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Weird hollow sound when chewing

Whenever I chew or close my mouth so my teeth hit (sort of like chattering teeth), I hear this weird hollow sound in my ear (yes, my husband already covered all of the hollow-head jokes). It sounds similar to that of hitting a stick on the side of an empty bucket each time I bite down and my teeth make contact with each other or when I eat anything crunchy. It is relieved after what feels like pressure changing in my ears or when you have fluid in the ear and it is removed by q-tip or drains, but starts up again almost immediately. I run a q-tip on the outer portion of my ears everytime I shower and don't feel any actual fluid in there. Blocking my ears, swallowing, or chewing do not help. I have not been in a plane or changed elevation since this has happened, so I'm not really sure what is going on. Am I just losing it???
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I had the same condition.  Tapping my head  sounded like tapping a watermelon.  Echo'y and hollow sounding.  Got rid of it in two seconds.  Held my nose shut and then forced my breath against the closed nose.  Left ear 'popped' and the worrisome condition completely disappeared. Back to normal.
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You're a genius...Thank you
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I had the same problem. I just let the water from shower enter my ear, after showering the inside and shutting off the shower i kept the side of head with affected ear tilted to ground, jumped a few times to let that water out, and then drained the inside with a hair dryer for like a minute or two. It helped me instantly.
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I had this same thing a few years ago and went to the dr. They flushed my ear with water and big was of earwax came out..it helped!! And got rid of the sound! I am getting it again...so I am hoping it will help again.
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Thanks for the reply. The sound has since gone away, except for a few exepections after spending time in water or not drying out my inner-ear after showering/bathing/swimming. I have spent a considerable time of my life in water and never had this problem before so I wonder if I didn't have some sort of infection (which didn't pass on it's own) or just didn't dry out my ears well enough. In any case, thanks for the input!!! KB
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I get the same sensation when there is fluid in my ears.  See a doctor if it doesn't go away or especially if it gets worse (i.e. hearing loss, pain, draining nasty fluid, ect) because you could have an infection of some kind.
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I just left the ENT with yet another disappointing solution.  More Afrin.  Will this EVER go away?

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