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Blocked eustachian tube, no infection, facial and arm nerve trouble

For the last month, I've had a pain in the middle left of my head.  It feels like it is at the top of the back of my nose....if that makes sense.  After the first week, it seemed to migrate down a bit and I felt like I had a deep ear infection in my left ear.  Simulataneously, I noticed problems with a numbness/tinglyness/warmness or weird feeling in my left arm.  It seems weakened.

I'm no stranger to ear infections, as I had them occasionally as a child (I never had tubes, though) and I get them as an adult usually at the tail end of a cold/flu.  So this seemed out of place because I have not had any cold or flu.

I went to the ER back in the middle of October and was shocked when they told me my ear was NOT red.  It hurt so bad and felt so much like an ear infection, I was convinced it was.  They gave me Roxicet for the pain and sent me on my way.

After 4 days, the intenseness pretty much went away, but I still felt a "sensation" in the middle left of my head.  I had an MRI for my arm numbness and blurry vision (to rule out MS) and although they found asymmetry of a gyrus in front of the right occipital lobe and under the corpus callosum, two neurologists agreed that it is normal "anatomical variation" like if you have one foot slightly bigger than the other.  

Well, that sensation has intensified in the last week in my head and ear and added was a slightly painful sensation under my left eye to the side of my nose.  It feels like compression of the nerve in my face.   I am still having trouble with left arm feeling strange.  

It occured to me that maybe my eustachian tube was blocked.  I noticed I could not get my left ear to pop.

I went and got Sudafed and had a lot of relief for about 12 hours.  I took the maximum dosage and quickly noticed that although the medication was being taken regularly, all the symptoms returned and failed to be alleviated again.

It seems to me that I have more trouble with the symptoms the later in the day it gets.  I feel best in the morning.  (I do have an anxiety issue and wonder how much of this is actually physical and how much is psychological.).  

I can finally pop my left ear on occasion by plugging, blowing, and wiggling my jaw.  But it seems to close right back up and I feel the ear squeeze pain.  I still have that weird sensation in my head and my arm.  I can also still feel it under my eye, but that symptom is better.

I can't find anything anywhere about a blocked eustachian tube causing nerve problems other than the nerves in the face.  It just seems to me that after a month of dealing with these symptoms, that my arm issue is directly related to the pain in the middle of my head/ear.

What could all of this be???

I hope someone can help me.

51 Responses
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So glad I found this. I've been putting up with this same thing since June. It has admittedly gotten better rather than worse, but it's remained at a dull roar that just won't go away completely. I have nearly every symptom here, but I notice mine is not nearly as severe as some of these descriptions. The left side of my head and arm/leg started off being incredibly numb and tingly, but now it's just at a mild ache that sometimes isn't there at all. Constant drainage in my throat that's not making it sore, tingling/numbness in the side of my head above and behind my ear, which is now sometimes radiating in my cheek and above my eye. I'm on sinus medication right now to see if that's the problem, but if not, I may look into chiropractors myself.

Does anyone know how this comes about, if anyone still pays mind to this thread? It just happened upon me for no reason all at once, and it's bothered me since.
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About 5 years ago I randomly went into a dentist and asked his much for a clean ?
He said looked in my  mouth and got shocked
He said he can see a tooth on the top left back side of the jaw
That looks the same as a lady he'd just delt with and told me to be carful
Hr basicly scared the crap out if me because I was so young

The Lady he was referring to kept thinking she had a ear ache or ear infection
Took mense amounts of antibiotics
Formed massive anxiety attacks several trips to emergency
One day apperantky
Something hsppend to her vision
Her son rushed her to emergency it wasn't until they mentioned vision loss that they gave a MRI
A neuro surgeon
Told herafter weeks of discussion with a maxifacial surgeon and ear nose and throat that it was from a top tooth located in the backof  the jaw that that needed to be pulled but she had no pain
No infection
Nothing showed on x rays either
this dentist Also mentions that they had to leason with a doctor from england who had dealt with this case before  

This is so hard to believe

Back to me now
I asked this dentist what makes you think I'm the same he said me and her are the only people with the bend in the top of the mouth roof on one side being the left
Which can mean if our nerve got infected it could go somewere else

Its not until 3 months ago this ear thing hsppend no one can find any thing wrong
Just like this dentist said would happen I can't find him
The lady he told me about  was sent off to have the tooth extracted and the nerve ending in the ear burnt off or somthing ? I don't know if this will help but it could be a missing puzzle to someone I go for a MRI finally tomorrow I hope it shows up just like the lady
And PS for those of you who did MRIs on the head .the head is not what's wrong it has to ficus on the tooth jaw and left side if  ear and head
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I have TMJ and grinding every night for years and wear a night guard when I go to bed. No matter what I use this. Now! three times  I have pulled my mouth out somehow and it gave me Eustachian tube not opening and all I get is pain in the ear can't hear and it has gone on between weeks and now this last time almost three months.
I have been to ENT's that did nothing had a SCAN and nothing and now
I am in Rehab and they are doing DRY NEEDLING on me and nothing is helping to open the Eustachian tube. Now my rehab girl tells me that no matter what I will keep all this pain in the face and down my neck and shoulders if I don't stop grinding so bad at night. What does a person do and how can I get this Ear to open. I try heart pads and lost five pounds so far and I am only 105  as it was and stand 5 foot 2 inches.
I feel pain everyday in that ear and only when I put heat does it get some better and yes I have tried all the pain medication and cold tablets and not a thing helps this.   I always had it open before on it's own time that is.
So what's up with this HELP  Texas Girl
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@duckie go to chiropractor with gonstead method. I had the exact same thing as you are describing. That pain pulsating behind my right ear was horrible but chiropractor has helped!!!! Gave me my life back
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Regular doctors often prescribe things to mask symptoms. Chiropractors target the source of the symptoms and correct that. No meds=More healthy and money saving life. Get to the Chiro!!!!!
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I am the original poster about chiropractic gadstead method curing these symptoms. (Hoot252). I'm happy to say that after a couple years and a lot of patience I am back to normal. I still go to my chiro once every couple months for routine maintenance. The symptoms are gone and I am enjoying life again. I urge everyone to at least try a chiro that practices the gadstead method. It is very affordable and what do you have to lose? I am a true believer and I now spread the word to many people. I have seen LOTS of people find relief thru my recommendations including people on this thread. I promise you that if your symptoms are not disease related, which normally they are not, the chiro will help! It took a while for my boss to convince me to go but thank God I did! Should've went sooner. So go find a chiro that practices the gadstead method and come back here and tell me what you find. Good luck!!
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Don't you mean Gonstead  ?
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I have Chronic Lyme and also possibly Babesia and Bartonella (cat scratch fever)

My left ear had been plugged for over a year now but in the tube and not the ear itself.

But this past week I had severe numbness and dizziness & it was thought that I had a stroke.  I had an MRI done and seeing the Neurologist in two days.  Just found this post and can't help but think that this is all Lyme related.  The nerves are massively being affected by this, when I try to unplug my ear by plugging my nose and blowing, when I even so much as put any pressure on the left side of my neck or when the mucus is draining, it makes me numb and tingly all over my body (even my eyeballs), to the point where I lost control of my bladder at the hospital (I'm only 29).  I've been taking Advil to bring down the swelling.. I can feel some type of chunky drainage coming down the back of my throat but still so much nerve pain.

I also looked inside my nostrils and it looks like I might have polyps?

I'm the type of person that never complains & I have a super high pain tolerance (I've been dealing with Lyme for over 5 years so I've had my fair share of pain) but this nerve stuff is unlike anything I've felt before.. I'm hoping that this can be resolved AND SOON!

Any words of encouragement and success stories to give me some comfort, would be appreciated!
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I know this is an old thread & Q but before I was able to sign up here I wasn't able to read ALL of the comments, just the first few. Quick reply. I'm studying to be a PA.
I did some research and apparently with repeated ear infections (sometimes due to perforated eardrum) one can develop a benign mass call a "cholesteatoma",  which left untreated can move into the mastoid cavity causing facial pain and effecting the facial nerves. I read an infection can move into the mastoid cavity as well. It's possible there is a deeper infection going on that can put pressure on the facial nerves. I'd think an ENT or neurologist should be able to figure this out.
   There is a great ENT group in LA called the CENTA group my family found for a member with chronic vertigo who were able to help us.
    Again his is an old thread but I saw the first 2-3 comments & as I'm off to class I wanted to share this online research in case it hadn't been mentioned, but hopefully has. Cheers and feel well soon anyone who's dealing with any pain.
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I'm so glad I found this thread. I've been having issues for more than 5 years. My right ear swells on the inside and I can't even lay on my right side. I have a limp that goes up and down behind my right ear as well. I've been to a million doctors with all of them telling me I have no ear infection. I even went to the doctor and said I feel like my right ear is about to explode ... He said everything looks ok. The next day my ear drum busted. My hearing is fine and I have had CT scans that shows chronic sinusitis. My right ear has had a funky smell for years with no drainage but I feel water in it a lot.  I just had cervical fusion c4 and c5 and now am experiencing pain that radiates in the back of my neck and goes behind my right ear with a dull ache in my head.
This is happening a lot and the pain and feeling of my ear is going to blow up about every other week. I'm at my wits end with these ENT docs telling me that everything looks ok. I go for another MRI next week hoping for an answer. Now I'm feeling the numbness and pain and so on like all the rest and I'm frustrated.  I know my body and I know when my ear feels a ton of pressure and pain ! I need answers and I feel that this controls half my life !
More so now that the pain and pressure come more often ! I've begged for tunes in my ears and of course that is not going to happen !
So frustrating ! Any advice ???? I'm going to look for another ENT after my MRI !!
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I cant believe this thread is still going... I read through them as I have a eustachian tube dysfunction that recently turned chronic after years of ear/sinus infection on left side. I was diagnosed with LYME DISEASE. My ear problems started when I had Lyme and viral encephalitis many years ago.
If the cranial nerve damage happens ,which is typical with Lyme-every ER MD should think Lyme for Bell's Palsy symptoms, a cranial nerve issue, then your nerves (neuropathy), and ciliary function (moving mucus and infection out) creates the perfect environment for repeated infection and scarring, dysfunction. I have left ear, neck muscle, arm and hand numbness, and a negative MRI. Lyme disease is an epidemic people. Ask why. Read the book, LAB 257, by attorney Michael Carrol. Come to your own conclusions. As for the ear tube dysfunction, reduce any inflammation from food, pollens, chemicals, etc. and get tested with a Western Blot for Lyme and get treated with, ahem, 2 months of Doxycycline (as one of the commenters has-do you think that doc said it was unconventional for a reason? That is the treatment for Lyme, and co-infections).
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I've been experiencing the same symptoms for 4 years now and since I read your discussion it's clear to me that chiropracy can solve the problem. I've been seeing a chiropractor specialized in the method you quote before (Correct me if I'm wrong but I think you guys speak of the Gonstead method?). I'f felt some temporary relief but the symptoms never really disappeared. I've  actuallyfelt real relief in only 2 cases, when I was walking.. My job implies a lot of driving and sitting at a desk plus a lot of stress, and I've notices that this made things way worse.

I've talked to my chiro about this and he told me that sedentarily if really bay for the back and the fact that my situation god better during times when I walked a lot was logical to him. He advised me to stand and walk for 5 minutes every 30min of sitting down/driving (or every hour if not possible), i'll see if this works, because my problem which was only on the left side of my body is progressively evolving to the right side as well...
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I have noticed the same relief from a Chiropractor, but my job, which could be responsible for a lot of it, also requires a lot of sitting down. I find when I maintain good posture it helps a lot. I have not been able to find a chiro that specializes in this Gadstead method though.
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Hi organicgirl,

I just wanted to ask you how you're holding up with having gone to the chiropractor for awhile. I've been monitoring this thread since I have had the same issues for awhile, and you're the only one I've seen that has offered some method of respite. You're on to something - I heeded your advice and saw a chiropractor near me who did upper cervical work, and it started feeling better! In fact, I was so ready to call it cured when a few weeks ago. However, I began a new job last Monday, which involves a lot of sitting down, and things have gotten a lot worse all of a sudden. I wanted to ask you further - is the problem gone for you? What exactly did they do with you? If you could offer anything else, that would be fantastic as I want to start reversing the tide of this battle again.
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I have the same symptoms and no one can help me. Do you sometimes get woken up in the middle of the night in pain and can't go back to sleep? Mine are so bad that I truly just want to curl up and ......
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OK, I signed up on this specifically after I read your post so I could reply in hopes to help you and all the others.  I had the EXACT thing.  And I couldn't work...newly married all this practically cost me my marriage...but thank GOD it didn't.  And thank GOD I'm stubborn and researched while I've pretty much been immobile from all this for the last 6 months.  I prayed, asked and believed everyday for healing that six doctors, ENT's and !uerologists couldn't figure out and gave up on me pretty much at the end saying its all in my bead while throwing another prescription for anxiety, sleep or antibiotic at me.  What I came to read after finding ONE person in a blog that suggested this was right.  Blocked eustachian tube...and needed a certain chiropractic manipulation to adjust the neck so it would come unblocked...get rid of pain, jaw pain, tooth aches, head pain, sinus pressure, excruciating neck and shoulder blade pain, post nasal drip, sore throat, and out of body and dizziness. You can find one that does the Gadstead method or one that works specifically with sinus and ears.  Don't go to just a regular old chiro for this.  You need neck sublaxion and upper cervical work.  I went ONE time and am feeling better but have to go 3 times a week for awhile and then just 2-3 times a month.  There's also a manever they can do with their finger inside your throat to stretch the eaustacian tube so it will drain.  So its NOT sinus infection like we all swear it is but Dr.s say it isn't but then don't point us where to go for it...so we're thousands of dollars in the hole because of incompetent Dr.s. 90 years ago most everything was cured with adjustments
To spine, neck, feet etc.  This is incredible and I hope you all can benefit from me posting this!  God bless you all and let's pray for our health back! P.s. I'd love to hear if any of you decide to try this and what your outcome is!  Let's pay it forward if it works and post on other blogs to help the thousands out there who have been struggling with this!
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I've read many comments on here because I'm experiencing the same thing. The reason I'm commenting on your post is because I went to a chiro 4 days ago and my symptoms started immediately after my visit where he did an "adjustment" to C1 and C2. I spent that evening in the ER with right side facial and hand numbness and visual distortion worried about a stroke. Chronic pain at the base of my skull and deep inner right ear and jaw pain and weird pressure under my right eye. All of this after my first chiro visit in which his response was quote, recovery symptoms.  I just want everyone to be very careful about going to a chiro for any cervical adjustment.  The risks are too great. I am going to try to get help from a PT. Stroke is a risk after any cervical manipulation.  Look at the arteries in your cervical vertebrae and you'll think twice hopefully.
I've read many comments on here because I'm experiencing the same thing. The reason I'm commenting on your post is because I went to a chiro 4 days ago and my symptoms started immediately after my visit where he did an "adjustment" to C1 and C2. I spent that evening in the ER with right side facial and hand numbness and visual distortion. Chronic pain in right deep inner ear and pain in my upper jaw. All of this after the chiro visit in which his response was "recovery symptoms".  I just want everyone to be very careful about going to a chiro for any cervical adjustment.  The risks are too great. I'm am going to try to get help from a PT.
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I don't have jaw pain, but I have clogged eustachian tubes and terrible vertigo--nauseated a lot.  Lost quite a bit of weight due to nausea and not feeling like eating.  I think I was exposed to some pesticide and it affected my nasal passages (they felt like they were burning).  A few days later my eustachian tubes got blocked.
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i had alarge lump un the back of my right ear it painful to touch and its been there the last 3 days i noticed then i pushed the bottom of my ear down n pus came out and now its really swollen and still drainage ive also noticed i have a knot on my neck above my jaw close by the ear but not exactly n it painful to touch but not noticeable,,, wahts can this be? should i be concerned
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i Have the same problems , my ears feel clogged and everytime i see the Dr they say that there is nothing wrong with my ears. my nose is also clogged. I had an MRI done and they see something small in my gland in my throat and now they said i have to do surgery to get the gland out  to see if it is cancerous or not
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According to an article from the American Journal of Neuroradiology ...
"several studies, {have shown} middle ear cholesteatomas present with the following clinical signs:
*Chronic discharge of the ear is present in 33%–67%, and some form of hearing loss, in 60%–87% of patients. Most patients present with mixed hearing loss, less frequently with sensorineural hearing loss or with a dead ear.

*Facial nerve paralysis occurs rarely with middle ear cholesteatomas but can be present in 20%–64% of extensive cholesteatoma cases ....

*Vertigo affects 30%–60% of the patients, whereas tinnitus, otalgia, and headache are less common manifestations."
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If you're having trouble with your eustachian tube, then you're at risk for developing a cholesteatoma. A cholesteatoma usually occurs because of messed up eustachian tubes that don't function as well as they should. This is because the tube serves to take air from the back of the nose in the middle ear and then equalize ear pressure; but when the tubes don't work exactly right, (either just diminished clearing or not at all), like, say, due to inflamation caused by an allergy, well at that point the air in the middle ear is absorbed, which it is not designed to do. This makes a partial vacuum in the ear that ***** and stretches the eardrum, and that makes something kinda like a sack-shape of tissue. This happens a lot when people have areas of their ear tissue weakened by previous infections. This sack is what can become a cholesteatoma. Like I said before, the cholesteatoma can affect the middle ear, behind it, or the mastoid process, which is on the temporal bone and near the nerves that affect your face. It can even cause issues in the neck region, rarely, such as in this picture http://otologytextbook.com/BEZOLD%20ABSCESS.JPG
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Have you ever been checked for cholesteatoma? It's skin cells that have built up in the ear, that is skin growth that occurs in an abnormal location mostly in the middle ear, behind the eardrum, or in the mastoid process next to the temporal bone, where the nerve for the face runs.
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I forgot to mention above, make sure it also has psuedoephedrine in the cold tablets, along with expectorant.
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I had and currently have the same symptoms.  My first pain is in my neck along side my throat.  It is very tender and gets worse as the day goes on.  The first time I had it, it radiated to my ear, but the main pain was in the neck.  I thought it was a sore throat yet it didn't hurt inside the throat but on the outside, where you would take your pulse.  I went to the doctor (about 2008) when the first event occurred and I was told the drain tube to my ear was inflamed and partially closed.  He prescribe OTC cold tablets with EXPECTORANT.  It has to have expectorant to open the tubes.  It took about 3 days to fully clear up taking the pills as prescribed on the box.  I have had it reoccur about 1/2 a dozen times since then and using the OTC cold tablets has always cleared it up, along with using swimmers drops in the ear to evaporate any water.  I usually get it from going to sleep with water in my ear (not knowing it).  So tonight I have it and I am at a fire station and cannot get pills until tomorrow so I went on the web to see if there were any other cures, and apparently there is not.  So I hope I help someone with the same problem.  And tomorrow off to a Rite Aid.
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You slept one day in a cold weather and your body couldn't take it. Now what you need to do is get a gel to warm your body and take it before sleeping for many days plus antibiotics and tell me what happens.
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