it all drain out, it shall fall down in the Nasal Pharynx. Avoid dairy products. Take lots of lemon. Give it some time. Usually in a week you should be better. In-case your problem is recurrent or Chronic, you might want to take:-

1. Kali-Sulphuricum 30-C
2. Pulsatilla Nigricans 30-C (for Glue ear issues, Sticky mucous. Later Stages).

3. Belladonna 30c Drops (Early Stages of Ear Issue)
Nightshade herb family. Very powerful medicine for when there is pain in
ear especially right-sided. Take 2-3 drops only in half cup of water.
Symptoms:- intense pain with redness of the middle and external ear.

4. Mercurius Solubilis, or Hepar sulphuris, for the later stages.
Hepar Sulph – remarkable remedy for the ear affections where there is formation of an abscess in the ear, which is much sensitive to touch and increases pain on touching; earache due to exposure to dry cold air

5. Mercurius Dulcis:- excellent remedy for inflammation and catarrh of Eustachian tube.
6. Calcarea sulphuris:- Discharge of matter from the ear, sometimes mixed with blood. Deafness with middle ear suppuration's, swelling of gland, etc. Sensitive swelling behind ear, with tendency to suppuration.

Kali Muriaticum and Pulsatilla are also very helpful for cases of “glue ear,” which is a painless condition where thick, sticky fluid collects behind the eardrum [also known as silent Otitis media or Otitis media with effusion]. The fluid can cause impaired hearing, leading to delayed speech and development. One or both of these remedies in low potency over a period of months, along with a constitutional remedy to build-up the immune system.

I had to sleep in a vertical position for over 6 months as every-time i slept horizontally, my ears where badly clogged. Be patient, this will work. Also remember the spine position is critical for ET Drainage, as a straight spine with Chin-up, opens the ET naturally, so avoid slouching or bending.

Good Luck.
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i know this is an old thread but i just bought the homeopatic remedies you sugested. had blocked years for 2 months now following some kind of infection and flu bug. saw ent specialist yesterday who said no fluid behind my ears and that they look fine. he did found mild hearing loss of low tones it seems. he said to give it time. but i still feel my left one is stuffed up and gives me wierd sensations in my head and lightheadness. i bought mercurius dulcis 6x liquid drops, (not german make, i'm in uk) , kali muraticum 6x pills and pulsatilla 30c drops. did you had any adverse reaction to these? planning to start taking them. thank you so much for any advice you could give me. my sinuses feel very clear but my head still feels like stuffed with cotton:((
was on the verge of going to emergency today because of how i feel.
thank you
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I am 44 and I have now had vertigo for 2months. Started dizzy, then tapered off for a few weeks. Came back and now swaying daily, changes every day whether intense or not. I do not have a sinus infection but do have severe allergies. Besides my allergy meds daily, I am taking decongestants and prescription fluticasone daily. I also am taking b12 drops, Benadryl liquid, mucus pills and immune vitamins. I have an air filter now wondering if dryness may make the swaying worse.  I thought fluid was in my ear but now I'm wondering if its just the canal inflamed. I pop my ears by holding my nose and blowing consistently day and night. It pops but never stays open. Steaming helps but again my ear never stays open after popping (sometimes crackles). But i feel it clears up the  most to hear.  I am muffled and I feel it on my right side.  I've started eating organic but I don't know what to do. I have the  meclizine the Dr gave me and awaiting additional testing from the DR. I started seeking help homeopathic help online because I am so miserable and can not relate to people or noises with the swaying.
I saw this thread and I am thinking of trying the two homeopathic medicine for tube dysfunction suggested above. I'm very frustrated of just waiting and sitting alone because I feel stressful when I try and have a life outside with people and doing things.  Any suggestions will help.
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sounds like my life... :( Tired of allergies / sinus infections and figuring out why I am always sick... and it's so much work to just feel ok each day. sigh. it's exhausting!
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Sorry if this has been mentioned before... i have found that the right humidity level seems to fix my ETD. Recently moved to a dry climate and a few months later I started having problems with my ear - tinnitus,  crackling, pain etc. Went to an ENT who said the ear looked ok, diagnosed me with ETD, nothing can be done (woohooo) and it will probably go away in time. Well, I discovered that steaming my sinuses made my ear feel like it was 'opening up', and after a while I started thinking that it may be the dry air causing problems since my throat also felt quite dry. I bought a steam vaporizer and after 3 days of use, can already feel a big difference. It's strange, but it seems to do the trick. Tinnitus is reduced and there is not as much crackling. Its starting to feel more normal, after dealing with this for 4 months.
Maybe it works the other way too - like someone from a dry climate moving to a more humid one. I really hope this helps someone else with ETD, its not much fun to have this problem!
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May I ask anyone had the Eustachian Tuboplasty done? It is a new procedure that inserts tube that inflates in the Eustachian tube and then deflated. This opens up the Eustachian tube and reduces ear fullness.
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Stumbled across your comment.  There is a rare ear condition causing severe vertigo.  It is Superior Canal Dehiscence.  After 9 doctors, my daughter finally got a diagnosis and has surgery on both sides for it.  It take a special high resolution ct scan of the temporal bone to find it.  I hope you keep trying to get answers.
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I would really love to chat to you about your exercises that have helped you
Also can a Doctor tell when your Eustachian tubes are blocked up
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Please let me know what strength of the mercurius dulcis liquid  for a 4 year old with "glue ear" both ears. Could not find the german brand on the website posted. Thank you
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Hi pleahn, how are your sinuses now?

I also get the neti pot water up in my ears when I use it. It's a bit of a catch 22 because your sinuses are swollen from inflammation and infection so the water that you put in your sinuses doesn't drain well. But if you don't flush out the infection with saline your symptoms will get worse.

When my ears are plugged (as recommended by my Dr.) I plug my nose and gently blow air into my ears to equalize the air pressure in them. This promotes drainage. I repeat this procedure many times during the day when I have an infection. It also helps to dry out the ear canal and Eustachian tube.
Since my last posting I have discovered that a few drops of colloidal silver 3-4 times a day in my sinuses is the quickest way to heal an infection. I  put the drops in my nostril and tilt my head and let in run back into my sinuses and towards my ear canal.

I also supplement with oil of oregano and garlic taken internally. I 100% agree with Jim Bean that my sinuses and ear problems are caused by poor posture which for me was caused by a cole of accidents. As well as allergies which only ad to the issue. I recommend reading through these posts for further advice. Also, try massage on the neck and jaw for drainage
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My ears are clogged and congested. The neti pot causes my ears to have more fluid. is there a way to use the neti pot without getting water in my ears? should avoid then neti pot? i have major sinus issues.
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I have a question regarding the neti pot. Ive used it before and when the water went into my nose the water also went into my ears for a little. It felt uncomfortable bed my ears are very clogged up and feel like they are in a vacuum.
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Please take  homeopathic medicine for eustachian tube dysfunction

1. Kali Mur-6x    3 pallets 2 times a day

2. Merc Dulsis-30      6 pills 2 times a day

3. Psorinum-1m for 2 weeks i.e 6 pills on Sunday and 6 pills on Wednesday at bedtime.

take this medicines  for 2 weeks and  keep 30-40 minutes gap between 1 and 2 medicine
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Please take  homeopathic medicine for eustachian tube dysfunction

1. Kali Mur-6x    3 pallets 2 times a day

2. Merc Dulsis-30      6 pills 2 times a day

3. Psorinum-1m for 2 weeks i.e 6 pills on Sunday and 6 pills on Wednesday at bedtime.

take this medicines  for 2 weeks and  keep 30-40 minutes gap between 1 and 2 medicine
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lay down and place a Ice pack on the back of your neck.  It will take a few minutes, but it will open up the euastatian tubes and your ears will open up.  It will happen again, but use the ice pack again.  Also use nose spray and that will eventually clear up your ears.
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I am going through exactly the same problem, I cant stand heights, I have diahrrea all the time, I lost half of my left ear's  hearing, now my other ear drum has burst, and there is mucus behind my ears, I am absolutely sick and tired of life itself, I have done all the test, they are all fine, so I  guess it must be my sinuses, thank you for sharing Jim.
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Please take:-
1. MERC DULCIS 30 (Drops)
Take half a cup of water, put 3-4 drops in it and drink.
Take caution not to eat anything 30 minutes before or after it.
You may repeat the medication 2-3 times a day

2. KALI MUR. 6x
Pills 3-4 pallets/Pills,2-3 times a day  

The Drops reduces inflammation of the Eustachian tube membranes and also of Sinus linings. Resulting in Mucous flowing out,  Usually in a week you should be better. In-case your problem is recurrent or Chronic, you might want to take:-

1. Kali-Sulphuricum 30-C
2. Pulsatilla Nigricans 30-C (for Glue ear issues, Sticky mucous. Later Stages).

3. Belladonna 30c Drops (Early Stages of Ear Issue)
Nightshade herb family. Very powerful medicine for when there is pain in
ear especially right-sided. Take 2-3 drops only in half cup of water.
Symptoms:- intense pain with redness of the middle and external ear.

Kali Muriaticum and Pulsatilla are very helpful for cases of “glue ear,” which is a painless condition where thick, sticky fluid collects behind the eardrum [also known as silent Otitis media or Otitis media with effusion]. The fluid can cause impaired hearing, leading to delayed speech and development. One or both of these remedies in low potency over a period of months, along with a constitutional remedy to build-up the immune system.
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I am struggling with a blocked right ear and vertigo whenever I try to rest.  I am trying Flonase but I don't like taking medicine because I am breast feeding.  Two nights ago I had to go to the ER for severe vertigo and vomiting.  I was given an I.V. with Benadryl and zofran.  I was able to get up yesterday but the vertigo came back last night .  Much better during the day but I'm worn out from not sleeping well and very anxious. Any advice?
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I've recently had surgery (myringotomy with grommet insertion) and my ETD is starting to clear up. The surgery is still no guarantee - I'm sorry to hear about your difficulties with this. It took three ENTs, five doctors and a year of suffering and fighting before I finally got this treatment. It is not a magic bullet, but I've noticed that the tinnitus associated with my ETD has improved significantly.
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I've recently had surgery (myringotomy with grommet insertion) and my ETD is starting to clear up. The surgery is still no guarantee - I'm sorry to hear about your difficulties with this. It took three ENTs, five doctors and a year of suffering and fighting before I finally got this treatment. It is not a magic bullet, but I've noticed that the tinnitus associated with my ETD has improved significantly.
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I've recently had surgery (myringotomy with grommet insertion) and my ETD is starting to clear up. The surgery is still no guarantee - I'm sorry to hear about your difficulties with this. It took three ENTs, five doctors and a year of suffering and fighting before I finally got this treatment. It is not a silver bullet, but I've noticed that the tinnitus associated with my ETD has improved significantly.

It is so frustrating to just hear doctors saying you have to learn how to live with it, but I am eventually resigning myself to this sad fact.
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I have a blocked e-tube that has led to vertigo on occasion. I have been on decongestants and dramamine for the last few weeks.  Kaulhulk, I saw your post and thought I would give homeopathy a try.  I just started merc dulcis 30C and kali mur 6x 3-4 times a day for a blocked E tube.  It has only been one day but I have sensed my ear starting to produce more symptoms of blockage and tendency towards vertigo.  Is this normal?  Am I supposed to feel something specific when I start taking the remedies or do I have to wait for  while.  Been having this problem for the last 4 months and it is getting monotonous to say the least.  Loved to hear from you or anyone that has tried merc dulcis and kali mur for blocked e-tube with vertigo
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I have like you had since I was Five about 11 tubes fitted until one specialist said no more. And him I have to thank. One of my drums is so scarred and inverted  I have real problems. Spent the last 9 months with pain not able to pop and hearing down 50%. But joy it came back and even though I have to pop at least 15 times a day I am so grateful to have at least some hearing back I can empathise. It can be so depressing.....
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Silent sufferer, I've had this problem since I was three months old. I am now 58 . I can't tell you how many sets of tubes I've gone through.  I have been told by my Neurologist  that I had a phenoid cyst In my left sinus.  ENT doc said not to worry about it as it was no endangerment to my health. When asked how I found out about the cyst, I told him I told my neurologist that something was in my head causing pressure on the left side right behind  my left eye.  The ENT doctor said that was amazing, because most people don't even know they have those cysts.  This last ear infection ate through my eardrum completely. I now have a big hole with no eardrum and an exposed nerve that will require a tympanoplasty to repair.  I am going to INSIST that the cyst be removed also.
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sounds like you have tinnitus.. I have the same problem my ears were ringing from loud music but now I also have ETD and ear pressure, have tried all sorts only thing I can suggest is check your diet, ie. less salt intake, mediterranean food, get an omega 3 fish oil and vitamin B12 supplement, acupuncture etc. also seems to soften the ringing and at night I use an Iphone APP with white noise like nature, rain or soft music to drain out the sounds..its been 3 months for me now and just learning to cope with it.. apparently the ringing can go away after some time but make sure you protect your ears to any loud noise exposure too...good luck!
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I can click my ears at will, Eustachian tube opens and closes with the help of Tensor veli palatini and Levator veli palatini muscles. One can with practice clear the inner ear and even click it at will (as I do).

Hope the Homeopathic medicines helped you also. The Mercurius Dulcis 30C is works like magic.

Few days back my 4 year old Niece had ear pain after suffering a long bout of cold and Flu. I gave her the Merc Dulcis (4) drops in half cup of water and within 10 minutes her ear pain was gone, completely. It comes in stronger potency also if required.

Anger somehow increases sinus, so here's another point to ponder over.

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