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Is it really bad bronchitis?

I've had a cough for about 12+ weeks now.
the doctors say its bronchitis. Whenever I get worked up I have chest pain, I do get dizzy, I do get weak. no fever ,no ear infection. clear mucus. ( I only had infected mucus for 1 week then it became clear again)

But, as i cough less and less I choke more and more.
Now I'm to the point I cough once and choke until I turn blue.
Then I throw up 2-4 times ,((very little) some meat type substances,
and some white substance with pink on it that has the same texture as the inside of an apple), before I can begin to burp; then I can take a small breath, then repeat burp / small breath until I'm normal again.

I also choke if I see a funny, exciting, or scary part in a movie or life.
It seems like there is something in my throat just behind the manubrium of my sternum.

At night I sleep choke.
my father says he had goes to me when i have a bad choking attack at night, he gives me water and has me blow my nose. but i don't remember any of it because I was still asleep.

If I walk more than 40 yards i get dizzy/weak and start to cough/coke.
My  chest usually hurts.

Walking up 45deg slope hill that reaches probably 15 yards in height  feels like I just sprinted a 400meter dash as i reach half way up the hill.

I had 2 antibiotic shots, 2 steroid shots, and the doctor put me on a steroid inhaler I do 2 times a day.

Nothing seems to help. I'm on medicine that.
softens  mucus, helps with allergy's ,  and  an anti-depressant.
I also had my whooping cough vaccine. but it was around in the area when it my symptoms began.

I'm very fit, 15 years old. 6'1" 180 pounds I'm the running-back on my football team to give you an idea,

and I'm starting to miss track. I'm supposed to be better after a 4 week leave out of all sports, which ends in 2 days
before that i was running ~ 6 kilometers. always choking. dizzy. weak. until the doctor told my why. then i stopped activity and i feel better (until i do something physical).

My last choking attack was 30 minutes ago in the shower.

What would be the best thing for me to do now. Why am i choking. (your opinion) Is it safe to return to sports?
12 Responses
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At UNM in newmexico
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I got an echo cardiogram by the #1 chief pediatric cardiologist-  My mother knows people. And my heart was fine.
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If I did a brisk 10 yard walk them my hearts BPM goes 160+
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The condition could never find out, it keeps him up at night, and he has night-mares. He's also terrified change any medication.
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It got way worse- My resting heart rate was 150- active was way too high. it was more like whooping cough.  the steroids saved my life- while also killing me.
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Yeah- this pretty much killed me. I had those lung steroids and my doctor didn't tell me it drives you crazy- so crazy to the point of suicide. Pulled my ham, hurt my back- got knee surgery, and I feel better so far. Other than being charged for attempted self murder. Please be sure to know what a medications side effects does before you take them
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612551 tn?1450022175
Two days since I made a reply and it sounds like not much improvement.  Maybe that is normal for bronchitis - I don't know.  Have you looked it up on the web to learn about the symptoms and recovery process/time?

From what I read it sounds like you're being treated and should get better. My question about test was "off the top of the head" I don't know either how doctors diagnose your condition.  My experience with doctors is they often do a blood test to help determine - of course if the problem is well known to them, they may not need any further testing.
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Obviously the doctor had me run back and fourth 3 times. not a sprint. more of like a jog, but not a jog.
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I'm not really sure what a blood test would do. What the doctor did was have me go out side and run back and fourth on a space of ~15-20 yards; I did it twice (I had ran ~50-60 yards) and he told me that I shouldn't be breathing as hard as I was and that I should of been able to run 4x that before I started to breath that hard.

So then we both went inside and he measured my oxygen levels and other stuff like I wasn't sure of. But during that while, I coughed and choked like usual.

I just did that same run now (4 weeks later) and I had the same result...
This would usually be when the P.E teacher or the coach either sends me to the nurse, or calls the nurse to me.

I'm exhausted, dizzy, my chest hurts and I don't feel as if I'm getting air (now).
But I was choking and coughing. This moment i just want to lay down and sleep.

I had an X-ray 6 weeks ago and it didn't show much mucus inside of my chest.
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612551 tn?1450022175
Sorry you haven't gotten any replies.. and sorry too I don't have a answer, not even a suggestion, unless it is see you doctor, maybe you need to see a specialist.  You mention diagnosed as bronchitis, was that treated?  Was that determined by a blood test or other laboratory measure?  I have no knowledge of the subject, but I think it best to get a "test" not just and "eye ball" diagnosis.  Hey, I am rambling a bit, but since I decided to let you know some are at least reading your post I feel compelled to "brain storm" .

Clearly your parents know and it seems even your coach knows, so I assume you are getting necessary adult input (supervision, if I may use that term).  

For now all I can say, is hope you get better soon and back on the team, I'm sure they miss your participation, you "look" to be a big guy for 15 yo.  Also, let us know what fixed your problems, some are reading along  to learn, that's mostly what I do, and I sometimes jump in when I see a post no one is replying to.
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along with lots of cloudy and clear mucus.
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I think the meat substance was the meat I ate.
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