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Foul Smell in Nose AFTER Sinus Surgery

I've been reading a lot of posts about "smells" in the nose, but I haven't seen anything with my particular circumstance.
Three weeks ago, I had sinus surgery. I had thickening in the frontal and maxillary sinuses, and a couple of polyps removed. Recovery was going fine until yesterday when I began to have this smell in my nose. I have a relative who has chronic bad breath. The only way I know to describe the smell is to say that it smells like my aunt's bad breath. It can be very faint, but at times will come on very strong like opening a garbage can and getting an intense wave of bad smelling stuff. I'm also getting a lot more drainage down my throat and have actually had to blow my nose more these last two days than I did the first three weeks after surgery.

I have been using saline spray numerous times a day since my surgery, so I can't figure out why I would start having these problems now.
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Gmiller, i was on antibiotics nonstop by mouth and it did nothing but evenly cause me to break out in hives from over exposure and diarhhea. It was the nasal nebulizer that directly distributed an antibiotic, saline and a sinus expander directly into my sinuses that madr all that stuff finally stop for me. My insurance covered it and i only paid a $20 copay for the machine and then a $20 copay for the meds. I was paying a $ 40 per antibiotic refill copay for antibiotics by mouth and i can't tell you how many of those i paid for among different antibiotics prescribed. Oh the money and discomfort from hives and diarhhea i could have saved myself from...Hope your start feeling better.
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I had sinuplasty and deviated septum repaired about 3 weeks ago. Developed horrible, foul smell in my nose about 2 days or so ago. I floss, brush twice and rinse daily so it is not my breath or mouth causing this smell. I was on antiobiotics post-op for about a week, and have been doing sinus flushes about 3 - 5 times a day. I believe I caught a cold intitially about a week ago from my 2 yo that has developed into a sinus infection. Began blowing out large, old blood clots a week ago, and huge pinky size snot with blood covered on other side. Anyway, 2nd f/u ENT visit is this week, but will ask for antiobiotics asap/on Monday.

You are not alone.
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Hi kkb99...i read up on this before my surgery in Oct. I asked my doctor about it. He said from his experience these things only cause problems. He removes packing before leaving recovery and does not use disposable stitches or stents...and rarely even uses stents according to him. I had the whole sha bang done...adnoids removed, turbulence reduction, setpum correction and sinuses widened and some additional work done after he got in there to my left sinus ect ect...
Sounds like your problems are exactly what my doctor was talking about. Hopefully anyone else reading this due to an upcoming surgery will look more into these uses and consult with their doctor prior to surgery about the concerns related to it and avoid similar problems and needless discomfort. I just don't understand why some docs still do this when clearly it is not required to put folks through those things....especially days of packing needlessly. Ouch those are uncomfortable. My doc is proof it's being done without all those uncomfortable practices.
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sorry guys it's
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Here is the three solutons i was prescribed to put in it

Sodium Chloride INH SOL 5ml
Budesonide INH 0.5/2ml Solution (expands your sinuses)
Mupirocin INH (m) 5mg/2.5ml Solution (antibiotic)

I combine all three into the nebulizer cup and do this twice a day. all three come in individual disposable vials so you don't have to worry about contamination as with some other methods. Trust me, this reaches places i never dreamed of compared to using convientional methods given it's forced at a very high pressure sprayer rate. Worth every penny!!! lookup nasal nebulizer on the internet for demonstration videos. Compoundcare.com has a video.
Hope this helps somene.
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I had surgery back in Oct and i had the same smell and problem. I had to go back weekly to have my sinuses cleaned out for a few weeks with big black clumps coming out. Finally, after antibiotics and repeated cleaning my doctor put me on a nasal nebulizer twice a day...wow what an improvement immediately. There were three solutions one was of course the saline solution..other was an antibiotic solution and the third was a solution to open my sinuses. Smell went away, discomfort of hard objects forming in my nose stopped...nose bleeds stopped... stuffy nose due to all of that stopped...it all went away. You can actually feel it penetrating all of your sinuses over the 5 minutes it takes for it to dispense in a heavy high pressure midst form you breath in through your nose and while it's like having power sprayers spraying up your nose..it's actually very soothing. I can't believe they don't automatically put folks on this from the get go.
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