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Sore scab in nose wont go away...been a rough ride...

Here is the story,

I have had a sore in my left nostril for years now towards the cartilage.  No, its not from coke or anything as I have never done anything like that.  I get a scab, I blow it out of my nose, and it comes back 12hrs to 24hrs later. I tried to explain that it blows out on a regular basis.  Sometimes I pick it out and it bleeds.  I use saline spray and saline gel on a regular basis and have used vasaline, bacitracin, and antifungal steroid creme.    

I have gone to 2 ENT specialists.  1st one told me not to pick my scab and it will heal.  Well that’s pretty much impossible because I blow my nose and it comes out (if I keep it lubricated).  Also, the scab covers my airway and is unbearable.  2nd doc cauterized my nose to “shock it” and stimulate cell growth.  It didn’t work.  Was painful as heck and then I found out I was allergic to basitracin.  I then had Nose surgery for a biopsy, and it came back negative, so no cancer (yay!).  He said that is seems like the cells aren’t normal in my nose so it isn’t healing right.

Here is the problem though, from the biopsy, he cut up my nose, and now that area he cut out will not heal either.  So he took a small area that wouldn’t heal, and made it much larger.  As disgusting as this sounds, it forms a scab and oddly resembles a craisin in size and color.  It is like a blood clot and the scab gets so large it blocks my airway, but now it is so far back from the surgery that I cant even see the sore in the mirror.  

I went to the ENT for a follow up, but I ended up seeing another doctor and they told me to just keep it moist.  It was typical but useless advice because it just keeps scabbing up!  Anyways, I am seeing the ENT that did my surgery on Friday, and I hope he has some sort of solution.  It just doesn’t make sense, some weeks I try to leave it alone for a couple days, and it feels like it might scab up and never come back, then I blow the scab out and it feels completely gone!  But then it comes back within a day.  

I am mentally and physically exhausted from this nose issue   I feel like I have done everything in my power, and it is even worse than when I started.  Any advice or related stories are welcomed.  
94 Responses
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12551336 tn?1425907691
I have been dealing with this for a couple of months and, after reading comments here and on other sites, decided to try and nip this in the bud before it goes on for months or years. First of all, if a person has dry mucosa (like in Sjogren's), things don't tend to heal as quickly. And allergies don't present in the same fashion either. So some of this could actually be an allergic reaction. I have found removing dairy products and coffee (tannins in coffee) has helped. But the immediate kicker was Mucinex (guafensin). That and drinking lots of water. Remove all things that could be potential allergens (dairy, tannins, pets, etc.) and start drinking lots of water (to hydrate cells and mucosa). Take mucinex until sores are gone. Then, stop for a few days and see if they come back. If they don't, slowly add the things you eliminated back into your routine. Waiting a couple of weeks before you reintroduce the next thing. That way you will know if it is an allergic reaction. Add extra hydration to mucosa with some kind of natural bees wax product. And continue drinking lots of water. It's healthy!
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12551336 tn?1425907691
I have been dealing with this for a couple of months and, after reading comments here and on other sites, decided to try and nip this in the bud before it goes on for months or years. First of all, if a person has dry mucosa (like in Sjogren's), things don't tend to heal as quickly. And allergies don't present in the same fashion either. So some of this could actually be an allergic reaction. I have found removing dairy products and coffee (tannins in coffee) has helped. But the immediate kicker was Mucinex (guafensin). That and drinking lots of water. Remove all things that could be potential allergens (dairy, tannins, pets, etc.) and start drinking lots of water (to hydrate cells and mucosa). Take mucinex until sores are gone. Then, stop for a few days and see if they come back. If they don't, slowly add the things you eliminated back into your routine. Waiting a couple of weeks before you reintroduce the next thing. That way you will know if it is an allergic reaction. Add extra hydration to mucosa with some kind of natural bees wax product. And continue drinking lots of water. It's healthy!
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Hi I've had a problem with nosebleeds my whole life from being Salicylate Intolerant.
Anyway i have been having nosebleeds everyday for the last few months.And I always have scabs forming and sloughing off. I never thought it could be a sinus infection cause I dont have a lot of green mucous or anything like that. I get  a little clear runny nose from allergies
So 2 days ago I put about 2 tbsp of hydrogen peroxide in about a quarter cup of water and put it up to my nose and swooshed it up my nostrils by leaning back and forth a few times. Then I leaned forward so it would go up my sinuses. A minute later I gently blew my nose. 2 days later my nosebleeds stopped and the scabs are gone.   I'm going to continue this ritual for a few more days. Good luck , Joan
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The guy was right Lansinoh WORKS within hours my nose felt better, after 3 months of bleeding scabby nose! YEAH !
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I have had this very thing for about three years. I don't know what to do. The doctor gave me some antbiotic ointment called mupirocin. It kind of helps. But when i look in my nose its red and with a white jagged  patch with tiny blisters on the side of my cartilidge.Then i get nose bleeds if the scab falls off. I had two yesterday.  Ug do the doctors even know what this is?
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After having a bad cold for the entire month of April I also developed this exact same condition in my right nostril. I kept thinking it would go away and here it is nearly 7 months later and I still have it. Last Friday I saw my ENT and he seemed very familiar with the condition. He explained that it is most likely a staff infection that got a foothold when I had the cold. He said we all have staff germs in our noses, but if there isn't an open sore they are usually not a problem. Anyway, he gave me a prescription for MUPIROCIN 2% which is an antibiotic ointment. It is commonly used to treat impetigo. I have to use a q-tip and coat the inside of my nostril twice a day. It isn't necessary to go way up inside where the sore is, just do it around the inside base of the nostril. I've been doing it for 4 days now and I already see a vast improvement. Hopefully this information will be able to help others as well.
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