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Swallowing pain for few months now.

I have had a swallowing pain for the last few months and there is also a small lump on the front of my neck just under the skin.  the lump has been there for several months and the ENT i saw said it was probably just a lymph node.  I had a CT scan done with contrast and it didn't show anything.  I don't have any difficulty swallowing and actually don't have any pain when swallowing food its usually when i swallow with a dry mouth or just swallowing saliva.  its a sharp pain on the right side of my throat that i feel.  My ENT said to just give it some time and I have but is has not got any better.  Somedays it hurts a little even without swallowing other days i barely notice it.  I will gladly give anymore needed info.  the pain doesn't actually appear to be in my throat because like i said it doesn't hurt to swallow any type of food.  Should i see another ENT?  There are so many to choose from I'm not sure what criteria I should look for or just pick one at random

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Wow I have exact the same problem
Mild pain in the throat area. Pain when swallowing saliva (not food or liquids). E.t.c.

I am going to see an ENT
If you ever get a diagnosis please let me know as it may lead me to a diagnosis of my own.
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It's been almost a month now that I've been having painful swallowing. It switches up sides. 1 week it's the left, then the middle then the right. It seems like when it switches to the left or right side, that particular ear hurts. I haven't had a cold, no coughing, no fluids leading down my throat just a sore throat with painful swallowing. Throat lozenges don't work. Cold or hot drinks don't work. Throat meds don't work. I don't know what to do! Any suggestions?
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Have been reading thread for a long time since I first posted January 3rd, 2010. Found resolution: Eagle's Syndrome. Surgery by ENT at Johns Hopkins, who corroborated my symptoms. Right stylohyoid bone about 1.5 inches longer than left. Empirically, hypothesized that was impinging on nerve (10th cranial?). Surgery completed several years ago and pain went away. Note, pain went away where NO DRUG would provide relief. Thus, at least in my case, the solution was surgery.
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please reply are you ok now? what medicine did you use im having the same as you , when i turn my head above and left and swallow it hurst. please help me im really scared i dont have a lump or somthing thats growing
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Hi, everyone i had this pain in  the right side of my throat 2 days ago. but no pain if i eat and drink only saliva and it only hurts when turned to the left and swallow and above an swallow. my  mother is on a 1 week siminar she'll be going home tommorow. please tell what is this .. im so scared i always cry im just a 14 yr old kid i dont smoke or anything . before this happens i put some vicks in my nose cause i cant breathe well i think its a alchohol thing and ive been asleep in 8 hours and vicks still in my nose maybe its a serious problem
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Hi, So glad I'm not the only one! I suffer from Trigemibal neuralgia which is an horrendous condition to put it mildly but for the past few weeks the symptoms of right sided throat pain have been getting worse, partiucularly bad swallowing saliva but fine with food and fluids! Just thought you might like to do a search on Superior Laryngeal Neuralgia as it seems to answer virtually everyone's questions and there is treatment, yay! Good luck everyone, I see my amazing Neurologist tomorrow who has looked after me for 10 years and I wouldn't still be here without him. I would suggest that anyone with these symptoms tries to get referred to a Neurologist with a special interest in Neuralgias. x
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I've had this throat pain twice now , for a four month period last year , and for the last six months until now,  unexplained pain which is pretty much constant on the right side of my throat and varying in intensity from almost nothing to feeling like my Adam's apple will explode .., but can't seem to put my finger on exactly where the pain is . Seems like it could be anywhere between my ear and  the base of the neck just above the collar bone.
One thing I had worked out is that when it was particularly bad , performing the valsava maneuver did give me temporary relief , which has led me to believe it is in some way linked to a eustacian tube problem , however doctors scoffed at me when I suggested this and said my ears were clear.
Today throat was quite bad and after stumbling upon this discussion I have just tried your salt water version and after stinging like hell for a few minutes my throat pain has vanished and that's been an hour now . So here's hoping.
Thanks !
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Hi. All,I same situation now, sore throat, irritation, hard swallow saliva, now also body cold and hot. can't eat, when drinking water suddenly will split out also pain too.  Can anyone let me know, what should I do.

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My throat has been in pain for a few weeks now, and I'm wondering if it's the result of vocal overuse or strain.  Many symptoms that I'm reading here match those of vocal disorders such as Benign Vocal Cord Lesions or Vocal Granuloma.

Might be worth checking into...

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1173247 tn?1504594662
I've had a "lump" in my throat for approximately four months now.  I've been to see an ENT specialist and apparently I have a possible cyst in my throat diagnosed by inserting the small camera up through my nose and down my throat, I have to go back to her to have a full examination under general anaesthetic and a biopsy taken. Hopefully it can then be dealt with.  I'm really nearvous in case it's something more sinister than a simple cyst.
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Exactly the same boat as u worried sick
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Been having similar problems for over three years off and on feels like a lump near the back of my throat on right side when swallowing sometimes i cant even stand for my shirt to touch my neck.Gets way worse with stress . Been to the doc more than once no luck said its probably acid related  .
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I'm very relieved to find that I'm not the only one experiencing this.  I've had this for 2 months now.  I don't smoke or drink anymore as of 5 years ago, but still I was very frightened of the unspeakable.

It started after I went snowboarding and I noticed pain when swallowing on the drive home.  No pain when swallowing food or liquid, only when swallowing dry or saliva.  I wear a helmet and tend to keep the chin-strap tight, which may have been a factor in causing the initial stress/injury.

Another possible factor is I have Tourette Syndrome, and one of my "tics" is that I tense up my throat hard over and over if I'm not paying attention to my body.  This is especially common for me during stressful moments.  

I believe that while I was snowboarding and performing major physical exertion, I must have been tensing up my throat at some point.  As many others have reported, the pain is on the right side just below the adams apple.  I have no palpable or visible lumps.  Some days the pain is quite bad and other days I barely notice it.

I am trying a number of relaxation techniques to attempt to "de-stress" my throat and see if that helps any.  Good luck to everyone with this strange problem.
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I have pain on left side off and on.   Bad tonight so I'am drinking some hot tea.  I have had this for about 5 months and noticed it when I had the flu / possible viral infection.  Many, many doctor visits with antibiotics and still happens.  Have gone to Chiropractor for the past 3 weeks and she said I seem to be pinching a nerve,  then she adjust me.  Now I also get something that I have not seen mentioned here.  I get dizzy or feel like I'am in a bubble or unfocused.  Like others dry swallow in bad with even clicking noise at times when my mouth is dry.  Water and food feels better but I would love to get this resolved.  Thanks.
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I also have same problem but on left side.I think i had similar episodes in past.i have slight cough too.I took amoxycillin for a week but no improvement.I am planning to visit ENT doctor next week.
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(Unexplained Swallowing-/throat pain without fever)

Clean your nose with salt/water-sollution. (As if you had a cold).Pour it in and try GENTLY to press a bit water into the openings of your eustachian tubes. (Valsalvas manoevre). BE GENTLE otherwise you ruin your ears.

After you may hear sticky-noise while swallowing. It's annoying, but nothing compared to the swallowing pain.

Please, do tips me if it works for you as well.
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i have been experiencing the same problem for about 4 to 5 month. I need solution, from this forum. Because i dont believe in doctors now a days.
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I've found the direct cause for my pain related to swallow saliva while mouth full of food or drink give pain relieve or produce no pain. (I posted here in March. In June I found the mechanism).

After all kinds of excaminations of my throat showing "no asymmetri - no pathologie" I concluded: - The only painfull thing invisible on "pictures" is air or air-pressure. (Yes, it sounds ridicolous, but I've found my "cure").

The logic/mechanism:
While swallowing it's air in the mouth. (The less "mass" the more air, which explains why swallowing mouthfuls of drink/food shortly gives relieve). Not all the air should go down while swallowing. Some of it shall elevate to the channels from the naso-swallow to the ears (the eustachian tubes).

Why it hurts:
If air doesn't elevate to the eustachian tubes and ears, it's pressed down while swallowing. The swallow misunderstand the large amount of air for being food or drink and starts fighting pressing it towards the stomach. Strugling muscles are wery-wery painful and the throat is one of the most sensitive parts of the body.

The sollution:
Try to make the eustachian tubes open. I succeded in using a neti-pot and Vasalvas manouver.

(DO NOT FORCEFULLY PRESS WATER INTO YOUR TUBES. It may cause you a lot of problems: barotrauma, ringing and aching head)

I can't understand why my eustachian tubes stopped opening while swallowing. I can't understand why I haven't had any ear-problems while this has been a problem. Why me...?

Before this struck me, I remember doing some snorkling and having swine-flue one and a half years earlier. I took flue-vaccine half-a-year before. I was on holiday bathing, sauna with ice-bathing two months before. (No one else on the trip got any problems).

X-ray of my neck show problems, but not on C4 where the nerve-strings to the eustachian tube are close. I was over-loaded by work and private matters at the time, and one GP means that may have caused the eustachian tube dysfunction, but he can't explain why they stopped elevate air.

Because I worked so much, my diet was not good. I was so exhausted from work I had to eat chockolate to keep it going sometimes. I had just changed work and moved 120 kilometer from coast to in-land country. The road to work is over a hill, and everytime passing there, my ears had to pop. (But I don't know anyone else driving that road having problems as mine).

So, please, if you're experiencing the same problems as I and get relieve by the eustachian tubes again opening while swallowing, write if you've had any similar experiences to mine or any other special things happening, that may explain why we got into this "condition" in the first place.
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dude if its a viral infection amoxicillan will do nothing....and red meat? is this a joke?
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Hi, I am new to this forum, and glad to see I too, am not the only one.

I have had this mild pain and awkward feeling in the right side of my throat when swallowing.
It started back, 6 months ago when I got bad laryngitis and sinus infection. My throat seemed to be swollen and I had a lot of post-nasal drip. It came and went as I got better and would get sick again (got sick a few times over the winter as I caught stuff from my son who was in daycare). Now I have focussed on it obsessively and it seems like the more I think about it, the more it is there.
Also, if I am totally distracted - like doing something fun, or visiting people - where you are constantly engaged - I don't seem to notice it, or it even goes away.
I am wondering if this is stress-related, because I've had a lot of that lately...Also helps when I have a glass of wine.
One more thing, I have 2 twisted vertibrae (c2 and c5 in my neck) - might it be that?
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My stabbing pain in my throat is somewhere inside my throat, behind the Adams apple and up right to it. When on the left side, it's like there is just "something there". It may be felt inside my torso as well.

I've been checked with MR, CT, X-ray (swallowing contrast), ENT-specialist. Nothing wrong or no solution has been found.

These pharmaseyticas has been tried:
* paracetamol, Voltaren - no effect
* Tramadol - no effect
* "Neuroleptica" (Risperdal, Zeroquel, Zoloft and Valium) - no effect
* Somac - no effect
* Mycostatin - no effect

My last ENT-doctors is now checking a "tissue-sample" (sorry bad English - I'm Norwegian) from my tongue. And because I prayed for something he gave me Mycostatin as a hypothesis of fungus on tongue (has not worked / given any progress, except better when few minutes after the "3 times a day" treatment).

Me to, have suspected problems with pinched nerves, since I have "disc-desease" in C6/C6/C7, and found that Glossopharyngeal neuralgia has similas symptoms, but the MR of back/neck of 2011 july shows "no compression toward medulla spinalis". I don't no...

TODAY I'm trying not to swallow my own spit, because I found someone asking if it's possible to be allergic against on own spit/salliva. (http://www.allergy-guru.com/can-people-really-be-allergic-to-spit-and-saliva/)
WELL, BY THE TIME I HAVE NO PAIN...!!! But, can I live a life without swallowing my own spit???

God, let there be someone who finds out of this. I've been sick-leaved from work now for 9 months (since May 2011).

I don't function - I'm invalidated :(
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1909177 tn?1322240830
I web to the dr. For similar situation. My lymph nodes were not swollen but had an intense pain under chin and left side of jaw. I have been on antibiotics for other issues. But now on another antibiotic for what the doc said was an infection of my salivary glands. Told me to wait 72 hours and let him know if it hasn't changed. It's 48 hours and still no change. I hope that it's just the salivary glands and nothing worse.
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1909177 tn?1322240830
I web to the dr. For similar situation. My lymph nodes were not swollen but had an intense pain under chin and left side of jaw. I have been on antibiotics for other issues. But now on another antibiotic for what the doc said was an infection of my salivary glands. Told me to wait 72 hours and let him know if it hasn't changed. It's 48 hours and still no change. I hope that it's just the salivary glands and nothing worse.
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1909177 tn?1322240830
I web to the dr. For similar situation. My lymph nodes were not swollen but had an intense pain under chin and left side of jaw. I have been on antibiotics for other issues. But now on another antibiotic for what the doc said was an infection of my salivary glands. Told me to wait 72 hours and let him know if it hasn't changed. It's 48 hours and still no change. I hope that it's just the salivary glands and nothing worse.
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I have a pain in the left side of my throat and have difficulty swallowing. I recently finally quit smoking at all a couple of weeks ago but this condition does not feel any better yet. It is also increasingly aggravated when I drink alcohol. Im 34 and smoked on and off and pretty consistently since I was 15. Hoping I dont have cancer and was wondering if anybody has had any similar stories maybe while they were smoking and then afterwards. Im hoping it will go away with time but pretty concerned. I actually had an upper endoscopy done in January and they said nothing was there but that they could only go down my esophogus, not whole throat, when I swallow saliva is when I notice it, like something isnt right and its kind of a nagging irritation. Any feedback would be appreciated. I accidently let my insurance lapse and just got a new plan but it doesnt cover pre existing so Im afraid to get an ex ray and also wondering what I might be able to say so that they dont label it pre existing on my new plan if I do go get checked out. Thanks alot and God bless,
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