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Thumping Sound in Ear

I've just started having this weird thumping sound in my ear.  Just to describe it...

(1) It is a muted sound, much like when you pop your ear to try to equalize the pressure, but not as loud.  

(2) It is irregular, as in it doesn't follow my hearbeat in any way... but it is happening 14-15 times every minute.

(3) It does have a feeling to it... as in, when you hear a noise, it doesn't feel like something physical is happening to you... this feels something like pressure being relieved from the ear...

Anyone have a clue?
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I began having this issue after a recent summertime cold with congested sinuses. I used a nettie pot on several occasions and I think the pressure in my sinuses might have started those muscle spasms in my left ear. The sound is sometimes rhythmic, like someone gently pounding on a wall next to my head. Yours sounds like the best explanation. It's definitely a spasm of some sort. From most of the posts this seems like a permanent problem that can only be fixed by surgery. Since I probably feel this thing 10-15 times a day and only for 3-5 seconds at a time I wouldn't be inclined to have someone start rummaging around in there with sharp objects... It would have to become a lot more of a frequent problem before I'd be tempted to seek treatment.
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i started having this last night and i have had bad allergies this year and lately have had a lot of drainage in my sinus and throat and I believe some fluid was trapped in there or perhaps the nasal swelling casue the thump not sure but I took my FLONASE and ten minutes later NO THUMP thank the lord !!
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Don't wait to get it properly evaluated.  My wife had the pounding sound that came and went on an off for a few months.  Then it stopped.  In May 2013 she became confused and could not speak.  We found she had an ARTERIOVENOUS MALFORMATION (AVM) that had become large and caused stroke-like symptoms by pressing on her brain.  These are RARE and it may have been congenital - they are NOT seen on CT or normal MRI.  You have to do an arteriogram sot find them.  When treated for ischemic stroke after a clean CT at the ER, she had a massive bleed (subarachnoid hemorrhage) and almost died.  She is recovering from this very slowly.  

Not trying to scare you, but you need competent medical evaluation by a neurologist to ensure it is not an AVM.  

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Did it go away yet? I'm not liking all these post about this thumping sound in my ear either. Nobody seems to know what it is!
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My husband started experiencing occasional pounding in his right ear about 2-3 months ago. The closest description he's seen on this page is "hammering". He may go several days w/o it and some days it may occur off and on. He had it while on is BP medicine and while off it (stopped it for a time because it causes coughing). He had a normal hearing exam but his BP was up so the doctor suggested that was cause (while on his BP meds 118/68 and started with the symptoms). I have Meniere's so I understand how ear issues can become maddening.
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mine started today, I got out of the shower and it began shortly after. I have my first day at work today so i can only imagine it is partly to do with increased blood pressure? I suffer from hay-fever quite badly which may also be linked? Nevertheless i tried laying down completely covering my ear with the palm of my hand for about 5 minutes reading these comments and it seemed to stop happening as much. Going to the docs tomorrow to see if anything can be done
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