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Perforation of ear, distortion, sensitivity to loud sounds, please help me.

Hello all, my name is Cory and I am 18. I am male and for some time now (past few years maybe) I have been experienceing some form of distortion and fuzziness in my left ear. When I hear a sound, it sounds fine up to a certain point, when my left ear just seems to distort (the way a speaker with too much volume distorts) and everything gets really fuzzy and sounds like it's buzzing. It's difficult to describe, and it has been irritating me for some time. I am purchasing a nice car audio sound system soon, and if there is a problem with my hearing, I would like it sorted out before so I can fully enjoy my stereo.

When I was younger, I understand I had quite a few ear infections. Does anyone have any ideas on what might be wrong with my left ear?  I would greatly appreciate any help on the matter. I take my hearing very very seriously, and I listen to music at very low volumes, and wear earplugs the entire time I am at work. (Construction/ job-site) Thank you all so very much.
134 Responses
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How long have the optic distortions been going on?  My dad is going on a month almost. It seemed to be better, but loud music distorts still.
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2084355 tn?1332360782
Could you have had an ear infection without knowing it? Not all ear infections have the obvious symptoms of Fever and Pain. I'm not quite sure how mine started. I wish I could go back to the point before it started and do something preventive but at least I don't have what I called the psudo-tinnitus anymore and I couldn't imagine having real tinnitus. I'm hoping otic distortions that are caused by ear infections clear up.
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Did you try decongestants?  My dad is trying that now and thinks the ear is better. He still hears pitch distortions with loud music though. I think it has been going on about a month. He has been to an audiologist, then will see the ENT next month. Was the MRI just to check out everything or did you request it yourself?
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Just read your post about worrying about it..

My consultant booked my MRI in mid Dec, and I went for it on the 29th Dec.. (yes.. Merry Christmas!)

I got my results the second week in January.

The time between - I was awake until 2-3am every night, listening to my ear (if thats poss!).. I was SO worried about it, my symtoms were getting worse.

The SAME day I got my results - that night, the tinitus had gone, and the distortion improved so much!

Today, a few months later I rarely notice any distortion. If I hear loud banging or noises - it goes right thru me, but I tend to were protection when I'm working in a noisy environment.

The BEST and only cure for me, was the reassurance of NOT having said brain tumor!! Get an MRI - INSIST on an MRI - if anything, to put your mind at rest!

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Hey, (it is Murray641)

So thought I'd drop a wee update.. (please see previous post)

Went to doctors, refered to ENT 3 months later. Went to ENT, hearing test results showed a very slight dip in one ear.. Was told to come back in 3 months. Things had got very slightly better with the distorsion, but the tinitus had gotten worse.
Sent for an MRI scan, which showed nothing. 6 months on, and I hardly notice it now.. I have a slight hollow sound, and still can not tollorate loud noises (being a joiner - this can be a problem), but the prognosis is pressure damage - likely from my nail gun.

By the way - I used to smoke a lot of grass, I also was a headphones gamer.. And I like milk. Just trying to perhaps add to a common link.

My consultant never understood what was wrong until I described it as a Reduced Tolorance to Sound - thats when I got sent for the MRI - nothing to worry about btw.. So cheer up. If there is any further developements, I'll be sure to let you know
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2084355 tn?1332360782
Luckily your post didn't get deleted nor archived. I would have to say you're the President of this Otic distortion club. Btw I was wondering if you ever found a way to resolve your distortion so you can crank it up?
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