1359524 tn?1282691910

Feels like im walking on a boat

Hello everyone. For the past few weeks since my daughter has been born, ive been experiencing a sensation of walking pn a boat. It started a few days after I came home from the hospital. I had this same problem after I had my son in june 2010 and it went away in the end of august and I never knew the cause. Does anyone know what can cause this? Its a horrible feeling and hard to function witj it. I also get pressure and tingling in my head pain behind my left eye and pain in my left ear also get really bad headaches. Im hoping it will go away sooner than afew months. If snyone has any advice I really appreciate it! Thanks in advance!
36 Responses
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1359524 tn?1282691910
Its my regular doctor. I threw up 6times today and im in the er now waiting for a catscan. As far as having anyone to help me in the day.. I dont :( I currently cant turn my head without feeling nauseous this really *****
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Yes, someone needs to be investigating what is wrong.  I swear, some physicians; it is getting worse and worse with the care.  You have to be your own advocate because alot of physicians just DON'T care.  It just seems alot of them want to shove their patients off without really investigating the problem or they want to prescribe meds to cover up the real issue.  Well, at least he ordered some labs.  Let's just hope he ordered the appropriate ones.  He can order an MRI too, however, the ENT Specialist or the Neurologist can too.  

Is this doctor your OBGYN or regular physician?  

Well....I really feel for you being like this and having to deal with two small children; not easy.  Do you have any family that can help you out during the day dear?  
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1359524 tn?1282691910
He looked in my ears and said they were fine and he ordered blood work as well. I made an appointment with both a neuro and ent for next week. This is really bad I feel so sick and I have two children at home and am home alone all day. Im really wondering what causes this especially since ive had it before for a few months. The doc def brushed it off didnt mention mri etc. :/
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Well, did he draw any labs to check your red count and iron level?  Sounds like he just "brushed you off."  

Yes, something is wrong dear.  He needs to order some basic labs and if those come back clean order an MRI of your head/brain WITH contrast.  If that is clean.....then consult an ENT Specialist or a Neurologist.    

I am not sure if you are dealing with an iron deficiency/anemia secondary to the delivery or if this is your inner ear, i.e. Labyrinthitis.  
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1359524 tn?1282691910
Thanks for your reply. I went to the drs yesterday and he said it will go away on its own and can be from losing blood after I had the baby. But I dont think hes right. Its not a dizzy feeling. Its an unsteady feeling :( I feel nauseous with it too
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Not sure if this could be inner ear related or migraine related.  

Have you seen your physician about this?  

It does sound like hormone fluctuations could be playing a role in this.  
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