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fungal ear infection

I was diagnosed with a fungal ear infection (tropical ear) today - I have had repeatedly dealt with 'swimmers ear' over the past 3 years, sometimes as often as 3 times per year.  I have had severe pain in the affected ear, as well as pain in the temple on the affected side.  Starting 2 days ago, the lymph node behind that ear (which has been swollen since Nov. 07) became extremely painful.  It's like having cramps in the side of your neck at times.  My ENT prescribed ZOTO-HC OTIC SOL.  My question:  Is or has anyone else dealt with this type of infection - and how long does the pain last?  I have been in pain since New Year's Eve, and used three different types of drops, along with Zithromax.  The only thing that seems to help is piggy-backing Aleve and Ibuprofen (2 Aleve, 2 Ibuprofen three hours later - repeating evey 6 six hours).  I know that is twice the recommended amount of Aleve you should take in a day, and you shouldn't combine the two - but I am at my wits end - I have to be able to function to work and take care of my kids!  Tylenol is useless.  Any suggestions??
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I had a fungal infection a few of months back i ended up going to 3 different doctors because i was initially miss diagnosed with a sinus infection. I had so much pain in my left ear I could not do anything but shake my head from the intense pain, I was prescribed ibporofuen it didn't work for pain, then vicodin no luck, then was prescribed tylenol with codeine -nope didn't work either. It could have been that my misdiagnoses and treatment made my symptoms worse, I literally felt like i was going crazy I couldn't eat I couldn't sleep I could barely talk and I was always shaking my head, it was awful. I was in excruciating  pain for almost a week, Finally I went in to another clinic, thats when i was diagnosed with a fungal infection i was prescribed fungal infection drops not specific for the ear and tramadol because God only knows how bad i needed it, I was praying this medicine would numb my pain like crazy. I swear once i took the tramadol the pain went away within a minute or two,it got so much better. The DR referred me to an Ent and sure enough that DR said I had a fungal infection that caused a hole inside my ear  from all the pressure that it popped through the skin and caused my ear to bleed for days and thats why i was in so much pain....well i am about 6 months free from that awful fungus but I'm now starting to get pains again like just how it started the last time same ear and everything so I'm definitely worried may go see the ENT dr soon if it persists, thank God my insurance doesn't require referrals for specialists, either way I hope my story helped someone, you are absolutely not crazy something is wrong even if the dry says its not ,,and remember if pain persist see another DR if things don't get better and only get worse obviously somethings not right get a second opinion !
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If the doctor can't prescribe her antifungal medications then I would recommend detoxifying the body to get rid of this fungal infection. Antibiotics just increase the fungus instead of killing it. Believe me, I have suffered from earaches and problems all of my nearly 50 years of life. Avoid grains and detoxify for a while. Systemic detoxifying drops internally.
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First of all I must say that I am a spanish speaker so I will try to write properly concerning my english written please forgive me my faults...HOW TO HEAL COMPLETELY FUNGAL EAR INFECTION FOR LIFE...oK..first some tips to avoid ear infections.
1)...during the process of ear infection (fungal or bacteria) never ever again allow when you take a shower wash your internal ear with water and soap, please insert a cotton ball with vaseline in the external ear pavilion even this advice should be followed in the future even being healed, do not insert your finger into the internal canal corridor trying to clean with soap in the shower...the more you are a "dirty" person the more you are healthy gents or ladies.
2)...Never insert into the ear canal a finger trying to remove the wax this is a "butsheet" (sorry surely english mistake word)... because the wax will go more deeply inside instead drop from time to time one single drop per month of olive oil virgen extra into the ear being lying on bed turning-side you head. If you feel itching inside do not insert a finger just put an almond oil drop and shaking gently the ear pavilion, if you never touch (the internal ear) wax will leave outside without noticing.
3)..If you need to see a Doctor..(in spanish otorrinolaringologo...sorry) in order to remove wax never ever allow that the doctor insert a metal little stick or stiletto for removing it usually some doctors don´t sterilize properly these instruments so fungus or bacteria infections ocurred often. Three days before the doctor appointment by nights insert two drops of olive oil in each ear canal moving your head for a minute then afterwords go to the bathroom and let the oil leaves outside cleaning with a piece of kleenex. The best doctor's method is through and using metal syringe with warm pressure water.
FUNGAL OR BACTERIA INFECTION TO HEAL FOR LIVE NOT USING ANTIBIOTICS AT ALL..would you be so kind to forgive me but I feel tired so in the next comment (other day) I will do but oh GOD how difficult is to write in english for a foreigner as I am...perhaps I will do it in spanish I think everybody speaks my mother tongue ha-ha-ha..best regards to everyone. Tino
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First of all I must say that I am a spanish speaker so I will try to write properly concerning my english written please forgive me my faults...HOW TO HEAL COMPLETELY FUNGAL EAR INFECTION FOR LIFE...oK..first some tips to avoid ear infections.
1)...during the process of ear infection (fungal or bacteria) never ever again allow when you take a shower wash your internal ear with water and soap, please insert a cotton ball with vaseline in the external ear pavilion even this advice should be followed in the future even being healed, do not insert your finger into the internal canal corridor trying to clean with soap in the shower...the more you are a "dirty" person the more you are healthy gents or ladies.
2)...Never insert into the ear canal a finger trying to remove the wax this is a "butsheet" (sorry surely english mistake word)... because the wax will go more deeply inside instead drop from time to time one single drop per month of olive oil virgen extra into the ear being lying on bed turning-side you head. If you feel itching inside do not insert a finger just put an almond oil drop and shaking gently the ear pavilion, if you never touch (the internal ear) wax will leave outside without noticing.
3)..If you need to see a Doctor..(in spanish otorrinolaringologo...sorry) in order to remove wax never ever allow that the doctor insert a metal little stick or stiletto for removing it usually some doctors don´t sterilize properly these instruments so fungus or bacteria infections ocurred often. Three days before the doctor appointment by nights insert two drops of olive oil in each ear canal moving your head for a minute then afterwords go to the bathroom and let the oil leaves outside cleaning with a piece of kleenex. The best doctor's method is through and using metal syringe with warm pressure water.
FUNGAL OR BACTERIA INFECTION TO HEAL FOR LIVE NOT USING ANTIBIOTICS AT ALL..would you be so kind to forgive me but I feel tired so in the next comment (other day) I will do but oh GOD how difficult is to write in english for a foreigner as I am...perhaps I will do it in spanish I think everybody speaks my mother tongue ha-ha-ha..best regards to everyone. Tino
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I wake up with wet ears every night hearing level is fantastic just really a pain
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Creams are composed of oil drops in water. So I don't think they are ideal. Essential oils may be better, but I have not enough experiences yet.
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Hi, I had the same experience, my ringing ear had much more wax than the better one.
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I guess I am writing way too late. I have tinnitus since I tried to remove black mold in an inproper way. No sinusitis yet, but who knows what will come. I had allergy too, which ended after I removed the mold (after 10 years). So you should look around in your home, maybe you have black mold too.
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I used orange essential oil against eczema, it worked pretty well. I have mold spore allergy. I removed the mold from my room, and my eczema is gone. My skin is itchy only by sleeping, becausethe spores are in the textils. But I think without further reinforcements they will perish.
My immune system wa compromised because of mycotoxicosis, but after 2 weeks it improved a lot.
I have tinnitus and probably a mild sinusitis, because my right tube was plugged. My doctor gave me a nasal spray, which helped to unplug it, but she did not believe that the cause is a fungal infection. Now she gave me another spray which contains steroids. I am not sure I want to use it, because it weakens the immune system. What do you think? Is there any alternative fungicidal treatment?
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Dilute the vinegar 50/50 with water.  
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My son picked up an ear infection while on a tropical holiday,  its been 8 months now and we have tried everything,   antibiotics relieved it but did not clear it up,  antibiotic drops did not work and moistened the ear,  made it worse,  the best solution so far has been to fill his ear with Micreme antifungal cream that you can buy over the counter!   It took three weeks and it seemed to clear it up,  but he has since got his ear wet and it is back,  so it is an on going battle!   Earplugs,  shower caps,  blowdrying are all things you will have to keep doing to keep the ear dry!  good luck people,  its a long battle.
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6423135 tn?1478232713
hey people i cant get anyone to see some of my post i need help with and i been worried for months ><  it take stress you know? here are some linkss iv been worried about.  ok here is the newest one so far
here is a link that has a problem bothering me over a year non stop that im worried about its started at Feb. 2013 look for my comments pretty much at the bottom of the page in my word of explaining it.
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Coconut oil helped me clear this up. It is naturally antifungal. I also rinsed my ear with a few drops of peroxide every other day. Remarkable clearing and the itch is gone!!!
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This answer from me may be late. I had the same problem and my ENT specialist had to tell me to expect to see him at least once a year! Finally I resolved my problem. Essentially I think fungus grow in the ear because there are dead skin in the ear. So you need to solve the dead skin problem. It took me a long while to realize that the dead skin problem I have was due to an allergy. I actually have an allergy to soap. And everyday I was using soap when bathing. After I switch to a non-soap cleanser for bathing and even washing my hair, my dead skin problem goes away - and I'm fungus free so far! It works for me, I'm not sure if it does you. But surely it is no harm to try switching to non-soap cleanser.
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I used to have fungus infection at least once a year. And the only way to get rid of the infection is to get it cleared up by an ENT specialist (in my case). But then the cause of the fungus infection is actually the dead skin that I somehow shed. Therefore to prevent fungus infection I must fixed by skin shredding. I'm "fortunate" that at one stage I have very bad shedding of skin on my leg. It was with me for a long while. Then I begin to suspect that this shedding of skin was due to allergy. It took me a while that I found out that I'm allergic to soap! I found out by first reducing the amount of soap I used. I noticed that I was shedding less. Then I switch to non-soap cleanser. And this improves tremendously. Incidentally, I used to have dandruff. Actually my dandruff is also shedding of skin. And now my dandruff is gone. And I no longer have fungus infection in the ear too!
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do you use olive oil infused with garlic. it may not be so drying
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I have been suffering from ear fungus for more than a year, I'v been suffering from a lot of fungus attacks, I have tried everything from creams to garlic to alcohol, the garlic did work for some time and gave good results but the problem that it leaves the internal surface of the ear canal dry and the skin keeps exfoliating, and instead of having an easy to remove fungus it becomes a little sticky so you need not use it frequently
the other problem is that my ear is not secretion any ear wax, so no matter what are you doing fungus come returning because the first line defense is missing
so now I am trying Chinese medicine aqua puncture, its giving good results so far, but still no wax
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6573908 tn?1382562121
ive had ear infections for the last 20 years which after several repeated  ear ops consisting of replacing the ear drum relinging it..and cleaning it then a mastoid cavity..and a cholesteatoma which was removed 6 years ago ..ive now got another cholesteatoma impacted in my cavity now..... as it was had anMRI  in London   yesterday and awaitin results....i got my gp to transfere me to the ENT in London of greys inn road london as im from Peterborough near cambs as i was very dissatifyd with all the prodding and poking i was getting in peterborough and sort London Ent to help me..they took me as a nhs patient....and now im back again with varius black ear  infection s "aspigillus niger" its called i believe....
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Hi everyone,
I was dealing with itching flaking ears for almost a year. Every time I saw my doctor he would look and tell me nothing wrong. I was using q-tips far to much and using everything from paper clips to well anything that would fit to try and scratch. I know this is a very bad idea but the itching was maddening. Over the past holiday weekend my left ear was so swollen I could hear very little and the pain was unbearable. I had a lot of draining and would wake up with it crusted all around my ear.  I skipped my normal dr and went straight to an ENT dr. She gave me a script for saturated boric acid, to rinse 2 times a day each ear for 2 mins. The first time I used it there was some burning but the relief from the itching and pain was quick. The boric acid solution changes the PH in your ears to make it impossible for fungus or bacteria to grow. I hope this helps someone out there.
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It sounds like you may have a candida/yeast infection and the more you use anti-biotics the worse it will get. Yeast is a fungus and a mean one! Believe me I know. It may also systemtic which means its in your whole body not just the ears. A strict alkaline cleanse followed by probiotics and then a yeast free diet for 30 days, heavy on raw green veggies, no fruit, will probably eraticate it, but the more sweets, alcohol and processed food that you ingest will only feed the yeast/beast and will keep bringing it back. I've been through it all. So I feel for you. My ears drums have literally burst and bled, I was deaf for 2 months and actually had my facial nerves collaspe for a while. I have been to the ER more times this last year than I have been in whole life. After finally realizing what the cause was, I was determined to disipline myself because it was WORTH never going through that pain again. I have now been pain free for a couple months but whenever I eat sugar,bread, or anything with yeast, I feel that twinge in my ear and stop eating it and go back to my regimine.  I hope this helps. Good Luck and God Bless You.
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Good day all. I was diagnosed with and ear infection and fungus by my GP yesterday . He prescribed MYCOSYST and KLABAX along with an ear drop. The pain is terrible and I barely slept for the past two nights.
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Hi. Have you found a solution?  My son has been suffering with ear infections for over 2 years. He has tried all the antibiotics out there and non work.  He has fungal in his ear.  
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I am suffering from this now ...... my ENT doctor gave me antifungal cream ....for 20 days .. i now feel better but i can't hear well cause of the cream he will make me ear wash so i'll be better
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Ok so iv been dealing with wet itchy ears since my 8th month of pregnancy my son was just born on 3-21-13 and the itches and pain are still their also im a diabetic :/ think its time to see a ENT :/
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