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Fungus Infection In Ear?

Ive been having a discomfort in my ear, as if it is stuck, so i went to a doc and was told that i have fungus infection in the ear. Is fungus ear infection  something common? Im 22 years old. Anyone else here have this? I also notice that my ear has become over sensitive to sounds, just a slight sound seems to be very loud for me.
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Steroid drops, Betnesol.
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i had a cholesteotoma removed from the middle ear , was then fitted with a fisch torpe implant, and was diagnosed with a fungal infection 3 years after. ear swab send off to lab confirmed this.
eardrops prescibed by my GP caused severe burning sensation and pain for two days after using it only once.
it is hard to treat fungal infections of the middle ear as 4 yrs on i am still suffering with a fungal infection of the ear.
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What sort of ear drops were they that caused you so much pain ?
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i had a cholesteotoma removed from the middle ear , was then fitted with a fisch torpe implant, and was diagnosed with a fungal infection 3 years after. ear swab send off to lab confirmed this.
eardrops prescibed by my GP caused severe burning sensation and pain for two days after using it only once.
it is hard to treat fungal infections of the middle ear as 4 yrs on i am still suffering with a fungal infection of the ear.
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I too have had mastoid surgery to remove infection, including polyps  and had part of a titanium ear bone inserted. I had a positive swab for candidia a couple of years before the operation and the discomfort just continued on and now nearly a year after the operation I am in immense pain, with itching and burning and pain along the side of my face going up to eye level. I am so pleased to hear of someone else who has a similar problem as I am unable to convince my specialist I actually have a problem as you can't see 'itchiness' and he claims the outside of my ear drum is clear from infection, but the pain is actually deeper. I even have trouble sleeping at night with
the discomfort and itching. Specialist just says it is myoneuralgic or muscle pain or maybe nerve pain.
I wonder if you could let me know how you are getting on this far down the line.
I have also had a swab result whcih proved positive for Candida parapsilosis
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Thanks Mien. I've read numerous posts, in a variety health forums, and your suggestion is the one that makes the most sense to me. Systemic Candida is, I believe, THE major cause of illness in our culture...and is a result of our addiction to sugar, antibiotics, and non-organic, highly processed foods.

It would be great if we could just take a pill or supplement to rid ourselves of these 'infections' but, realistically, I believe we need to radically change our diet in order to cure ourselves of these conditions....AND to prevent them from occurring in the first place.

Avoid sugar like it's the plague. Eat lots of fresh organic greens. Avoid GMO's as they are often laced with pesticide residues that destroy the balance of the intestinal flora.  And drink LOTS of water!

Do your own research!

As is obvious from reading the posts in this, and other similar forums, doctors can often misdiagnose an illness and prescribe medicines that actually compound the problem. Very few of them are aware of the prevalence of Candida and it's relationship to other symptoms or disease.

Here are some indications of an overgrowth of Candida:

    Yeast Infections
    Joint Pain
    Brain Fog
    Frequent Colds
    Oral Thrush
    Mood Swings
    Sinus Congestion
    Bloating & Gas
    Weight Gain
    Urinary Infections
    Food Cravings (especially sweet foods)
    Food Sensitivies
    Abdominal Pain
    Red, Itchy Eyes
    Psoriasis / Eczema

Here's a link to a webpage that has some sound dietary recommendations:

Like I said...do your own research! The internet can be an awesome tool if used wisely.

Pay attention to your body. How do you feel after eating a certain food? Experiment. Explore. Keep a journal. Be patient. Never give up! Good luck.

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Ear fungus only happens when your immune system is low!!!   if you have any type of cuts or sore in your ear and your dr. tells you to use vinegar and water, DO NOT!!!  It will feel as if some one is stabbing you in the ear with a needle.  GO TO A EAR NOSE AND THROAT DR. they willproperly treat you.... my primary care doctor is a quack, I never had fungus in my ear.  Spent lots of money on emergency room visits, because of her....
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You would need to keep looking until you can find a doctor who WILL listen to you and get you tested for fungus and parasites...usually they go hand in hand. Naturopaths may have suggestions. Integrative, or Integrated Medicine Specialists, doctors who use both Natural and Modern (pharmaceuticals when necessary) medicine. They aren't as quick to prescribe antibiotics and other types of things without first looking at your whole body's condition. Including nutrition!! If you have a systemic Candida problem this means it has moved beyond just your gut or reproductive system and is invading organs and body tissue...growing INTO the tissues. Clogging up your immune system and it's ability to function. Impairing your body's ability to repair itself too. Many of the foods with all the chemicals and then all the environmental pollutants we come into contact with daily, only add to the problem. I even became allergic to certain cloths, because of the chemicals used to make them. I now only  use cotton as much as possible.

I suspected a Candida infection when I had a violent thrush reaction after eating a half teaspoon of honey. My lip swelled up like someone had punched me in the lip within 15 minutes of eating the honey. I started reading everything I could find, and FIRED both my old practitioner and my rheumatologist for killing my immune system with all the antibiotics and anti-inflammatories (for my psoriatic arthritis) they carelessly prescribed me to take simultaneously. It took me several months of hunting and asking around to find my current doctor. Ask at your nutrition store, or find a nutrition specialist and ask who they might recommend.

You need a doctor that understands that fungus, ie YEAST among others, has and ALWAYS will be a HUGELY overlooked problem all over the world. To compound the problem, many doctors never learn about it being a problem because they are trained by pharmaceutical backed schools who don't appear to want the problem to go away.

DON'T give up looking. You WILL find someone. Keep telling them you've had yeast problems before. It's IMPERITIVE you get help NOW!!! You may be dealing with more than one issue. And you need to get ACTUAL tests done so you can get proper treatment.

I know how frustrating all this can feel.
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I think I may have a systemic fungal infection.  How can I find out?  If I do, what do I do?  My ears are bothering me and the ENT I went to today said "there's nothing wrong," though I told him they hurt and pop and I have ringing constantly.  I don't think he really considered a fungal condition, though I told him I had been diagnosed with it previously.  I also   seem to have a vaginal yeast problem, so I'm wondering if it's whole body, like you say. Help!

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Fungal infections are usually caused by eating things that promote overgrowth in your system of Yeast, or being on medicines that kill friendly bacteria that keep fungus in check (Anti-biotics KILL friendly bacteria needed to keep Yeast at the proper levels.). Many diets these days only contribute to fungus growth. Sugar, for instance, is fungi's FAVORITE food! It produces alcohol in your blood as waste too. To see how a particular food or substance is related to Candida - fungus infections, Google: (food/substance) - Candida or the name of the fungus and the substance/food item with a hyphen and hit enter. As always, don't believe everything you read right off....RESEARCH!!

I've seen alot of suggestions of different antibiotics to use for Fungus in this thread. You NEVER use antibiotics to kill fungus. In fact, patients who've had alot of antibiotics are at GREATER risk of getting fungus and parasite overgrowth. It was a mix of anti-inflammatories and antibiotics that pushed my body over the edge. I ended up septic and on the verge of menengitis within a few months of my whole body feeling sick.

Check out coconut oil...Extra Virgin, Unrefined. Look it up on the internet. It's helped me alot. And I got myself doing a stage 4 Candida diet before I even managed to find a doctor who would REALLY help me with this. I believe that and the anti-candida supplements I got were what kept me out of the hospital this time. My doctor tells me I'm very fortunate to be functioning as well as I am. My body is still fighting very hard but doing better with the whole food diet and eliminating sugars, processed foods and yeast foods has helped alot. They figure I've had the overgrowth problem for possibly over 20 years and I've heard it said it takes a month for every year you've been infected, to effectivly get rid of it. And that's IF you stick to your diet, meds and supplements!!

You also have NO idea how infected you are with it until you can get proper tests done. Find a doctor who will REALLY help you with getting the PROPER tests done. Many doctors, unfortunately, don't even acknowledge Fungus is such a problem!!! It is invasive AND it can go systemic, meaning eventually it can bore itself into your other body tissues and organs....like it has with me. It will grow in you, just like it grows anywhere.......just like athlete's foot!!! In fact, many forms of athlete's foot is a sign of Candida infection too!

Most important, don't give up!!
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This thread is offering some good information.  I may be experiencing the same thing as everyone else.  I believe my situation is due to performing oral sex.   I have learned my lession.  I have to make an appointment this week.
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I have chronic fungal ear infections and I am told that  I carry a yeast infection constantly in my throat. I am told this is from esophageal reflux and I am being advised to get an operation called Nissen-Fundoplication which will shore up my esophageal reflux which will prevent constant acid in my throat, trouble swallowing,GERD, etc.  I am trying to really make sure I need this surgery even though it is laporoscopic surgery.  It is still surgery so I am afraid.  How do I know that this is what's causing my ear infections??
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am using the vinegar she asked me to.
my dizziness has ceased already so i guess it worked...but thats not really my problem.
i had an ear infection when i was a kid which damaged my eardrum ..my doctor  found a hole there in 94 and i didnt like him so i didnt come back the day he asked me to...im 26 already...i have a nicer doctor =)

how's my ear? it hurts ...im pulling it right now
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hi inigo... so ur using the ear drops too? i was given the ear drops n was asked to use to 3 times a day.. hows ur ear now?

ive been having headache too, my forehead feels heavy and i always feel sleepy... do u have that symptoms too?

do u use alot of earphones?
i remember getting this wen i started working infront of pc, where most of the time i wil listen to songs with ear phones 8 hours a day :P
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i too experienced the same thing recently...
was having this sort of like vertigo and was told by my doctor i have fungal infection in my ear.
i kept complainning about the expensive antibitics and meds she's prescribbing me lol...she said i could use vinega cider r too for my ear....2 to 3 drops everyday....

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Well, here in Costa Rica, it ain't cheap to see a Dr.,,,,,,$25 a visit.  I took 3 antibiotic pills a couple of weeks ago that cost me $12 total...they didn't seem to work though...

The CT Scan ran me $130.  Don't forget, the average Costa Rican only makes about $400 a month.  I work in sportsbook, (which is totally legal down here, there are hundreds of them) and make good money, so it doesn't affect me all that much...I live on the dollar, not the Colonie....

I try to look for a Doctor that has studied in the states because the medical knowledge down here is a bit faulty.  I've seen people go into the hospital and not come out alive, for small things...

CIMA (Seema) hospital here is run by the University of Texas, so it's pretty good.  The doctors are just getting out of med school and come down here to pay off their loans and get their feet wet.  All in all, I guess it's ok.  

I'm going to take this Cefelax until Saturday.  That will be one week of 4 pills, more or less, a day.  If that doesn't work, I'll chatting with you again.  If you ever want to get away, you're certainly invited down here to Costa Rica.....I'll take good care of you...
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Middle ear infections are usually a domino effect. The sinus, the sore throat came first followed by the middle ear infection. You have to treat them all at the same time...   Sounds like your ENT is trying, CT scan etc. Frankly, in the US most ENTs would hand you a salad bowel of pills and send you on your way....  after ripping huge sums of money out of you wallet. They would not even bother trying to get a proper diagnosis. Frankly I surprised they don't massage ones scalp for a diagnosis these days. Seems the more advanced we get, the backwards things become.
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I have a sinus infection, ( I had a CT Scan and that's what my ENT said), she gave me an antibiotic but it didn't do much.  I have pressure around my nose and over my left eye.  I'm dizzy, today was a winner, and when I tilt my head either back or forward or breath in cold air thru my nostrils, I almost pass out.  The dizzyness is agravating to say the least.  I picked up some Vontrol today for the dizzyness and nausia.  As of right now, not doing very good as I write.  

At night, I have some discharge down the back of my throat but not enough to bother me.  My wife says I snore to beat the band and my snoring even wakes me up.  When I wake up in the am, my mouth is dry and I have a slight sore throat that goes away after breakfast.

So, I figure I have a sinus infection that's gone into my middle ear and has affected my balance.  Am I right?  

Will my infection get worse before it gets better when taking this medicine?  I feel like the bacteria are getting back at me and causing me such problems just before they die, LOL.....
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I imagine it is a matter of penetration. For example certain drugs have a penetration ability better than other drugs to the prostate.

He may have a drug in mind that has a good penetration to the middle ear, but that particular drug needs to be administered via IV/shot.

Why do you want these drugs any way? To treat a middle ear infection or to treat fungal infection within the ear canal?

The two are different and are treated differently.
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I really appreciate your help.  I went to my pharmacist here in CR and asked him for some vontrol because today my head is really spinning.  I have been taking Cefalex since Sat and my head seems to be worse today.  I asked him what if this stuff doesn't work, what then?  He said I should take injections of an antibiotic, 3 of them to the tune of 20 bucks a pop.....that surely doesn't bother me if it takes care of the problem.  My question is:  Why would injections be better than pills?
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Same thing as keflex
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Now I see why you hesitate to recommend Cipro....I'll pass also.....thanks for the warning.....I couldn't find keflex here in Costa Rica but got stuck with Cefalex every 8 hours or less........how about this one?
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Cipro is leviquin, which has some pretty harsh side effects...  and I mean life altering.

Keflex, usually just diareah. Dossage of either can be found on the net.
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I found Keflex,,,,what should the dosage be?
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Why is Cipro not a favorite of yours....it's the only one we can get down here in Costa Rica,,,,I'm looking for Keflex, omnicef now....
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My mistake,,,that's why you're a Doctor and I'm not.  So, the only 2 infections in the middle ear would be either bacterial or virus.....
What do you think about this "apple cider vinegar' deal or do you think it's just a coincedence that it left me......there's a lot of wive's tales about it but maybe there's just something to it.....
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